Suche im Vokabular
Sprache der Inhalte
Suche im Vokabular
Sprache der Inhalte
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Begriffe des Vokabulars alphabetisch auflisten
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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- 1968 movement → 1968 movement Stattdessen verwenden: student movement student movement
- abandonment of studies
- abbreviated course of studies
- abduction
- Abendroth, Wolfgang
- ability → ability Stattdessen verwenden: competence competence
- ability → ability Stattdessen verwenden: talent talent
- ability → ability Stattdessen verwenden: qualification qualification
- ability to manage conflict
- ABM → ABM Stattdessen verwenden: job creation measure job creation measure
- abortion
- abortion counseling
- absence from work
- absenteeism
- absolutism
- abstraction
- Abu Dhabi → Abu Dhabi Stattdessen verwenden: Persian Gulf Persian Gulf
- abuse
- abuse of children → abuse of children Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- abuse of children → abuse of children Stattdessen verwenden: sexual abuse sexual abuse
- abuse of law
- abuse of power → abuse of power Stattdessen verwenden: abuse abuse
- abuse of power → abuse of power Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- academic
- academic (female)
- academic achievement
- academic assistant → academic assistant Stattdessen verwenden: scientific associate scientific associate
- academic career
- academic exchange
- academic law
- academic secondary school
- academic sector → academic sector Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- academic socialism
- academic success
- academic teachers' training → academic teachers' training Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- academic teachers' training → academic teachers' training Stattdessen verwenden: teacher training teacher training
- academization
- academy
- Academy of Sciences
- acceleration
- acceptance
- acceptance research
- access to records
- accident
- accident consequences → accident consequences Stattdessen verwenden: accident accident
- accident consequences → accident consequences Stattdessen verwenden: consequences consequences
- accident frequency
- accident insurance
- accident prevention
- accident research
- accident risk
- accident statistics → accident statistics Stattdessen verwenden: statistics statistics
- accident statistics → accident statistics Stattdessen verwenden: accident accident
- accommodation
- accommodation for the homeless → accommodation for the homeless Stattdessen verwenden: emergency shelter emergency shelter
- accommodation for the homeless → accommodation for the homeless Stattdessen verwenden: homelessness homelessness
- accompanying medium
- accompanying studies
- accomplice
- accountability → accountability Stattdessen verwenden: responsibility responsibility
- accounting
- accounting law
- accounting policy
- accreditation
- accrued social security benefits → accrued social security benefits Stattdessen verwenden: pension pension
- accrued social security benefits → accrued social security benefits Stattdessen verwenden: assessment basis assessment basis
- acculturation
- accumulated toxic waste
- accumulation
- accumulation theory
- accused
- achievement
- achievement attitude → achievement attitude Stattdessen verwenden: achievement orientation achievement orientation
- achievement differentiation
- achievement disposition → achievement disposition Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- achievement disposition → achievement disposition Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- achievement ideology
- achievement motivation → achievement motivation Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- achievement motivation → achievement motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- achievement orientation
- achievement test → achievement test Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- achievement test → achievement test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- achievement-oriented society
- acoustics
- acquisition
- act
- Act on the Prevention of Infections → Act on the Prevention of Infections Stattdessen verwenden: health law health law
- act to curb the exploding cost of healthcare
- Act to Promote Economic Stability and Growth
- Act to Promote Urban Planning
- action
- action motivation → action motivation Stattdessen verwenden: action action
- action motivation → action motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- action of opposition
- action orientation
- action plan
- action research
- action theory
- activating labor market policy
- activation
- active engagement in sports → active engagement in sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- activities in political education → activities in political education Stattdessen verwenden: political education political education
- activities in political education → activities in political education Stattdessen verwenden: educational activities educational activities
- activity
- activity structure → activity structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- activity structure → activity structure Stattdessen verwenden: work work
- actor
- actor-network-theory
- acupuncture
- adaptation
- adapted technology
- addict → addict Stattdessen verwenden: addiction addiction
- addiction
- additional income
- additional job
- additional personnel costs → additional personnel costs Stattdessen verwenden: non-wage labor costs non-wage labor costs
- Adenauer, Konrad
- adherence to norms
- adipositas
- adjustment of production → adjustment of production Stattdessen verwenden: adaptation adaptation
- adjustment of production → adjustment of production Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- Adler, Max
- administration
- administration of justice
- administration theory → administration theory Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- administration theory → administration theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- administrative assistance
- administrative court
- administrative directive
- administrative district
- administrative enforcement → administrative enforcement Stattdessen verwenden: administrative practice administrative practice
- administrative executive level → administrative executive level Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- administrative executive level → administrative executive level Stattdessen verwenden: civil service executive level civil service executive level
- administrative law
- administrative occupation
- administrative organization
- administrative personnel → administrative personnel Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- administrative personnel → administrative personnel Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- administrative policy
- administrative practice
- administrative procedure
- administrative science
- administrative sociology
- administrative structure → administrative structure Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- administrative structure → administrative structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- administrative system → administrative system Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- administrative system → administrative system Stattdessen verwenden: system system
- admissions restriction
- admonishment
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adolescent psychology
- adolescent sexuality → adolescent sexuality Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- adolescent sexuality → adolescent sexuality Stattdessen verwenden: sexuality sexuality
- adopted child → adopted child Stattdessen verwenden: adoption adoption
- adopted child → adopted child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- adoption
- adoption agency
- adoption law → adoption law Stattdessen verwenden: adoption adoption
- adoption law → adoption law Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- adoptive parents → adoptive parents Stattdessen verwenden: adoption adoption
- adoptive parents → adoptive parents Stattdessen verwenden: parents parents
- Adorno, Theodor W.
- adult
- adult education
- adult educator → adult educator Stattdessen verwenden: adult education adult education
- adult educator → adult educator Stattdessen verwenden: continuing education instructor continuing education instructor
- adulthood
- advance healthcare directive
- advanced civilization
- advanced course
- advanced technical school
- advanced vocational education
- advanced vocational school
- advancement → advancement Stattdessen verwenden: career advancement career advancement
- advancement → advancement Stattdessen verwenden: social advancement social advancement
- advancement motivation → advancement motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- advancement motivation → advancement motivation Stattdessen verwenden: career advancement career advancement
- advancement motivation → advancement motivation Stattdessen verwenden: social advancement social advancement
- advancement of women
- adventure film
- adventure pedagogics → adventure pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: experiential education experiential education
- advertisement
- advertising
- advertising agency → advertising agency Stattdessen verwenden: advertising industry advertising industry
- advertising ban → advertising ban Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- advertising ban → advertising ban Stattdessen verwenden: ban ban
- advertising campaign → advertising campaign Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- advertising campaign → advertising campaign Stattdessen verwenden: campaign campaign
- advertising effectiveness → advertising effectiveness Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- advertising effectiveness → advertising effectiveness Stattdessen verwenden: impact impact
- advertising effectiveness → advertising effectiveness Stattdessen verwenden: effect effect
- advertising industry
- advertising language → advertising language Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- advertising language → advertising language Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- advertising material
- advertising medium
- advertising paper
- advertising specialist
- advertising success → advertising success Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- advertising success → advertising success Stattdessen verwenden: success success
- advisory panel
- aerospace industry
- aesthetic education
- aesthetics
- affect tv
- affectedness
- affection → affection Stattdessen verwenden: sympathy sympathy
- affective commitment → affective commitment Stattdessen verwenden: commitment commitment
- affectivity
- affirmative action
- affirmative action commissioner → affirmative action commissioner Stattdessen verwenden: office of equal opportunity office of equal opportunity
- affirmative action commissioner → affirmative action commissioner Stattdessen verwenden: women's representative women's representative
- affluence
- affluent society
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Africa policy → Africa policy Stattdessen verwenden: Africa Africa
- Africa policy → Africa policy Stattdessen verwenden: development aid policy development aid policy
- Africa policy → Africa policy Stattdessen verwenden: foreign policy foreign policy
- Africa South of the Sahara
- African
- African National Congress → African National Congress Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- African National Congress → African National Congress Stattdessen verwenden: liberation movement liberation movement
- African National Congress → African National Congress Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- African Union
- African-Caribbean-Pacific countries
- after-care
- Agamben, Giorgio
- age
- age difference
- age group
- age limit
- age of criminal responsibility
- Age of Enlightenment
- age role
- age structure
- age-friendly workplace
- age-specific factors
- aged
- agency journalism → agency journalism Stattdessen verwenden: news agency news agency
- agency journalism → agency journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- Agenda 21
- agenda setting function
- agent of socialization
- Agentur für Arbeit → Agentur für Arbeit Stattdessen verwenden: employment agency employment agency
- agglomeration → agglomeration Stattdessen verwenden: agglomeration area agglomeration area
- agglomeration area
- aggregate data
- aggregate data analysis
- aggregation
- aggression
- aggression research
- aggressive behavior → aggressive behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- aggressive behavior → aggressive behavior Stattdessen verwenden: aggression aggression
- aggressiveness
- AGIL scheme
- aging
- Agitprop → Agitprop Stattdessen verwenden: propaganda propaganda
- agrarian geography → agrarian geography Stattdessen verwenden: economic geography economic geography
- agrarian issue
- agrarian law
- agrarian reform
- agrarian society
- agrarian structure
- agreement on objectives
- agricultural area
- agricultural commodities market
- agricultural cooperative → agricultural cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural cooperative → agricultural cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- agricultural counseling → agricultural counseling Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural counseling → agricultural counseling Stattdessen verwenden: counseling counseling
- agricultural development
- agricultural economy → agricultural economy Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural engineering → agricultural engineering Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural engineering → agricultural engineering Stattdessen verwenden: engineering engineering
- agricultural export → agricultural export Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural product agricultural product
- agricultural export → agricultural export Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- agricultural history → agricultural history Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural history → agricultural history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- agricultural industry
- agricultural landscape
- agricultural market organization → agricultural market organization Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural commodities market agricultural commodities market
- agricultural market organization → agricultural market organization Stattdessen verwenden: market organization market organization
- agricultural policy
- agricultural population
- agricultural price policy → agricultural price policy Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural policy agricultural policy
- agricultural price policy → agricultural price policy Stattdessen verwenden: farm price farm price
- agricultural producers' cooperative → agricultural producers' cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural production agricultural production
- agricultural producers' cooperative → agricultural producers' cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- agricultural product
- agricultural production
- agricultural sector → agricultural sector Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural sector → agricultural sector Stattdessen verwenden: primary sector primary sector
- agricultural support
- agricultural surplus → agricultural surplus Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural production agricultural production
- agricultural use → agricultural use Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agricultural use → agricultural use Stattdessen verwenden: utilization utilization
- agricultural working hours → agricultural working hours Stattdessen verwenden: working hours working hours
- agricultural working hours → agricultural working hours Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- agriculture
- agriculture job
- agronomy
- Ahlen Program (CDU)
- AI → AI Stattdessen verwenden: artificial intelligence artificial intelligence
- aid agency
- aid plan
- aid to the court
- aim of education
- air
- air force
- air pollution → air pollution Stattdessen verwenden: air air
- air pollution → air pollution Stattdessen verwenden: environmental pollution environmental pollution
- air pollution control
- air traffic
- air traffic control → air traffic control Stattdessen verwenden: air traffic air traffic
- air traffic control → air traffic control Stattdessen verwenden: traffic safety traffic safety
- aircraft
- aircraft industry
- aircraft noise → aircraft noise Stattdessen verwenden: noise noise
- aircraft noise → aircraft noise Stattdessen verwenden: air traffic air traffic
- airplane → airplane Stattdessen verwenden: aircraft aircraft
- airport
- Al Qaeda
- Al-Jazeera
- Albania
- Albanian
- Albert, Hans
- alcohol
- alcohol consumption
- alcohol consumption habits
- alcoholic → alcoholic Stattdessen verwenden: alcoholism alcoholism
- alcoholism
- Algeria
- Algerian
- Algerian war → Algerian war Stattdessen verwenden: Algeria Algeria
- Algerian war → Algerian war Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- algorithm
- alien
- Alien Act
- alien advisory council
- alien child → alien child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- alien child → alien child Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- alien criminality → alien criminality Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- alien criminality → alien criminality Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- alien policy
- alien statistics → alien statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- alien statistics → alien statistics Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- alienation
- all-day school
- allegiance to the constitution
- allergy
- Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse → Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance fund health insurance fund
- Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund → Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Stattdessen verwenden: ADGB ADGB
- alliance → alliance Stattdessen verwenden: library library
- Alliance 90/ The Greens
- alliance for jobs
- alliance policy
- allies
- allocation
- allocation theory → allocation theory Stattdessen verwenden: allocation allocation
- allocation theory → allocation theory Stattdessen verwenden: welfare welfare
- allocation theory → allocation theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- Alps
- Alsace
- alteration → alteration Stattdessen verwenden: modification modification
- alterity → alterity Stattdessen verwenden: foreignness foreignness
- alternative
- alternative economic policy → alternative economic policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- alternative economic policy → alternative economic policy Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative economy → alternative economy Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative economy → alternative economy Stattdessen verwenden: economy economy
- alternative energy → alternative energy Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative energy → alternative energy Stattdessen verwenden: renewable energy renewable energy
- alternative energy → alternative energy Stattdessen verwenden: energy energy
- Alternative List
- alternative media → alternative media Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative media → alternative media Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- alternative medicine
- alternative movement
- alternative production → alternative production Stattdessen verwenden: conversion of production conversion of production
- alternative school → alternative school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- alternative school → alternative school Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative service → alternative service Stattdessen verwenden: community service community service
- alternative technology → alternative technology Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative technology → alternative technology Stattdessen verwenden: technology technology
- alternative type of housing → alternative type of housing Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- alternative type of housing → alternative type of housing Stattdessen verwenden: type of housing type of housing
- Althusser, Louis
- altruism
- altruistic behavior
- alumni
- Alzheimer's disease → Alzheimer's disease Stattdessen verwenden: dementia dementia
- amateur
- amateur sportsman → amateur sportsman Stattdessen verwenden: amateur amateur
- amateur sportsman → amateur sportsman Stattdessen verwenden: athlete athlete
- Amazon region
- ambassador → ambassador Stattdessen verwenden: diplomat diplomat
- ambivalence
- amendment
- America → America Stattdessen verwenden: Latin America Latin America
- America → America Stattdessen verwenden: North America North America
- American → American Stattdessen verwenden: Latin American Latin American
- American → American Stattdessen verwenden: US citizen US citizen
- American Indian
- americanization
- amnesty
- Amnesty International
- amok
- amortization → amortization Stattdessen verwenden: profitability study profitability study
- Amsterdam Treaty → Amsterdam Treaty Stattdessen verwenden: EU Treaty EU Treaty
- analysis
- analysis of circular flow → analysis of circular flow Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- analysis of circular flow → analysis of circular flow Stattdessen verwenden: economic cycle economic cycle
- analysis of configuration frequencies
- analysis of teaching objective → analysis of teaching objective Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- analysis of teaching objective → analysis of teaching objective Stattdessen verwenden: learning objective learning objective
- analysis of variance
- analysis procedure
- analytic theory
- anamnesis
- anarchism
- anarchist movement → anarchist movement Stattdessen verwenden: anarchism anarchism
- anarchosyndicalism
- anarchy
- ANC → ANC Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- ANC → ANC Stattdessen verwenden: liberation movement liberation movement
- ANC → ANC Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- ancien regime
- ancient studies
- Andean Region
- Andorra
- andragogics → andragogics Stattdessen verwenden: adult education adult education
- androcentrism
- anesthetic → anesthetic Stattdessen verwenden: pharmaceutical pharmaceutical
- anger
- Angola
- animal
- animal husbandry
- animal protection
- animated film
- annexation
- annihilation potential
- anniversary → anniversary Stattdessen verwenden: commemoration day commemoration day
- annoyance with the government → annoyance with the government Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- annoyance with the government → annoyance with the government Stattdessen verwenden: dissatisfaction with politics dissatisfaction with politics
- annual economic report
- annual hours of work
- annual report
- annuity computation
- anomie
- anonymity
- anorexia
- anschluss
- antagonism
- Antarctica
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anthroposophy
- anti-Americanism
- anti-authoritarian education
- anti-capitalism
- anti-colonialism
- anti-communism
- anti-corruption measures → anti-corruption measures Stattdessen verwenden: crime fighting crime fighting
- anti-corruption measures → anti-corruption measures Stattdessen verwenden: corruption corruption
- anti-facism
- anti-globalization activist → anti-globalization activist Stattdessen verwenden: anti-globilization movement anti-globilization movement
- anti-globilization movement
- anti-imperialism
- anti-racism
- anti-terror policy
- anticyclic fiscal policy → anticyclic fiscal policy Stattdessen verwenden: fiscal policy fiscal policy
- anticyclical policy → anticyclical policy Stattdessen verwenden: steering steering
- anticyclical policy → anticyclical policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic trend economic trend
- antidemocratic behavior → antidemocratic behavior Stattdessen verwenden: political behavior political behavior
- antidiscrimination → antidiscrimination Stattdessen verwenden: affirmative action affirmative action
- Antigua and Barbuda → Antigua and Barbuda Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- antimilitarism
- antinuclear movement
- antiquity
- antisemitism
- antitrust law → antitrust law Stattdessen verwenden: cartel cartel
- antitrust law → antitrust law Stattdessen verwenden: economic law economic law
- antitrust office
- anxiety
- apartheid
- apartment
- apartment building
- apartment furnishings → apartment furnishings Stattdessen verwenden: housing conditions housing conditions
- apartment house
- apartment in old building → apartment in old building Stattdessen verwenden: old building old building
- apartment in old building → apartment in old building Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- apartment ownership
- apartment planning → apartment planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- apartment planning → apartment planning Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- apartment shortage → apartment shortage Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- apartment shortage → apartment shortage Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- apartment size
- apartment supply → apartment supply Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- apartment supply → apartment supply Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- apathy
- Apel, Karl-Otto
- aphasia → aphasia Stattdessen verwenden: speech disorder speech disorder
- apparatus of domination
- appeal
- appeasement policy
- appellate court
- applicant
- application
- application
- application
- application of science
- application of the law → application of the law Stattdessen verwenden: legal usage legal usage
- applied science
- apprentice
- apprentice workshop → apprentice workshop Stattdessen verwenden: vocational training facility vocational training facility
- apprentice workshop → apprentice workshop Stattdessen verwenden: workshop workshop
- apprentices' final examination → apprentices' final examination Stattdessen verwenden: examination examination
- apprentices' final examination → apprentices' final examination Stattdessen verwenden: journeyman journeyman
- apprenticeship
- apprenticeship trade → apprenticeship trade Stattdessen verwenden: recognized trainee occupation recognized trainee occupation
- appropriations committee → appropriations committee Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- aptitude
- aptitude assessment
- aptitude test
- Arab
- Arab countries
- Arab emirates → Arab emirates Stattdessen verwenden: Persian Gulf Persian Gulf
- Arab League
- Arab Republic of Yemen → Arab Republic of Yemen Stattdessen verwenden: North Yemen North Yemen
- Arab Spring
- Arab-Israeli conflict → Arab-Israeli conflict Stattdessen verwenden: Middle East conflict Middle East conflict
- arable farming
- Arbeiterwohlfahrt
- Arbeitslosengeld
- Arbeitslosengeld II
- Arbeitslosenhilfe → Arbeitslosenhilfe Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment compensation unemployment compensation
- arbitral jurisdiction
- arbitrary law
- arbitration
- arbitration
- arbitration committee
- arbitration proceedings
- archaeology
- archdiocese → archdiocese Stattdessen verwenden: diocese diocese
- architect
- architectural environment
- architectural style
- architecture
- archives
- archivist
- Arctic
- area
- area of activity
- area utilization
- Arendt, Hannah
- Argentina
- argumentation
- aristocracy
- Aristotle
- arithmetic
- armament → armament Stattdessen verwenden: armaments armaments
- armament production → armament production Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- armament production → armament production Stattdessen verwenden: defense industry defense industry
- armaments
- armaments policy → armaments policy Stattdessen verwenden: armaments armaments
- armaments policy → armaments policy Stattdessen verwenden: military policy military policy
- armed forces → armed forces Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- Armenia
- Armenian
- arms control
- arms conversion
- arms limitation
- arms race
- arms trade → arms trade Stattdessen verwenden: commerce commerce
- arms trade → arms trade Stattdessen verwenden: weapon weapon
- army → army Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- Aron, Raymond
- art
- art criticism
- art education
- art exhibit → art exhibit Stattdessen verwenden: exhibition exhibition
- art exhibit → art exhibit Stattdessen verwenden: art art
- art experience → art experience Stattdessen verwenden: art art
- art experience → art experience Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- art history
- art market → art market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- art market → art market Stattdessen verwenden: art art
- art of painting → art of painting Stattdessen verwenden: fine arts fine arts
- art production
- art student → art student Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- art student → art student Stattdessen verwenden: fine arts fine arts
- art studies → art studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- art studies → art studies Stattdessen verwenden: fine arts fine arts
- Arte
- artifact
- artificial insemination
- artificial intelligence
- artist
- artist (female)
- artist's profession
- asbestos industry
- ascertainment of demand → ascertainment of demand Stattdessen verwenden: demand analysis demand analysis
- asceticism
- Asia
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation → Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: APEC APEC
- Asia-Europe Meeting → Asia-Europe Meeting Stattdessen verwenden: ASEM ASEM
- Asian
- Asiatic mode of production
- assault
- assembly line production
- assembly line worker → assembly line worker Stattdessen verwenden: assembly line production assembly line production
- assembly line worker → assembly line worker Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- assembly work
- assessment
- assessment basis
- assessment center
- assessment criteria
- assessment of teaching → assessment of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- assessment of teaching → assessment of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: assessment assessment
- assets
- assets policy
- assimilation
- assimilation policy → assimilation policy Stattdessen verwenden: assimilation assimilation
- assimilation policy → assimilation policy Stattdessen verwenden: minority policy minority policy
- assimilation policy → assimilation policy Stattdessen verwenden: integration policy integration policy
- assistance
- assistance for ex-convicts → assistance for ex-convicts Stattdessen verwenden: assistance for prisoners assistance for prisoners
- assistance for ex-convicts → assistance for ex-convicts Stattdessen verwenden: ex-convict ex-convict
- assistance for prisoners
- assistance for the elderly
- assistance for the homeless
- assistant
- assisted living
- assisted suicide
- association (political, legal)
- association (psych.)
- association claim
- association of secondary school teachers → association of secondary school teachers Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- association of secondary school teachers → association of secondary school teachers Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations → Association of Southeast Asian Nations Stattdessen verwenden: ASEAN ASEAN
- assortment
- astrology
- astronautics
- asylum → asylum Stattdessen verwenden: emergency shelter emergency shelter
- asylum → asylum Stattdessen verwenden: political asylum political asylum
- asylum policy
- asylum procedure
- asylum seeker
- asymmetry
- atheism
- athlete
- atomic energy → atomic energy Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear energy nuclear energy
- Atomic Energy Law → Atomic Energy Law Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- Atomic Energy Law → Atomic Energy Law Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear energy nuclear energy
- atomic weapons → atomic weapons Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear weapon nuclear weapon
- Attac
- attainment of qualification
- attempt
- attempted assassination
- attempted political assassination → attempted political assassination Stattdessen verwenden: attempted assassination attempted assassination
- attention
- attention deficit → attention deficit Stattdessen verwenden: ADHD ADHD
- attitude
- attitude change
- attitude formation
- attitude measurement → attitude measurement Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- attitude measurement → attitude measurement Stattdessen verwenden: measurement measurement
- attitude research
- attitude scale → attitude scale Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- attitude scale → attitude scale Stattdessen verwenden: measurement instrument measurement instrument
- attitude towards sex → attitude towards sex Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- attitude towards sex → attitude towards sex Stattdessen verwenden: sexuality sexuality
- attitude towards work → attitude towards work Stattdessen verwenden: labor labor
- attitude towards work → attitude towards work Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- attractiveness → attractiveness Stattdessen verwenden: social attraction social attraction
- attribution
- attribution theory
- atypical occupation → atypical occupation Stattdessen verwenden: flexibility flexibility
- atypical occupation → atypical occupation Stattdessen verwenden: type of employment type of employment
- auction
- audience
- audience participation → audience participation Stattdessen verwenden: participation participation
- audience participation → audience participation Stattdessen verwenden: audience audience
- audiobook
- audiometry → audiometry Stattdessen verwenden: measurement measurement
- audiometry → audiometry Stattdessen verwenden: hearing (sound) hearing (sound)
- audiovisual media
- audiovisual teaching → audiovisual teaching Stattdessen verwenden: audiovisual media audiovisual media
- audiovisual teaching → audiovisual teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- audit
- audit office
- auditing
- auditory media
- aurally handicapped → aurally handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: hearing impairment hearing impairment
- austerity policy
- Australia
- Australian
- Austria
- Austria-Hungary
- Austrian
- Austrian Army
- Austrian Federal Railways
- Austrian Federation of Trade Unions
- Austrian Freedom Party → Austrian Freedom Party Stattdessen verwenden: FPÖ FPÖ
- Austrian Peoples' Party
- Austrian Radio and Television → Austrian Radio and Television Stattdessen verwenden: ORF ORF
- Austrian School
- Austro-fascism
- Austro-Marxism
- Auswärtiges Amt → Auswärtiges Amt Stattdessen verwenden: ministry of foreign affairs ministry of foreign affairs
- authenticity
- author
- authoritarian education
- authoritarian system
- authoritarianism
- authority
- authority of a German federal state
- authority to issue directives/instructions
- authorization
- authorization procedure
- autism
- autoaggression → autoaggression Stattdessen verwenden: self-destruction self-destruction
- autobiography → autobiography Stattdessen verwenden: biography biography
- autocentric development
- autocracy → autocracy Stattdessen verwenden: dictatorship dictatorship
- autogenous training
- automation
- automation tax → automation tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- automation tax → automation tax Stattdessen verwenden: value added value added
- automobile → automobile Stattdessen verwenden: motor vehicle motor vehicle
- automobile industry
- automotive industry
- automotive press → automotive press Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- automotive press → automotive press Stattdessen verwenden: motor vehicle motor vehicle
- autonomous behavior
- autonomous sector → autonomous sector Stattdessen verwenden: informal sector informal sector
- autonomous work group
- autonomy
- autonomy
- autonomy in negotiating wages
- autopoiesis
- autostereotype → autostereotype Stattdessen verwenden: self-image self-image
- auxiliary personnel → auxiliary personnel Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- auxiliary personnel → auxiliary personnel Stattdessen verwenden: unskilled person unskilled person
- available information → available information Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- available information → available information Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- available personnel
- available workers
- avant-garde
- aviation → aviation Stattdessen verwenden: air traffic air traffic
- avoidance behavior
- award ceremony
- axiomatization
- Azerbaijan
- baby
- baby care
- baby talk → baby talk Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- baby talk → baby talk Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- bachelor
- bachelor of business administration
- Bacon, Francis
- bad eating habits
- Baden
- Baden-Württemberg
- BAFÖG → BAFÖG Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Training Assistance Act Federal Training Assistance Act
- Bahamas → Bahamas Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Bahrain
- Bahro, Rudolf
- bail
- bailiff
- baker
- Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
- balance
- balance of payments
- balance of power
- balance sheet
- balance theory
- Balanced Scorecard
- balancing
- Balint group → Balint group Stattdessen verwenden: self-experience group self-experience group
- Balkans → Balkans Stattdessen verwenden: Southeastern Europe Southeastern Europe
- Balt
- Baltic region
- Baltic States
- ban
- bandwagon effect → bandwagon effect Stattdessen verwenden: effect effect
- bandwagon effect → bandwagon effect Stattdessen verwenden: mass media mass media
- Bangladesh
- bank
- bank clerk
- bank rate policy → bank rate policy Stattdessen verwenden: monetary policy monetary policy
- banking
- banking business administration → banking business administration Stattdessen verwenden: business economics business economics
- banking business administration → banking business administration Stattdessen verwenden: bank bank
- banking secrecy
- banking supervision
- bankruptcy
- banning of a party
- baptism
- Baptist → Baptist Stattdessen verwenden: baptism baptism
- Barbados
- barbarism
- bargaining → bargaining Stattdessen verwenden: collective bargaining collective bargaining
- bargaining → bargaining Stattdessen verwenden: collective bargaining collective bargaining
- bargaining → bargaining Stattdessen verwenden: negotiation negotiation
- bargaining power
- barrier to education → barrier to education Stattdessen verwenden: educational opportunity educational opportunity
- barter
- barter transaction
- base and superstructure
- basic concept
- basic directives
- basic education
- basic income
- basic income → basic income Stattdessen verwenden: basic income basic income
- basic industry
- Basic Law
- basic need
- basic program
- basic research
- basic studies
- basic supply
- basic technology → basic technology Stattdessen verwenden: adapted technology adapted technology
- Basic Treaty
- basic value → basic value Stattdessen verwenden: value value
- basic vocational education
- basic vocational school
- Basque
- Basque provinces
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Bauer, Otto
- Bauman, Zygmunt
- Bavaria
- Bayerischer Rundfunk
- Bayesian statistics
- beauty
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- Bebel, August
- Beck, Ulrich
- bed wetting → bed wetting Stattdessen verwenden: behavior disorder behavior disorder
- beginning of employment
- behavior
- behavior analysis
- behavior control
- behavior disorder
- behavior evaluation
- behavior expectation → behavior expectation Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- behavior expectation → behavior expectation Stattdessen verwenden: expectation expectation
- behavior model
- behavior modification
- behavior motivation → behavior motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- behavior observation → behavior observation Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- behavior observation → behavior observation Stattdessen verwenden: observation observation
- behavior of the ill → behavior of the ill Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- behavior of the ill → behavior of the ill Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- behavior orientation → behavior orientation Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- behavior orientation → behavior orientation Stattdessen verwenden: orientation orientation
- behavior pattern
- behavior prognosis
- behavior theory
- behavior therapy
- behavioral disposition
- behavioral norm → behavioral norm Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- behavioral norm → behavioral norm Stattdessen verwenden: social norm social norm
- behavioral peculiarity
- behavioral physiology
- behavioral psychology
- behavioral research
- behavioral science
- behavioral training
- behaviorism
- Belgian
- Belgium
- Belize
- Belorussia
- Belorussian
- benchmarking
- benefit fraud → benefit fraud Stattdessen verwenden: social benefits social benefits
- benefit fraud → benefit fraud Stattdessen verwenden: abuse abuse
- benefit of vocational training
- Benin
- Benjamin, Walter
- Berger, Peter L.
- Berlin
- Berlin clause → Berlin clause Stattdessen verwenden: Berlin Berlin
- Berlin clause → Berlin clause Stattdessen verwenden: law of nations law of nations
- Berlin clause → Berlin clause Stattdessen verwenden: federal law federal law
- Berlin question → Berlin question Stattdessen verwenden: Berlin Berlin
- Berlin question → Berlin question Stattdessen verwenden: German question German question
- Berlusconi, Silvio
- Bermuda
- Bernstein, Eduard
- Berufsbildungsabgabe → Berufsbildungsabgabe Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- Berufsbildungsabgabe → Berufsbildungsabgabe Stattdessen verwenden: compensatory tax compensatory tax
- Berufspraktikum → Berufspraktikum Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- Berufspraktikum → Berufspraktikum Stattdessen verwenden: internship internship
- best practice
- best seller
- Betriebspraktikum → Betriebspraktikum Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- Betriebspraktikum → Betriebspraktikum Stattdessen verwenden: internship internship
- Bhutan
- Biafra → Biafra Stattdessen verwenden: Nigeria Nigeria
- bias → bias Stattdessen verwenden: trend trend
- bible
- bible class teacher → bible class teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- bible class teacher → bible class teacher Stattdessen verwenden: religious instruction religious instruction
- bibliography
- bibliometry → bibliometry Stattdessen verwenden: scientometry scientometry
- bicameralism
- bicycle
- bilateral conflict
- bilateral relations
- bilingual education → bilingual education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- bilingual education → bilingual education Stattdessen verwenden: multilingualism multilingualism
- bilingual instruction
- bilingualism → bilingualism Stattdessen verwenden: multilingualism multilingualism
- bill
- bill transaction
- binational marriage → binational marriage Stattdessen verwenden: intermarriage intermarriage
- binding tariff agreements → binding tariff agreements Stattdessen verwenden: collective agreement collective agreement
- biochemistry
- biodiversity
- bioenergetics
- bioenergy
- bioethics
- biofuel
- biographical method
- biography
- biological factors
- biological farming → biological farming Stattdessen verwenden: organic farming organic farming
- biological product → biological product Stattdessen verwenden: organic product organic product
- biological weapon
- biologism
- biology
- biology instruction
- biology studies → biology studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- biology studies → biology studies Stattdessen verwenden: biology biology
- biology teacher → biology teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- biology teacher → biology teacher Stattdessen verwenden: biology instruction biology instruction
- biomedicine
- biometrics
- biopower → biopower Stattdessen verwenden: biotechnology policy biotechnology policy
- biosphere
- biosphere reserve
- biotechnology
- biotechnology policy
- birth
- birth control → birth control Stattdessen verwenden: family planning family planning
- birth order
- birth order
- birth rate → birth rate Stattdessen verwenden: birth birth
- birth rate → birth rate Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- birth trend
- bisexuality
- bishop
- bishopric → bishopric Stattdessen verwenden: diocese diocese
- Bismarck's antisocialist law
- Bismarck, Otto
- Black Africa
- black market
- Blended Learning
- blind faith in science
- blind person → blind person Stattdessen verwenden: blindness blindness
- blindness
- bloc policy
- Bloch, Ernst
- block studies
- block teaching
- blocking period
- blog → blog Stattdessen verwenden: weblog weblog
- Blue Helmets → Blue Helmets Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- Blue Helmets → Blue Helmets Stattdessen verwenden: peacekeeping troops peacekeeping troops
- blue-collar job
- blue-collar occupation
- board
- board of directors
- boarding school
- bodies of water
- body
- body control → body control Stattdessen verwenden: motor function motor function
- body image
- body language
- body weight
- Bohemia
- Bolivia
- Bologna Process
- Bolshevism
- Boltanski, Luc
- Bonapartism
- bonds
- bone disease
- Bonn Convention
- book
- book club
- book market → book market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- book market → book market Stattdessen verwenden: book trade book trade
- book review → book review Stattdessen verwenden: book book
- book review → book review Stattdessen verwenden: review review
- book trade
- bookkeeping → bookkeeping Stattdessen verwenden: accounting accounting
- Bophuthatswana → Bophuthatswana Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- border → border Stattdessen verwenden: national border national border
- border → border Stattdessen verwenden: delimitation delimitation
- border conflict → border conflict Stattdessen verwenden: border region border region
- border conflict → border conflict Stattdessen verwenden: political conflict political conflict
- border conflict → border conflict Stattdessen verwenden: military conflict military conflict
- border conflict → border conflict Stattdessen verwenden: bilateral conflict bilateral conflict
- border protection
- border region
- borderline syndrome
- boredom
- borrowed capital
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bosnian
- Botswana
- Bourdieu, Pierre
- bourgeois ideology → bourgeois ideology Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeoisie bourgeoisie
- bourgeois ideology → bourgeois ideology Stattdessen verwenden: ideology ideology
- bourgeois science
- bourgeois society
- bourgeois sociology → bourgeois sociology Stattdessen verwenden: sociology sociology
- bourgeois sociology → bourgeois sociology Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeois science bourgeois science
- bourgeoisie
- boxing → boxing Stattdessen verwenden: combat sport combat sport
- boy
- boycott
- BR → BR Stattdessen verwenden: Bayerischer Rundfunk Bayerischer Rundfunk
- Brahmanism → Brahmanism Stattdessen verwenden: Hinduism Hinduism
- braille
- braille magazine → braille magazine Stattdessen verwenden: blindness blindness
- braille magazine → braille magazine Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- brain
- brain damage
- brain drain
- brain research → brain research Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- brain research → brain research Stattdessen verwenden: brain brain
- brainwork → brainwork Stattdessen verwenden: intellectual work intellectual work
- branch of industry
- branch of occupation → branch of occupation Stattdessen verwenden: occupational field occupational field
- branch of the economy
- brand loyality → brand loyality Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- brand loyality → brand loyality Stattdessen verwenden: consumer consumer
- brand name → brand name Stattdessen verwenden: brand name item brand name item
- brand name → brand name Stattdessen verwenden: name name
- brand name item
- Brandenburg
- branding policy
- Brandt, Willy
- Brazil
- breach of the public peace
- break
- break
- Brecht, Bertolt
- Bremen
- Breton
- Bretton-Woods-System → Bretton-Woods-System Stattdessen verwenden: international monetary system international monetary system
- brewing industry
- bribery → bribery Stattdessen verwenden: corruption corruption
- bringing into line
- British Broadcasting Corporation → British Broadcasting Corporation Stattdessen verwenden: BBC BBC
- British Honduras → British Honduras Stattdessen verwenden: Belize Belize
- British-American zone
- Briton
- broadband communication → broadband communication Stattdessen verwenden: cable communication cable communication
- broadcast
- broadcast journalism → broadcast journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- broadcast journalism → broadcast journalism Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- broadcast program
- broadcast review → broadcast review Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- broadcast review → broadcast review Stattdessen verwenden: media criticism media criticism
- broadcast type
- broadcaster
- broadcasting
- broadcasting council
- broadcasting press → broadcasting press Stattdessen verwenden: broadcaster broadcaster
- broadcasting press → broadcasting press Stattdessen verwenden: program guide program guide
- brotherhood
- Brunei
- Brussels Pact → Brussels Pact Stattdessen verwenden: Western European Union Western European Union
- Brüning, Heinrich
- BSHG → BSHG Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Social Assistance Act Federal Social Assistance Act
- btx → btx Stattdessen verwenden: interactive videotex interactive videotex
- Buber, Martin
- Buddhism
- budget
- budget consolidation
- budget deficit → budget deficit Stattdessen verwenden: deficit deficit
- budget deficit → budget deficit Stattdessen verwenden: public budget public budget
- budget plan
- budgetary control → budgetary control Stattdessen verwenden: finance finance
- budgetary control → budgetary control Stattdessen verwenden: control control
- budgetary law
- budgetary policy
- builder
- building
- building activity
- building and loan association → building and loan association Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- building and loan association → building and loan association Stattdessen verwenden: construction industry construction industry
- building code
- building density
- building lot
- building owner
- building trade → building trade Stattdessen verwenden: construction industry construction industry
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian
- bulimia → bulimia Stattdessen verwenden: eating disorder eating disorder
- bulletin
- bullying → bullying Stattdessen verwenden: exclusion exclusion
- Bund-Länder Commission
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- Bundesland
- Bundesland administration
- Bundesland auditor general's office
- Bundesland budget → Bundesland budget Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Bundesland budget → Bundesland budget Stattdessen verwenden: public budget public budget
- Bundesland constitution → Bundesland constitution Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Bundesland constitution → Bundesland constitution Stattdessen verwenden: constitution constitution
- Bundesland development plan
- Bundesland government
- Bundesland media law → Bundesland media law Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- Bundesland media law → Bundesland media law Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Bundesland media law → Bundesland media law Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- Bundesland ministry → Bundesland ministry Stattdessen verwenden: ministry ministry
- Bundesland ministry → Bundesland ministry Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Bundesland ministry of education and culture
- Bundesland radio law → Bundesland radio law Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Bundesland radio law → Bundesland radio law Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- Bundesland radio law → Bundesland radio law Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- Bundesland Statistical Office
- Bundesrat
- Bundestag
- bureau culture → bureau culture Stattdessen verwenden: organizational culture organizational culture
- bureaucracy
- bureaucratization
- Burgenland
- burial → burial Stattdessen verwenden: funeral funeral
- Burkina Faso
- Burma → Burma Stattdessen verwenden: Myanmar Myanmar
- burnout
- Burundi
- Bush, George W.
- business administration
- business administration factors
- business college
- business concept
- business concern
- business cycle
- business cycle indicator → business cycle indicator Stattdessen verwenden: economic trend economic trend
- business cycle indicator → business cycle indicator Stattdessen verwenden: indicator indicator
- business cycle policy
- business cycle research
- business cycle theory
- business economics
- business education
- business enterprise
- business ethics
- business ethics
- business forecast → business forecast Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- business forecast → business forecast Stattdessen verwenden: economic trend economic trend
- business goal → business goal Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- business goal → business goal Stattdessen verwenden: purpose purpose
- business history → business history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- business history → business history Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- business hours
- business informatics
- business location → business location Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- business location → business location Stattdessen verwenden: location location
- business management
- business management training
- business policy
- business psychology
- business relationship
- business school
- business school
- business service
- business size
- business success → business success Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- business success → business success Stattdessen verwenden: economic success economic success
- business transfer
- business TV
- businessman
- Butler, Judith
- buyers' power → buyers' power Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- buyers' power → buyers' power Stattdessen verwenden: market power market power
- buying behavior
- bylaws
- cabaret
- cabinet → cabinet Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- cabinet reshuffle
- cable communication
- Cable News Network → Cable News Network Stattdessen verwenden: CNN CNN
- cable television → cable television Stattdessen verwenden: cable communication cable communication
- cadre
- cadre politics
- calculation
- calculation of profits → calculation of profits Stattdessen verwenden: accounting accounting
- calculation of profits → calculation of profits Stattdessen verwenden: profit profit
- call center
- Calvinism
- Cambodia
- cameralism → cameralism Stattdessen verwenden: mercantilism mercantilism
- cameralistics → cameralistics Stattdessen verwenden: accounting accounting
- cameralistics → cameralistics Stattdessen verwenden: public administration public administration
- cameraman
- Cameroon
- campaign
- campaign financing → campaign financing Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- campaign financing → campaign financing Stattdessen verwenden: election campaign election campaign
- camping
- Canada
- Canadian
- cancer
- candidacy
- candidate → candidate Stattdessen verwenden: candidacy candidacy
- candidate for the office of federal chancellor → candidate for the office of federal chancellor Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Chancellor Federal Chancellor
- candidate for the office of federal chancellor → candidate for the office of federal chancellor Stattdessen verwenden: candidacy candidacy
- cannabis abuse → cannabis abuse Stattdessen verwenden: drug abuse drug abuse
- canonical or ecclesiastical law
- canton
- Canton Basel Country
- Canton of Appenzell Inner-Rhodes
- Canton of Appenzell Outer-Rhodes
- Canton of Argovia
- Canton of Basel City
- Canton of Bern
- Canton of Fribourg
- Canton of Geneva
- Canton of Glarus
- Canton of Grisons
- Canton of Jura
- Canton of Lucerne
- Canton of Neuchatel
- Canton of Nidwalden
- Canton of Obwalden
- Canton of Schaffhausen
- Canton of Schwyz
- Canton of Solothurn
- Canton of St. Gall
- Canton of Thurgau
- Canton of Ticino
- Canton of Uri
- Canton of Valais
- Canton of Vaud
- Canton of Zug
- Canton of Zurich
- capacity
- capacity calculation
- capacity planning
- capacity to act
- capacity to work
- capacity utilization
- capacity utilization
- capacity-oriented variable working hours
- Cape Verde
- Cape Verde Islands → Cape Verde Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Cape Verde Cape Verde
- capital
- capital accumulation → capital accumulation Stattdessen verwenden: accumulation accumulation
- capital accumulation → capital accumulation Stattdessen verwenden: capital capital
- capital assets
- capital assistance
- capital city
- capital export
- capital flow → capital flow Stattdessen verwenden: capital movement capital movement
- capital formation
- capital formation
- capital goods
- capital goods industry
- capital goods market → capital goods market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- capital goods market → capital goods market Stattdessen verwenden: capital goods capital goods
- capital intensity
- capital investment
- capital investment planning → capital investment planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- capital investment planning → capital investment planning Stattdessen verwenden: investment investment
- capital levy → capital levy Stattdessen verwenden: property tax property tax
- capital market
- capital movement
- capital resources → capital resources Stattdessen verwenden: capital capital
- capital spending decision → capital spending decision Stattdessen verwenden: investment investment
- capital spending decision → capital spending decision Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- capital transactions
- capital transfer → capital transfer Stattdessen verwenden: capital movement capital movement
- capitalism
- capitalist production → capitalist production Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- capitalist production → capitalist production Stattdessen verwenden: capitalism capitalism
- capitalist society → capitalist society Stattdessen verwenden: capitalism capitalism
- capitation fee → capitation fee Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance premium health insurance premium
- car pool
- car sharing
- caravaning → caravaning Stattdessen verwenden: camping camping
- care
- care for aliens → care for aliens Stattdessen verwenden: care care
- care for aliens → care for aliens Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- care for the aged → care for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: assistance for the elderly assistance for the elderly
- care for the aged → care for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: care care
- care for the ill → care for the ill Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- career
- career advancement
- career aspiration
- career break
- career change
- career concept
- career education
- career end
- career expectation
- career guidance
- career in journalism
- career motivation → career motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- career motivation → career motivation Stattdessen verwenden: career career
- career planning
- career planning instruction
- career politician
- career prospect
- career restart → career restart Stattdessen verwenden: occupational reintegration occupational reintegration
- career start
- caregiver
- caregiving
- cargo operation → cargo operation Stattdessen verwenden: freight traffic freight traffic
- Caribbean Region
- Carinthia
- Caritas
- carnival
- cartel
- cartography
- cartoon
- case law
- case management
- case reconstruction
- case study
- casework
- cash benefit
- cassette → cassette Stattdessen verwenden: sound storage medium sound storage medium
- Cassirer, Ernst
- caste
- caste structure → caste structure Stattdessen verwenden: caste caste
- casual employment
- catalog of teaching objectives → catalog of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: learning objective learning objective
- catalog of teaching objectives → catalog of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: target catalog target catalog
- Catalonia
- catamnesis
- category
- Catholic Church (Roman)
- Catholic religious instruction → Catholic religious instruction Stattdessen verwenden: Catholicism Catholicism
- Catholic religious instruction → Catholic religious instruction Stattdessen verwenden: religious instruction religious instruction
- Catholic social teaching
- Catholicism
- Caucasian
- Caucasus region
- causal analysis
- causality
- cause
- cause of accident → cause of accident Stattdessen verwenden: accident accident
- cause of accident → cause of accident Stattdessen verwenden: cause cause
- cause of death → cause of death Stattdessen verwenden: death death
- cause of death → cause of death Stattdessen verwenden: cause cause
- CD
- celebrity → celebrity Stattdessen verwenden: VIP VIP
- cell phone
- cellular phone network
- cemetery
- censorship
- census
- center party
- center-periphery
- central administration
- Central Africa
- Central African Republic
- Central America
- Central Asia
- central bank
- central bank policy → central bank policy Stattdessen verwenden: currency policy currency policy
- central bank policy → central bank policy Stattdessen verwenden: central bank central bank
- central bank policy → central bank policy Stattdessen verwenden: monetary policy monetary policy
- central committee
- Central Europe
- Central European Free Trade Agreement → Central European Free Trade Agreement Stattdessen verwenden: CEFTA CEFTA
- Central Intelligence Agency → Central Intelligence Agency Stattdessen verwenden: CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
- central location
- centralism
- centralization
- centrally administered economy → centrally administered economy Stattdessen verwenden: planned economy planned economy
- centrism
- ceramics industry
- cerebral paralysis → cerebral paralysis Stattdessen verwenden: brain damage brain damage
- certificate → certificate Stattdessen verwenden: certification certification
- certification
- certified public accountant
- Ceylon → Ceylon Stattdessen verwenden: Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
- Chad
- chain migration
- chamber
- chamber of agriculture
- chamber of commerce → chamber of commerce Stattdessen verwenden: chamber of industry and commerce chamber of industry and commerce
- chamber of industry and commerce
- chamber of skilled crafts (and trades)
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: language change language change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: career change career change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: change of activity change of activity
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: functional change functional change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: social change social change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: institutional change institutional change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: cultural change cultural change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: economic change economic change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: organizational change organizational change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: political change political change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: change of qualification change of qualification
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: role change role change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: value change value change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: technological change technological change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: global change global change
- change → change Stattdessen verwenden: climate change climate change
- change in economics structures → change in economics structures Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- change in economics structures → change in economics structures Stattdessen verwenden: economic structure economic structure
- change in power
- change in the economic structure → change in the economic structure Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- change in the economic structure → change in the economic structure Stattdessen verwenden: economy economy
- change management
- change management skill
- change of activity
- change of attitude → change of attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude change attitude change
- change of government
- change of location
- change of occupation
- change of occupational structure → change of occupational structure Stattdessen verwenden: occupational distribution occupational distribution
- change of occupational structure → change of occupational structure Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- change of party membership
- change of qualification
- change of residence
- change of society → change of society Stattdessen verwenden: social change social change
- change of status
- change of subject of study
- change of vocational training
- channel surfing
- chaos
- charge
- charisma
- charter
- chat
- chauvinism
- Chechnya
- chemical dependency
- chemical industry
- chemical weapon
- chemist
- chemistry
- chemistry instruction
- chemistry studies → chemistry studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- chemistry studies → chemistry studies Stattdessen verwenden: chemistry chemistry
- chemistry teacher → chemistry teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- chemistry teacher → chemistry teacher Stattdessen verwenden: chemistry instruction chemistry instruction
- chief instructor → chief instructor Stattdessen verwenden: instructor instructor
- child
- child and youth welfare → child and youth welfare Stattdessen verwenden: youth welfare youth welfare
- child benefit
- child brought up in an institution
- child care
- child care
- child custody
- child education → child education Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child education → child education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- child labor
- child orphaned by divorce → child orphaned by divorce Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child orphaned by divorce → child orphaned by divorce Stattdessen verwenden: divorce divorce
- child protection
- child psychiatry → child psychiatry Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child psychiatry → child psychiatry Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatry psychiatry
- child psychology → child psychology Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child psychology → child psychology Stattdessen verwenden: developmental psychology developmental psychology
- child rearing assistance → child rearing assistance Stattdessen verwenden: youth assistance youth assistance
- child welfare → child welfare Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child welfare → child welfare Stattdessen verwenden: youth welfare youth welfare
- child well-being
- child with learning handicap → child with learning handicap Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child with learning handicap → child with learning handicap Stattdessen verwenden: learning disability learning disability
- child with physical handicap → child with physical handicap Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child with physical handicap → child with physical handicap Stattdessen verwenden: physical disability physical disability
- child with visual handicap → child with visual handicap Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- child with visual handicap → child with visual handicap Stattdessen verwenden: visual impairment visual impairment
- child-raising allowance
- childhood
- childish perception → childish perception Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- childish perception → childish perception Stattdessen verwenden: perception perception
- childlessness
- children's broadcast → children's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- children's broadcast → children's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- children's broadcast → children's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- children's broadcast → children's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast broadcast
- children's channel
- children's film
- children's home → children's home Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- children's home → children's home Stattdessen verwenden: institutional home institutional home
- children's home → children's home Stattdessen verwenden: recreation recreation
- children's hospital → children's hospital Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- children's hospital → children's hospital Stattdessen verwenden: specialized hospital specialized hospital
- children's literature
- children's program → children's program Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- children's program → children's program Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- children's program → children's program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- children's program → children's program Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- children's programming → children's programming Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- children's programming → children's programming Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- children's radio program → children's radio program Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- children's radio program → children's radio program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- children's rights
- children's television → children's television Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- children's television → children's television Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- Chile
- China
- Chinese
- choice of housing
- choice of location
- choice of means of transport
- choice of partner
- choice of physician
- choice of place of residence
- choice of place of study
- choice of studies
- choice of subjects
- choice of vocational training
- Chomsky, Noam
- choral society → choral society Stattdessen verwenden: club club
- choral society → choral society Stattdessen verwenden: singing singing
- Christian
- Christian democratic party
- Christian Democratic Union
- Christian Social Union
- Christian trade union
- Christianity
- Christianization → Christianization Stattdessen verwenden: Christianity Christianity
- Christianization → Christianization Stattdessen verwenden: missionary work missionary work
- chronic illness
- chronically ill → chronically ill Stattdessen verwenden: chronic illness chronic illness
- chronically ill → chronically ill Stattdessen verwenden: patient patient
- church
- church attendance
- church doctrine
- church history
- church membership → church membership Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- church membership → church membership Stattdessen verwenden: religious affiliation religious affiliation
- church office
- church organization
- church policy
- church press
- church reform → church reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- church reform → church reform Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- church social work
- church-national state → church-national state Stattdessen verwenden: national state-church national state-church
- CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
- cigarette consumption → cigarette consumption Stattdessen verwenden: tobacco consumption tobacco consumption
- cinema
- circulatory disease
- Ciskei → Ciskei Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- citizen
- citizen of the USSR
- citizen orientation
- citizens' action committee
- citizens' involvement
- citizens' movement
- citizens' participation
- citizens' society → citizens' society Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeois society bourgeois society
- citizens' society → citizens' society Stattdessen verwenden: civil society civil society
- citizenship
- city administration → city administration Stattdessen verwenden: municipal administration municipal administration
- city center
- city council → city council Stattdessen verwenden: municipal council municipal council
- city outskirts
- city politics → city politics Stattdessen verwenden: local politics local politics
- city preservation
- city quarter
- city traffic
- city-country relationship
- city-suburban relationship
- civil code
- civil courage
- civil court
- civil defense
- civil disobedience
- civil engineer
- civil law
- civil religion → civil religion Stattdessen verwenden: religion religion
- civil rights
- civil rights movement → civil rights movement Stattdessen verwenden: civil rights civil rights
- civil rights movement → civil rights movement Stattdessen verwenden: citizens' movement citizens' movement
- civil servant
- civil servants' pay → civil servants' pay Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- civil servants' pay → civil servants' pay Stattdessen verwenden: pay pay
- civil service
- civil service administrative level
- civil service ancillary level
- civil service association
- civil service career → civil service career Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- civil service career → civil service career Stattdessen verwenden: job history job history
- civil service executive level
- civil service law
- civil service law
- civil service lower level
- civil service occupation
- civil society
- civil suit
- civil war
- civil-military cooperation
- civil-military cooperation → civil-military cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: civil-military cooperation civil-military cooperation
- civil-military relations → civil-military relations Stattdessen verwenden: civil-military cooperation civil-military cooperation
- civilian population
- civilization
- clandestine transmitter
- class
- class action (lawsuit)
- class antagonism
- class concept → class concept Stattdessen verwenden: social class social class
- class concept → class concept Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- class conflict → class conflict Stattdessen verwenden: class antagonism class antagonism
- class consciousness
- class identification
- class justice
- class membership
- class position
- class rule
- class schedule
- class society
- class struggle
- class theory → class theory Stattdessen verwenden: social class social class
- class theory → class theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- class-specific factors
- class-specific language usage → class-specific language usage Stattdessen verwenden: social stratum social stratum
- class-specific language usage → class-specific language usage Stattdessen verwenden: language usage language usage
- class-specific socialization
- classical economics
- classicism
- classification
- classroom
- Clausewitz, Carl von
- clemency
- clergy
- clergyman
- clericalism
- client
- client-centered therapy
- clientelism
- climate
- climate change
- climate in the classroom
- climate policy
- climate protection
- climatic zone → climatic zone Stattdessen verwenden: climate climate
- clinical psychology
- clinical treatment → clinical treatment Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- clinical treatment → clinical treatment Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- Clinton, Bill
- clothing
- club
- club life → club life Stattdessen verwenden: club club
- club life → club life Stattdessen verwenden: social relations social relations
- club member → club member Stattdessen verwenden: club club
- club member → club member Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- Club of Rome
- clubs
- cluster analysis
- CNC technology
- co-management
- co-worker
- coach
- coaching
- coal
- coal mining → coal mining Stattdessen verwenden: mining mining
- coal mining → coal mining Stattdessen verwenden: coal coal
- coalition
- coalition formation
- coalition party
- coalition policy
- coastal protection
- coastal region
- coastal state
- Code of Criminal Procedure → Code of Criminal Procedure Stattdessen verwenden: legal procedure legal procedure
- Code of Criminal Procedure → Code of Criminal Procedure Stattdessen verwenden: criminal proceedings criminal proceedings
- code of laws
- Code of Social Law
- codetermination
- Codetermination Amendment Law → Codetermination Amendment Law Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- Codetermination Amendment Law → Codetermination Amendment Law Stattdessen verwenden: codetermination codetermination
- codetermination by pupils
- coding
- coeducation
- coexistence
- cognition
- cognitive ability
- cognitive achievement → cognitive achievement Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- cognitive achievement → cognitive achievement Stattdessen verwenden: cognition cognition
- cognitive behavior → cognitive behavior Stattdessen verwenden: cognition cognition
- cognitive development
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive dissonance theory
- cognitive factors
- cognitive interest
- cognitive learning → cognitive learning Stattdessen verwenden: cognition cognition
- cognitive learning → cognitive learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- cognitive learning theory
- cognitive orientation → cognitive orientation Stattdessen verwenden: cognition cognition
- cognitive orientation → cognitive orientation Stattdessen verwenden: orientation orientation
- cognitive structure
- cognitive theory → cognitive theory Stattdessen verwenden: psychological theory psychological theory
- cognitive theory → cognitive theory Stattdessen verwenden: cognition cognition
- cohabitation
- coherence
- cohesion → cohesion Stattdessen verwenden: group cohesion group cohesion
- cohort analysis
- cold war
- Coleman, James S.
- collaboration
- collective
- collective action → collective action Stattdessen verwenden: collective behavior collective behavior
- collective agreement
- collective bargaining
- collective bargaining
- collective bargaining law
- collective behavior
- collective biography
- collective consciousness
- collective decision
- collective education
- collective identity
- collective knowledge
- collective law
- collective medical office → collective medical office Stattdessen verwenden: group practice group practice
- collective memory
- collective property → collective property Stattdessen verwenden: nonmarket good nonmarket good
- collective research
- collective security
- collectivism
- college
- college for engineering
- college of fine arts
- colloquial
- Colombia
- colonial age → colonial age Stattdessen verwenden: colonialism colonialism
- colonial government → colonial government Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- colonial government → colonial government Stattdessen verwenden: colony colony
- colonial policy
- colonial power → colonial power Stattdessen verwenden: colonialism colonialism
- colonial power → colonial power Stattdessen verwenden: political power political power
- colonialism
- colonization
- colony
- column
- combat sport
- combating inflation
- combating poverty
- combine
- combined wage
- comics
- Cominform
- coming to terms with the past
- Comintern
- commemoration day
- commentary
- commerce
- commercial
- commercial clerk → commercial clerk Stattdessen verwenden: salaried employee salaried employee
- commercial clerk → commercial clerk Stattdessen verwenden: commercial occupation commercial occupation
- commercial law
- commercial occupation
- commercial school
- commercial school pupil → commercial school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- commercial school pupil → commercial school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: commercial school commercial school
- commercialization
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe → Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Stattdessen verwenden: CSCE CSCE
- commissioned officer
- commissioned production
- commissioned research
- Commissioner for Data Protection
- commissioner of foreigners' affairs
- commitment
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: product product
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: working group working group
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: Wirtschaftsausschuss Wirtschaftsausschuss
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: advisory panel advisory panel
- committee → committee Stattdessen verwenden: quality quality
- committee of the Bundestag → committee of the Bundestag Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- Committee of the Regions
- committee on internal affairs → committee on internal affairs Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- commodity
- commodity market
- commodity policy
- commodity production
- commodity value
- common carrier
- Common Foreign and Security Policy → Common Foreign and Security Policy Stattdessen verwenden: CFSP CFSP
- common good
- common knowledge
- common law
- common property
- Common Security and Defense Policy → Common Security and Defense Policy Stattdessen verwenden: CSDP CSDP
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- Commonwealth of Nations
- communal accommodation → communal accommodation Stattdessen verwenden: emergency shelter emergency shelter
- communal accommodation → communal accommodation Stattdessen verwenden: accommodation accommodation
- communal autonomy → communal autonomy Stattdessen verwenden: autonomy autonomy
- communal autonomy → communal autonomy Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- communal facility
- communal infrastructure → communal infrastructure Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- communal infrastructure → communal infrastructure Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- commune → commune Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- commune → commune Stattdessen verwenden: shared housing shared housing
- communicable disease
- communication
- communication barrier
- communication behavior
- communication disorder
- communication ecology → communication ecology Stattdessen verwenden: media ecology media ecology
- communication ethics → communication ethics Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- communication ethics → communication ethics Stattdessen verwenden: ethics ethics
- communication flow → communication flow Stattdessen verwenden: information flow information flow
- communication media
- communication medium
- communication pattern → communication pattern Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- communication pattern → communication pattern Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- communication policy
- communication psychology
- communication requirements
- communication research
- communication sciences
- communication scientist
- communication situation → communication situation Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- communication situation → communication situation Stattdessen verwenden: situation situation
- communication skills
- communication system
- communication technology
- communication theory
- communications
- communications area
- communicative action
- communicative competence
- communicator
- communicator research
- communism
- Communist International → Communist International Stattdessen verwenden: Comintern Comintern
- Communist League
- Communist Manifesto
- communist party
- Communist Party of Austria
- Communist Party of France → Communist Party of France Stattdessen verwenden: France France
- Communist Party of France → Communist Party of France Stattdessen verwenden: communist party communist party
- Communist Party of Germany
- Communist Party of Germany-Opposition
- Communist Party of the USSR → Communist Party of the USSR Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- Communist Party of the USSR → Communist Party of the USSR Stattdessen verwenden: communist party communist party
- communist trade union
- Communist Workers' Party of Germany
- communitarism
- community
- community
- community center
- community constitution
- community development → community development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- community development → community development Stattdessen verwenden: village development village development
- community development → community development Stattdessen verwenden: urban development urban development
- community development → community development Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- Community law → Community law Stattdessen verwenden: European Law European Law
- community of property → community of property Stattdessen verwenden: ownership structure ownership structure
- community of property → community of property Stattdessen verwenden: marriage marriage
- community psychiatry → community psychiatry Stattdessen verwenden: social psychiatry social psychiatry
- community research
- community service
- community service
- community size
- community sociology
- community study → community study Stattdessen verwenden: community research community research
- community work
- commuter
- commuter traffic → commuter traffic Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- commuter traffic → commuter traffic Stattdessen verwenden: commuter commuter
- comorbidity
- Comoro Islands → Comoro Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
- Compact Disc → Compact Disc Stattdessen verwenden: CD CD
- company → company Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- company collective agreement
- company history → company history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- company history → company history Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- company law → company law Stattdessen verwenden: corporate law corporate law
- company meeting
- company organization → company organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- company organization → company organization Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- company pension → company pension Stattdessen verwenden: firm's pension benefits firm's pension benefits
- company physician
- company policy
- company publication
- company social plan
- company social policy
- company social system
- company takeover
- company union
- company's social costs
- comparative advertising
- comparative costs
- comparative education
- comparative literature → comparative literature Stattdessen verwenden: comparative research comparative research
- comparative political science
- comparative research
- comparison
- comparison of methods
- comparison of military strength → comparison of military strength Stattdessen verwenden: comparison comparison
- comparison of military strength → comparison of military strength Stattdessen verwenden: military potential military potential
- comparison of nominal and actual values
- compatibility of family and job → compatibility of family and job Stattdessen verwenden: work-family balance work-family balance
- compensation (law)
- compensation (psych.)
- compensation for personal injury or suffering
- compensatory education
- compensatory sports → compensatory sports Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- compensatory sports → compensatory sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- compensatory tax
- competence
- competence assessment → competence assessment Stattdessen verwenden: competence competence
- competence assessment → competence assessment Stattdessen verwenden: evaluation evaluation
- competence to act → competence to act Stattdessen verwenden: capacity to act capacity to act
- competition
- competition policy → competition policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- competition policy → competition policy Stattdessen verwenden: competition competition
- competition regulations
- competition theory
- competitive sports
- competitiveness
- complaint
- complexity
- composer
- composition of personnel
- compound power system → compound power system Stattdessen verwenden: energy energy
- compound power system → compound power system Stattdessen verwenden: integrated system integrated system
- comprehension
- comprehensive school
- comprehensive school experiment → comprehensive school experiment Stattdessen verwenden: comprehensive school comprehensive school
- comprehensive school experiment → comprehensive school experiment Stattdessen verwenden: school initiative school initiative
- comprehensive school teacher → comprehensive school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- comprehensive school teacher → comprehensive school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: comprehensive school comprehensive school
- comprehensive university
- compromise
- compulsion
- compulsory education
- compulsory elective subject
- compulsory employment → compulsory employment Stattdessen verwenden: employer employer
- compulsory employment → compulsory employment Stattdessen verwenden: severe disability severe disability
- compulsory exchange (money)
- compulsory health insurance
- compulsory hospitalization
- compulsory military service
- compulsory registration
- compulsory social insurance
- compulsory treatment
- computational linguistics
- computer
- computer aided learning
- computer aided planning → computer aided planning Stattdessen verwenden: CAP CAP
- computer aided quality control → computer aided quality control Stattdessen verwenden: CAQ CAQ
- computer center
- computer game
- computer graphics → computer graphics Stattdessen verwenden: electronic data processing electronic data processing
- computer graphics → computer graphics Stattdessen verwenden: graphic arts graphic arts
- computer integrated manufacturing → computer integrated manufacturing Stattdessen verwenden: CIM CIM
- computer magazine → computer magazine Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- computer magazine → computer magazine Stattdessen verwenden: computer computer
- computer program → computer program Stattdessen verwenden: data processing program data processing program
- computer science
- computer scientist
- computer services
- computer simulation → computer simulation Stattdessen verwenden: simulation simulation
- computer simulation → computer simulation Stattdessen verwenden: computer computer
- computer-aided design → computer-aided design Stattdessen verwenden: CAD CAD
- computer-aided instruction
- computer-aided manufacturing → computer-aided manufacturing Stattdessen verwenden: CAM CAM
- computer-aided telephone interview → computer-aided telephone interview Stattdessen verwenden: computer-assisted telephone interview computer-assisted telephone interview
- computer-aided testing → computer-aided testing Stattdessen verwenden: CAT CAT
- computer-assisted telephone interview
- computer-based information system → computer-based information system Stattdessen verwenden: electronic data processing electronic data processing
- computer-based information system → computer-based information system Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- computer-mediated communication
- computerized numerical control technology → computerized numerical control technology Stattdessen verwenden: CNC technology CNC technology
- computerized training system → computerized training system Stattdessen verwenden: computer-aided instruction computer-aided instruction
- Comte, Auguste
- concentration
- concentration camp
- concentration of assets → concentration of assets Stattdessen verwenden: concentration of capital concentration of capital
- concentration of capital
- concentration of enterprises
- concentration research → concentration research Stattdessen verwenden: attention attention
- concentration research → concentration research Stattdessen verwenden: experimental psychology experimental psychology
- concentration research → concentration research Stattdessen verwenden: recipient research recipient research
- concept
- concept formation
- concept of education → concept of education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- concept of education → concept of education Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- concept of intelligence → concept of intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- concept of intelligence → concept of intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: intelligence intelligence
- concept of politics → concept of politics Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- concept of politics → concept of politics Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- conception
- conception of democracy
- conception of development → conception of development Stattdessen verwenden: development model development model
- conception of education → conception of education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- conception of education → conception of education Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- conception of further education → conception of further education Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- conception of further education → conception of further education Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- conception of history
- conception of regionalization → conception of regionalization Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- conception of regionalization → conception of regionalization Stattdessen verwenden: regionalization regionalization
- conception of teaching → conception of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- conception of teaching → conception of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- conception of town planning → conception of town planning Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- conception of town planning → conception of town planning Stattdessen verwenden: town planning town planning
- concert
- concerted action
- concession
- conciliation of interests
- concordat
- concubinage → concubinage Stattdessen verwenden: domestic partnership domestic partnership
- condition of detention
- condition of socialization
- conditioning
- condominium
- confederation
- Confederation of German Employers' Associations → Confederation of German Employers' Associations Stattdessen verwenden: BDA BDA
- conference
- Conference of Minister-Presidents (Länder)
- Conference of Ministers of Education → Conference of Ministers of Education Stattdessen verwenden: KMK (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic Germany) KMK (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic Germany)
- confidence
- conflict
- conflict behavior
- conflict consciousness
- conflict management
- conflict mediation
- conflict of interest
- conflict of objectives
- conflict of values
- conflict on domestic policy → conflict on domestic policy Stattdessen verwenden: political conflict political conflict
- conflict on domestic policy → conflict on domestic policy Stattdessen verwenden: domestic policy domestic policy
- conflict potential
- conflict prevention
- conflict research
- conflict resolution
- conflict situation
- conflict strategy
- conflict structure
- conflict theory
- conformism
- conformity
- conformity behavior → conformity behavior Stattdessen verwenden: conformity conformity
- confrontainment → confrontainment Stattdessen verwenden: infotainment infotainment
- Confucianism
- Congo, Republic of the
- Congo-Brazzaville → Congo-Brazzaville Stattdessen verwenden: Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the
- Congo-Kinshasa → Congo-Kinshasa Stattdessen verwenden: Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
- congruity theory
- conscience
- conscientious objector
- consciousness
- conscript
- consensational norm → consensational norm Stattdessen verwenden: social norm social norm
- consensational norm → consensational norm Stattdessen verwenden: consensus consensus
- consensus
- consequences
- conservation
- conservatism
- conservative party
- conservatory
- consistency
- consistency theory
- consociational democracy
- consolidated school → consolidated school Stattdessen verwenden: school center school center
- consolidation
- constitution
- constitution-making
- constitutional amendment
- constitutional complaint
- constitutional court
- constitutional history → constitutional history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- constitutional history → constitutional history Stattdessen verwenden: constitution constitution
- constitutional law
- constitutional law
- constitutional monarchy
- constitutional policy
- constitutional reality
- constitutional reform → constitutional reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- constitutional reform → constitutional reform Stattdessen verwenden: constitution constitution
- constitutional state
- constitutionalism
- constitutionality
- constraint
- construct
- construct validity → construct validity Stattdessen verwenden: construct construct
- construct validity → construct validity Stattdessen verwenden: validity validity
- construction
- construction industry
- construction law
- construction of indicators
- construction of reality → construction of reality Stattdessen verwenden: social construction social construction
- construction planning
- constructivism
- consulting → consulting Stattdessen verwenden: management counsulting management counsulting
- consumer
- consumer behavior → consumer behavior Stattdessen verwenden: consumption behavior consumption behavior
- consumer cooperative → consumer cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- consumer cooperative → consumer cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: consumption consumption
- consumer counseling
- consumer education
- consumer goods
- consumer goods industry
- consumer information → consumer information Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- consumer information → consumer information Stattdessen verwenden: consumer consumer
- consumer interest → consumer interest Stattdessen verwenden: interest interest
- consumer interest → consumer interest Stattdessen verwenden: consumer consumer
- consumer loan consulting → consumer loan consulting Stattdessen verwenden: indebtedness indebtedness
- consumer loan consulting → consumer loan consulting Stattdessen verwenden: consumer counseling consumer counseling
- consumer loan consulting → consumer loan consulting Stattdessen verwenden: legal advice legal advice
- consumer loan consulting → consumer loan consulting Stattdessen verwenden: social counseling social counseling
- consumer policy
- consumer price
- consumer protection
- consumer research
- consumer society
- consumption
- consumption behavior
- consumption function
- consumption ratio → consumption ratio Stattdessen verwenden: consumption consumption
- consumption ratio → consumption ratio Stattdessen verwenden: quota quota
- consumption theory
- contact
- contact behavior → contact behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- contact behavior → contact behavior Stattdessen verwenden: contact contact
- contact studies
- contagion → contagion Stattdessen verwenden: epidemic epidemic
- contagious disease
- containment policy
- contamination → contamination Stattdessen verwenden: environmental pollution environmental pollution
- contemporary art → contemporary art Stattdessen verwenden: art art
- contemporary art → contemporary art Stattdessen verwenden: present present
- contemporary history
- contemporary witness
- content
- content analysis
- context analysis
- contingency
- contingency theory
- continued payment of wages
- continuing education instructor
- continuity
- contraception
- contraceptive → contraceptive Stattdessen verwenden: contraception contraception
- contraceptive → contraceptive Stattdessen verwenden: family planning family planning
- contract
- contract research
- contract terms
- contract theory
- contract workers
- contrat social
- contribution
- contribution in kind
- control
- control of teaching objectives → control of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: control control
- control of teaching objectives → control of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: learning objective learning objective
- control process
- control system
- control system
- control theory
- controlling
- convent
- convention
- convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters → convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters Stattdessen verwenden: contract contract
- convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters → convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters Stattdessen verwenden: legal assistance legal assistance
- conventional weapon
- conventionalism
- convergence
- convergence theory
- conversation
- conversation analysis
- conversational psychotherapy → conversational psychotherapy Stattdessen verwenden: client-centered therapy client-centered therapy
- conversational teaching → conversational teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- conversational teaching → conversational teaching Stattdessen verwenden: conversation conversation
- conversion
- conversion of production
- convertibility
- Cook Islands → Cook Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Polynesia Polynesia
- cooperation
- cooperative
- cooperative behavior → cooperative behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- cooperative behavior → cooperative behavior Stattdessen verwenden: cooperation cooperation
- cooperative credit institution → cooperative credit institution Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- cooperative credit institution → cooperative credit institution Stattdessen verwenden: credit system credit system
- cooperative learning
- cooperative system
- coordination
- coping
- coping behavior
- coping with a disease → coping with a disease Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- coping with a disease → coping with a disease Stattdessen verwenden: coping behavior coping behavior
- coproduction → coproduction Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- coproduction → coproduction Stattdessen verwenden: cooperation cooperation
- copyright
- copyright collective
- corporal punishment as school discipline
- corporate citizenship
- corporate communication → corporate communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- corporate communication → corporate communication Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- corporate communication → corporate communication Stattdessen verwenden: telecommunication telecommunication
- corporate constitution
- corporate design → corporate design Stattdessen verwenden: public relations work public relations work
- corporate design → corporate design Stattdessen verwenden: corporate identity corporate identity
- corporate formation of assets → corporate formation of assets Stattdessen verwenden: capital formation capital formation
- corporate governance
- corporate growth → corporate growth Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- corporate growth → corporate growth Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- corporate identity
- corporate law
- corporate law
- corporate merger → corporate merger Stattdessen verwenden: merger merger
- corporate profit → corporate profit Stattdessen verwenden: profit profit
- corporate profit → corporate profit Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- corporate social responibility
- corporate tax
- corporate volunteering → corporate volunteering Stattdessen verwenden: corporate citizenship corporate citizenship
- corporation
- corporatism
- corporative actor
- corporative state
- corporeality
- corporealtity → corporealtity Stattdessen verwenden: corporeality corporeality
- correctional education
- correctional institution
- correlation
- correspondence analysis
- correspondence course
- correspondence school
- correspondence university
- corruption
- cosmetics
- cosmopolitanism
- cost accounting
- cost comparision
- cost containment
- cost coverage analysis
- cost factor
- cost minimizing → cost minimizing Stattdessen verwenden: costs costs
- cost minimizing → cost minimizing Stattdessen verwenden: minimization minimization
- cost of living → cost of living Stattdessen verwenden: costs costs
- cost of living → cost of living Stattdessen verwenden: living standard living standard
- cost planning
- cost recovery
- cost reduction
- cost sharing
- cost structure
- cost theory
- cost trend
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-of-living assistance → cost-of-living assistance Stattdessen verwenden: social assistance social assistance
- cost-of-living assistance → cost-of-living assistance Stattdessen verwenden: livelihood livelihood
- cost-related rent
- Costa Rica
- costs
- cottage industry → cottage industry Stattdessen verwenden: work at home work at home
- cottage industry → cottage industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- cotton → cotton Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural product agricultural product
- council
- Council for Mutual Economic Aid → Council for Mutual Economic Aid Stattdessen verwenden: COMECON COMECON
- council movement
- Council of Europe
- Council of Ministers → Council of Ministers Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- Council of State (GDR)
- Council of states
- Council of the European Community
- Council of the European Union → Council of the European Union Stattdessen verwenden: European Council of Ministers European Council of Ministers
- Council presidency → Council presidency Stattdessen verwenden: EU-presidency EU-presidency
- counsel for the defense
- counseling
- counseling broadcast → counseling broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: life assistance life assistance
- counseling broadcast → counseling broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- counseling broadcast → counseling broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast broadcast
- counseling center
- counseling for new mothers
- counseling for parents → counseling for parents Stattdessen verwenden: educational counseling educational counseling
- counseling for the aged
- counseling psychology
- counseling session
- counseling success
- counseling system
- counseling technique
- counseling theory
- counselor
- counterculture → counterculture Stattdessen verwenden: subculture subculture
- counterfeiting
- counterrevolution
- counterstatement
- country of employment
- country of origin
- country preacher → country preacher Stattdessen verwenden: rural area rural area
- country preacher → country preacher Stattdessen verwenden: clergyman clergyman
- county administration
- coup d'etat
- couples therapy
- course
- course of a disease
- course of academic studies
- course of education
- course of lectures
- course of training
- course of work planning → course of work planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- course of work planning → course of work planning Stattdessen verwenden: workflow workflow
- course regulations
- course system
- courses offered at university → courses offered at university Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- courses offered at university → courses offered at university Stattdessen verwenden: class class
- court
- court decision
- court hearing
- court judgment → court judgment Stattdessen verwenden: judgment or sentence judgment or sentence
- court of justice
- Court of Justice of the European Communities → Court of Justice of the European Communities Stattdessen verwenden: European Court of Justice European Court of Justice
- court reporting → court reporting Stattdessen verwenden: reporting reporting
- court reporting → court reporting Stattdessen verwenden: legal proceedings legal proceedings
- coverage
- craft union
- craftman's establishment → craftman's establishment Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- craftman's establishment → craftman's establishment Stattdessen verwenden: handicraft trade handicraft trade
- crafts instruction
- craftsman
- creation of ownership
- creative industries → creative industries Stattdessen verwenden: cultural economy cultural economy
- creative profession
- creativity
- credibility
- credit
- credit institution
- credit market
- credit policy
- credit system
- creditor
- crime → crime Stattdessen verwenden: offense offense
- crime fighting
- crime film
- crime prevention → crime prevention Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- crime prevention → crime prevention Stattdessen verwenden: prevention prevention
- crime rate → crime rate Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- crime rate → crime rate Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- criminal
- criminal behavior → criminal behavior Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- criminal etiology → criminal etiology Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- criminal etiology → criminal etiology Stattdessen verwenden: etiology etiology
- criminal justice policy
- criminal law
- criminal law relating to young offenders → criminal law relating to young offenders Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- criminal law relating to young offenders → criminal law relating to young offenders Stattdessen verwenden: criminal law criminal law
- criminal procedure
- criminal proceedings
- criminal sociology
- criminal technology
- criminality
- criminality in old age → criminality in old age Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- criminality in old age → criminality in old age Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- criminality of children → criminality of children Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- criminality of children → criminality of children Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- criminality statistics → criminality statistics Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- criminality statistics → criminality statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- criminalization
- criminology
- crisis
- crisis behavior
- crisis communication
- crisis hotline
- crisis intervention
- crisis management (econ., pol.)
- crisis management (psych.)
- crisis theory
- criterion
- critic
- Critical Criminology
- critical faculties
- critical psychology
- critical rationalism
- critical theory
- criticism
- criticism of globalization
- Croat
- Croatia
- Cross Media
- cross ownership
- cross-border cooperation
- cross-border radio
- cross-culturality
- cross-sectional study
- crowding out
- crude oil
- crusade
- CSFR → CSFR Stattdessen verwenden: Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia
- CSSR → CSSR Stattdessen verwenden: Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia
- Cuba
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- cult → cult Stattdessen verwenden: ritual ritual
- cult of personality
- cult of the body
- cultivation theory
- cultural agreement
- cultural alienation → cultural alienation Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- cultural alienation → cultural alienation Stattdessen verwenden: alienation alienation
- cultural analysis → cultural analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- cultural analysis → cultural analysis Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- cultural anthropology
- cultural assignment → cultural assignment Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- cultural assignment → cultural assignment Stattdessen verwenden: public broadcasting mandate public broadcasting mandate
- cultural behavior
- cultural capital
- cultural career
- cultural change
- cultural comparison → cultural comparison Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural comparison intercultural comparison
- cultural conflict
- cultural consumption → cultural consumption Stattdessen verwenden: cultural behavior cultural behavior
- cultural contact → cultural contact Stattdessen verwenden: cultural relations cultural relations
- cultural criticism
- cultural development
- cultural difference
- cultural diversity
- cultural economy
- cultural event
- cultural exchange → cultural exchange Stattdessen verwenden: cultural relations cultural relations
- cultural factors
- cultural geography
- cultural heritage
- cultural history
- cultural identity
- cultural imperialism
- cultural institution
- cultural integration
- cultural lag
- cultural landscape
- cultural magazine
- cultural management → cultural management Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- cultural management → cultural management Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- cultural memory → cultural memory Stattdessen verwenden: collective memory collective memory
- cultural pessimism
- cultural policy
- cultural program
- cultural psychology
- cultural relations
- cultural relativism
- cultural revolution
- cultural sociology
- cultural sovereignty
- cultural sponsoring → cultural sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: sponsoring sponsoring
- cultural studies
- cultural studies approach
- cultural system
- cultural technique
- cultural theory → cultural theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- cultural theory → cultural theory Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- cultural turn
- cultural turn → cultural turn Stattdessen verwenden: cultural turn cultural turn
- cultural TV channel
- culture
- culture area → culture area Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- culture industry
- culture of remembrance
- culture shock
- cure
- cure (taking treatment at health resort)
- currency
- currency market → currency market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- currency market → currency market Stattdessen verwenden: foreign exchange foreign exchange
- currency policy
- currency reform → currency reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- currency reform → currency reform Stattdessen verwenden: currency currency
- currency reserve
- current account
- current affairs
- current assets
- curriculum
- curriculum contents
- curriculum development
- curriculum element
- curriculum evaluation → curriculum evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: evaluation evaluation
- curriculum evaluation → curriculum evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- curriculum planning → curriculum planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- curriculum planning → curriculum planning Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- curriculum research
- curriculum revision
- curriculum subject
- curriculum theory
- custodial parent
- custody → custody Stattdessen verwenden: child custody child custody
- custom work → custom work Stattdessen verwenden: manufacturing procedure manufacturing procedure
- customer
- Customer Care Management → Customer Care Management Stattdessen verwenden: customer orientation customer orientation
- Customer Care Management → Customer Care Management Stattdessen verwenden: management approach management approach
- customer magazine
- customer orientation
- customer ties
- customs
- customs union
- cut in benefits
- cybernetical pedagogics → cybernetical pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogics pedagogics
- cybernetical pedagogics → cybernetical pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: cybernetics cybernetics
- cybernetics
- cyberspace → cyberspace Stattdessen verwenden: virtual reality virtual reality
- Cyprus
- Czech
- Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia
- Czechoslovakian
- Dada
- Dahomey → Dahomey Stattdessen verwenden: Benin Benin
- Dahrendorf, Ralf
- daily paper
- daily soap
- daily talk
- dairy farming
- damage to one's health
- damages
- dance
- Dane
- Darwin, Charles
- Darwinism
- data
- data access
- data acquisition
- data analysis → data analysis Stattdessen verwenden: data data
- data analysis → data analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- data analysis → data analysis Stattdessen verwenden: statistical analysis statistical analysis
- data analysis → data analysis Stattdessen verwenden: text analysis text analysis
- data archive → data archive Stattdessen verwenden: data bank data bank
- data bank
- data capture
- data collection → data collection Stattdessen verwenden: data bank data bank
- data collection → data collection Stattdessen verwenden: data capture data capture
- data collection method
- data collection technique → data collection technique Stattdessen verwenden: data collection method data collection method
- data documentation
- data evaluation → data evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: data data
- data evaluation → data evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- data evaluation → data evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: statistical analysis statistical analysis
- data evaluation → data evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: text analysis text analysis
- data exchange
- data interconnection
- data network
- data organization
- data preparation
- data processing
- data processing industry
- data processing job
- data processing program
- data processing technology
- data protection
- data quality
- data security
- data storage
- data transfer → data transfer Stattdessen verwenden: data exchange data exchange
- daughter
- day care
- day care (for children)
- day care facility → day care facility Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- day care facility → day care facility Stattdessen verwenden: day care (for children) day care (for children)
- day laborer
- day nursery
- day-care mother
- de-escalation → de-escalation Stattdessen verwenden: escalation escalation
- de-industrialization
- deacon
- deadweight effect
- deaf-blindness → deaf-blindness Stattdessen verwenden: multiple disabilities multiple disabilities
- deafness
- death
- death benefit
- death penalty
- death rate → death rate Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- death rate → death rate Stattdessen verwenden: mortality mortality
- debate on general strike → debate on general strike Stattdessen verwenden: general strike general strike
- debt crisis → debt crisis Stattdessen verwenden: national debt national debt
- debt crisis → debt crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crisis crisis
- debt management → debt management Stattdessen verwenden: budgetary policy budgetary policy
- debt management → debt management Stattdessen verwenden: national debt national debt
- debt policy
- debt relief
- debt service → debt service Stattdessen verwenden: indebtedness indebtedness
- debts → debts Stattdessen verwenden: indebtedness indebtedness
- debureaucratization
- decentralization
- decentralization of power → decentralization of power Stattdessen verwenden: decentralization decentralization
- decentralization of power → decentralization of power Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- decision
- decision aid
- decision maker
- decision making
- decision making behavior → decision making behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- decision making behavior → decision making behavior Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- decision making criterion
- decision making leeway
- decision making process
- decision model → decision model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- decision model → decision model Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- decision preparation → decision preparation Stattdessen verwenden: decision making decision making
- decision structure → decision structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- decision structure → decision structure Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- decision technique → decision technique Stattdessen verwenden: decision making decision making
- decision theory
- decision to migrate → decision to migrate Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- decision to migrate → decision to migrate Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- decision-making process
- decisionism
- declaration of independence
- declaration of war
- decline of power
- declining birth rate
- decolonization
- deconstructivism
- decree → decree Stattdessen verwenden: statutary order statutary order
- decriminalization → decriminalization Stattdessen verwenden: criminalization criminalization
- deductible
- deduction
- defense
- defense attorney
- defense commissioner
- defense in a criminal case
- defense industry
- defense mechanism
- defense modernization
- defense policy
- deficit
- definition
- deflation
- deflation policy
- deformity
- degree of education → degree of education Stattdessen verwenden: level of education level of education
- degree of organization
- degree social economics
- deindustrialization
- delegate → delegate Stattdessen verwenden: representative representative
- delegation of tasks
- Deleuze, Gilles
- deliberation
- deliberative democracy
- delict
- delimitation
- delinquency
- delusion
- demagogy
- demand
- demand
- demand analysis
- demand development
- demand elasticity
- demand for education
- demand for education
- demand for further education → demand for further education Stattdessen verwenden: demand for education demand for education
- demand for further education → demand for further education Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- demand for housing space → demand for housing space Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for housing space → demand for housing space Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- demand for information → demand for information Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for information → demand for information Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- demand for means of transport → demand for means of transport Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for means of transport → demand for means of transport Stattdessen verwenden: means of transport means of transport
- demand for nursing → demand for nursing Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for nursing → demand for nursing Stattdessen verwenden: caregiving caregiving
- demand for qualification → demand for qualification Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for qualification → demand for qualification Stattdessen verwenden: qualification qualification
- demand for recreation → demand for recreation Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand for recreation → demand for recreation Stattdessen verwenden: recreation recreation
- demand for university graduates → demand for university graduates Stattdessen verwenden: academic academic
- demand for university graduates → demand for university graduates Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand forecast
- demand management
- demand pattern
- demand planning
- demand policy → demand policy Stattdessen verwenden: demand-oriented economic policy demand-oriented economic policy
- demand simulation → demand simulation Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- demand simulation → demand simulation Stattdessen verwenden: simulation simulation
- demand structure
- demand theory
- demand-oriented economic policy
- dementia
- demilitarization
- demobilization
- democracy
- democratic behavior
- democratic centralism
- Democratic Party (USA)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- democratic socialism
- democratization
- demographic aging
- demographic change → demographic change Stattdessen verwenden: population development population development
- demographic factors
- demographic situation
- demographic transition
- demographical data → demographical data Stattdessen verwenden: data data
- demographical data → demographical data Stattdessen verwenden: demography demography
- demographical distribution → demographical distribution Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- demographical distribution → demographical distribution Stattdessen verwenden: regional distribution regional distribution
- demographical structure
- demography
- demonstration
- demoscopy → demoscopy Stattdessen verwenden: survey research survey research
- denationalization
- denazification
- Denmark
- denomination → denomination Stattdessen verwenden: religious affiliation religious affiliation
- denominational school
- density of physicians → density of physicians Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- dental hygiene
- dental treatment → dental treatment Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- dental treatment → dental treatment Stattdessen verwenden: dentist dentist
- dentist
- dentistry
- denunciation
- department of public health
- department store
- departmental principle
- departmentalized thinking
- dependence
- dependency theory
- depersonalization
- deployment
- deployment of data processing → deployment of data processing Stattdessen verwenden: electronic data processing electronic data processing
- deployment of data processing → deployment of data processing Stattdessen verwenden: deployment deployment
- deployment of media → deployment of media Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- deployment of media → deployment of media Stattdessen verwenden: deployment deployment
- deployment overseas
- depoliticalization → depoliticalization Stattdessen verwenden: politicization politicization
- deportation
- deportation
- depression
- deprivation
- deprivation
- deprofessionalization
- depth psychology
- deregulation
- derivative financial instrument → derivative financial instrument Stattdessen verwenden: financial derivatives financial derivatives
- Derrida, Jacques
- Descartes, René
- descriptive statistics
- desegregation → desegregation Stattdessen verwenden: segregation segregation
- desensitization → desensitization Stattdessen verwenden: psychotherapy psychotherapy
- desert
- desertification
- desertion
- design
- desire for children
- desired working hours
- deskilling
- desolidarization
- despotism
- detective novel
- detective series
- detente
- detention camp
- detention prior to deportation → detention prior to deportation Stattdessen verwenden: deportation deportation
- determinants
- determinism
- deterrence
- Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways) → Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways) Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways) → Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways) Stattdessen verwenden: railroad railroad
- Deutsche Post AG (German Post Office) → Deutsche Post AG (German Post Office) Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Deutsche Post AG (German Post Office) → Deutsche Post AG (German Post Office) Stattdessen verwenden: postal service postal service
- Deutsche Postbank (German Post Bank) → Deutsche Postbank (German Post Bank) Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Deutsche Postbank (German Post Bank) → Deutsche Postbank (German Post Bank) Stattdessen verwenden: bank bank
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutscher Bildungsrat
- Deutscher Caritasverband → Deutscher Caritasverband Stattdessen verwenden: Caritas Caritas
- Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband
- Deutscher Zollverein
- Deutschlandfunk
- Deutschlandradio
- Deutschmark → Deutschmark Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Deutschmark → Deutschmark Stattdessen verwenden: currency currency
- devaluation
- developing country
- development
- development aid
- development aid by the church → development aid by the church Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- development aid by the church → development aid by the church Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- development aid policy
- development aid sponsor → development aid sponsor Stattdessen verwenden: sponsorship sponsorship
- development aid sponsor → development aid sponsor Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- development aid volunteer
- development area
- development cooperation → development cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- development model
- development of a settlement → development of a settlement Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- development of a settlement → development of a settlement Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of creativity → development of creativity Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of creativity → development of creativity Stattdessen verwenden: creativity creativity
- development of creativity → development of creativity Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- development of housing construction → development of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of housing construction → development of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: housing construction housing construction
- development of intelligence → development of intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of intelligence → development of intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: intelligence intelligence
- development of methods → development of methods Stattdessen verwenden: methodological research methodological research
- development of science → development of science Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- development of science → development of science Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of science → development of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- development of society → development of society Stattdessen verwenden: society society
- development of society → development of society Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- development of society → development of society Stattdessen verwenden: social change social change
- development of theory → development of theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory formation theory formation
- development of world economy → development of world economy Stattdessen verwenden: world economy world economy
- development of world economy → development of world economy Stattdessen verwenden: economic development (on national level) economic development (on national level)
- development planning
- development policy
- development potential
- development project → development project Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- development project → development project Stattdessen verwenden: project project
- development strategy
- development theory
- development zone
- developmental disorder
- developmental psychology
- developmental sociology
- deviance → deviance Stattdessen verwenden: deviant behavior deviant behavior
- deviant behavior
- devolution → devolution Stattdessen verwenden: decentralization decentralization
- Dewey, John
- diabetes → diabetes Stattdessen verwenden: chronic illness chronic illness
- diagnosis
- diagnostic
- Diakonie → Diakonie Stattdessen verwenden: church social work church social work
- Diakonisches Werk
- dialect
- dialectical materialism
- dialectics
- dialog system → dialog system Stattdessen verwenden: communication technology communication technology
- dialogue
- dialysis → dialysis Stattdessen verwenden: chronic illness chronic illness
- diaspora
- dictatorship
- dictatorship of the proletariat
- diction → diction Stattdessen verwenden: language usage language usage
- dictionary
- didactic model → didactic model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- didactic model → didactic model Stattdessen verwenden: didactics didactics
- didactics
- Die Freiheitlichen → Die Freiheitlichen Stattdessen verwenden: FPÖ FPÖ
- difference
- difference in income
- differentiated teaching → differentiated teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- differentiated teaching → differentiated teaching Stattdessen verwenden: differentiation differentiation
- differentiation
- differentiaton of occupations
- difficult to educate
- diffusion
- diffusion research
- Digital Audio Broadcasting → Digital Audio Broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- Digital Audio Broadcasting → Digital Audio Broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: digitalization digitalization
- digital divide
- digital media
- Digital Versatile Disc → Digital Versatile Disc Stattdessen verwenden: DVD DVD
- digitalization
- Dilthey, Wilhelm
- dime novel → dime novel Stattdessen verwenden: popular fiction popular fiction
- dimensional analysis
- Dimitroff, Georgi
- diocese
- diplomacy
- diplomat
- diplomatic protection
- diplomatic relations → diplomatic relations Stattdessen verwenden: international relations international relations
- diplomatic relations → diplomatic relations Stattdessen verwenden: diplomacy diplomacy
- diplomatic representation
- direct democracy
- direct election
- direct investment
- direct marketing
- direct taxes
- direction of migration
- directive
- director
- director of an institution home
- dirigism
- disability
- disability for service → disability for service Stattdessen verwenden: sick leave sick leave
- disability studies
- disabled employee representation → disabled employee representation Stattdessen verwenden: workers' representation workers' representation
- disabled employee representation → disabled employee representation Stattdessen verwenden: severe disability severe disability
- Disabled Persons Act
- disaggregation
- disarmament
- disarmament policy → disarmament policy Stattdessen verwenden: disarmament disarmament
- disarmament policy → disarmament policy Stattdessen verwenden: defense policy defense policy
- disaster
- disaster control
- discharge from institution home
- disciplinary code → disciplinary code Stattdessen verwenden: civil service law civil service law
- disciplinary measures
- discipline
- disco
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discourse theory
- discriminant analysis
- discrimination
- discrimination learning
- discussion
- disengagement
- disinformation
- disintegration → disintegration Stattdessen verwenden: integration integration
- dismantling
- dismissal
- disorientation
- disparity → disparity Stattdessen verwenden: inequality inequality
- displaced person
- displacement
- disposable income
- dispositif
- disposition
- disposition for further education → disposition for further education Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- disposition for further education → disposition for further education Stattdessen verwenden: educational motivation educational motivation
- disposition to conflict
- disposition to invest → disposition to invest Stattdessen verwenden: disposition disposition
- disposition to invest → disposition to invest Stattdessen verwenden: investment investment
- disposition to reform
- dissatisfaction with politics
- dissertation → dissertation Stattdessen verwenden: earning a doctorate earning a doctorate
- dissident
- dissocialization
- dissolution of parliament
- distance learning
- distinction
- distribution
- distribution conflict
- distribution impact
- distribution of power → distribution of power Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- distribution of power → distribution of power Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- distribution of profits
- distribution of wealth
- distribution of work → distribution of work Stattdessen verwenden: labor labor
- distribution of work → distribution of work Stattdessen verwenden: distribution distribution
- distribution of work → distribution of work Stattdessen verwenden: redistribution redistribution
- distribution strategy
- distribution structure
- distribution system
- distribution theory
- distributive justice
- district
- district
- District Administrator
- district attorney
- District Attorney's Office
- district court
- district heating
- disturbance of domestic peace
- divergence
- divergence theorem
- divergent thinking → divergent thinking Stattdessen verwenden: creativity creativity
- diversification
- diversity
- diversity of media → diversity of media Stattdessen verwenden: journalistic diversity journalistic diversity
- diversity of opinion
- diversity of species → diversity of species Stattdessen verwenden: biodiversity biodiversity
- dividend payout policy → dividend payout policy Stattdessen verwenden: distribution of profits distribution of profits
- dividend payout policy → dividend payout policy Stattdessen verwenden: business policy business policy
- divine service
- division of labor
- divorce
- divorce law → divorce law Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- divorce law → divorce law Stattdessen verwenden: divorce divorce
- divorced person
- Djibouti
- DNA analysis → DNA analysis Stattdessen verwenden: genetic test genetic test
- do-it-yourself → do-it-yourself Stattdessen verwenden: self-initiated work self-initiated work
- do-it-yourselfer
- doctor's assistant → doctor's assistant Stattdessen verwenden: medical technical assistant medical technical assistant
- doctrine
- document
- document analysis
- documentalist
- documentary film
- documentation
- documentation center → documentation center Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- documentation center → documentation center Stattdessen verwenden: documentation system documentation system
- documentation science → documentation science Stattdessen verwenden: information science information science
- documentation system
- documentation system
- dogma
- dogmatics
- dogmatism
- doing gender
- dollar → dollar Stattdessen verwenden: currency currency
- dollar → dollar Stattdessen verwenden: United States of America United States of America
- domain
- domestic
- domestic accident → domestic accident Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- domestic accident → domestic accident Stattdessen verwenden: accident accident
- domestic assistance
- domestic market
- domestic partnership
- domestic policy
- domestic policy reforms → domestic policy reforms Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- domestic policy reforms → domestic policy reforms Stattdessen verwenden: domestic policy domestic policy
- domestic science school
- domestic security
- domestic violence
- domestic worker (to keep household going)
- domicile → domicile Stattdessen verwenden: place of residence place of residence
- dominance
- domination
- Dominica → Dominica Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Dominican Republic
- donation
- doping
- double earner → double earner Stattdessen verwenden: dual career couple dual career couple
- double qualification
- double-track decision (NATO)
- Down Syndrome
- downtown → downtown Stattdessen verwenden: city center city center
- downward occupational mobility
- draftee → draftee Stattdessen verwenden: conscript conscript
- draftsman
- drama
- dramaturgy
- dream
- drinking habits → drinking habits Stattdessen verwenden: alcohol consumption habits alcohol consumption habits
- drinking water → drinking water Stattdessen verwenden: water water
- drive
- driver
- driver training
- driver's license
- driving behavior → driving behavior Stattdessen verwenden: traffic behavior traffic behavior
- driving fitness
- drop → drop Stattdessen verwenden: downward occupational mobility downward occupational mobility
- drop → drop Stattdessen verwenden: social decline social decline
- drop-out
- drop-out
- dropping out of school
- dropping out of vocational training
- drought
- drug
- drug abuse
- drug addiction → drug addiction Stattdessen verwenden: drug dependence drug dependence
- drug counseling
- drug counseling center → drug counseling center Stattdessen verwenden: drug counseling drug counseling
- drug counseling center → drug counseling center Stattdessen verwenden: counseling center counseling center
- drug criminality → drug criminality Stattdessen verwenden: drug-related crime drug-related crime
- drug dependence
- drug policy
- drug problem → drug problem Stattdessen verwenden: drug drug
- drug problem → drug problem Stattdessen verwenden: social problem social problem
- drug scene
- drug use
- drug-related crime
- dual career couple
- dual citizenship
- dual economy
- dual education system → dual education system Stattdessen verwenden: dual system dual system
- dual role
- dual system
- durable goods → durable goods Stattdessen verwenden: product life cycle product life cycle
- duration
- duration of employment → duration of employment Stattdessen verwenden: duration duration
- duration of employment → duration of employment Stattdessen verwenden: employment employment
- duration of lessons → duration of lessons Stattdessen verwenden: duration duration
- duration of lessons → duration of lessons Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- duration of stay
- duration of studies
- duration of unemployment → duration of unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment unemployment
- duration of unemployment → duration of unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: duration duration
- Durkheim, Émile
- Dutchman
- duty
- duty of disclosure
- dyad
- dying
- dynamism
- dysfunctionality → dysfunctionality Stattdessen verwenden: functionality functionality
- dyslexia
- dysmelia → dysmelia Stattdessen verwenden: deformity deformity
- e-business → e-business Stattdessen verwenden: electronic business electronic business
- e-commerce → e-commerce Stattdessen verwenden: electronic business electronic business
- e-democracy → e-democracy Stattdessen verwenden: electronic democracy electronic democracy
- e-government → e-government Stattdessen verwenden: electronic government electronic government
- e-learning → e-learning Stattdessen verwenden: electronic learning electronic learning
- early capitalism
- early childhood education and care
- early diagnosis
- early evening program
- early invalidity → early invalidity Stattdessen verwenden: invalidity invalidity
- early invalidity → early invalidity Stattdessen verwenden: early retiree early retiree
- early marriage
- early modern times
- early remedial education
- early retiree
- early retirement
- early retirement age
- early school enrollment → early school enrollment Stattdessen verwenden: age age
- early school enrollment → early school enrollment Stattdessen verwenden: school enrollment school enrollment
- early socialism
- early warning system
- earned income → earned income Stattdessen verwenden: income income
- earned income → earned income Stattdessen verwenden: gainful employment gainful employment
- earning a doctorate
- earning capacity → earning capacity Stattdessen verwenden: occupational invalidity occupational invalidity
- earth → earth Stattdessen verwenden: world world
- earth's atmosphere
- earthquake → earthquake Stattdessen verwenden: natural disaster natural disaster
- East Africa
- East Central Europe
- East European transformation process → East European transformation process Stattdessen verwenden: Eastern Europe Eastern Europe
- East European transformation process → East European transformation process Stattdessen verwenden: transformation transformation
- East German immigrants to FRG
- East Pakistan → East Pakistan Stattdessen verwenden: Bangladesh Bangladesh
- East Prussia
- East-Timor
- east-west comparison
- East-West conflict
- east-west migration
- East-West relations
- east-west trade → east-west trade Stattdessen verwenden: foreign trade foreign trade
- east-west trade → east-west trade Stattdessen verwenden: East-West relations East-West relations
- Easter March Movement → Easter March Movement Stattdessen verwenden: peace movement peace movement
- Eastern Bloc → Eastern Bloc Stattdessen verwenden: Warsaw Pact Warsaw Pact
- Eastern Europe
- Eastern territories
- eastwards expansion
- eating → eating Stattdessen verwenden: eating behavior eating behavior
- eating behavior
- eating disorder
- eating habits → eating habits Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- eating habits → eating habits Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition nutrition
- EBU → EBU Stattdessen verwenden: European Broadcasting Union European Broadcasting Union
- EC
- EC law → EC law Stattdessen verwenden: European Law European Law
- EC Television Directive → EC Television Directive Stattdessen verwenden: EC EC
- EC Television Directive → EC Television Directive Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- EC Television Directive → EC Television Directive Stattdessen verwenden: directive directive
- ECB → ECB Stattdessen verwenden: European Central Bank European Central Bank
- ECHR → ECHR Stattdessen verwenden: Council of Europe Council of Europe
- ECHR → ECHR Stattdessen verwenden: human rights convention human rights convention
- eco-auditing
- eco-label → eco-label Stattdessen verwenden: certification certification
- eco-sponsoring → eco-sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: sponsoring sponsoring
- eco-sponsoring → eco-sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- ecological action → ecological action Stattdessen verwenden: environmental behavior environmental behavior
- ecological behavior → ecological behavior Stattdessen verwenden: environmental behavior environmental behavior
- ecological compatibility → ecological compatibility Stattdessen verwenden: environmental compatibility environmental compatibility
- ecological consequences
- ecological crisis → ecological crisis Stattdessen verwenden: environment crisis environment crisis
- ecological factors → ecological factors Stattdessen verwenden: environmental factors environmental factors
- ecological movement → ecological movement Stattdessen verwenden: alternative movement alternative movement
- ecological movement → ecological movement Stattdessen verwenden: Green Party Green Party
- ecological movement → ecological movement Stattdessen verwenden: environmental protection organization environmental protection organization
- ecological party → ecological party Stattdessen verwenden: Green Party Green Party
- ecological system
- ecology
- econometrics
- economic action
- economic agreement
- economic aid
- Economic and Social Committee
- economic approach → economic approach Stattdessen verwenden: economic theory economic theory
- economic approach → economic approach Stattdessen verwenden: economic model economic model
- economic area
- economic behavior
- economic boycott → economic boycott Stattdessen verwenden: boycott boycott
- economic boycott → economic boycott Stattdessen verwenden: economy economy
- economic change
- economic commodity → economic commodity Stattdessen verwenden: economic goods economic goods
- Economic Community of West African States → Economic Community of West African States Stattdessen verwenden: ECOWAS ECOWAS
- economic concentration → economic concentration Stattdessen verwenden: concentration of enterprises concentration of enterprises
- economic constitution → economic constitution Stattdessen verwenden: economic system economic system
- economic control
- economic cooperation
- economic council
- economic crisis
- economic cycle
- economic dependence
- economic development (on national level)
- economic development (single enterprise)
- economic education
- economic efficiency
- economic elite
- economic espionage
- economic factors
- economic geography
- economic goods
- economic growth
- economic guidelines
- economic history
- economic holism
- economic impact
- economic integration
- economic interdependence
- economic law
- economic liberalism
- economic method
- economic model
- economic planning
- economic policy
- economic policy by sectors
- economic power
- economic reform
- economic relations
- economic research
- economic sanction
- economic sector
- economic self-sufficiency
- economic situation
- economic sociology
- economic statistics
- economic steering → economic steering Stattdessen verwenden: economic control economic control
- economic structure
- economic success
- economic system
- economic system
- economic theory
- economic trend
- economic union
- economic value
- economically non-active population
- economics
- economics
- economics journalism → economics journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- economics journalism → economics journalism Stattdessen verwenden: economy economy
- economics of education
- economist
- economization
- economy
- economy
- economy in health services → economy in health services Stattdessen verwenden: economy economy
- economy in health services → economy in health services Stattdessen verwenden: health care delivery system health care delivery system
- ecopolitical regime → ecopolitical regime Stattdessen verwenden: international regime international regime
- ecopolitical regime → ecopolitical regime Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- ecopolitics → ecopolitics Stattdessen verwenden: environmental policy environmental policy
- ecosocialism
- ECS → ECS Stattdessen verwenden: European currency system European currency system
- Ecuador
- ecumenical movement
- ecumenism → ecumenism Stattdessen verwenden: ecumenical movement ecumenical movement
- edition
- editor
- editor
- editor-in-chief
- editorial
- editorial bylaws
- editorial department
- editorial department of newspaper → editorial department of newspaper Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- editorial department of newspaper → editorial department of newspaper Stattdessen verwenden: editorial department editorial department
- educated bourgeoisie → educated bourgeoisie Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeoisie bourgeoisie
- education
- education
- education administration
- education behavior
- education center
- education conflict → education conflict Stattdessen verwenden: educational difficulties educational difficulties
- education counseling
- education curriculum
- education deficit
- education expenditures → education expenditures Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- education expenditures → education expenditures Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- education expenditures → education expenditures Stattdessen verwenden: expenditures expenditures
- education expenditures → education expenditures Stattdessen verwenden: public expenditures public expenditures
- education expenditures → education expenditures Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- education for foreign students
- education for the elderly
- education master plan
- education measure
- education plan → education plan Stattdessen verwenden: educational program educational program
- education standard
- education standards
- education statistics
- education system
- education within the family → education within the family Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- education within the family → education within the family Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- educational achievement test → educational achievement test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- educational achievement test → educational achievement test Stattdessen verwenden: academic achievement academic achievement
- educational activities
- educational activities of the church → educational activities of the church Stattdessen verwenden: educational activities educational activities
- educational activities of the church → educational activities of the church Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- educational aid → educational aid Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- educational aid → educational aid Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- educational attitude → educational attitude Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- educational attitude → educational attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- educational biography → educational biography Stattdessen verwenden: course of education course of education
- educational broadcasting
- educational center → educational center Stattdessen verwenden: educational institution educational institution
- educational conception → educational conception Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- educational conception → educational conception Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- educational content
- educational counseling
- educational counselor → educational counselor Stattdessen verwenden: counselor counselor
- educational counselor → educational counselor Stattdessen verwenden: educational guidance educational guidance
- educational diagnostics
- educational difficulties
- educational event
- educational film → educational film Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- educational film → educational film Stattdessen verwenden: instructional media instructional media
- educational growth → educational growth Stattdessen verwenden: expansion of educational system expansion of educational system
- educational guidance
- educational ideal
- educational inequality
- educational institution
- educational institution for the young → educational institution for the young Stattdessen verwenden: educational institution educational institution
- educational institution for the young → educational institution for the young Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- educational leave
- educational migration
- educational mobility
- educational motivation
- educational offerings
- educational opportunity
- educational planning
- educational policy
- educational poverty → educational poverty Stattdessen verwenden: level of education attained level of education attained
- educational poverty → educational poverty Stattdessen verwenden: social inequality social inequality
- educational poverty → educational poverty Stattdessen verwenden: level of education level of education
- educational practice → educational practice Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- educational process
- educational program
- educational psychology
- educational reform
- educational research
- educational setting
- educational social worker
- educational success
- educational system
- educational technology
- educational television
- educational theory
- educational theory
- educational theory
- educational training
- educational voucher
- educator
- educator attitude → educator attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- educator attitude → educator attitude Stattdessen verwenden: educator educator
- edutainment
- effect
- effect of competition → effect of competition Stattdessen verwenden: effect effect
- effect of competition → effect of competition Stattdessen verwenden: competition competition
- effect of employment → effect of employment Stattdessen verwenden: effect on employment effect on employment
- effect on employment
- effectiveness
- effectiveness control → effectiveness control Stattdessen verwenden: results measurement results measurement
- effectiveness of teaching
- effectivity → effectivity Stattdessen verwenden: effectiveness effectiveness
- effects of technology
- efficiency
- efficiency
- efficiency analysis
- efficiency control → efficiency control Stattdessen verwenden: results measurement results measurement
- egalitarianism
- EGB → EGB Stattdessen verwenden: European Trade Union Confederation European Trade Union Confederation
- egoism
- Egypt
- EIB → EIB Stattdessen verwenden: European Investment Bank European Investment Bank
- eight hour day
- eighteenth century
- Einheitsschule
- Einstein, Albert
- Eisenstadt, S. N.
- El Salvador
- elaborated code → elaborated code Stattdessen verwenden: social stratum social stratum
- elaborated code → elaborated code Stattdessen verwenden: language usage language usage
- elderly
- elderly worker
- election
- election advertising
- election analysis → election analysis Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- election analysis → election analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- election by proportional representation
- election campaign
- election manifesto → election manifesto Stattdessen verwenden: political program political program
- election manifesto → election manifesto Stattdessen verwenden: election campaign election campaign
- election procedure → election procedure Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- election procedure → election procedure Stattdessen verwenden: procedure procedure
- election reporting → election reporting Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- election reporting → election reporting Stattdessen verwenden: reporting reporting
- election research
- election result
- election statistics → election statistics Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- election statistics → election statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- election study → election study Stattdessen verwenden: election research election research
- election to the Bundestag
- election to the European Parliament
- election to the Landtag
- election to the National Council → election to the National Council Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- election to the National Council → election to the National Council Stattdessen verwenden: National Council National Council
- elective subject
- electoral alliance
- electoral district
- electoral law
- electoral sociology
- electoral system
- electric power consumption → electric power consumption Stattdessen verwenden: electricity electricity
- electric power consumption → electric power consumption Stattdessen verwenden: energy consumption energy consumption
- electric power industry
- electric vehicle
- electrical engineer
- electrical engineering
- electrical industry
- electricity
- electricity consumption → electricity consumption Stattdessen verwenden: electricity electricity
- electricity consumption → electricity consumption Stattdessen verwenden: energy consumption energy consumption
- electricity supply → electricity supply Stattdessen verwenden: electricity electricity
- electricity supply → electricity supply Stattdessen verwenden: energy supply energy supply
- electronic banking
- electronic business
- electronic cash
- electronic commerce
- electronic data processing
- electronic democracy
- electronic government
- electronic learning
- electronic mail → electronic mail Stattdessen verwenden: e-mail e-mail
- electronic market
- electronic media
- electronic publishing
- electronics
- electronics industry
- electrotechnical industry → electrotechnical industry Stattdessen verwenden: electrical industry electrical industry
- elementary education → elementary education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- elementary education → elementary education Stattdessen verwenden: elementary education sector elementary education sector
- elementary education facility
- elementary education sector
- elementary school
- elementary school pupil → elementary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- elementary school pupil → elementary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: elementary school elementary school
- elementary school teacher → elementary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- elementary school teacher → elementary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: elementary school elementary school
- eleventh century
- Elias, Norbert
- eligibility to vote
- elite
- elite formation
- elite recruitment → elite recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: recruitment recruitment
- elite recruitment → elite recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: elite elite
- elite research
- emancipation
- emancipation movement → emancipation movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- emancipation movement → emancipation movement Stattdessen verwenden: emancipation emancipation
- emancipation of women → emancipation of women Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- emancipation of women → emancipation of women Stattdessen verwenden: emancipation emancipation
- emancipatory education
- embargo
- embryo
- emergence
- emergency decree
- emergency law
- emergency shelter
- EMI → EMI Stattdessen verwenden: European Monetary Institute European Monetary Institute
- emigrant publications → emigrant publications Stattdessen verwenden: exile publications exile publications
- emigration
- emigration (polit. or relig. reasons)
- emigration law → emigration law Stattdessen verwenden: emigration emigration
- emigration law → emigration law Stattdessen verwenden: legal basis legal basis
- emission
- emission of odors → emission of odors Stattdessen verwenden: air air
- emission of odors → emission of odors Stattdessen verwenden: environmental pollution environmental pollution
- emissions trading
- emotion
- emotional development → emotional development Stattdessen verwenden: emotionality emotionality
- emotional development → emotional development Stattdessen verwenden: psychological development psychological development
- emotional factors → emotional factors Stattdessen verwenden: emotionality emotionality
- emotional factors → emotional factors Stattdessen verwenden: psychological factors psychological factors
- emotional intelligence → emotional intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: emotionality emotionality
- emotional intelligence → emotional intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: intelligence intelligence
- emotional work
- emotionality
- empathy
- empirical method → empirical method Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- empirical method → empirical method Stattdessen verwenden: empirical research empirical research
- empirical research
- empirical social research
- empiricism
- empirics
- employability
- employee
- employee benefit costs
- employee organization
- employee owned company
- employee's contribution → employee's contribution Stattdessen verwenden: social security contributions social security contributions
- employee's salary → employee's salary Stattdessen verwenden: salaried employee salaried employee
- employee's salary → employee's salary Stattdessen verwenden: remuneration remuneration
- employee's salary → employee's salary Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- employer
- employer's contribution → employer's contribution Stattdessen verwenden: social security contributions social security contributions
- employers' association
- employers' liability accident insurance
- employment
- employment agency
- employment agreement
- employment behavior
- employment below qualification
- employment conditions
- employment contract
- employment figure
- employment growth → employment growth Stattdessen verwenden: employment trend employment trend
- employment history
- employment initiative → employment initiative Stattdessen verwenden: job creation measure job creation measure
- employment initiative → employment initiative Stattdessen verwenden: employment policy employment policy
- employment law
- employment of aliens
- employment office
- employment opportunity
- employment policy
- employment promotion
- employment promotion
- Employment Promotion Act
- Employment Promotion Act
- employment protection → employment protection Stattdessen verwenden: job security job security
- employment relationship
- employment research
- employment service
- employment situation
- employment structure → employment structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- employment structure → employment structure Stattdessen verwenden: employment employment
- employment system
- employment theory
- employment trend
- empowerment
- empty buildings
- empty residential buildings → empty residential buildings Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- empty residential buildings → empty residential buildings Stattdessen verwenden: empty buildings empty buildings
- EMU → EMU Stattdessen verwenden: EEMU EEMU
- enabling state
- enculturation
- end of the war
- endangerment
- endurance
- energy
- energy consumption
- energy crisis → energy crisis Stattdessen verwenden: energy supply energy supply
- energy crisis → energy crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crisis crisis
- energy demand → energy demand Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- energy demand → energy demand Stattdessen verwenden: energy energy
- energy industry
- energy policy
- energy production
- energy saving
- energy shortage → energy shortage Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- energy shortage → energy shortage Stattdessen verwenden: energy energy
- energy source
- energy supply
- energy technology
- eng-Schlagwort zu ergänzen
- Engels, Friedrich
- engineer
- engineering
- engineering science
- engineering science studies → engineering science studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- engineering science studies → engineering science studies Stattdessen verwenden: engineering science engineering science
- England → England Stattdessen verwenden: Great Britain Great Britain
- English language
- English language and literature
- English language lessons
- English literature → English literature Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- English literature → English literature Stattdessen verwenden: English language English language
- English-speaking Africa
- Englishman → Englishman Stattdessen verwenden: Briton Briton
- ensuring livelihood → ensuring livelihood Stattdessen verwenden: basic income basic income
- ensuring livelihood → ensuring livelihood Stattdessen verwenden: livelihood livelihood
- enterprise
- enterprise theory → enterprise theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- enterprise theory → enterprise theory Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- entertainment
- entertainment broadcast → entertainment broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- entertainment broadcast → entertainment broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast broadcast
- entertainment broadcast → entertainment broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: entertainment entertainment
- entertainment industry
- entertainment program → entertainment program Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- entertainment program → entertainment program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- entertainment program → entertainment program Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- entertainment program → entertainment program Stattdessen verwenden: entertainment entertainment
- entrance examination
- entrance requirements
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial behavior → entrepreneurial behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- entrepreneurial behavior → entrepreneurial behavior Stattdessen verwenden: entrepreneur entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial decision → entrepreneurial decision Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- entrepreneurial decision → entrepreneurial decision Stattdessen verwenden: entrepreneur entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial risk → entrepreneurial risk Stattdessen verwenden: risk risk
- entrepreneurial risk → entrepreneurial risk Stattdessen verwenden: entrepreneur entrepreneur
- entrepreneurs' association
- entrepreneurs' organization → entrepreneurs' organization Stattdessen verwenden: entrepreneurs' association entrepreneurs' association
- entrepreneurship
- entropy
- entry into the market → entry into the market Stattdessen verwenden: opening up of markets opening up of markets
- entry level
- environment
- environment crisis
- environment tax
- environment-oriented company management → environment-oriented company management Stattdessen verwenden: environmental management environmental management
- environmental action → environmental action Stattdessen verwenden: environmental behavior environmental behavior
- environmental behavior
- environmental compatibility
- environmental conditions → environmental conditions Stattdessen verwenden: environmental factors environmental factors
- environmental consciousness
- environmental consultation
- environmental crime
- environmental damage
- environmental degradation → environmental degradation Stattdessen verwenden: environmental damage environmental damage
- environmental design → environmental design Stattdessen verwenden: layout layout
- environmental design → environmental design Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- environmental directive
- environmental economy
- environmental education
- environmental engineering
- environmental ethics
- environmental experience → environmental experience Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- environmental experience → environmental experience Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- environmental factors
- environmental impact
- environmental journalism → environmental journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- environmental journalism → environmental journalism Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- environmental law
- environmental management
- environmental medicine
- environmental officer
- environmental planning → environmental planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- environmental planning → environmental planning Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- environmental policy
- Environmental Policy Act → Environmental Policy Act Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- Environmental Policy Act → Environmental Policy Act Stattdessen verwenden: environmental protection environmental protection
- environmental pollution
- environmental problem → environmental problem Stattdessen verwenden: environmental impact environmental impact
- environmental protection
- environmental protection agreement → environmental protection agreement Stattdessen verwenden: international agreement international agreement
- environmental protection agreement → environmental protection agreement Stattdessen verwenden: environmental protection environmental protection
- environmental protection industry
- environmental protection management → environmental protection management Stattdessen verwenden: environmental management environmental management
- environmental protection organization
- environmental psychology
- environmental quality → environmental quality Stattdessen verwenden: quality quality
- environmental quality → environmental quality Stattdessen verwenden: environment environment
- environmental rehabilitation → environmental rehabilitation Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- environmental rehabilitation → environmental rehabilitation Stattdessen verwenden: environmental damage environmental damage
- environmental reporting
- environmental research
- environmental safety
- environmental sociology
- environmental standards
- environmentalist party → environmentalist party Stattdessen verwenden: Green Party Green Party
- environmentally-compatible development → environmentally-compatible development Stattdessen verwenden: sustainable development sustainable development
- environmentally-friendly product → environmentally-friendly product Stattdessen verwenden: organic product organic product
- envoy → envoy Stattdessen verwenden: diplomat diplomat
- envy
- epidemic
- epidemiology
- epilepsy
- epistemology
- equal opportunity
- equal opportunity policy
- equal rights law
- equal treatment
- equality
- equality of rights
- equalization of burdens
- Equatorial Guinea
- equilibrium
- equilibrium model
- equilibrium theory
- equity
- equity financing
- equity participation
- equivalence
- ergonomics
- ergonomics
- Erhard, Ludwig
- Eritrea
- erosion
- eroticism
- error
- Ersatzkasse → Ersatzkasse Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance fund health insurance fund
- Ersatzzeit → Ersatzzeit Stattdessen verwenden: pension pension
- Ersatzzeit → Ersatzzeit Stattdessen verwenden: assessment basis assessment basis
- Ertel, Suitbert
- escalation
- escapism
- eschatology
- esotericism
- espionage
- essay
- Esser, Hartmut
- establishment of new business enterprise → establishment of new business enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: setting up a business setting up a business
- establishment of new business enterprise → establishment of new business enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: setting up a business setting up a business
- estate system
- estimation
- estimation procedure → estimation procedure Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- estimation procedure → estimation procedure Stattdessen verwenden: estimation estimation
- estimation technique → estimation technique Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- estimation technique → estimation technique Stattdessen verwenden: estimation estimation
- Estonia
- Estonian
- etatism
- ethics
- ethics instruction
- ethics of conviction
- ethics of responsibility
- Ethiopia
- ethnic cleansing → ethnic cleansing Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- ethnic cleansing → ethnic cleansing Stattdessen verwenden: displacement displacement
- ethnic club → ethnic club Stattdessen verwenden: club club
- ethnic club → ethnic club Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- ethnic conflict
- ethnic differentiation → ethnic differentiation Stattdessen verwenden: ethnicity ethnicity
- ethnic group
- ethnic identity → ethnic identity Stattdessen verwenden: cultural identity cultural identity
- ethnic identity → ethnic identity Stattdessen verwenden: ethnicity ethnicity
- ethnic inequality → ethnic inequality Stattdessen verwenden: social inequality social inequality
- ethnic inequality → ethnic inequality Stattdessen verwenden: ethnicity ethnicity
- ethnic majority → ethnic majority Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic structure ethnic structure
- ethnic minority → ethnic minority Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- ethnic minority → ethnic minority Stattdessen verwenden: minority minority
- ethnic mobilization → ethnic mobilization Stattdessen verwenden: mobilization mobilization
- ethnic mobilization → ethnic mobilization Stattdessen verwenden: ethnicity ethnicity
- ethnic origin
- ethnic pluralism → ethnic pluralism Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- ethnic pluralism → ethnic pluralism Stattdessen verwenden: pluralism pluralism
- ethnic relations
- ethnic structure
- ethnicity
- ethnicization → ethnicization Stattdessen verwenden: ethnicity ethnicity
- ethno-cultural psychology
- ethnocentrism
- ethnography
- ethnology
- ethnomedicine
- ethnomethodology
- ethnophilosophy
- ethnopsychology
- ethnosociology → ethnosociology Stattdessen verwenden: ethnology ethnology
- ethology → ethology Stattdessen verwenden: behavioral research behavioral research
- etiology
- etiology
- etymology
- Etzioni, Amitai
- EU
- EU authority
- EU citizen
- EU Council of Ministers → EU Council of Ministers Stattdessen verwenden: European Council of Ministers European Council of Ministers
- EU expansion
- EU foreign policy → EU foreign policy Stattdessen verwenden: foreign policy foreign policy
- EU foreign policy → EU foreign policy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- EU law → EU law Stattdessen verwenden: European Law European Law
- EU member state
- EU policy
- EU promotion → EU promotion Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- EU promotion → EU promotion Stattdessen verwenden: public support public support
- EU summit → EU summit Stattdessen verwenden: European Council European Council
- EU Treaty
- EU-presidency
- Eucken, Walter
- eugenics → eugenics Stattdessen verwenden: genetics genetics
- EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community)
- Euregio → Euregio Stattdessen verwenden: Euroregion Euroregion
- Euro
- Euro-Mediterranean policy → Euro-Mediterranean policy Stattdessen verwenden: Mediterranean region Mediterranean region
- Euro-Mediterranean policy → Euro-Mediterranean policy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- Eurobarometer
- Eurocentrism
- Eurocommunism
- Europe
- European
- European Broadcasting Union
- European Central Bank
- European Coal and Steel Community
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission on Human Rights → European Commission on Human Rights Stattdessen verwenden: board board
- European Commission on Human Rights → European Commission on Human Rights Stattdessen verwenden: human rights human rights
- European Commission on Human Rights → European Commission on Human Rights Stattdessen verwenden: Council of Europe Council of Europe
- European Community → European Community Stattdessen verwenden: EC EC
- European Community association
- European Community expansion
- European Community Law → European Community Law Stattdessen verwenden: European Law European Law
- European consciousness → European consciousness Stattdessen verwenden: consciousness consciousness
- European consciousness → European consciousness Stattdessen verwenden: Europe Europe
- European Constitution → European Constitution Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- European Constitution → European Constitution Stattdessen verwenden: constitution constitution
- European Convention → European Convention Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- European Convention → European Convention Stattdessen verwenden: constitution-making constitution-making
- European Convention on Human Rights → European Convention on Human Rights Stattdessen verwenden: Council of Europe Council of Europe
- European Convention on Human Rights → European Convention on Human Rights Stattdessen verwenden: human rights convention human rights convention
- European cooperation
- European Council
- European Council of Ministers
- European Court of Justice
- European currency system
- European Economic and Monetary Union → European Economic and Monetary Union Stattdessen verwenden: EEMU EEMU
- European Economic and Social Committee → European Economic and Social Committee Stattdessen verwenden: Economic and Social Committee Economic and Social Committee
- European Economic Area → European Economic Area Stattdessen verwenden: EEA EEA
- European Economic Community → European Economic Community Stattdessen verwenden: EEC EEC
- European Employment Strategy → European Employment Strategy Stattdessen verwenden: employment employment
- European Employment Strategy → European Employment Strategy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- European environmental policy → European environmental policy Stattdessen verwenden: environmental policy environmental policy
- European environmental policy → European environmental policy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- European fiscal policy → European fiscal policy Stattdessen verwenden: fiscal policy fiscal policy
- European fiscal policy → European fiscal policy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- European foreign policy → European foreign policy Stattdessen verwenden: foreign policy foreign policy
- European foreign policy → European foreign policy Stattdessen verwenden: EU policy EU policy
- European Free Trade Association → European Free Trade Association Stattdessen verwenden: EFTA EFTA
- European history → European history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- European history → European history Stattdessen verwenden: Europe Europe
- european identity
- European institution
- European integration
- European Investment Bank
- European Law
- European market
- European Monetary Institute
- European Monetary Union → European Monetary Union Stattdessen verwenden: EEMU EEMU
- European multi-level system → European multi-level system Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- European multi-level system → European multi-level system Stattdessen verwenden: multi-level system multi-level system
- European Neighborhood Policy → European Neighborhood Policy Stattdessen verwenden: neighborhood policy neighborhood policy
- European Parliament
- European Police Office → European Police Office Stattdessen verwenden: Europol Europol
- European Policy
- European Qualifications Framework → European Qualifications Framework Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- European Qualifications Framework → European Qualifications Framework Stattdessen verwenden: comparison comparison
- European Qualifications Framework → European Qualifications Framework Stattdessen verwenden: attainment of qualification attainment of qualification
- European security
- European Security and Defence Policy → European Security and Defence Policy Stattdessen verwenden: ESDP ESDP
- European Single Market → European Single Market Stattdessen verwenden: domestic market domestic market
- European Single Market → European Single Market Stattdessen verwenden: EU EU
- European Social Fund
- European social model
- European social policy
- European Social Survey → European Social Survey Stattdessen verwenden: ESS ESS
- European Structural Funds
- European Trade Union Confederation
- European Values Study → European Values Study Stattdessen verwenden: EVS EVS
- European works council
- Europeanization
- Europol
- Euroregion
- euroscepticism
- euroscepticism → euroscepticism Stattdessen verwenden: euroscepticism euroscepticism
- Eurozone
- euthanasia
- evaluation
- evaluation
- evaluation research
- event
- event
- everyday action → everyday action Stattdessen verwenden: everyday life everyday life
- everyday action → everyday action Stattdessen verwenden: action action
- everyday communication → everyday communication Stattdessen verwenden: everyday life everyday life
- everyday communication → everyday communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- everyday consciousness
- everyday experience → everyday experience Stattdessen verwenden: everyday life everyday life
- everyday experience → everyday experience Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- everyday language → everyday language Stattdessen verwenden: colloquial colloquial
- everyday life
- everyday sociology
- everyday theory
- evidence
- evidence
- evolution
- evolutionary theory
- ex-convict
- examination
- examination behavior → examination behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- examination behavior → examination behavior Stattdessen verwenden: examination examination
- examination method → examination method Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- examination method → examination method Stattdessen verwenden: examination examination
- examination phobia → examination phobia Stattdessen verwenden: anxiety anxiety
- examination phobia → examination phobia Stattdessen verwenden: examination examination
- examination reform → examination reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- examination reform → examination reform Stattdessen verwenden: examination regulations examination regulations
- examination regulations
- examination requirements
- examination system
- examiner
- example
- exasperation at parties → exasperation at parties Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- exasperation at parties → exasperation at parties Stattdessen verwenden: dissatisfaction with politics dissatisfaction with politics
- excess of births → excess of births Stattdessen verwenden: birth birth
- excess of births → excess of births Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- exchange of pupils → exchange of pupils Stattdessen verwenden: youth exchange youth exchange
- exchange of pupils → exchange of pupils Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- exchange theory
- excluded period → excluded period Stattdessen verwenden: pension pension
- excluded period → excluded period Stattdessen verwenden: assessment basis assessment basis
- exclusion
- exclusion from a party
- exclusion from a trade union
- excursion traffic → excursion traffic Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- excursion traffic → excursion traffic Stattdessen verwenden: local recreation local recreation
- execution of correctional therapy → execution of correctional therapy Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- execution of correctional therapy → execution of correctional therapy Stattdessen verwenden: execution of sentence execution of sentence
- execution of order → execution of order Stattdessen verwenden: work organization work organization
- execution of sentence
- execution of sentence passed on women → execution of sentence passed on women Stattdessen verwenden: execution of sentence execution of sentence
- execution of sentence passed on women → execution of sentence passed on women Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- execution on federal commission
- executive
- executive position
- executive power
- exegesis
- exemption
- exercise therapy
- exertion of government pressure
- exhaust fumes → exhaust fumes Stattdessen verwenden: air air
- exhaust fumes → exhaust fumes Stattdessen verwenden: pollutant pollutant
- exhaustion → exhaustion Stattdessen verwenden: burnout burnout
- exhibition
- exhibitions and fairs
- exile
- exile publications
- existential anxiety
- existential minimum
- existentialism
- expansion of educational system
- expatriate German
- expatriation
- expectant mother
- expectation
- expellee
- expellee organization → expellee organization Stattdessen verwenden: interest group interest group
- expellee organization → expellee organization Stattdessen verwenden: expellee expellee
- expenditures
- expenditures on armaments → expenditures on armaments Stattdessen verwenden: armaments armaments
- expenditures on armaments → expenditures on armaments Stattdessen verwenden: expenditures expenditures
- experience
- experience
- experience of sickness → experience of sickness Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- experience of sickness → experience of sickness Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- experience society
- experience-oriented learning → experience-oriented learning Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- experience-oriented learning → experience-oriented learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- experiential education
- experiential knowledge
- experiment
- experimental film
- experimental psychology
- experimenter effect → experimenter effect Stattdessen verwenden: reactivity effect reactivity effect
- expert
- expert
- expert
- expert advisory council
- expert appraisement → expert appraisement Stattdessen verwenden: expert report expert report
- expert association → expert association Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- expert counter-report → expert counter-report Stattdessen verwenden: expert report expert report
- expert knowledge → expert knowledge Stattdessen verwenden: knowledge knowledge
- expert knowledge → expert knowledge Stattdessen verwenden: expert expert
- expert report
- expert survey
- expert system → expert system Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- expert system → expert system Stattdessen verwenden: artificial intelligence artificial intelligence
- expertise
- experts' documentation
- explanation
- exploitation
- exploration
- export
- export diversification → export diversification Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- export diversification → export diversification Stattdessen verwenden: diversification diversification
- export earnings
- export of raw materials → export of raw materials Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- export of raw materials → export of raw materials Stattdessen verwenden: raw materials raw materials
- export policy
- export promotion → export promotion Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- export promotion → export promotion Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- export restriction → export restriction Stattdessen verwenden: trade barrier trade barrier
- export security → export security Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- export security → export security Stattdessen verwenden: bail bail
- export trade and industry
- exporting country
- expression psychology
- expressionism
- expropriation
- expulsion
- extended family
- extension of working hours → extension of working hours Stattdessen verwenden: working hours working hours
- extension of working hours → extension of working hours Stattdessen verwenden: duration duration
- extensive agriculture
- external company control → external company control Stattdessen verwenden: corporate governance corporate governance
- external effects
- external financing → external financing Stattdessen verwenden: outside financing outside financing
- external migration
- extortion
- extracurricular learning
- extradition
- extraparliamentary opposition
- extreme sports
- extremism → extremism Stattdessen verwenden: radicalism radicalism
- extrinsic motivation
- extroversion
- facial expression
- facility
- facility for assistance for the aged → facility for assistance for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: assistance for the elderly assistance for the elderly
- facility for assistance for the aged → facility for assistance for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- facility for the aged → facility for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- facility for the aged → facility for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: assistance for the elderly assistance for the elderly
- facility for the aged → facility for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: retirement home for the elderly retirement home for the elderly
- facility for the aged → facility for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- facility for the handicapped → facility for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- facility for the handicapped → facility for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- facility for young people → facility for young people Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- facility for young people → facility for young people Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- facility for young people → facility for young people Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- fact documentation → fact documentation Stattdessen verwenden: data documentation data documentation
- faction
- factor analysis
- factor mobility
- factor utilization
- factoring
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: business administration factors business administration factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: microeconomic factors microeconomic factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: economic factors economic factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: biological factors biological factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: medical factors medical factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: physiological factors physiological factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: demographic factors demographic factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: regional factors regional factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: location factors location factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: psychological factors psychological factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: gender-specific factors gender-specific factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: cultural factors cultural factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: social factors social factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: cognitive factors cognitive factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: sociopsychological factors sociopsychological factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: cost factor cost factor
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: sociocultural factors sociocultural factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogical factors pedagogical factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural factors intercultural factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: religious factors religious factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: age-specific factors age-specific factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: environmental factors environmental factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: socioeconomic factors socioeconomic factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: political factors political factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: class-specific factors class-specific factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: legal factors legal factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: production factor production factor
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: psychosomatic factors psychosomatic factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: psychosocial factors psychosocial factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: local factors local factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: socioecological factors socioecological factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: time factor time factor
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: geographical factors geographical factors
- factors → factors Stattdessen verwenden: institutional factors institutional factors
- factory
- factory inspection → factory inspection Stattdessen verwenden: trade supervision trade supervision
- factory work
- faculty → faculty Stattdessen verwenden: teaching staff teaching staff
- failed state
- failed state
- failure → failure Stattdessen verwenden: success-failure success-failure
- failure
- failure in school
- failure of the state
- fair
- fairground worker/stall owner
- fairness
- fairy tale
- fairy-tale film → fairy-tale film Stattdessen verwenden: children's film children's film
- faith
- false report
- falsification
- family
- family allowance
- family allowance
- family biography → family biography Stattdessen verwenden: family cycle family cycle
- family business
- family counseling
- family court
- family cycle
- family education
- family formation
- family history → family history Stattdessen verwenden: genealogy genealogy
- family income
- family insurance → family insurance Stattdessen verwenden: family member family member
- family insurance → family insurance Stattdessen verwenden: compulsory health insurance compulsory health insurance
- family law
- family magazine → family magazine Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- family magazine → family magazine Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- family member
- family physician
- family planning
- family policy
- family program → family program Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- family program → family program Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- family program → family program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- family program → family program Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- family recreation → family recreation Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- family recreation → family recreation Stattdessen verwenden: recreation recreation
- family research
- family reunion
- family situation
- family size
- family social worker
- family socialization
- family structure → family structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- family structure → family structure Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- family structure → family structure Stattdessen verwenden: family situation family situation
- family structure
- family therapy → family therapy Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- family therapy → family therapy Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- family welfare
- family work
- family-friendliness
- family-work balance → family-work balance Stattdessen verwenden: work-family balance work-family balance
- fan
- fanaticism
- Far East
- fare
- farm
- farm price
- farm worker
- farmer
- farmer's association → farmer's association Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- farmer's association → farmer's association Stattdessen verwenden: farmer farmer
- farmers' cooperative → farmers' cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- farmers' cooperative → farmers' cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- farmstead → farmstead Stattdessen verwenden: farm farm
- fascism
- fashion
- fatalism
- father
- fatherhood
- fatherland → fatherland Stattdessen verwenden: patriotism patriotism
- fatigue
- fax
- fear → fear Stattdessen verwenden: anxiety anxiety
- fear of criminality → fear of criminality Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- fear of criminality → fear of criminality Stattdessen verwenden: anxiety anxiety
- feature
- feature film
- Federal Administration
- Federal Administrative Court
- Federal Armed Forces
- Federal Armed Forces University → Federal Armed Forces University Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- Federal Armed Forces University → Federal Armed Forces University Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Armed Forces Federal Armed Forces
- Federal Assembly
- federal authority
- Federal Border Guard
- Federal Cartel Office → Federal Cartel Office Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Federal Cartel Office → Federal Cartel Office Stattdessen verwenden: antitrust office antitrust office
- Federal Centre for Political Education
- Federal Chancellor
- Federal Constitutional Court
- Federal Criminal Police Office
- Federal Employment Agency
- Federal Environmental Agency
- Federal German Navy → Federal German Navy Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Armed Forces Federal Armed Forces
- Federal German Navy → Federal German Navy Stattdessen verwenden: navy navy
- Federal Government
- Federal Government Report on Agriculture
- Federal Government Report on Regional-Planning
- Federal Government Report on Social Policy
- Federal Government Report on the Family
- Federal Government Report on Vocational Education
- Federal Government Report on Youth
- Federal Intelligence Service
- Federal Labor Court
- federal law
- Federal Ministry
- federal police
- federal policy
- federal president
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
- Federal Reserve Bank of Germany
- Federal Social Assistance Act
- Federal Social Court
- federal state
- Federal Statistical Office
- Federal Supreme Court
- Federal Training Assistance Act
- Federal Youth Plan → Federal Youth Plan Stattdessen verwenden: federation (national admin. level) federation (national admin. level)
- Federal Youth Plan → Federal Youth Plan Stattdessen verwenden: plan to promote youth work plan to promote youth work
- Federal Zoning Program → Federal Zoning Program Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Federal Zoning Program → Federal Zoning Program Stattdessen verwenden: program program
- Federal Zoning Program → Federal Zoning Program Stattdessen verwenden: zoning zoning
- federal-state relations
- federalism
- federalism reform → federalism reform Stattdessen verwenden: federalism federalism
- federalism reform → federalism reform Stattdessen verwenden: political reform political reform
- federation
- federation (national admin. level)
- Federation of European Employers
- Federation of German Industries → Federation of German Industries Stattdessen verwenden: BDI BDI
- fee
- feeblemindedness → feeblemindedness Stattdessen verwenden: mental disability mental disability
- feedback
- feedback control system
- female adolescent → female adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- female adolescent → female adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- female adolescent → female adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: girl girl
- female employee → female employee Stattdessen verwenden: salaried employee salaried employee
- female employee → female employee Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female foreign worker → female foreign worker Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female foreign worker → female foreign worker Stattdessen verwenden: foreign worker foreign worker
- female judge → female judge Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female judge → female judge Stattdessen verwenden: judge judge
- female labor force → female labor force Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female labor force → female labor force Stattdessen verwenden: manpower manpower
- female profession
- female pupil
- female scientist
- female secondary school graduate
- female student
- female teacher → female teacher Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female teacher → female teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- female university teacher
- female wage and salary earners → female wage and salary earners Stattdessen verwenden: employee employee
- female wage and salary earners → female wage and salary earners Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female worker → female worker Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- female worker → female worker Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- femininity
- feminism
- feminist
- fertility
- fertility rate
- festival
- festival
- feudal monarchy → feudal monarchy Stattdessen verwenden: monarchy monarchy
- feudal monarchy → feudal monarchy Stattdessen verwenden: feudalism feudalism
- feudal society → feudal society Stattdessen verwenden: feudalism feudalism
- feudalism
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- feuilleton
- Feyerabend, Paul
- fiber optics → fiber optics Stattdessen verwenden: communication technology communication technology
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- fiction (imagination)
- fiction (literary genre)
- fictitious profit
- fictive marriage
- fictive self-employed person
- field of study
- field of work
- field research
- field service
- field theory
- fifteenth century
- fight against disease → fight against disease Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- fight against disease → fight against disease Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- fight against terrorism
- figuration
- Fiji → Fiji Stattdessen verwenden: Melanesia Melanesia
- film
- film analysis → film analysis Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- film analysis → film analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- film award → film award Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- film award → film award Stattdessen verwenden: award ceremony award ceremony
- film criticism
- film festival
- film industry
- film production
- film promotion → film promotion Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- film promotion → film promotion Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- film research
- film star → film star Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- film star → film star Stattdessen verwenden: star star
- Fin
- finality
- finance
- finance committee → finance committee Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- finance court
- finance system → finance system Stattdessen verwenden: financial system financial system
- finance theory
- financial aid
- financial assistance
- financial capital → financial capital Stattdessen verwenden: finance finance
- financial capitalism
- financial crisis
- financial derivatives
- financial investment
- financial investment
- financial management
- financial market
- financial merger
- financial planning
- financial psychology
- financial reform
- financial requirements
- financial service
- financial situation
- financial strain → financial strain Stattdessen verwenden: stress stress
- financial strain → financial strain Stattdessen verwenden: financial situation financial situation
- financial system
- financing of reforms
- financing policy → financing policy Stattdessen verwenden: financial management financial management
- fine
- fine arts
- fine arts education
- finishing industry
- Finland
- Finlandization
- fire department
- firm
- firm training apprentices
- firm's environmental management → firm's environmental management Stattdessen verwenden: environmental management environmental management
- firm's hierarchy → firm's hierarchy Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- firm's hierarchy → firm's hierarchy Stattdessen verwenden: hierarchy hierarchy
- firm's internal communication → firm's internal communication Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- firm's internal communication → firm's internal communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- firm's pension benefits
- firm's social benefits → firm's social benefits Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- firm's social benefits → firm's social benefits Stattdessen verwenden: social benefits social benefits
- firm's social work → firm's social work Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- firm's social work → firm's social work Stattdessen verwenden: social work social work
- first generation
- First International
- First of May → First of May Stattdessen verwenden: May-Day movement May-Day movement
- First Republic
- first trimester abortion
- first vote
- First World → First World Stattdessen verwenden: Western world Western world
- First World War
- first-year student
- firstborn → firstborn Stattdessen verwenden: reproductive behavior reproductive behavior
- fiscal audit
- fiscal authorities
- fiscal equalization
- fiscal policy
- fiscal secrecy
- fiscal sociology
- fiscalism
- fish processing
- fishery
- fitness
- five-percent clause
- five-year plan → five-year plan Stattdessen verwenden: planned economy planned economy
- flaw analysis → flaw analysis Stattdessen verwenden: planning procedure planning procedure
- flexibility
- flexibilization → flexibilization Stattdessen verwenden: flexibility flexibility
- flexible exchange rate → flexible exchange rate Stattdessen verwenden: flexibility flexibility
- flexible exchange rate → flexible exchange rate Stattdessen verwenden: rate of exchange rate of exchange
- flexible production → flexible production Stattdessen verwenden: flexibility flexibility
- flexible production → flexible production Stattdessen verwenden: manufacturing procedure manufacturing procedure
- flexible retirement
- flexible retirement age
- flexible working hours
- flexicurity
- flight
- floating
- floating voter
- floating voters → floating voters Stattdessen verwenden: voting behavior voting behavior
- flood → flood Stattdessen verwenden: natural disaster natural disaster
- flood of laws
- floor space → floor space Stattdessen verwenden: apartment size apartment size
- flow-oriented planning
- fluctuation
- flying personnel → flying personnel Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- flying personnel → flying personnel Stattdessen verwenden: air traffic air traffic
- folk art
- folk medicine → folk medicine Stattdessen verwenden: ethnomedicine ethnomedicine
- folk music
- folk song → folk song Stattdessen verwenden: song song
- folklore
- folklore
- follower
- food
- food
- Food and Agricultural Organization → Food and Agricultural Organization Stattdessen verwenden: FAO FAO
- food and luxury products industry
- food consumption → food consumption Stattdessen verwenden: food food
- food consumption → food consumption Stattdessen verwenden: consumption consumption
- food industry → food industry Stattdessen verwenden: food and luxury products industry food and luxury products industry
- food insecurity → food insecurity Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition situation nutrition situation
- food supply → food supply Stattdessen verwenden: food food
- food supply → food supply Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- food, beverages and tobacco union → food, beverages and tobacco union Stattdessen verwenden: NGG NGG
- forced labor
- fordism
- forecast procedure
- foreclosure
- foreign company → foreign company Stattdessen verwenden: foreign employer foreign employer
- foreign company → foreign company Stattdessen verwenden: multinational corporation multinational corporation
- foreign correspondent
- foreign countries
- foreign employer
- foreign exchange
- foreign indebtedness → foreign indebtedness Stattdessen verwenden: foreign countries foreign countries
- foreign indebtedness → foreign indebtedness Stattdessen verwenden: indebtedness indebtedness
- foreign investment
- foreign language
- foreign language didactics → foreign language didactics Stattdessen verwenden: subject didactics subject didactics
- foreign language didactics → foreign language didactics Stattdessen verwenden: foreign language teaching foreign language teaching
- foreign language teaching
- foreign policy
- foreign population → foreign population Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- foreign population → foreign population Stattdessen verwenden: population group population group
- foreign press
- foreign radio
- foreign relations → foreign relations Stattdessen verwenden: international relations international relations
- Foreign Service
- foreign student → foreign student Stattdessen verwenden: alien alien
- foreign student → foreign student Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- foreign trade
- foreign trade structure → foreign trade structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- foreign trade structure → foreign trade structure Stattdessen verwenden: foreign trade foreign trade
- foreign trade theory → foreign trade theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- foreign trade theory → foreign trade theory Stattdessen verwenden: foreign trade foreign trade
- foreign word
- foreign worker
- foreign worker's child → foreign worker's child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- foreign worker's child → foreign worker's child Stattdessen verwenden: foreign worker foreign worker
- foreignness
- foreman
- foreman
- forensic medicine
- forensic psychology
- forest
- forestry
- forestry worker
- forgetfulness → forgetfulness Stattdessen verwenden: memory memory
- form
- form of cooperation
- form of domination
- form of learning → form of learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning method learning method
- formal group
- formal logic
- formal sociology
- formalization
- format radio → format radio Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- format radio → format radio Stattdessen verwenden: formatting formatting
- format television → format television Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- format television → format television Stattdessen verwenden: formatting formatting
- formation of a government
- formation of blocs
- formation of consciousness
- formation of nations → formation of nations Stattdessen verwenden: state formation state formation
- formation of political opinion → formation of political opinion Stattdessen verwenden: opinion formation opinion formation
- formation of political opinion → formation of political opinion Stattdessen verwenden: political opinion political opinion
- formation of prices
- formatting
- Formosa → Formosa Stattdessen verwenden: Taiwan Taiwan
- formulation of political objectives
- foster child
- foster family
- foster parents
- Foucault, Michel
- foundation
- foundation center → foundation center Stattdessen verwenden: technology park technology park
- foundation of a party
- founding of a state
- founding of a university
- foundry → foundry Stattdessen verwenden: iron and steel industry iron and steel industry
- Four Power Agreement
- fourteenth century
- fourth sector
- Fraenkel, Ernst
- fragile state → fragile state Stattdessen verwenden: failed state failed state
- fragmentation
- framework law
- framing approach
- France
- franchising
- Franciscan → Franciscan Stattdessen verwenden: monastic order monastic order
- Franco, Francisco
- Franco-German relations → Franco-German relations Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- Franco-German relations → Franco-German relations Stattdessen verwenden: bilateral relations bilateral relations
- Franco-German relations → Franco-German relations Stattdessen verwenden: France France
- Franco-German treaty
- Frankfurt School
- fraternity
- fraud
- free democratic basic order
- Free Democratic Party
- free flow of information → free flow of information Stattdessen verwenden: information flow information flow
- free flow of information → free flow of information Stattdessen verwenden: international information and communication order international information and communication order
- Free German Trade Union Federation → Free German Trade Union Federation Stattdessen verwenden: trade union trade union
- Free German Trade Union Federation → Free German Trade Union Federation Stattdessen verwenden: German Democratic Republic (GDR) German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- free trade
- free trade area
- free will → free will Stattdessen verwenden: freedom of will freedom of will
- freedom
- freedom of assembly
- freedom of association
- freedom of broadcasting → freedom of broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- freedom of broadcasting → freedom of broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: freedom of opinion freedom of opinion
- freedom of choice → freedom of choice Stattdessen verwenden: decision making leeway decision making leeway
- freedom of conscience
- freedom of decision → freedom of decision Stattdessen verwenden: decision making leeway decision making leeway
- freedom of establishment
- freedom of information
- freedom of movement
- freedom of occupational choice → freedom of occupational choice Stattdessen verwenden: occupational choice occupational choice
- freedom of occupational choice → freedom of occupational choice Stattdessen verwenden: occupational liberty occupational liberty
- freedom of opinion
- freedom of religion → freedom of religion Stattdessen verwenden: religious freedom religious freedom
- freedom of speech → freedom of speech Stattdessen verwenden: freedom of opinion freedom of opinion
- freedom of the press
- freedom of trade
- freedom of will
- freelancer
- freemason
- freethinker
- freeway network → freeway network Stattdessen verwenden: highway highway
- freeway network → freeway network Stattdessen verwenden: road network road network
- Freie Deutsche Jugend → Freie Deutsche Jugend Stattdessen verwenden: FDJ FDJ
- freight traffic
- Freire, Paulo
- FRELIMO → FRELIMO Stattdessen verwenden: liberation movement liberation movement
- FRELIMO → FRELIMO Stattdessen verwenden: Mozambique Mozambique
- French enlightenment → French enlightenment Stattdessen verwenden: Age of Enlightenment Age of Enlightenment
- French enlightenment → French enlightenment Stattdessen verwenden: France France
- French Guiana
- French language
- French language instruction
- French revolution
- French-speaking Africa
- French-speaking Switzerland
- Frenchman
- frequency analysis
- frequency distribution
- Freud, Sigmund
- Freyer, Hans
- Friedman, Milton
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation
- Friedrich Naumann Foundation
- friend-foe image
- friendship
- friendship group → friendship group Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- friendship group → friendship group Stattdessen verwenden: friendship friendship
- fringe group
- fringe group work → fringe group work Stattdessen verwenden: social work social work
- fringe group work → fringe group work Stattdessen verwenden: fringe group fringe group
- Fromm, Erich
- frontier worker → frontier worker Stattdessen verwenden: commuter commuter
- frontier worker → frontier worker Stattdessen verwenden: border region border region
- frustration
- frustration tolerance
- fulfillment of quotas (GDR)
- full employment
- full-time farm
- full-time school
- full-time vocational school
- fun society → fun society Stattdessen verwenden: experience society experience society
- function
- functional analysis
- functional change
- functional differentiation
- functionalism
- functionality
- functionary
- functionary
- fundamental right
- fundamentalism
- funding
- funding of education → funding of education Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- funding of education → funding of education Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- funding of education → funding of education Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- funding of housing construction → funding of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- funding of housing construction → funding of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: housing construction housing construction
- funding policy
- fundraising
- funeral
- further academic education → further academic education Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- further academic education → further academic education Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- further education
- further education event → further education event Stattdessen verwenden: educational event educational event
- further education event → further education event Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- further education for teachers → further education for teachers Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- further education for teachers → further education for teachers Stattdessen verwenden: advanced vocational education advanced vocational education
- further education institution → further education institution Stattdessen verwenden: educational institution educational institution
- further education institution → further education institution Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- further education offer → further education offer Stattdessen verwenden: educational offerings educational offerings
- further education offer → further education offer Stattdessen verwenden: further education further education
- further political education → further political education Stattdessen verwenden: political education political education
- further political education → further political education Stattdessen verwenden: adult education adult education
- further training for teachers → further training for teachers Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- further training for teachers → further training for teachers Stattdessen verwenden: advanced vocational education advanced vocational education
- future
- future expectation → future expectation Stattdessen verwenden: expectation expectation
- future expectation → future expectation Stattdessen verwenden: future future
- future orientation
- future perspective
- future viability
- futures
- futures market
- futurology
- G8
- Gabon
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg
- gainful employment
- gainful occupation
- gainful work
- gainfully employed person
- Gambia
- gambling
- game theory
- gameshow
- garbage incineration → garbage incineration Stattdessen verwenden: garbage removal garbage removal
- garbage removal
- garbage separation
- garment industry → garment industry Stattdessen verwenden: textile industry textile industry
- gas industry → gas industry Stattdessen verwenden: energy industry energy industry
- gas industry → gas industry Stattdessen verwenden: natural gas natural gas
- Gastarbeiter → Gastarbeiter Stattdessen verwenden: foreign worker foreign worker
- gatekeeper
- Gaullism
- GDR research
- Gehlen, Arnold
- Geiger, Theodor
- geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik
- gender
- gender
- gender differences → gender differences Stattdessen verwenden: gender-specific factors gender-specific factors
- gender mainstreaming
- gender policy
- gender relations
- gender research → gender research Stattdessen verwenden: gender studies gender studies
- gender role
- gender studies
- gender-specific difference → gender-specific difference Stattdessen verwenden: gender-specific factors gender-specific factors
- gender-specific division of labor → gender-specific division of labor Stattdessen verwenden: division of labor division of labor
- gender-specific division of labor → gender-specific division of labor Stattdessen verwenden: gender-specific factors gender-specific factors
- gender-specific factors
- gender-specific socialization
- gene therapy
- genealogical tree → genealogical tree Stattdessen verwenden: genealogy genealogy
- genealogy
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade → General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Stattdessen verwenden: GATT GATT
- General Agreement on Trade in Services → General Agreement on Trade in Services Stattdessen verwenden: GATS GATS
- general conditions
- general education
- general education school
- general education system
- General German Workers' Association → General German Workers' Association Stattdessen verwenden: ADAV ADAV
- general hospital → general hospital Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- general medicine
- general practitioner → general practitioner Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- general practitioner → general practitioner Stattdessen verwenden: general medicine general medicine
- general sociology
- general strike
- generation
- generation conflict → generation conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- generation conflict → generation conflict Stattdessen verwenden: Intergenerational relations Intergenerational relations
- generation gap → generation gap Stattdessen verwenden: Intergenerational relations Intergenerational relations
- generation justice → generation justice Stattdessen verwenden: Intergenerational relations Intergenerational relations
- generation justice → generation justice Stattdessen verwenden: justice justice
- generational family
- genesis of technology
- genetic engineering
- genetic factor → genetic factor Stattdessen verwenden: heredity heredity
- genetic research
- genetic test
- genetics
- Geneva Convention
- genocide
- genre
- gentrification
- geographical factors
- Geographical Information System → Geographical Information System Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- Geographical Information System → Geographical Information System Stattdessen verwenden: geography geography
- geographical mobility → geographical mobility Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- geography
- geometry → geometry Stattdessen verwenden: mathematics mathematics
- geopolitics
- Georgia
- Georgian
- geriatric assessment → geriatric assessment Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- geriatric assessment → geriatric assessment Stattdessen verwenden: geriatrics geriatrics
- geriatric assessment → geriatric assessment Stattdessen verwenden: health status health status
- geriatric disease → geriatric disease Stattdessen verwenden: geriatric disorder geriatric disorder
- geriatric disorder
- geriatric nurse
- geriatric rehabilitation
- geriatrics
- German
- German Academic Exchange Service → German Academic Exchange Service Stattdessen verwenden: DAAD DAAD
- German Armed Forces → German Armed Forces Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- German Armed Forces → German Armed Forces Stattdessen verwenden: Third Reich Third Reich
- German as a foreign language
- German as a second language
- German Association for Public and Private Welfare
- German Center Party
- German Communist Party
- German Confederation of Trade Unions → German Confederation of Trade Unions Stattdessen verwenden: DGB DGB
- German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- German Development Service → German Development Service Stattdessen verwenden: DED DED
- German Empire
- German Federal Postal Administration
- German Federal Railways
- German Federation
- German Federation of Christian Trade Unions → German Federation of Christian Trade Unions Stattdessen verwenden: CGB CGB
- German Federation of Civil Servants
- German General Social Survey → German General Social Survey Stattdessen verwenden: ALLBUS ALLBUS
- German idealism → German idealism Stattdessen verwenden: philosophical idealism philosophical idealism
- German industrial standard → German industrial standard Stattdessen verwenden: standardization (techn.) standardization (techn.)
- German Labor Front (Third Reich)
- German language
- German language curriculum → German language curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- German language curriculum → German language curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: German language teaching German language teaching
- German language teaching
- German literature → German literature Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- German literature → German literature Stattdessen verwenden: German language German language
- German Metalworkers' Association → German Metalworkers' Association Stattdessen verwenden: DMV DMV
- german minority → german minority Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- german minority → german minority Stattdessen verwenden: German German
- german minority → german minority Stattdessen verwenden: minority minority
- German National People's Party
- German Parliament → German Parliament Stattdessen verwenden: Bundestag Bundestag
- German People's Union → German People's Union Stattdessen verwenden: DVU DVU
- German Post Office Workers' Union → German Post Office Workers' Union Stattdessen verwenden: DPG DPG
- German Press Council
- German Protestant Kirchentag
- German question
- German Red Cross → German Red Cross Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- German Red Cross → German Red Cross Stattdessen verwenden: German Democratic Republic (GDR) German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- German Red Cross → German Red Cross Stattdessen verwenden: Germany Germany
- German Red Cross → German Red Cross Stattdessen verwenden: Red Cross Red Cross
- German Reich
- German Reichsbahn
- German Reichstag
- German Research Foundation → German Research Foundation Stattdessen verwenden: DFG DFG
- German Revolution → German Revolution Stattdessen verwenden: November Revolution (1918) November Revolution (1918)
- German Salaried Employees' Union → German Salaried Employees' Union Stattdessen verwenden: DAG DAG
- German Social Advisory Council
- German Socialist Students' Federation → German Socialist Students' Federation Stattdessen verwenden: SDS SDS
- German Sociological Association
- German Sports Federation
- German student movement → German student movement Stattdessen verwenden: student movement student movement
- German unity → German unity Stattdessen verwenden: German question German question
- German unity → German unity Stattdessen verwenden: reunification reunification
- German-speaking area
- German-speaking Switzerland
- Germanic languages and literature
- Germanism → Germanism Stattdessen verwenden: German German
- Germans abroad → Germans abroad Stattdessen verwenden: expatriate German expatriate German
- Germany
- gerontology
- gerontology
- gerontopsychiatric care → gerontopsychiatric care Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- gerontopsychiatric care → gerontopsychiatric care Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatric care psychiatric care
- gestalt psychology
- gestalt therapy
- Gestapo
- gesture
- Ghana
- ghetto
- ghetto formation → ghetto formation Stattdessen verwenden: ghetto ghetto
- ghetto formation → ghetto formation Stattdessen verwenden: segregation segregation
- ghostwriter
- Giddens, Anthony
- gift
- gifted
- girl
- girls' school
- GIS → GIS Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- GIS → GIS Stattdessen verwenden: geography geography
- Glasnost
- glass industry
- global change
- global governance
- global player
- global power → global power Stattdessen verwenden: international leading power international leading power
- global power → global power Stattdessen verwenden: great power great power
- global regulation
- globalization
- glocalization
- gloss
- goal attainment
- goal determination
- goal in life → goal in life Stattdessen verwenden: life career life career
- goal in life → goal in life Stattdessen verwenden: purpose purpose
- goal model
- goal of education
- goal orientation → goal orientation Stattdessen verwenden: purpose purpose
- god
- Godesberg Program (SPD)
- Goebbels, Joseph
- Goethe institute
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goffman, Erving
- going out of business
- gold
- gold standard
- good governance
- good practice → good practice Stattdessen verwenden: best practice best practice
- goods production → goods production Stattdessen verwenden: industrial production industrial production
- goods production → goods production Stattdessen verwenden: commodity production commodity production
- Google → Google Stattdessen verwenden: search engine search engine
- Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich
- governability
- governance
- governance approach → governance approach Stattdessen verwenden: governance governance
- governing board
- government
- government agency
- government bonds → government bonds Stattdessen verwenden: bonds bonds
- government bonds → government bonds Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- government control
- government draft → government draft Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- government draft → government draft Stattdessen verwenden: bill bill
- government function
- government interventionism → government interventionism Stattdessen verwenden: interventionism interventionism
- government liability
- government office
- government planning
- government policy
- government program → government program Stattdessen verwenden: political program political program
- government program → government program Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- government promotion of vocational training
- government reform → government reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- government reform → government reform Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- government revenue → government revenue Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- government revenue → government revenue Stattdessen verwenden: revenue revenue
- government subsidies → government subsidies Stattdessen verwenden: public support public support
- government subsidies → government subsidies Stattdessen verwenden: subsidy subsidy
- government supervision
- government-in-exile → government-in-exile Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- government-in-exile → government-in-exile Stattdessen verwenden: exile exile
- governmental promotion → governmental promotion Stattdessen verwenden: public support public support
- governmental spokesperson → governmental spokesperson Stattdessen verwenden: government government
- governmental spokesperson → governmental spokesperson Stattdessen verwenden: press secretary press secretary
- governmental studies
- governmentality
- grade → grade Stattdessen verwenden: school grade school grade
- grading
- graduate
- graduate of specialized college → graduate of specialized college Stattdessen verwenden: graduate graduate
- graduate of specialized college → graduate of specialized college Stattdessen verwenden: technical college technical college
- graduation (academic)
- graffiti
- grain → grain Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural product agricultural product
- grammar
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Grand Coalition
- grandchild
- grandparents
- grant
- graph theory
- graphic arts
- grassroots democracy
- gray literature
- Great Britain
- Great Depression
- great power
- Greater Antilles → Greater Antilles Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Greece
- Greek
- Green Card → Green Card Stattdessen verwenden: work permit work permit
- Green Party
- green space
- greenhouse effect
- Greenpeace
- Greens
- Grenada
- grey labor market → grey labor market Stattdessen verwenden: informal sector informal sector
- grey labor market → grey labor market Stattdessen verwenden: shadow economy shadow economy
- grid search
- grief
- grief work
- gross domestic product
- gross national product
- Grotius, Hugo
- ground rent
- grounded theory
- group
- group climate
- group cohesion
- group consciousness → group consciousness Stattdessen verwenden: collective consciousness collective consciousness
- group counseling → group counseling Stattdessen verwenden: counseling counseling
- group counseling → group counseling Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group decision
- group discussion
- group dynamics
- group education
- group formation
- group instruction
- group integration → group integration Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group integration → group integration Stattdessen verwenden: social integration social integration
- group integration → group integration Stattdessen verwenden: group cohesion group cohesion
- group interaction → group interaction Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group interaction → group interaction Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- group interest
- group member → group member Stattdessen verwenden: group membership group membership
- group membership
- group norm → group norm Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group norm → group norm Stattdessen verwenden: social norm social norm
- Group of Eight → Group of Eight Stattdessen verwenden: G8 G8
- group perception → group perception Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group perception → group perception Stattdessen verwenden: social perception social perception
- group practice
- group psychotherapy → group psychotherapy Stattdessen verwenden: group therapy group therapy
- group relations → group relations Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- group relations → group relations Stattdessen verwenden: social relations social relations
- group size
- group therapy
- group work
- grouping
- growth
- growth crisis → growth crisis Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- growth crisis → growth crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crisis crisis
- growth cycle → growth cycle Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- growth cycle → growth cycle Stattdessen verwenden: business cycle business cycle
- growth limitation
- growth rate → growth rate Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- growth rate → growth rate Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- growth theory → growth theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- growth theory → growth theory Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- GSA → GSA Stattdessen verwenden: German Sociological Association German Sociological Association
- Guadeloupe → Guadeloupe Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- guarantee
- guarantee of domination
- guardianship
- guardianship law
- Guatemala
- guerrilla
- guerrilla warfare → guerrilla warfare Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- guerrilla warfare → guerrilla warfare Stattdessen verwenden: guerrilla guerrilla
- Guevara, Che
- guidance and counseling
- guide line → guide line Stattdessen verwenden: directive directive
- guiding culture
- guild
- guild system
- guilt
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- gulag → gulag Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- gulag → gulag Stattdessen verwenden: detention camp detention camp
- Gulf states → Gulf states Stattdessen verwenden: Persian Gulf Persian Gulf
- gulf war → gulf war Stattdessen verwenden: Persian Gulf Persian Gulf
- gulf war → gulf war Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- Gumplowicz, Ludwig
- Gurwitsch, Aron
- Guyana
- Gymnasiale Oberstufe → Gymnasiale Oberstufe Stattdessen verwenden: secondary school (Gymnasium) secondary school (Gymnasium)
- Gymnasiale Oberstufe → Gymnasiale Oberstufe Stattdessen verwenden: secondary education upper level (Oberstufe) secondary education upper level (Oberstufe)
- gymnasium → gymnasium Stattdessen verwenden: sports facility sports facility
- gymnastic exercises → gymnastic exercises Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- gynecology
- Gándhí, Mahátma
- Habermas, Jürgen
- Habilitation
- habitat
- habits
- Habsburg Monarchy → Habsburg Monarchy Stattdessen verwenden: Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary
- hacker
- hagiolatry → hagiolatry Stattdessen verwenden: religiousness religiousness
- hagiolatry → hagiolatry Stattdessen verwenden: ritual ritual
- hairdressing trade → hairdressing trade Stattdessen verwenden: handicraft trade handicraft trade
- Haiti
- Halbwachs, Maurice
- half-orphan → half-orphan Stattdessen verwenden: orphan orphan
- Hamburg
- handicap management → handicap management Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- handicap management → handicap management Stattdessen verwenden: coping behavior coping behavior
- handicapped
- handicapped assistance
- handicapped child → handicapped child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- handicapped child → handicapped child Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- handicraft trade
- handling technology
- handwriting
- Hanns Seidel Foundation
- Hans Böckler Foundation
- Hanseatic league
- happiness
- harbor
- hard coal → hard coal Stattdessen verwenden: coal coal
- hard drinker → hard drinker Stattdessen verwenden: alcoholism alcoholism
- hard labor
- hardware
- harmonization
- Hartz-Reform
- Harz region
- Harzburger Modell
- hashish → hashish Stattdessen verwenden: drug drug
- hate
- hate crime → hate crime Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- hate crime → hate crime Stattdessen verwenden: hate hate
- Hauptschule
- Hayek, Friedrich A. von
- hazardous material
- hazardous waste
- head of state
- health
- health awareness → health awareness Stattdessen verwenden: consciousness consciousness
- health awareness → health awareness Stattdessen verwenden: health health
- health behavior
- health care
- health care
- health care delivery system
- health care profession
- health care services
- health circle
- health consequences
- health education
- health endangerment → health endangerment Stattdessen verwenden: endangerment endangerment
- health endangerment → health endangerment Stattdessen verwenden: health health
- health industry
- health information → health information Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- health information → health information Stattdessen verwenden: health education health education
- health information → health information Stattdessen verwenden: health health
- health insurance
- health insurance fund
- health insurance premium
- health insurance through miners' association → health insurance through miners' association Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance health insurance
- health insurance through miners' association → health insurance through miners' association Stattdessen verwenden: miners' guild miners' guild
- health law
- health management → health management Stattdessen verwenden: health promotion health promotion
- health occupations
- health planning → health planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- health planning → health planning Stattdessen verwenden: health care delivery system health care delivery system
- health planning → health planning Stattdessen verwenden: health health
- health policy
- health professionals
- health promotion
- health reform → health reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- health reform → health reform Stattdessen verwenden: health care delivery system health care delivery system
- health report
- health resort
- health risk → health risk Stattdessen verwenden: health health
- health risk → health risk Stattdessen verwenden: risk risk
- health science
- health service
- health statistics → health statistics Stattdessen verwenden: health care delivery system health care delivery system
- health statistics → health statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- health status
- hearing (pol., legal)
- hearing (sound)
- hearing impairment
- hearing protection → hearing protection Stattdessen verwenden: occupational safety occupational safety
- hearing protection → hearing protection Stattdessen verwenden: noise pollution noise pollution
- heart attack
- heart disease
- heart transplant → heart transplant Stattdessen verwenden: organ transplant organ transplant
- heat
- heat pump → heat pump Stattdessen verwenden: heat heat
- heat pump → heat pump Stattdessen verwenden: energy technology energy technology
- heating → heating Stattdessen verwenden: heat heat
- heating → heating Stattdessen verwenden: energy technology energy technology
- heavy industry
- hedonism
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
- hegemonical policy
- hegemony
- Heidegger, Martin
- Heine, Heinrich
- Heinrich Böll foundation
- Heller, Hermann
- helper
- hepatitis → hepatitis Stattdessen verwenden: contagious disease contagious disease
- Herder, Johann Gottfried
- hereditary disease
- heredity
- heretic
- hermeneutics
- heroin addiction → heroin addiction Stattdessen verwenden: drug dependence drug dependence
- heroism
- Hesse
- Hessischer Rundfunk
- heterogeneity
- heteronormativity → heteronormativity Stattdessen verwenden: normativity normativity
- heteronormativity → heteronormativity Stattdessen verwenden: heterosexuality heterosexuality
- heterophobia
- heterosexuality
- heterostereotype → heterostereotype Stattdessen verwenden: stereotype stereotype
- heuristics
- Heß, Moses
- hidden unemployment
- hierarchy
- high German → high German Stattdessen verwenden: German language German language
- high German → high German Stattdessen verwenden: standard language standard language
- high risk sports → high risk sports Stattdessen verwenden: extreme sports extreme sports
- high technology
- high-rise building
- highly qualified worker
- highway
- Hilferding, Rudolf
- Hinduism
- hip hop
- hiring
- Hirsch-Dunckerscher-Gewerkverein → Hirsch-Dunckerscher-Gewerkverein Stattdessen verwenden: liberal trade union liberal trade union
- Hispanola → Hispanola Stattdessen verwenden: Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
- Hispanola → Hispanola Stattdessen verwenden: Haiti Haiti
- historian
- historians' dispute → historians' dispute Stattdessen verwenden: conception of history conception of history
- historians' dispute → historians' dispute Stattdessen verwenden: coming to terms with the past coming to terms with the past
- historical analysis
- historical compromise
- historical consciousness
- historical development
- historical film
- historical materialism
- historical social research
- historicization
- historiography
- historism
- history → history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history → history Stattdessen verwenden: science of history science of history
- history → history Stattdessen verwenden: history instruction history instruction
- history didactics → history didactics Stattdessen verwenden: subject didactics subject didactics
- history didactics → history didactics Stattdessen verwenden: history instruction history instruction
- history instruction
- history of administration → history of administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- history of administration → history of administration Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of dogma → history of dogma Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of dogma → history of dogma Stattdessen verwenden: dogma dogma
- history of education
- history of educational activities → history of educational activities Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of educational activities → history of educational activities Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- history of engineering
- history of film → history of film Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- history of film → history of film Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of ideas
- history of ideology → history of ideology Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of ideology → history of ideology Stattdessen verwenden: ideology ideology
- history of interest groups → history of interest groups Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of interest groups → history of interest groups Stattdessen verwenden: interest group interest group
- history of language → history of language Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of language → history of language Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- history of law → history of law Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of law → history of law Stattdessen verwenden: law law
- history of media
- history of medicine → history of medicine Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of medicine → history of medicine Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- history of music
- history of newspapers → history of newspapers Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- history of newspapers → history of newspapers Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of planning → history of planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- history of planning → history of planning Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of publishing houses → history of publishing houses Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of publishing houses → history of publishing houses Stattdessen verwenden: publishing house publishing house
- history of religion
- history of schools → history of schools Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- history of schools → history of schools Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of science
- history of settlements → history of settlements Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of settlements → history of settlements Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- history of settlements → history of settlements Stattdessen verwenden: settling settling
- history of settling → history of settling Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of settling → history of settling Stattdessen verwenden: settling settling
- history of sociology → history of sociology Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of sociology → history of sociology Stattdessen verwenden: sociology sociology
- history of the press
- history of the radio → history of the radio Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of the radio → history of the radio Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- history of theory → history of theory Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of theory → history of theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- history of universities → history of universities Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- history of universities → history of universities Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- history politics
- hit and run
- Hitler Youth
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hitler-Stalin pact
- Hobbes, Thomas
- hobby → hobby Stattdessen verwenden: recreational activity recreational activity
- hobby garden
- holding
- holiday
- holiday entertainer
- holiday traffic → holiday traffic Stattdessen verwenden: vacation vacation
- holiday traffic → holiday traffic Stattdessen verwenden: tourist traffic tourist traffic
- holidays
- holism
- holistic approach
- holistic medicine → holistic medicine Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- holistic medicine → holistic medicine Stattdessen verwenden: holistic approach holistic approach
- Holocaust → Holocaust Stattdessen verwenden: persecution of Jews persecution of Jews
- Holocaust → Holocaust Stattdessen verwenden: Third Reich Third Reich
- Holocaust → Holocaust Stattdessen verwenden: genocide genocide
- Holy Roman Empire
- Holzkamp, Klaus
- home care
- home computer → home computer Stattdessen verwenden: PC PC
- home economics
- home-school interaction
- homeland defense
- Homelands → Homelands Stattdessen verwenden: apartheid apartheid
- Homelands → Homelands Stattdessen verwenden: settlement policy settlement policy
- homeless child → homeless child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- homeless child → homeless child Stattdessen verwenden: homelessness homelessness
- homeless family → homeless family Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- homeless family → homeless family Stattdessen verwenden: homelessness homelessness
- homeless person → homeless person Stattdessen verwenden: homelessness homelessness
- homelessness
- homeopathy
- homeowner
- homepage → homepage Stattdessen verwenden: website website
- homeroom teacher → homeroom teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- homework
- homicide
- homiletics → homiletics Stattdessen verwenden: theology theology
- homo economicus
- homogeneity
- homophobia
- homosexual → homosexual Stattdessen verwenden: homosexuality homosexuality
- homosexuality
- Honduras
- Honecker, Erich
- Hong Kong
- Honneth, Axel
- honor
- honorarium
- honorary office
- hooligan
- hope
- horizontal mobility
- Horkheimer, Max
- horror film
- horror video → horror video Stattdessen verwenden: horror film horror film
- horror video → horror video Stattdessen verwenden: video video
- horticultural product → horticultural product Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural product agricultural product
- horticultural product → horticultural product Stattdessen verwenden: horticulture horticulture
- horticulture
- hospice
- hospital
- hospital administration → hospital administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- hospital administration → hospital administration Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital allowance
- hospital care (inpatient)
- Hospital Financing Act → Hospital Financing Act Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- Hospital Financing Act → Hospital Financing Act Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- Hospital Financing Act → Hospital Financing Act Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- hospital organization → hospital organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- hospital organization → hospital organization Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital planning → hospital planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- hospital planning → hospital planning Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital reform → hospital reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- hospital reform → hospital reform Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital staff → hospital staff Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital staff → hospital staff Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- hospital system → hospital system Stattdessen verwenden: hospital hospital
- hospital system → hospital system Stattdessen verwenden: health care delivery system health care delivery system
- hospitalism
- hospitalization
- hostage-taking
- hostel
- hostile nations clause → hostile nations clause Stattdessen verwenden: international agreement international agreement
- hostile nations clause → hostile nations clause Stattdessen verwenden: alliance policy alliance policy
- hostility to the constitution → hostility to the constitution Stattdessen verwenden: allegiance to the constitution allegiance to the constitution
- hot jobs
- hotel and restaurant business → hotel and restaurant business Stattdessen verwenden: hotel and restaurant trade hotel and restaurant trade
- hotel and restaurant trade
- hotel trade → hotel trade Stattdessen verwenden: hotel and restaurant trade hotel and restaurant trade
- hours of operation
- house organ
- household income
- household size
- household survey → household survey Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- household survey → household survey Stattdessen verwenden: survey survey
- housekeeping
- housewife
- housework
- housing
- housing agency
- housing behavior
- housing conditions
- housing construction
- housing construction company → housing construction company Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- housing construction company → housing construction company Stattdessen verwenden: housing construction housing construction
- housing construction policy → housing construction policy Stattdessen verwenden: housing policy housing policy
- housing development
- housing enterprise → housing enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- housing enterprise → housing enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: housing housing
- housing market
- housing market analysis → housing market analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- housing market analysis → housing market analysis Stattdessen verwenden: housing market housing market
- housing policy
- housing preference
- housing quality
- housing satisfaction → housing satisfaction Stattdessen verwenden: satisfaction satisfaction
- housing satisfaction → housing satisfaction Stattdessen verwenden: residential behavior residential behavior
- housing supply
- human being
- human capital
- human dignity
- human ecology → human ecology Stattdessen verwenden: social ecology social ecology
- human error
- human genetics → human genetics Stattdessen verwenden: genetics genetics
- human relations
- human resource management
- human resource management system
- human resources
- human resources accounting
- human resources development
- human resources management
- human resources planning
- human rights
- human rights convention
- human rights violation
- human sciences
- human security
- human-environment relationship
- humanism
- humanitarian aid
- humanitarian intervention
- humanitarianism
- humanities
- humanity
- humanization
- humanization of work
- humanized work
- Humboldt, Alexander von
- Humboldt, Wilhelm, Freiherr von
- Hume, David
- humor
- humor → humor Stattdessen verwenden: humor humor
- Hungarian
- Hungary
- hunger
- Huntington, Samuel P.
- husband
- Husserl, Edmund
- Hussite
- hybridity
- hybridization → hybridization Stattdessen verwenden: hybridity hybridity
- hydropower
- hygiene
- hypermedia
- hypertension
- hypertext
- hypnosis
- hypoactivity → hypoactivity Stattdessen verwenden: ADHD ADHD
- hypothesis
- hypothesis testing
- hysteresis
- ice hockey → ice hockey Stattdessen verwenden: wintersports wintersports
- Iceland
- Icelander
- Ich-AG
- iconology
- ideal of education → ideal of education Stattdessen verwenden: aim of education aim of education
- ideal type
- idealism
- identification
- identity
- identity conflict → identity conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- identity conflict → identity conflict Stattdessen verwenden: identity identity
- identity crisis → identity crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crisis crisis
- identity crisis → identity crisis Stattdessen verwenden: identity identity
- identity formation
- ideology
- ideology critique
- ideology of domination → ideology of domination Stattdessen verwenden: ideology ideology
- ideology of domination → ideology of domination Stattdessen verwenden: domination domination
- IG Media
- IG Metall
- illegal employment
- illegal immigration
- illegality
- illegitimacy
- illegitimate child
- illiteracy
- illness
- image
- image of France → image of France Stattdessen verwenden: national stereotype national stereotype
- image of France → image of France Stattdessen verwenden: France France
- image of Germany → image of Germany Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
- image of Germany → image of Germany Stattdessen verwenden: German Democratic Republic (GDR) German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- image of Germany → image of Germany Stattdessen verwenden: national stereotype national stereotype
- image of Germany → image of Germany Stattdessen verwenden: Germany Germany
- image of Japan → image of Japan Stattdessen verwenden: national stereotype national stereotype
- image of Japan → image of Japan Stattdessen verwenden: Japan Japan
- image of man
- image of men
- image of Russia → image of Russia Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- image of Russia → image of Russia Stattdessen verwenden: national stereotype national stereotype
- image of Russia → image of Russia Stattdessen verwenden: Russia Russia
- image of society
- image of the enemy
- image of the German Democratic Republic → image of the German Democratic Republic Stattdessen verwenden: German Democratic Republic (GDR) German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- image of the German Democratic Republic → image of the German Democratic Republic Stattdessen verwenden: national stereotype national stereotype
- image of women
- imagination
- imagination → imagination Stattdessen verwenden: imagination imagination
- imbalance → imbalance Stattdessen verwenden: equilibrium equilibrium
- imitation
- imitative learning → imitative learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- imitative learning → imitative learning Stattdessen verwenden: imitation imitation
- immaterial goods
- immigrant → immigrant Stattdessen verwenden: immigration immigration
- immigrant organization → immigrant organization Stattdessen verwenden: organizations organizations
- immigrant organization → immigrant organization Stattdessen verwenden: immigration immigration
- immigration
- immigration
- immigration act → immigration act Stattdessen verwenden: immigration law immigration law
- immigration country
- immigration law
- immigration policy
- immigration statistics → immigration statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- immigration statistics → immigration statistics Stattdessen verwenden: immigration immigration
- immiseration
- immiserization thesis
- immission
- immunity
- impact
- impact analysis
- impact research
- imparting of policy
- Imperial (Free) City
- imperialism
- imperialism theory
- implementation
- import
- import restriction → import restriction Stattdessen verwenden: trade barrier trade barrier
- import substitution
- impression formation → impression formation Stattdessen verwenden: attitude formation attitude formation
- imprisonment
- improvisation → improvisation Stattdessen verwenden: spontaneity spontaneity
- in-company vocational training → in-company vocational training Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- in-company vocational training → in-company vocational training Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- in-house employment policy → in-house employment policy Stattdessen verwenden: personnel policy personnel policy
- in-house training → in-house training Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- in-house training → in-house training Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- in-plant further education → in-plant further education Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- in-plant further education → in-plant further education Stattdessen verwenden: advanced vocational education advanced vocational education
- incentive
- incentive pay → incentive pay Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- incentive pay → incentive pay Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- incentive system
- incentive wage → incentive wage Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- incentive wage → incentive wage Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- incest
- incest tabu → incest tabu Stattdessen verwenden: incest incest
- incest tabu → incest tabu Stattdessen verwenden: tabu tabu
- incidence
- incident
- inclusion
- income
- income and expenditure survey
- income disparity → income disparity Stattdessen verwenden: difference in income difference in income
- income distribution
- income effect
- income limit
- income situation
- income statement
- income structure → income structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- income structure → income structure Stattdessen verwenden: income distribution income distribution
- income tax
- income through employment → income through employment Stattdessen verwenden: employee employee
- income through employment → income through employment Stattdessen verwenden: income income
- incomes policy
- incompatibility
- incomplete family → incomplete family Stattdessen verwenden: single parent family single parent family
- increase in production
- increase in productivity → increase in productivity Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- increase in productivity → increase in productivity Stattdessen verwenden: productivity productivity
- increased efficiency
- indebtedness
- indemnity
- independence → independence Stattdessen verwenden: dependence dependence
- independence movement → independence movement Stattdessen verwenden: political independence political independence
- independence movement → independence movement Stattdessen verwenden: political movement political movement
- independent radio → independent radio Stattdessen verwenden: alternative alternative
- independent radio → independent radio Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany
- independent trade union
- independent voters' association
- index
- index construction
- index number
- indexing
- India
- Indian
- Indian Ocean
- indication
- indicator
- indicator research
- indigence
- indigenous peoples
- indirect taxes
- individual
- individual law
- individual psychology
- individual test → individual test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- individual workspace
- individualism
- individuality
- individualization
- individuation → individuation Stattdessen verwenden: personality development personality development
- Indonesia
- induction
- inductive statistics → inductive statistics Stattdessen verwenden: inferential statistics inferential statistics
- industrial action
- industrial and commercial penal code → industrial and commercial penal code Stattdessen verwenden: criminal law criminal law
- industrial and commercial penal code → industrial and commercial penal code Stattdessen verwenden: white-collar criminality white-collar criminality
- industrial capitalism → industrial capitalism Stattdessen verwenden: capitalism capitalism
- industrial culture
- industrial democracy
- industrial development → industrial development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- industrial development → industrial development Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- industrial dispute
- industrial economy
- industrial enterprise
- industrial espionage → industrial espionage Stattdessen verwenden: economic espionage economic espionage
- industrial exodus → industrial exodus Stattdessen verwenden: out-migration out-migration
- industrial exodus → industrial exodus Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- industrial location → industrial location Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- industrial location → industrial location Stattdessen verwenden: location location
- industrial management → industrial management Stattdessen verwenden: business management business management
- industrial nation
- industrial occupation
- industrial park
- industrial peace
- industrial plant
- industrial policy
- industrial production
- industrial psychology
- industrial psychology
- industrial region
- industrial relations
- industrial relations policy
- industrial revolution
- industrial robot
- industrial safety
- industrial safety for women → industrial safety for women Stattdessen verwenden: occupational safety occupational safety
- industrial safety for women → industrial safety for women Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- industrial sales representative
- industrial settlement
- industrial society
- industrial sociology
- industrial sociology
- industrial union
- Industrial Union of Chemistry, Paper, Ceramics
- Industrial Union of Mining and Energy
- Industrial Union of Printing and Paper
- industrial worker
- industrial zone
- industrialization
- Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden → Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden Stattdessen verwenden: Industrial Union of Building, Stone and Earth-quarrying Industrial Union of Building, Stone and Earth-quarrying
- Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau und Energie → Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau und Energie Stattdessen verwenden: Industrial Union of Mining and Energy Industrial Union of Mining and Energy
- Industriegewerkschaft Chemie-Papier-Keramik → Industriegewerkschaft Chemie-Papier-Keramik Stattdessen verwenden: Industrial Union of Chemistry, Paper, Ceramics Industrial Union of Chemistry, Paper, Ceramics
- Industriegewerkschaft Druck und Papier → Industriegewerkschaft Druck und Papier Stattdessen verwenden: Industrial Union of Printing and Paper Industrial Union of Printing and Paper
- Industriegewerkschaft Metall → Industriegewerkschaft Metall Stattdessen verwenden: IG Metall IG Metall
- industry
- industry
- industry research
- industrywide collective bargaining agreement
- inequality
- inequality of income → inequality of income Stattdessen verwenden: difference in income difference in income
- inequality of opportunity → inequality of opportunity Stattdessen verwenden: equal opportunity equal opportunity
- infant
- infant development → infant development Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- infant development → infant development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- infant mortality → infant mortality Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- infant mortality → infant mortality Stattdessen verwenden: mortality mortality
- infant mortality (babies) → infant mortality (babies) Stattdessen verwenden: baby baby
- infant mortality (babies) → infant mortality (babies) Stattdessen verwenden: mortality mortality
- infant pedagogics → infant pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- infant pedagogics → infant pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: infant infant
- infant pedagogics → infant pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogics pedagogics
- infectious disease → infectious disease Stattdessen verwenden: contagious disease contagious disease
- inferential statistics
- infiltration → infiltration Stattdessen verwenden: subversion subversion
- inflation
- influence
- influence exertion → influence exertion Stattdessen verwenden: influence influence
- influenceability
- influencing behavior → influencing behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- influencing behavior → influencing behavior Stattdessen verwenden: influence influence
- influenza → influenza Stattdessen verwenden: contagious disease contagious disease
- informal communication
- informal group
- informal learning
- informal sector
- informal structure
- information
- information abuse
- information and documentation
- information and documentation
- information brokerage
- information capture
- information center → information center Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- information center → information center Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- information collection
- information content
- information economics
- information exchange
- information flow
- information highway → information highway Stattdessen verwenden: computer computer
- information highway → information highway Stattdessen verwenden: data exchange data exchange
- information industry
- information management
- information material → information material Stattdessen verwenden: information medium information medium
- information medium
- information policy
- information process
- information processing
- information psychology → information psychology Stattdessen verwenden: psychology psychology
- information psychology → information psychology Stattdessen verwenden: information processing information processing
- information retrieval
- information science
- information selection → information selection Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- information selection → information selection Stattdessen verwenden: selection selection
- information service
- information shortage → information shortage Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- information shortage → information shortage Stattdessen verwenden: information information
- information society
- information system
- information technology
- information technology
- information theory
- information utilization
- information warfare
- information-seeking behavior
- informational publication → informational publication Stattdessen verwenden: information medium information medium
- informatization
- infotainment
- infrastructural facility → infrastructural facility Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- infrastructural facility → infrastructural facility Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- infrastructural investments → infrastructural investments Stattdessen verwenden: investment investment
- infrastructural investments → infrastructural investments Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- infrastructural planning → infrastructural planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- infrastructural planning → infrastructural planning Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- infrastructural policy → infrastructural policy Stattdessen verwenden: structural policy structural policy
- infrastructural policy → infrastructural policy Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- infrastructure
- infrastructure development
- inhabitant
- inheritance
- inheritance law
- initial phase of studies
- initiation
- initiative → initiative Stattdessen verwenden: activity activity
- initiative → initiative Stattdessen verwenden: involvement involvement
- initiative → initiative Stattdessen verwenden: unemployed person initiative unemployed person initiative
- initiative → initiative Stattdessen verwenden: citizens' action committee citizens' action committee
- initiative → initiative Stattdessen verwenden: parents' initiative parents' initiative
- inkblot test → inkblot test Stattdessen verwenden: projective test projective test
- Innere Mission → Innere Mission Stattdessen verwenden: Diakonisches Werk Diakonisches Werk
- Innere Mission → Innere Mission Stattdessen verwenden: Protestant church Protestant church
- innovation
- innovation capacity
- innovation diffusion → innovation diffusion Stattdessen verwenden: diffusion diffusion
- innovation diffusion → innovation diffusion Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- innovation disposition → innovation disposition Stattdessen verwenden: disposition disposition
- innovation disposition → innovation disposition Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- innovation policy
- innovation potential
- innovation research
- innovation resistance → innovation resistance Stattdessen verwenden: disposition disposition
- innovation resistance → innovation resistance Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- innovation strategy → innovation strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- innovation strategy → innovation strategy Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- innovator
- inpatient treatment
- input
- input-output analysis
- input-output model
- inquiry
- Inquisition
- insolvency
- instability
- instinct
- Institute for Employment Research → Institute for Employment Research Stattdessen verwenden: IAB IAB
- institute of technology
- institution
- institution for the cure of alcoholics → institution for the cure of alcoholics Stattdessen verwenden: alcoholism alcoholism
- institution for the cure of alcoholics → institution for the cure of alcoholics Stattdessen verwenden: specialized hospital specialized hospital
- institutional change
- institutional economics
- institutional educator
- institutional factors
- institutional home
- institutional home for juveniles
- institutional resident
- institutional violence → institutional violence Stattdessen verwenden: structural violence structural violence
- institutionalism
- institutionalization
- institutionalization (persons)
- instruction
- instruction in engineering → instruction in engineering Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- instruction in engineering → instruction in engineering Stattdessen verwenden: technical education technical education
- instruction in natural science subjects
- instruction leaflet → instruction leaflet Stattdessen verwenden: instruction instruction
- instructional media
- instructional technology
- instructions for use → instructions for use Stattdessen verwenden: instruction instruction
- instructor
- instructor seminar → instructor seminar Stattdessen verwenden: instructor instructor
- instructor seminar → instructor seminar Stattdessen verwenden: educational event educational event
- instrument of state
- instrumental rationality
- instrumentalization
- instruments
- insurance
- insurance benefit
- insurance business
- insurance carrier → insurance carrier Stattdessen verwenden: sponsorship sponsorship
- insurance carrier → insurance carrier Stattdessen verwenden: insurance insurance
- insurance claim
- insurance company → insurance company Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- insurance company → insurance company Stattdessen verwenden: insurance insurance
- insurance contribution
- insurance coverage
- insurance premium rate
- insurance principle
- insurance-exempt payment
- insured person
- integrated planning
- Integrated Services Digital Network → Integrated Services Digital Network Stattdessen verwenden: ISDN ISDN
- integrated system
- integration
- integration agreement → integration agreement Stattdessen verwenden: agreement on objectives agreement on objectives
- integration agreement → integration agreement Stattdessen verwenden: occupational reintegration occupational reintegration
- integration allowance → integration allowance Stattdessen verwenden: occupational integration occupational integration
- integration allowance → integration allowance Stattdessen verwenden: grant grant
- integration concept
- integration policy
- integration strategy
- integrative education
- integrative teaching → integrative teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- integrative teaching → integrative teaching Stattdessen verwenden: integrative education integrative education
- integrity
- intellectual
- intellectual history → intellectual history Stattdessen verwenden: history of ideas history of ideas
- intellectual property
- intellectual work
- intelligence
- intelligence quotient
- intelligence service → intelligence service Stattdessen verwenden: secret service secret service
- intelligence test → intelligence test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- intelligence test → intelligence test Stattdessen verwenden: intelligence intelligence
- intensity
- intensive care medicine
- intention
- intention to accept trainees
- inter-generational contract
- interaction
- interaction behavior → interaction behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- interaction behavior → interaction behavior Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- interaction competence → interaction competence Stattdessen verwenden: competence competence
- interaction competence → interaction competence Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- interaction pattern
- interaction research
- interaction theory → interaction theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- interaction theory → interaction theory Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- interaction training → interaction training Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- interaction training → interaction training Stattdessen verwenden: behavioral training behavioral training
- interactionism
- interactive media
- interactive service → interactive service Stattdessen verwenden: communication technology communication technology
- interactive videotex
- interactivity → interactivity Stattdessen verwenden: interactive media interactive media
- intercompany codetermination
- intercompany cooperation
- interconfessional cooperation → interconfessional cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: ecumenical movement ecumenical movement
- interconnection
- intercultural communication
- intercultural comparison
- intercultural education
- intercultural factors
- intercultural learning → intercultural learning Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural education intercultural education
- intercultural learning → intercultural learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- intercultural learning → intercultural learning Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural factors intercultural factors
- intercultural nursing → intercultural nursing Stattdessen verwenden: caregiving caregiving
- intercultural nursing → intercultural nursing Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural factors intercultural factors
- intercultural skills
- interculturality → interculturality Stattdessen verwenden: cross-culturality cross-culturality
- interdependence
- interdisciplinarity
- interdisciplinary curriculum → interdisciplinary curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- interdisciplinary curriculum → interdisciplinary curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: interdisciplinary instruction interdisciplinary instruction
- interdisciplinary instruction
- interdisciplinary research
- interest
- interest (on money)
- interest group
- interest group policy
- interest in leisure time → interest in leisure time Stattdessen verwenden: interest interest
- interest in leisure time → interest in leisure time Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- interest in sports → interest in sports Stattdessen verwenden: interest interest
- interest in sports → interest in sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- interest in vocational training
- interest intermediation → interest intermediation Stattdessen verwenden: representation of interests representation of interests
- interest orientation
- interest rate
- interest sphere
- interest test
- interest theory → interest theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- interest theory → interest theory Stattdessen verwenden: interest (on money) interest (on money)
- interests
- interethnic marriage → interethnic marriage Stattdessen verwenden: intermarriage intermarriage
- interethnic marriage → interethnic marriage Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic relations ethnic relations
- interethnic relations → interethnic relations Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic relations ethnic relations
- interference
- intergenerational mobility
- Intergenerational relations
- intergenerational transfers → intergenerational transfers Stattdessen verwenden: transfer transfer
- intergenerational transfers → intergenerational transfers Stattdessen verwenden: generation generation
- interior location
- interlocking politics → interlocking politics Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- interlocking politics → interlocking politics Stattdessen verwenden: interconnection interconnection
- intermarriage
- intermedia comparison → intermedia comparison Stattdessen verwenden: comparison comparison
- intermedia comparison → intermedia comparison Stattdessen verwenden: media planning media planning
- intermediality
- intermediary examination
- intermediary organization
- intermediate level of qualification
- intermediate school
- intermediate storage → intermediate storage Stattdessen verwenden: storage storage
- interministerial cooperation → interministerial cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: ministry ministry
- interministerial cooperation → interministerial cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: cooperation cooperation
- intermodality → intermodality Stattdessen verwenden: multimodality multimodality
- internal labor market
- internal migration
- internal resignation
- internal revenue office → internal revenue office Stattdessen verwenden: fiscal authorities fiscal authorities
- internal sickness fund → internal sickness fund Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance fund health insurance fund
- internalization
- International → International Stattdessen verwenden: First International First International
- International → International Stattdessen verwenden: Cominform Cominform
- International → International Stattdessen verwenden: Comintern Comintern
- International → International Stattdessen verwenden: Second International Second International
- International → International Stattdessen verwenden: Socialist International Socialist International
- international agreement
- international aid
- international capital market → international capital market Stattdessen verwenden: international economic relations international economic relations
- international capital market → international capital market Stattdessen verwenden: capital market capital market
- international capital movement
- international capital transactions → international capital transactions Stattdessen verwenden: international economic relations international economic relations
- international capital transactions → international capital transactions Stattdessen verwenden: capital transactions capital transactions
- international communication
- international comparison
- international competition
- international conference → international conference Stattdessen verwenden: conference conference
- international conflict
- international cooperation
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- international cultural policy
- international division of labor
- international economic development → international economic development Stattdessen verwenden: world economy world economy
- international economic development → international economic development Stattdessen verwenden: economic development (on national level) economic development (on national level)
- international economic relations
- international economics
- international educational activities → international educational activities Stattdessen verwenden: international cooperation international cooperation
- international educational activities → international educational activities Stattdessen verwenden: educational activities educational activities
- international enterprise → international enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: multinational corporation multinational corporation
- international exchange → international exchange Stattdessen verwenden: international relations international relations
- International Federation of Trade Unions → International Federation of Trade Unions Stattdessen verwenden: IFTU IFTU
- international information and communication order
- international interdependence
- international labor law → international labor law Stattdessen verwenden: labor law labor law
- international labor law → international labor law Stattdessen verwenden: international law international law
- international labor movement → international labor movement Stattdessen verwenden: labor movement labor movement
- international labor movement → international labor movement Stattdessen verwenden: internationalism internationalism
- International Labor Office → International Labor Office Stattdessen verwenden: ILO ILO
- International Labour Organization → International Labour Organization Stattdessen verwenden: ILO ILO
- international law
- international leading power
- international migration
- International Monetary Fund → International Monetary Fund Stattdessen verwenden: IMF IMF
- international monetary system
- international networking
- international organization
- international politics
- international press
- international recognition
- international refugee assistance → international refugee assistance Stattdessen verwenden: international aid international aid
- international refugee assistance → international refugee assistance Stattdessen verwenden: refugee refugee
- international regime
- international relations
- international security
- International Social Survey Programme → International Social Survey Programme Stattdessen verwenden: ISSP ISSP
- International Sociological Association
- international system
- international system of payments
- international trade → international trade Stattdessen verwenden: world trade world trade
- international trade policy
- international treaty → international treaty Stattdessen verwenden: international agreement international agreement
- international unterstanding
- international women's university → international women's university Stattdessen verwenden: women's university women's university
- internationalism
- internationalization
- Internet
- internet community
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers → Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Stattdessen verwenden: ICANN ICANN
- internet portal → internet portal Stattdessen verwenden: portal portal
- internet survey → internet survey Stattdessen verwenden: online survey online survey
- internship
- interpenetration
- interpersonal communication
- interpersonal perception
- interpersonal relation → interpersonal relation Stattdessen verwenden: social relations social relations
- interpersonal relation → interpersonal relation Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- interplant further education
- interplant training
- interplant training facility → interplant training facility Stattdessen verwenden: interplant training interplant training
- interplant training facility → interplant training facility Stattdessen verwenden: vocational training facility vocational training facility
- interpretation
- interpretation
- interpretation of history → interpretation of history Stattdessen verwenden: conception of history conception of history
- interpretation of literature → interpretation of literature Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- interpretation of literature → interpretation of literature Stattdessen verwenden: interpretation interpretation
- interpretation of the constitution → interpretation of the constitution Stattdessen verwenden: constitution constitution
- interpretation of the constitution → interpretation of the constitution Stattdessen verwenden: interpretation of the law interpretation of the law
- interpretation of the law
- interpretative sociology
- interpreter
- intersectionality
- interstitial
- intersubjectivity
- intervention
- intervention strategy → intervention strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- intervention strategy → intervention strategy Stattdessen verwenden: intervention intervention
- interventionism
- interview
- interview question → interview question Stattdessen verwenden: interview interview
- interviewer → interviewer Stattdessen verwenden: interview interview
- interviewer effect → interviewer effect Stattdessen verwenden: reactivity effect reactivity effect
- Intifada
- intimacy
- intolerance → intolerance Stattdessen verwenden: tolerance tolerance
- intoxication
- intra-German relations
- intra-union opposition
- intra-urban migration → intra-urban migration Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- intra-urban migration → intra-urban migration Stattdessen verwenden: internal migration internal migration
- intra-urban mobility → intra-urban mobility Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- intra-urban mobility → intra-urban mobility Stattdessen verwenden: internal migration internal migration
- Intranet
- intraparty democracy
- intraparty grouping
- intraparty opposition
- intrinsic motivation
- introduction
- introspection
- introversion
- intrusive data collection methods
- intuition
- invalidity
- invasion
- invention
- inventory
- invested wages → invested wages Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- invested wages → invested wages Stattdessen verwenden: capital formation capital formation
- investigation
- investigative journalism → investigative journalism Stattdessen verwenden: sensationalist journalism sensationalist journalism
- investment
- investment aid
- investment appraisal
- investment behavior
- investment control
- investment in education
- investment income
- investment policy
- investment productivity → investment productivity Stattdessen verwenden: productivity productivity
- investment productivity → investment productivity Stattdessen verwenden: capital capital
- investment productivity → investment productivity Stattdessen verwenden: profitability profitability
- investment ratio
- investment subsidy
- investor
- involvement
- IRA (Irish Republican Army)
- Iran
- Iranian
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Irish Republican Army → Irish Republican Army Stattdessen verwenden: IRA (Irish Republican Army) IRA (Irish Republican Army)
- Irishman
- iron and steel industry
- irony
- irreconcilable differences
- irrigation
- ISA → ISA Stattdessen verwenden: International Sociological Association International Sociological Association
- Islam
- Islamic society
- islamism
- Islamist party
- Islamization
- islamophobia
- isolation → isolation Stattdessen verwenden: social isolation social isolation
- isolationism
- Israel
- Israeli
- IT career
- IT industry
- Italian
- Italian language
- Italian-speaking Switzerland
- Italy
- item analysis → item analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- item analysis → item analysis Stattdessen verwenden: indicator indicator
- Ivory Coast
- Jacobin
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Japanese
- Japanese studies
- Jaspers, Karl
- jazz
- jealousy
- Jellinek, Georg
- Jesuit
- Jesus movement → Jesus movement Stattdessen verwenden: religious movement religious movement
- Jew
- jihad
- job
- job analysis
- job category → job category Stattdessen verwenden: area of activity area of activity
- job center
- job change
- job characteristics
- job choice
- job content
- job counseling
- job counselor
- job creation
- job creation company
- job creation measure
- job creation program → job creation program Stattdessen verwenden: employment policy employment policy
- job creation program → job creation program Stattdessen verwenden: program program
- job demand
- job description
- job design
- job development → job development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- job development → job development Stattdessen verwenden: job job
- job enlargement
- job enrichment
- job entrant
- job evaluation
- job exchange
- job history
- job in theater
- job initiation
- job interview
- job loss
- job of the future
- job offer
- job orientation
- job performance
- job placement campaign → job placement campaign Stattdessen verwenden: activating labor market policy activating labor market policy
- job posting
- job potential
- job requirements
- job rotation
- job satisfaction
- job search
- job security
- job seeker
- job sharing
- job situation
- job structure → job structure Stattdessen verwenden: work structuring work structuring
- job success
- job task analysis
- job title
- job vacancy
- joining the European Community
- joining the European Union
- joint household
- joint tasks
- joint venture
- joke
- Jonas, Hans
- Jordan
- journalism
- journalism
- journalism
- journalist
- journalistic diversity
- journalists' association → journalists' association Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- journalists' association → journalists' association Stattdessen verwenden: journalist journalist
- journeyman
- Judaism
- judge
- judgment formation
- judgment or sentence
- judical official
- judicial administration
- judicial fact
- judicial power
- judiciary
- Jugendweihe
- junior academic staff
- junior college level
- junior staff
- junior teacher → junior teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- juridification
- jurisdiction
- jurisdiction
- jurisprudence
- jurist
- just-in-time production
- justice
- juvenile court
- juvenile delinquency → juvenile delinquency Stattdessen verwenden: delinquency delinquency
- juvenile delinquency → juvenile delinquency Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- juvenile law
- juvenile offender → juvenile offender Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- juvenile offender → juvenile offender Stattdessen verwenden: criminal criminal
- juvenile penal institutions → juvenile penal institutions Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- juvenile penal institutions → juvenile penal institutions Stattdessen verwenden: execution of sentence execution of sentence
- Jünger, Ernst
- Kampuchea → Kampuchea Stattdessen verwenden: Cambodia Cambodia
- Kant, Immanuel
- Kapp-Putsch
- Kassenarzt
- Kassenärztliche Vereinigung
- Kautsky, Karl
- Kazakhstan
- Kelsen, Hans
- Kenya
- key event
- key technology
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Keynesianism
- kibbutz
- Kierkegaard, Soeren
- kindergarten
- kindergarten child → kindergarten child Stattdessen verwenden: infant infant
- kindergarten child → kindergarten child Stattdessen verwenden: kindergarten kindergarten
- kindergarten teacher
- Kinderladen
- kinship
- Kirchheimer, Otto
- Kiribati → Kiribati Stattdessen verwenden: Micronesia Micronesia
- kitsch
- know how
- knowledge
- knowledge
- knowledge acquisition
- knowledge economy
- knowledge gap
- knowledge management
- knowledge of languages
- knowledge production
- knowledge society
- knowledge transfer
- knowledge work
- knowledge-based system → knowledge-based system Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- knowledge-based system → knowledge-based system Stattdessen verwenden: artificial intelligence artificial intelligence
- Kohl, Helmut
- Kohlberg, Lawrence
- Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Koran
- Korea → Korea Stattdessen verwenden: North Korea North Korea
- Korea → Korea Stattdessen verwenden: South Korea South Korea
- Korean War
- Kosovo
- Kracauer, Siegfried
- Kuhn, Thomas S.
- Kulturkampf
- Kurd
- Kurdistan
- Kuwait
- Kyoto Protocol → Kyoto Protocol Stattdessen verwenden: international agreement international agreement
- Kyoto Protocol → Kyoto Protocol Stattdessen verwenden: climate protection climate protection
- Kyrgyzstan
- KZ → KZ Stattdessen verwenden: concentration camp concentration camp
- König, René
- labeling approach
- labor
- labor (court) jurisdiction
- labor administration
- labor camp
- labor costs
- labor court
- labor demand
- labor director
- labor economics
- labor entrepreneur
- labor force
- labor force participation
- labor force participation rate → labor force participation rate Stattdessen verwenden: gainful employment gainful employment
- labor force participation rate → labor force participation rate Stattdessen verwenden: quota quota
- labor force potential
- labor force representation in Austria
- labor force statistics → labor force statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- labor force statistics → labor force statistics Stattdessen verwenden: labor force labor force
- labor force survey → labor force survey Stattdessen verwenden: labor statistics labor statistics
- labor intensification
- labor intensity
- labor law
- labor legislation → labor legislation Stattdessen verwenden: labor law labor law
- labor legislation → labor legislation Stattdessen verwenden: legislation legislation
- labor market
- labor market integration → labor market integration Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- labor market integration → labor market integration Stattdessen verwenden: occupational integration occupational integration
- labor market model → labor market model Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- labor market model → labor market model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- labor market policy
- labor market prognosis → labor market prognosis Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- labor market prognosis → labor market prognosis Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- labor market prognosis → labor market prognosis Stattdessen verwenden: prognostication prognostication
- labor market prospect → labor market prospect Stattdessen verwenden: career prospect career prospect
- labor market reform → labor market reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- labor market reform → labor market reform Stattdessen verwenden: labor market policy labor market policy
- labor market research
- labor market segmentation
- labor market situation → labor market situation Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- labor market statistics → labor market statistics Stattdessen verwenden: labor statistics labor statistics
- labor market system → labor market system Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- labor market system → labor market system Stattdessen verwenden: regulatory policy regulatory policy
- labor market theory
- labor market trend
- labor migration
- labor movement
- labor policy
- labor productivity → labor productivity Stattdessen verwenden: labor labor
- labor productivity → labor productivity Stattdessen verwenden: productivity productivity
- labor relations
- Labor Service (Third Reich)
- labor statistics
- labor supply
- labor theory of value
- labor union state
- labor-management relations
- labor-management relations
- Labor-Management Relations Act
- laboratory
- laboratory assistant
- laboratory experiment
- laboratory job
- Labour Party → Labour Party Stattdessen verwenden: Great Britain Great Britain
- Labour Party → Labour Party Stattdessen verwenden: socialist party socialist party
- Lacan, Jacques
- lack → lack Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- lack → lack Stattdessen verwenden: need need
- lack of integration → lack of integration Stattdessen verwenden: willingness to integrate willingness to integrate
- Laclau, Ernesto
- laicism
- Lakatos, Imre
- land
- land law
- land policy
- land reform → land reform Stattdessen verwenden: agrarian reform agrarian reform
- land use
- land utilization
- land value
- landed property
- Landeshauptmann
- Landeskirche → Landeskirche Stattdessen verwenden: Protestant church Protestant church
- Landessportbund → Landessportbund Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Landessportbund → Landessportbund Stattdessen verwenden: sports association sports association
- Landjugend
- landline → landline Stattdessen verwenden: telephone telephone
- landlord
- landlord tenant law
- landlordship → landlordship Stattdessen verwenden: feudalism feudalism
- landscape
- landscape management
- landscape planning
- landscape protection
- landscaping → landscaping Stattdessen verwenden: landscape management landscape management
- Landtag
- language
- language acquisition
- language analysis → language analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- language analysis → language analysis Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- language barrier
- language behavior
- language change
- language code
- language course
- language didactics
- language education
- language group
- language instruction
- language of instruction
- language of science → language of science Stattdessen verwenden: technical language technical language
- language of science → language of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- language policy
- language promotion
- language theory → language theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- language theory → language theory Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- language usage
- Laos
- larceny
- large city
- large family → large family Stattdessen verwenden: family size family size
- large family → large family Stattdessen verwenden: number of children number of children
- large landed property
- large-scale enterprise
- large-scale industry → large-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: large-scale enterprise large-scale enterprise
- large-scale industry → large-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- large-scale research
- large-scale technology
- Lassalle, Ferdinand
- late capitalism
- late mercantilism → late mercantilism Stattdessen verwenden: mercantilism mercantilism
- late middle ages → late middle ages Stattdessen verwenden: middle ages middle ages
- late migrant
- Latin America
- Latin American
- latitude
- Latour, Bruno
- Latvia
- Latvian
- laughter → laughter Stattdessen verwenden: humor humor
- law
- law and order
- law enforcement
- law of civil procedure → law of civil procedure Stattdessen verwenden: law of procedure law of procedure
- law of civil procedure → law of civil procedure Stattdessen verwenden: civil suit civil suit
- law of contract → law of contract Stattdessen verwenden: law of obligations law of obligations
- law of criminal procedure → law of criminal procedure Stattdessen verwenden: law of procedure law of procedure
- law of criminal procedure → law of criminal procedure Stattdessen verwenden: criminal proceedings criminal proceedings
- law of nations
- law of nature
- law of obligations
- law of parent and child → law of parent and child Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- law of parents and child → law of parents and child Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- law of procedure
- law of war
- law on aliens
- law on competition → law on competition Stattdessen verwenden: competition competition
- law on competition → law on competition Stattdessen verwenden: economic law economic law
- law on public safety and order
- law on the constitutionality of the courts
- law reform
- lawsuit
- lawyer
- lay assessor
- lay theologian → lay theologian Stattdessen verwenden: layperson layperson
- lay theologian → lay theologian Stattdessen verwenden: theologian theologian
- lay therapist → lay therapist Stattdessen verwenden: therapist therapist
- lay therapist → lay therapist Stattdessen verwenden: layperson layperson
- lay therapy → lay therapy Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- lay therapy → lay therapy Stattdessen verwenden: layperson layperson
- layoffs
- layout
- layout
- layperson
- Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
- leader
- leadership
- leadership (of men)
- leadership and civic education
- leadership change
- leadership know-how → leadership know-how Stattdessen verwenden: expertise expertise
- leadership know-how → leadership know-how Stattdessen verwenden: leadership leadership
- leading medium
- leading position → leading position Stattdessen verwenden: executive position executive position
- leading power → leading power Stattdessen verwenden: international leading power international leading power
- leaflet
- League of Nations
- lean management
- lean production → lean production Stattdessen verwenden: lean management lean management
- learning
- learning account
- learning aid
- learning aptitude
- learning assignment
- learning behavior → learning behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- learning behavior → learning behavior Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- learning condition → learning condition Stattdessen verwenden: learning prerequisite learning prerequisite
- learning culture
- learning difficulty
- learning difficulty in arithmetic → learning difficulty in arithmetic Stattdessen verwenden: learning difficulty learning difficulty
- learning difficulty in arithmetic → learning difficulty in arithmetic Stattdessen verwenden: arithmetic arithmetic
- learning disability
- learning disorder → learning disorder Stattdessen verwenden: learning difficulty learning difficulty
- learning effect → learning effect Stattdessen verwenden: learning success learning success
- learning environment
- learning method
- learning motivation → learning motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- learning motivation → learning motivation Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- learning objective
- learning organization
- learning performance → learning performance Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- learning performance → learning performance Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- learning platform → learning platform Stattdessen verwenden: electronic learning electronic learning
- learning prerequisite
- learning process
- learning progress → learning progress Stattdessen verwenden: learning success learning success
- learning region
- learning situation
- learning software → learning software Stattdessen verwenden: computer aided learning computer aided learning
- learning software → learning software Stattdessen verwenden: software software
- learning strategy → learning strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- learning strategy → learning strategy Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- learning success
- learning theory
- learning to read
- leasing
- leather working industry
- leave for parents → leave for parents Stattdessen verwenden: parental leave parental leave
- leaver
- leaving the church
- Lebanon
- lebenswelt
- lecturer → lecturer Stattdessen verwenden: university teacher university teacher
- Leeward Islands → Leeward Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Lefebvre, Henri
- Left → Left Stattdessen verwenden: political left political left
- left-wing Catholicism
- left-wing communism → left-wing communism Stattdessen verwenden: communism communism
- left-wing communism → left-wing communism Stattdessen verwenden: left-wing radicalism left-wing radicalism
- left-wing Keynesianism
- left-wing liberalism
- left-wing orientation → left-wing orientation Stattdessen verwenden: political attitude political attitude
- left-wing orientation → left-wing orientation Stattdessen verwenden: political left political left
- left-wing radicalism
- left-wing socialism
- legal abortion
- legal advice
- legal age
- legal agreement
- legal aid
- legal assistance
- legal basis
- legal capacity
- legal claim
- legal comparison
- legal competency
- legal conclusion
- legal consciousness
- legal dogmatics
- legal entity
- legal expenses insurance → legal expenses insurance Stattdessen verwenden: insurance insurance
- legal expenses insurance → legal expenses insurance Stattdessen verwenden: legal protection legal protection
- legal factors
- legal form
- legal incapacitation
- legal norm
- legal order
- legal policy
- legal position
- legal positivism
- legal practice → legal practice Stattdessen verwenden: legal usage legal usage
- legal procedure
- legal proceedings
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal protection
- legal protection of personal rights → legal protection of personal rights Stattdessen verwenden: right to privacy right to privacy
- legal protection of tenants → legal protection of tenants Stattdessen verwenden: landlord tenant law landlord tenant law
- legal provision
- legal remedies
- legal science studies → legal science studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- legal science studies → legal science studies Stattdessen verwenden: jurisprudence jurisprudence
- legal status
- legal system
- legal theory
- legal usage
- legal validity
- legal violence → legal violence Stattdessen verwenden: violence violence
- legal violence → legal violence Stattdessen verwenden: legality legality
- legalism
- legality
- legalization
- legasthenia → legasthenia Stattdessen verwenden: dyslexia dyslexia
- legislation
- legislative
- legislative term
- legitimacy
- legitimation
- Leibniz Association
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
- leisure education
- leisure research
- leisure sector
- leisure society
- leisure time
- leisure time behavior
- leisure time demand → leisure time demand Stattdessen verwenden: product product
- leisure time demand → leisure time demand Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- leisure time demand → leisure time demand Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- leisure time facility → leisure time facility Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- leisure time facility → leisure time facility Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- leisure time need → leisure time need Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- leisure time need → leisure time need Stattdessen verwenden: need need
- leisure time orientation
- leisure time planning → leisure time planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- leisure time planning → leisure time planning Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- leisure time policy
- leisure time sports → leisure time sports Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- leisure time sports → leisure time sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- lending
- length of marriage
- length of service
- Lenin, Vladimir I.
- Leninism → Leninism Stattdessen verwenden: Marxism-Leninism Marxism-Leninism
- Lesotho
- Lesser Antilles → Lesser Antilles Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- lessor's household → lessor's household Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- lessor's household → lessor's household Stattdessen verwenden: landlord landlord
- letter
- letter to the editor
- letters to the editor → letters to the editor Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- letters to the editor → letters to the editor Stattdessen verwenden: letter to the editor letter to the editor
- level of armaments
- level of aspiration
- level of consciousness → level of consciousness Stattdessen verwenden: state of consciousness state of consciousness
- level of education
- level of education attained
- level of information
- level of knowledge → level of knowledge Stattdessen verwenden: knowledge knowledge
- level of knowledge → level of knowledge Stattdessen verwenden: level of information level of information
- level of qualification
- level of vocational training
- levelling
- Levi-Strauss, Claude
- Levinas, Emmanuel
- Lewin, Kurt
- lexicology
- liability
- liability insurance
- liability reserves
- liability to punishment → liability to punishment Stattdessen verwenden: delinquency delinquency
- liberal arts occupation
- Liberal Forum → Liberal Forum Stattdessen verwenden: LIF LIF
- liberal party
- liberal trade union
- liberalism
- liberalization
- liberation
- liberation movement
- liberation theology
- liberation war → liberation war Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- liberation war → liberation war Stattdessen verwenden: liberation movement liberation movement
- Liberia
- libido → libido Stattdessen verwenden: drive drive
- librarian
- librarianship
- library
- library utilization → library utilization Stattdessen verwenden: utilization utilization
- library utilization → library utilization Stattdessen verwenden: library library
- Libya
- license
- licensed press
- licensing procedure
- lie
- Liebknecht, Karl
- Liebknecht, Wilhelm
- Liechtenstein
- life
- life assistance
- life career
- life crisis
- life cycle
- life cycle assessment
- life expectancy
- life insurance
- life partnership → life partnership Stattdessen verwenden: cohabitation cohabitation
- life perspective
- life planning
- Life Science → Life Science Stattdessen verwenden: life sciences life sciences
- life sciences
- life sentence → life sentence Stattdessen verwenden: imprisonment imprisonment
- life situation
- life sphere
- life style
- life-event research
- life-span
- lifelong learning
- lifetime earnings
- lifetime work period
- light music → light music Stattdessen verwenden: music music
- light music → light music Stattdessen verwenden: entertainment entertainment
- lighting → lighting Stattdessen verwenden: work environment work environment
- lignite → lignite Stattdessen verwenden: coal coal
- limited liability company
- limited partnership
- limited statehood → limited statehood Stattdessen verwenden: failed state failed state
- lineage society → lineage society Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic origin ethnic origin
- linear model
- linguistic competence → linguistic competence Stattdessen verwenden: competence competence
- linguistic competence → linguistic competence Stattdessen verwenden: language behavior language behavior
- linguistic intelligence → linguistic intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- linguistic intelligence → linguistic intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: intelligence intelligence
- linguistic patriotism → linguistic patriotism Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- linguistic patriotism → linguistic patriotism Stattdessen verwenden: patriotism patriotism
- linguistic psychology → linguistic psychology Stattdessen verwenden: psycholinguistics psycholinguistics
- linguistic research → linguistic research Stattdessen verwenden: linguistics linguistics
- linguistic variant
- linguistics
- liquidation
- liquidity
- Lisbon Treaty
- listener
- listener research → listener research Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- listener research → listener research Stattdessen verwenden: recipient research recipient research
- listening comprehension
- literacy
- literary adaptation
- literary criticism
- literary film → literary film Stattdessen verwenden: literary adaptation literary adaptation
- literary history
- literature
- literature (discipline)
- literature documentation
- literature reception → literature reception Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- literature reception → literature reception Stattdessen verwenden: reception reception
- literature theory → literature theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- literature theory → literature theory Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- Lithuania
- Lithuanian
- live broadcast → live broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: live program live program
- live program
- livelihood
- living arrangements → living arrangements Stattdessen verwenden: life situation life situation
- living conditions
- living necessities → living necessities Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- living necessities → living necessities Stattdessen verwenden: living standard living standard
- living standard
- loan
- lobby
- lobbyism → lobbyism Stattdessen verwenden: lobby lobby
- local communication
- local court
- local economy
- local election
- local elite
- local factors
- local journalism → local journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- local journalism → local journalism Stattdessen verwenden: local communication local communication
- local labor market policy → local labor market policy Stattdessen verwenden: labor market policy labor market policy
- local labor market policy → local labor market policy Stattdessen verwenden: local politics local politics
- local labor market policy → local labor market policy Stattdessen verwenden: local factors local factors
- local law
- local passenger transport → local passenger transport Stattdessen verwenden: local traffic local traffic
- local passenger transport → local passenger transport Stattdessen verwenden: passenger traffic passenger traffic
- local planning
- local politician → local politician Stattdessen verwenden: local politics local politics
- local politician → local politician Stattdessen verwenden: politician politician
- local politics
- local population → local population Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- local population → local population Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- local press → local press Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- local press → local press Stattdessen verwenden: local communication local communication
- local public
- local public transport → local public transport Stattdessen verwenden: local traffic local traffic
- local public transport → local public transport Stattdessen verwenden: public transportation public transportation
- local radio → local radio Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- local radio → local radio Stattdessen verwenden: local communication local communication
- local recreation
- local recreation area
- local self-government
- local social policy → local social policy Stattdessen verwenden: social policy social policy
- local social policy → local social policy Stattdessen verwenden: local politics local politics
- local tax
- local television → local television Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- local television → local television Stattdessen verwenden: local communication local communication
- local traffic
- local welfare administration → local welfare administration Stattdessen verwenden: social administration social administration
- local welfare administration → local welfare administration Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- location
- location factors
- location of school → location of school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- location of school → location of school Stattdessen verwenden: location location
- location policy
- location research
- Locke, John
- locked psychiatric unit
- lockout
- locus of control
- logic
- logic of science → logic of science Stattdessen verwenden: logic logic
- logic of science → logic of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- logical empirism → logical empirism Stattdessen verwenden: neo-positivism neo-positivism
- logical positivism → logical positivism Stattdessen verwenden: neo-positivism neo-positivism
- logistics
- logistics of supply
- logopedics
- logopedics
- long-distance commuter → long-distance commuter Stattdessen verwenden: commuter commuter
- long-distance travel
- long-haul traffic
- long-term care insurance
- long-term nursing → long-term nursing Stattdessen verwenden: need for care need for care
- long-term social observation → long-term social observation Stattdessen verwenden: longitudinal study longitudinal study
- long-term social observation → long-term social observation Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Government Report on Social Policy Federal Government Report on Social Policy
- long-term unemployment → long-term unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: persistent unemployment persistent unemployment
- longevity
- longitudinal study
- longshoreman
- look-and-say method → look-and-say method Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- look-and-say method → look-and-say method Stattdessen verwenden: learning to read learning to read
- loss of function
- loss of partner
- lost manhours
- love
- low income
- low qualified worker
- low wage
- low-skilled worker → low-skilled worker Stattdessen verwenden: low qualified worker low qualified worker
- low-wage country
- low-wage group
- Lower Austria
- lower class
- lower level secondary education
- Lower Saxony
- loyalty
- Luckmann, Thomas
- Ludz, Peter Christian
- Luhmann, Niklas
- Lukacs, Georg
- lumber industry
- lump sum payment
- lung cancer → lung cancer Stattdessen verwenden: cancer cancer
- Luther, Martin
- Lutheran Church → Lutheran Church Stattdessen verwenden: Protestant church Protestant church
- Luxembourg
- Luxembourger
- Luxemburg, Rosa
- luxuries
- luxury
- Lyotard, John-Francois
- lyric poetry → lyric poetry Stattdessen verwenden: poetry poetry
- Länderfinanzausgleich → Länderfinanzausgleich Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- Länderfinanzausgleich → Länderfinanzausgleich Stattdessen verwenden: fiscal equalization fiscal equalization
- m.t. assistant → m.t. assistant Stattdessen verwenden: medical technical assistant medical technical assistant
- Maastricht Treaty
- Macao
- Macedonia
- Macedonian
- Machiavelli, Niccolo
- Machiavellianism
- machine
- machine tool
- machine work
- machinist
- Mackenroth, Gerhard
- macro level
- macroeconomic costs
- macroeconomic development → macroeconomic development Stattdessen verwenden: economic development (on national level) economic development (on national level)
- macroeconomic development → macroeconomic development Stattdessen verwenden: national trade and industry national trade and industry
- macroeconomic factors → macroeconomic factors Stattdessen verwenden: economic factors economic factors
- macroeconomic policy → macroeconomic policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- macroeconomics
- macromodel → macromodel Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- macromodel → macromodel Stattdessen verwenden: macro level macro level
- macrosociology
- Madagascar
- Mafia → Mafia Stattdessen verwenden: organized crime organized crime
- magazine
- magazine
- magazine for young people → magazine for young people Stattdessen verwenden: youth press youth press
- magazine program
- magazine subscription club
- Maghreb region
- magic
- mail survey
- mailbox → mailbox Stattdessen verwenden: computer computer
- mailbox → mailbox Stattdessen verwenden: data exchange data exchange
- mainframe
- maintenance
- major event
- majority election
- majority rule
- majority vote system → majority vote system Stattdessen verwenden: electoral law electoral law
- majority vote system → majority vote system Stattdessen verwenden: majority election majority election
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- male homemaker
- male nurse
- male profession
- Mali
- Malta
- Maltese
- Malthus, Thomas Robert
- maltreatment
- maltreatment of children → maltreatment of children Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- maltreatment of children → maltreatment of children Stattdessen verwenden: maltreatment maltreatment
- man
- man-machine system
- man-nature relationship → man-nature relationship Stattdessen verwenden: human-environment relationship human-environment relationship
- managed care
- management
- management
- management approach
- management by delegation → management by delegation Stattdessen verwenden: management approach management approach
- management by objectives → management by objectives Stattdessen verwenden: management approach management approach
- management conception → management conception Stattdessen verwenden: management approach management approach
- management consultant
- management counsulting
- management decision → management decision Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- management decision → management decision Stattdessen verwenden: decision decision
- management game
- management information system → management information system Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- management information system → management information system Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- management of working hours → management of working hours Stattdessen verwenden: working hours working hours
- management of working hours → management of working hours Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- management of working hours → management of working hours Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- management planning
- management style
- manager
- managing diversity
- mandatory accident insurance → mandatory accident insurance Stattdessen verwenden: accident insurance accident insurance
- mandatory pension insurance → mandatory pension insurance Stattdessen verwenden: pension insurance pension insurance
- maneuver → maneuver Stattdessen verwenden: military maneuver military maneuver
- manipulation
- Mann, Thomas
- Mannheim, Karl
- manpower
- manpower approach
- manpower bottleneck → manpower bottleneck Stattdessen verwenden: manpower requirements manpower requirements
- manpower control → manpower control Stattdessen verwenden: manpower manpower
- manpower control → manpower control Stattdessen verwenden: government control government control
- manpower policy → manpower policy Stattdessen verwenden: employment policy employment policy
- manpower recruitment → manpower recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: recruitment recruitment
- manpower recruitment → manpower recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: manpower manpower
- manpower release → manpower release Stattdessen verwenden: layoffs layoffs
- manpower requirements
- manpower reserve → manpower reserve Stattdessen verwenden: available personnel available personnel
- manpower reserve → manpower reserve Stattdessen verwenden: secret reserves secret reserves
- manpower resources → manpower resources Stattdessen verwenden: labor force potential labor force potential
- manpower service industry
- manpower utilization → manpower utilization Stattdessen verwenden: personnel deployment personnel deployment
- manslaughter → manslaughter Stattdessen verwenden: homicide homicide
- manual
- manual labor
- manufacturing
- manufacturing area
- manufacturing conditions
- manufacturing industry
- manufacturing procedure
- manufacturing sector
- manufacturing technology
- manufactury
- Mao, Zedong
- Maoism
- Marburger Bund → Marburger Bund Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- Marburger Bund → Marburger Bund Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- Marcuse, Herbert
- marginal costs
- marginal person → marginal person Stattdessen verwenden: marginality marginality
- marginal productivity
- marginal utility
- marginality
- marital status
- maritime law
- maritime power
- market
- market control → market control Stattdessen verwenden: market mechanism market mechanism
- market economy
- market entry → market entry Stattdessen verwenden: opening up of markets opening up of markets
- market equilibrium → market equilibrium Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- market equilibrium → market equilibrium Stattdessen verwenden: equilibrium equilibrium
- market failure
- market for audiovisual media → market for audiovisual media Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- market for audiovisual media → market for audiovisual media Stattdessen verwenden: audiovisual media audiovisual media
- market incompleteness → market incompleteness Stattdessen verwenden: market mechanism market mechanism
- market intervention → market intervention Stattdessen verwenden: sales policy sales policy
- market mechanism
- market niche
- market organization
- market orientation
- market policy → market policy Stattdessen verwenden: sales policy sales policy
- market position
- market power
- market price
- market psychology → market psychology Stattdessen verwenden: business psychology business psychology
- market reaction
- market research
- market saturation
- market segmentation
- market share
- market socialism
- market strategy → market strategy Stattdessen verwenden: sale sale
- market strategy → market strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- market transparency
- marketing
- marketing
- marketing instrument
- marketing policy
- marketing theory
- marriage
- marriage counseling
- marriage immigration
- marriage law → marriage law Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- marriage patterns
- marriageable age → marriageable age Stattdessen verwenden: age age
- marriageable age → marriageable age Stattdessen verwenden: wedding wedding
- married couple
- married woman → married woman Stattdessen verwenden: wife wife
- Marshall Islands → Marshall Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Micronesia Micronesia
- Marshall Plan
- martial law
- Martinique → Martinique Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- Marxism-Leninism
- Marxist sociology
- Marxist theory → Marxist theory Stattdessen verwenden: Marxism Marxism
- Marxist theory of concentration
- masculinity
- masked advertising
- mass
- mass communication
- mass communication research → mass communication research Stattdessen verwenden: mass communication mass communication
- mass communication research → mass communication research Stattdessen verwenden: communication research communication research
- mass culture
- mass examination → mass examination Stattdessen verwenden: health care health care
- mass media
- mass movement
- mass murder
- mass organization
- mass production
- mass society
- mass tourism → mass tourism Stattdessen verwenden: tourism tourism
- mass unemployment
- massacre
- masseur
- master (academic degree)
- master (trades)
- master craftman's qualifying examination → master craftman's qualifying examination Stattdessen verwenden: examination examination
- master craftman's qualifying examination → master craftman's qualifying examination Stattdessen verwenden: master (trades) master (trades)
- master craftsman
- master/apprentice relationship
- masters examination → masters examination Stattdessen verwenden: university examination university examination
- match
- matching
- material
- material cycle → material cycle Stattdessen verwenden: recycling recycling
- material cycle → material cycle Stattdessen verwenden: recycling management recycling management
- materialism
- materialistic concept of history → materialistic concept of history Stattdessen verwenden: dialectical materialism dialectical materialism
- materialistic concept of history → materialistic concept of history Stattdessen verwenden: historical materialism historical materialism
- materials tester
- maternal mortality → maternal mortality Stattdessen verwenden: mother mother
- maternal mortality → maternal mortality Stattdessen verwenden: mortality mortality
- maternity leave
- maternity protection
- mathematical method
- mathematical modeling
- mathematical psychology
- mathematical sociology
- mathematics
- mathematics didactics → mathematics didactics Stattdessen verwenden: subject didactics subject didactics
- mathematics didactics → mathematics didactics Stattdessen verwenden: mathematics instruction mathematics instruction
- mathematics instruction
- mathematics studies → mathematics studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- mathematics studies → mathematics studies Stattdessen verwenden: mathematics mathematics
- mathematization
- matriarchy
- matriculation standard
- matter of discretion
- Matura
- Maturana, Humberto
- maturity
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mauss, Marcel
- maximization
- May-Day movement
- mayor
- McLuhan, Marshall
- MDR → MDR Stattdessen verwenden: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
- Mead, George Herbert
- meals
- meals on wheels → meals on wheels Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- meals on wheels → meals on wheels Stattdessen verwenden: social services social services
- mean
- meaning
- meaning of life
- means of education
- means of production
- means of transport
- means of travel → means of travel Stattdessen verwenden: travel travel
- means of travel → means of travel Stattdessen verwenden: means of transport means of transport
- measure
- measurement
- measurement algorithm → measurement algorithm Stattdessen verwenden: algorithm algorithm
- measurement algorithm → measurement algorithm Stattdessen verwenden: measurement measurement
- measurement instrument
- measurement method → measurement method Stattdessen verwenden: measurement instrument measurement instrument
- measurement method → measurement method Stattdessen verwenden: measurement theory measurement theory
- measurement procedure → measurement procedure Stattdessen verwenden: procedure procedure
- measurement procedure → measurement procedure Stattdessen verwenden: measurement measurement
- measurement theory
- mechanic
- mechanical engineering
- mechanization
- mechanization
- Mecklenburg
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- media
- media activities of the church → media activities of the church Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- media activities of the church → media activities of the church Stattdessen verwenden: church press church press
- media activities of the church → media activities of the church Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- media analysis → media analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- media analysis → media analysis Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- media behavior
- media concentration
- media consumption
- media criticism
- media culture
- media democracy → media democracy Stattdessen verwenden: media society media society
- media didactics
- media ecology
- media economy
- media education
- media ethics
- media event
- media group
- media impact → media impact Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- media impact → media impact Stattdessen verwenden: effect effect
- media industry
- media job
- media journalism
- media law
- media planning
- media policy
- media policy of the church → media policy of the church Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- media policy of the church → media policy of the church Stattdessen verwenden: media policy media policy
- media psychology
- media relations
- media research → media research Stattdessen verwenden: communication research communication research
- media science → media science Stattdessen verwenden: communication sciences communication sciences
- media selection
- media service
- media skills
- media society
- media sociology → media sociology Stattdessen verwenden: sociology of communication sociology of communication
- media statistics → media statistics Stattdessen verwenden: statistics statistics
- media statistics → media statistics Stattdessen verwenden: mass media mass media
- media system → media system Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- media system → media system Stattdessen verwenden: system system
- media technology
- media theory
- media trust → media trust Stattdessen verwenden: mass media mass media
- media trust → media trust Stattdessen verwenden: trust trust
- media-mix → media-mix Stattdessen verwenden: media planning media planning
- mediacracy
- medialization → medialization Stattdessen verwenden: mediatization mediatization
- mediation
- mediation committee → mediation committee Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentary committee parliamentary committee
- mediatization
- medical association
- medical care
- medical care in school → medical care in school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- medical care in school → medical care in school Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- medical diagnostic → medical diagnostic Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- medical diagnostic → medical diagnostic Stattdessen verwenden: diagnostic diagnostic
- medical ethics
- medical examination → medical examination Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- medical examination → medical examination Stattdessen verwenden: diagnostic diagnostic
- medical examiner
- medical factors
- medical insurance plan → medical insurance plan Stattdessen verwenden: health insurance fund health insurance fund
- medical occupation → medical occupation Stattdessen verwenden: health occupations health occupations
- medical practice
- medical rehabilitation
- medical research → medical research Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- medical research → medical research Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- medical science studies → medical science studies Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- medical science studies → medical science studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- medical service
- medical services
- medical society → medical society Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- medical society → medical society Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- medical sociology
- medical specialist
- medical student → medical student Stattdessen verwenden: medicine medicine
- medical student → medical student Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- medical technical assistant
- medical technology
- medical treatment → medical treatment Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- medical treatment → medical treatment Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- medicalization
- medication
- medicine
- Medienprivileg → Medienprivileg Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- Medienprivileg → Medienprivileg Stattdessen verwenden: data protection data protection
- meditation
- Mediterranean region
- medium technology → medium technology Stattdessen verwenden: adapted technology adapted technology
- medium-range missile → medium-range missile Stattdessen verwenden: medium-range weapon medium-range weapon
- medium-range weapon
- medium-scale industry → medium-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: medium-sized firm medium-sized firm
- medium-scale industry → medium-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- medium-sized company → medium-sized company Stattdessen verwenden: medium-sized firm medium-sized firm
- medium-sized enterprise → medium-sized enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: medium-sized firm medium-sized firm
- medium-sized enterprise → medium-sized enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: middle class middle class
- medium-sized firm
- medium-sized town
- medium-term financial planning
- meeting → meeting Stattdessen verwenden: conference conference
- meeting demand
- megacity
- Melanesia
- melodrama
- member → member Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- member of a Landtag → member of a Landtag Stattdessen verwenden: representative representative
- member of a Landtag → member of a Landtag Stattdessen verwenden: Landtag Landtag
- member of federal parliament → member of federal parliament Stattdessen verwenden: representative representative
- member of federal parliament → member of federal parliament Stattdessen verwenden: Bundestag Bundestag
- member of the government
- membership
- memorandum
- memorial
- memory
- Mennonite
- menopause
- menstruation
- mental conflict
- mental disability
- mental disorder
- mental health
- mental hospital → mental hospital Stattdessen verwenden: specialized hospital specialized hospital
- mental hospital → mental hospital Stattdessen verwenden: mental illness mental illness
- mental hygiene
- mental illness
- mental situation
- mentality
- mentally handicapped → mentally handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: mental disability mental disability
- mentally ill person → mentally ill person Stattdessen verwenden: mental illness mental illness
- mentoring
- Mercado Comun del Sur → Mercado Comun del Sur Stattdessen verwenden: MERCOSUR MERCOSUR
- mercantile capitalism
- mercantilism
- mercenary
- merchandising
- merchant fleet → merchant fleet Stattdessen verwenden: commerce commerce
- merchant fleet → merchant fleet Stattdessen verwenden: shipping shipping
- merger
- merger of communities → merger of communities Stattdessen verwenden: regional reform regional reform
- meritocracy
- Merkel, Angela
- Merton, Robert King
- meso level
- messianism
- metal industry
- metalanguage
- metaphor
- metaphysics
- metatheory
- meteorology
- method
- method criticism → method criticism Stattdessen verwenden: evaluation evaluation
- method criticism → method criticism Stattdessen verwenden: methodological research methodological research
- method of teaching → method of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- method of teaching → method of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching method teaching method
- methodological individualism
- methodological research
- methodological studies
- methodology
- methodology
- methods dispute → methods dispute Stattdessen verwenden: value judgement dispute value judgement dispute
- methods dispute → methods dispute Stattdessen verwenden: positivist dispute positivist dispute
- metropolis
- metropolitan area → metropolitan area Stattdessen verwenden: agglomeration area agglomeration area
- metropolitan population → metropolitan population Stattdessen verwenden: urban population urban population
- metropolitan population → metropolitan population Stattdessen verwenden: large city large city
- metropolitan region → metropolitan region Stattdessen verwenden: large city large city
- metropolitan region → metropolitan region Stattdessen verwenden: urban area urban area
- metropolitan television
- Mexico
- Michels, Robert
- micro level
- micro-politics
- microanalytical model → microanalytical model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- microanalytical model → microanalytical model Stattdessen verwenden: micro level micro level
- microcensus
- microcomputer
- microeconomic factors
- microeconomics
- microelectronics
- microfiche
- microfilm
- microfinance
- micromodel → micromodel Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- micromodel → micromodel Stattdessen verwenden: micro level micro level
- Micronesia
- microprocessor
- microsociology
- microteaching
- microtechnology
- middle ages
- middle class
- middle class
- Middle East
- Middle East conflict
- Middle East policy
- middle school
- middle-class family → middle-class family Stattdessen verwenden: family family
- middle-class family → middle-class family Stattdessen verwenden: middle class middle class
- middle-class policy → middle-class policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- middle-class policy → middle-class policy Stattdessen verwenden: middle class middle class
- midwife
- migrant
- migrant worker
- migration
- migration background
- migration behavior → migration behavior Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- migration behavior → migration behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- migration control → migration control Stattdessen verwenden: migration policy migration policy
- migration motivation → migration motivation Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- migration motivation → migration motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- migration policy
- migration potential
- migration pressure → migration pressure Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- migration pressure → migration pressure Stattdessen verwenden: cause cause
- migration research
- migration theory → migration theory Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- migration theory → migration theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- milieu → milieu Stattdessen verwenden: social environment social environment
- milieu → milieu Stattdessen verwenden: social milieu social milieu
- militancy
- militarism
- militarization
- military
- military aid
- military conflict
- military coup d'etat → military coup d'etat Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- military coup d'etat → military coup d'etat Stattdessen verwenden: coup d'etat coup d'etat
- military dictatorship
- military doctrine
- military elite → military elite Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- military elite → military elite Stattdessen verwenden: elite elite
- military engineering → military engineering Stattdessen verwenden: engineering engineering
- military engineering → military engineering Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- military government
- military intervention
- military law
- military leadership → military leadership Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- military leadership → military leadership Stattdessen verwenden: leadership leadership
- military maneuver
- military policy
- military potential
- military presence
- military psychiatry
- military psychology
- military regime → military regime Stattdessen verwenden: military government military government
- military science
- military service
- military sociology
- military technology → military technology Stattdessen verwenden: engineering engineering
- military technology → military technology Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- military toys
- military-industrial complex
- militia → militia Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- militia
- militia → militia Stattdessen verwenden: militia militia
- militia → militia Stattdessen verwenden: police police
- militia → militia Stattdessen verwenden: paramilitary group paramilitary group
- militia force
- Mill, John S.
- miller
- mine worker → mine worker Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- mine worker → mine worker Stattdessen verwenden: mining mining
- miner
- miners' guild
- minimal employment
- minimization
- minimum income
- minimum pension
- minimum reserve policy → minimum reserve policy Stattdessen verwenden: central bank central bank
- minimum reserve policy → minimum reserve policy Stattdessen verwenden: monetary policy monetary policy
- minimum wage
- mining
- Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union
- minister
- minister-president
- ministerial administration
- ministerial bureaucracy → ministerial bureaucracy Stattdessen verwenden: bureaucracy bureaucracy
- ministerial bureaucracy → ministerial bureaucracy Stattdessen verwenden: ministerial administration ministerial administration
- ministry
- Ministry of Education
- ministry of foreign affairs
- Ministry of State Security (GDR)
- minority
- minority policy
- minority press → minority press Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- minority press → minority press Stattdessen verwenden: minority minority
- minority rights
- MIS → MIS Stattdessen verwenden: information system information system
- MIS → MIS Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- misanthropy
- misdemeanor
- Misereor
- mismatch
- misopedia
- mission → mission Stattdessen verwenden: missionary work missionary work
- mission → mission Stattdessen verwenden: deployment overseas deployment overseas
- mission church → mission church Stattdessen verwenden: missionary work missionary work
- mission history → mission history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- mission history → mission history Stattdessen verwenden: missionary work missionary work
- mission radio station → mission radio station Stattdessen verwenden: missionary work missionary work
- mission radio station → mission radio station Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- missionary
- missionary work
- misuse of authority → misuse of authority Stattdessen verwenden: public office public office
- misuse of authority → misuse of authority Stattdessen verwenden: competence competence
- Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
- Mitterrand, Francois
- mixed financing → mixed financing Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- mixed financing → mixed financing Stattdessen verwenden: federal-state relations federal-state relations
- mixed ownership company
- mixed work
- mobbing
- mobile social services → mobile social services Stattdessen verwenden: social services social services
- mobility
- mobility barrier
- mobility indicator → mobility indicator Stattdessen verwenden: mobility mobility
- mobility indicator → mobility indicator Stattdessen verwenden: indicator indicator
- mobility management
- mobility of labor → mobility of labor Stattdessen verwenden: occupational mobility occupational mobility
- mobility of manpower → mobility of manpower Stattdessen verwenden: occupational mobility occupational mobility
- mobility readiness
- mobility research
- mobilization
- mode of production
- model
- model analysis
- model building → model building Stattdessen verwenden: model construction model construction
- model comparison
- model construction
- model experiment → model experiment Stattdessen verwenden: pilot project pilot project
- model kindergarten → model kindergarten Stattdessen verwenden: kindergarten kindergarten
- model kindergarten → model kindergarten Stattdessen verwenden: pilot project pilot project
- model learning
- model school → model school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- model school → model school Stattdessen verwenden: pilot project pilot project
- model theory
- moderation of discussion
- moderator
- modern times
- modernity
- modernization
- modernization theory
- modification
- modification of qualification → modification of qualification Stattdessen verwenden: change of qualification change of qualification
- modularization
- Moldavian
- Moldova
- Monaco
- monarchy
- monastic order
- monetarism
- monetary accumulation → monetary accumulation Stattdessen verwenden: accumulation accumulation
- monetary accumulation → monetary accumulation Stattdessen verwenden: money money
- monetary economy
- monetary policy
- monetary sector
- monetary system (international)
- monetary system (national)
- monetary theory
- monetary union
- money
- money creation
- money in circulation → money in circulation Stattdessen verwenden: money supply money supply
- money laundering → money laundering Stattdessen verwenden: money money
- money laundering → money laundering Stattdessen verwenden: white-collar criminality white-collar criminality
- money laundering → money laundering Stattdessen verwenden: organized crime organized crime
- money market
- money supply
- Mongolia
- monitoring
- monitoring
- monoeducation
- monopolization
- monopoly
- monopoly capitalism
- monopoly on violence
- monostructure
- monotheism
- monotony
- Montenegrin
- Montenegro
- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
- Montessori pedagogics → Montessori pedagogics Stattdessen verwenden: reform pedagogics reform pedagogics
- monument
- monument protection
- mood
- moonlighting
- moral education
- moral judgement
- moral philosophy → moral philosophy Stattdessen verwenden: ethics ethics
- moral theology
- morality
- morbidity
- morning show
- Moroccan
- Morocco
- morphology
- mortality
- Morus, Thomas
- Moscow Trials → Moscow Trials Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- Moscow Trials → Moscow Trials Stattdessen verwenden: political lawsuit political lawsuit
- mosque
- mother
- mother tongue
- mother-child relationship → mother-child relationship Stattdessen verwenden: parent-child relationship parent-child relationship
- mother-child relationship → mother-child relationship Stattdessen verwenden: mother mother
- motherhood
- motherliness
- motivation
- motivation analysis → motivation analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- motivation analysis → motivation analysis Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- motivation for vocational education → motivation for vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- motivation for vocational education → motivation for vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- motivation research
- motivation test → motivation test Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- motivation test → motivation test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- motivation theory → motivation theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- motivation theory → motivation theory Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- motivation to study → motivation to study Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- motivation to study → motivation to study Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- motive
- motor function
- motor vehicle
- motorcycle → motorcycle Stattdessen verwenden: motor vehicle motor vehicle
- motorcycle → motorcycle Stattdessen verwenden: two-wheeler two-wheeler
- motoric disorder → motoric disorder Stattdessen verwenden: motoric disturbance motoric disturbance
- motoric disturbance
- Mouffe, Chantal
- mountain region
- move → move Stattdessen verwenden: relocation relocation
- move → move Stattdessen verwenden: change of residence change of residence
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: political movement political movement
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: motor function motor function
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: capital movement capital movement
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: religious movement religious movement
- movement → movement Stattdessen verwenden: physical exercise physical exercise
- movement of goods → movement of goods Stattdessen verwenden: freight traffic freight traffic
- movie actor → movie actor Stattdessen verwenden: actor actor
- movies → movies Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- movies → movies Stattdessen verwenden: entertainment entertainment
- Mozambique
- muckraking
- multi-level analysis
- multi-level system
- multi-level-governance
- multi-party system
- multicultural education → multicultural education Stattdessen verwenden: intercultural education intercultural education
- multicultural society
- multiculturalism → multiculturalism Stattdessen verwenden: multicultural society multicultural society
- multidimensional scaling
- multilateralism
- multilingualism
- multimedia
- multimodality
- multinational corporation
- multinational organizations → multinational organizations Stattdessen verwenden: international organization international organization
- multinational state
- multinationality → multinationality Stattdessen verwenden: citizenship citizenship
- multiple disabilities
- multiple employment
- multiple recidivist → multiple recidivist Stattdessen verwenden: repeat offender repeat offender
- multiple sclerosis
- multiple stress
- multiplier
- multistage training
- multitasking → multitasking Stattdessen verwenden: multiple stress multiple stress
- multivariate analysis
- Munich Agreement (1938)
- municipal administration
- municipal area
- municipal budget
- municipal code
- municipal council
- municipal facility → municipal facility Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- municipal facility → municipal facility Stattdessen verwenden: public facility public facility
- municipal monography → municipal monography Stattdessen verwenden: community research community research
- municipal taxes
- municipality
- murder → murder Stattdessen verwenden: homicide homicide
- museum
- music
- music channel
- music curriculum → music curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- music curriculum → music curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: music lessons music lessons
- music didactics → music didactics Stattdessen verwenden: subject didactics subject didactics
- music didactics → music didactics Stattdessen verwenden: music lessons music lessons
- music education → music education Stattdessen verwenden: music lessons music lessons
- music lessons
- music teacher → music teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- music teacher → music teacher Stattdessen verwenden: music lessons music lessons
- music therapy
- musical education
- musician
- musicology
- Muslim
- Mutual Balanced Forces Reduction → Mutual Balanced Forces Reduction Stattdessen verwenden: MBFR MBFR
- Myanmar
- mysogyny
- mysticism
- myth
- mythology
- Männerbund
- Müller-Armack, Alfred
- Münch, Richard
- Müttergenesungswerk
- naive behavior theory
- name
- Namibia
- nanotechnology
- narcissism
- narcotic → narcotic Stattdessen verwenden: drug drug
- narcotism → narcotism Stattdessen verwenden: drug dependence drug dependence
- narrating → narrating Stattdessen verwenden: narrative narrative
- narration
- narrative
- narrative interview
- nation
- nation building → nation building Stattdessen verwenden: state formation state formation
- nation state
- national accounts statistic
- national assembly
- National Bank of Austria
- national border
- national budget → national budget Stattdessen verwenden: public budget public budget
- national consciousness
- National Council
- national culture → national culture Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- national culture → national culture Stattdessen verwenden: nation nation
- national debt
- National Democratic Party of Germany
- national development
- national division
- national economy
- national emancipation → national emancipation Stattdessen verwenden: political emancipation political emancipation
- national emancipation → national emancipation Stattdessen verwenden: nation nation
- National Front → National Front Stattdessen verwenden: France France
- National Front → National Front Stattdessen verwenden: right-wing extremist party right-wing extremist party
- national identity
- national income
- national independence → national independence Stattdessen verwenden: political independence political independence
- national independence → national independence Stattdessen verwenden: nation nation
- national integration
- national legal holiday → national legal holiday Stattdessen verwenden: nation nation
- national legal holiday → national legal holiday Stattdessen verwenden: commemoration day commemoration day
- National Military Forces (GDR) → National Military Forces (GDR) Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- National Military Forces (GDR) → National Military Forces (GDR) Stattdessen verwenden: German Democratic Republic (GDR) German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- national minority → national minority Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- national minority → national minority Stattdessen verwenden: minority minority
- national movement → national movement Stattdessen verwenden: political movement political movement
- national movement → national movement Stattdessen verwenden: nationalism nationalism
- national park
- national party → national party Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- national politics
- national pride → national pride Stattdessen verwenden: national consciousness national consciousness
- national product
- national security
- national self-determination → national self-determination Stattdessen verwenden: nation nation
- national self-determination → national self-determination Stattdessen verwenden: self-determination self-determination
- National Socialist German Workers' Party
- national state
- national state-church
- national stereotype
- national territory
- national trade and industry
- national unity
- nationalism
- nationalities question
- nationality
- nationalization
- native → native Stattdessen verwenden: indigenous peoples indigenous peoples
- native citizen
- native country
- nativism
- natural disaster
- natural gas
- natural law
- natural philosophy
- natural resources
- natural science instruction
- natural science occupation
- natural sciences
- natural scientist
- naturalism
- naturalization
- naturalization policy → naturalization policy Stattdessen verwenden: naturalization naturalization
- naturalization policy → naturalization policy Stattdessen verwenden: alien policy alien policy
- nature
- nature park
- nature reserve
- nature-nurture
- Naturefriends
- naturopathy
- Nauru → Nauru Stattdessen verwenden: Micronesia Micronesia
- naval war(fare)
- navy
- Nazi Stormtroops → Nazi Stormtroops Stattdessen verwenden: SA (Third Reich) SA (Third Reich)
- Nazism
- NC technology
- NDR → NDR Stattdessen verwenden: Norddeutscher Rundfunk Norddeutscher Rundfunk
- need
- need development
- need for care
- need for help
- need satisfaction
- need structure
- negative dialectic
- negative income tax
- neglect
- neglect → neglect Stattdessen verwenden: neglect neglect
- negotiation
- Negt, Oskar
- neighborhood
- neighborhood help
- neighborhood policy
- neighboring countries
- neo-corporatism
- neo-fascism
- Neo-Kantianism
- neo-Marxism
- neo-Marxist theory → neo-Marxist theory Stattdessen verwenden: neo-Marxism neo-Marxism
- neo-Nazism
- neo-positivism
- neo-structuralism → neo-structuralism Stattdessen verwenden: post-structuralism post-structuralism
- neoclassical theory
- neoclassicism → neoclassicism Stattdessen verwenden: classicism classicism
- neocolonialism
- neoconservatism
- neoinstitutionalism
- neoliberalism
- neorealism
- Nepal
- net wage
- Netherlands
- Netherlands Antilles → Netherlands Antilles Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- network
- network analysis
- network planning technique
- network society
- networking
- Neumann, Franz
- neural network
- Neurath, Otto
- neurobiology → neurobiology Stattdessen verwenden: neurosciences neurosciences
- neurology
- neurophysiology
- neuropsychology
- neurosciences
- neurosis
- neuroticism
- neutrality
- neutralization
- neutron bomb
- New Age
- new building
- new economy
- New Federal States
- New Guinea → New Guinea Stattdessen verwenden: Indonesia Indonesia
- New Guinea → New Guinea Stattdessen verwenden: Papua-New Guinea Papua-New Guinea
- new housing area → new housing area Stattdessen verwenden: residential area residential area
- new housing area → new housing area Stattdessen verwenden: new building new building
- new housing estate → new housing estate Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- new housing estate → new housing estate Stattdessen verwenden: new building new building
- New International Economic Order
- New Labour → New Labour Stattdessen verwenden: Great Britain Great Britain
- New Labour → New Labour Stattdessen verwenden: social democratic party social democratic party
- New Left → New Left Stattdessen verwenden: political left political left
- new media
- new occupations
- New Political Economy
- New Public Management
- new technology
- New Zealand
- New Zealander
- newly industrializing countries
- news
- news agency
- news blackout
- news channel
- news exchange
- news report
- news satellite → news satellite Stattdessen verwenden: communications communications
- news satellite → news satellite Stattdessen verwenden: satellite satellite
- news selection → news selection Stattdessen verwenden: selection selection
- news selection → news selection Stattdessen verwenden: news news
- news value
- news value theory
- newscast → newscast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- newscast → newscast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast broadcast
- newscast → newscast Stattdessen verwenden: news news
- newsgroup → newsgroup Stattdessen verwenden: internet community internet community
- newspaper
- newspaper advertisement → newspaper advertisement Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- newspaper advertisement → newspaper advertisement Stattdessen verwenden: advertisement advertisement
- newspaper market → newspaper market Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- newspaper market → newspaper market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- newspaper production → newspaper production Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- newspaper production → newspaper production Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- newspaper reader → newspaper reader Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- newspaper reader → newspaper reader Stattdessen verwenden: reader (person) reader (person)
- newspaper strike → newspaper strike Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- newspaper strike → newspaper strike Stattdessen verwenden: strike strike
- newspaper strike → newspaper strike Stattdessen verwenden: journalist journalist
- NGO → NGO Stattdessen verwenden: non-governmental organization non-governmental organization
- Nicaragua
- nicotine → nicotine Stattdessen verwenden: tobacco tobacco
- nicotine addiction → nicotine addiction Stattdessen verwenden: addiction addiction
- nicotine addiction → nicotine addiction Stattdessen verwenden: tobacco tobacco
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Niger
- Nigeria
- night school
- nightwork
- nihilism
- nineteenth century
- Niue → Niue Stattdessen verwenden: Polynesia Polynesia
- Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth
- noise
- noise control → noise control Stattdessen verwenden: noise noise
- noise control → noise control Stattdessen verwenden: environmental protection environmental protection
- noise disturbance → noise disturbance Stattdessen verwenden: noise pollution noise pollution
- noise pollution
- noise protection → noise protection Stattdessen verwenden: occupational safety occupational safety
- noise protection → noise protection Stattdessen verwenden: noise noise
- noise protection → noise protection Stattdessen verwenden: environmental protection environmental protection
- nomad
- nomadism
- nominal wage
- nomination of candidates
- non-aggression
- non-aligned country
- non-alignment
- non-durable goods → non-durable goods Stattdessen verwenden: product life cycle product life cycle
- non-governmental organization
- non-intervention
- non-intrusive data collection methods
- non-linear model
- non-partisanship
- non-profit
- non-profit building construction
- non-profit sector
- non-profit-organization
- non-university research
- non-verbal communication
- non-violence
- non-violent resistance → non-violent resistance Stattdessen verwenden: resistance resistance
- non-violent resistance → non-violent resistance Stattdessen verwenden: non-violence non-violence
- non-wage labor costs
- nonmarket good
- nonresponse → nonresponse Stattdessen verwenden: response behavior response behavior
- nonvoter
- Norddeutscher Rundfunk
- norm conflict → norm conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- norm conflict → norm conflict Stattdessen verwenden: social norm social norm
- norm formation
- norm violation
- normality
- normalization
- normative orientation → normative orientation Stattdessen verwenden: social norm social norm
- normative orientation → normative orientation Stattdessen verwenden: orientation orientation
- normativity
- North Africa
- North America
- North American Free Trade Association → North American Free Trade Association Stattdessen verwenden: NAFTA NAFTA
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization → North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stattdessen verwenden: NATO NATO
- North Korea
- North Rhine-Westphalia
- North Sea
- North Vietnam → North Vietnam Stattdessen verwenden: Vietnam Vietnam
- North Yemen
- north-south conflict
- north-south dialog → north-south dialog Stattdessen verwenden: north-south relations north-south relations
- north-south relations
- Northern Europe
- Northern Germany
- Northern Ireland → Northern Ireland Stattdessen verwenden: Great Britain Great Britain
- Norway
- Norwegian
- nostalgia
- notary public
- notice of termination
- novel
- November Revolution (1918)
- NRW → NRW Stattdessen verwenden: North Rhine-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia
- nuclear armament → nuclear armament Stattdessen verwenden: armaments armaments
- nuclear armament → nuclear armament Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear weapon nuclear weapon
- nuclear energy
- nuclear family
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- nuclear policy → nuclear policy Stattdessen verwenden: defense policy defense policy
- nuclear policy → nuclear policy Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear weapon nuclear weapon
- nuclear power
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear reactor → nuclear reactor Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear power plant nuclear power plant
- nuclear war → nuclear war Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- nuclear war → nuclear war Stattdessen verwenden: nuclear weapon nuclear weapon
- nuclear weapon
- nuclear-free zone
- number of children
- number of pupils
- numerical control technology → numerical control technology Stattdessen verwenden: NC technology NC technology
- nurse
- nursing
- nursing care for the elderly
- nursing case
- nursing home
- nursing home for the aged → nursing home for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: nursing care for the elderly nursing care for the elderly
- nursing home for the aged → nursing home for the aged Stattdessen verwenden: nursing home nursing home
- nursing occupation
- nursing science
- nursing service → nursing service Stattdessen verwenden: caregiving caregiving
- nursing service → nursing service Stattdessen verwenden: personal services personal services
- nursing services
- nursing staff
- nursing standard → nursing standard Stattdessen verwenden: caregiving caregiving
- nursing standard → nursing standard Stattdessen verwenden: standard standard
- Nussbaum, Martha
- nutrition
- nutrition counseling
- nutrition education → nutrition education Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition nutrition
- nutrition education → nutrition education Stattdessen verwenden: health education health education
- nutrition policy
- nutrition research → nutrition research Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition science nutrition science
- nutrition science
- nutrition situation
- nutrition-related illness
- nutritional condition → nutritional condition Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition nutrition
- nutritional disease → nutritional disease Stattdessen verwenden: nutrition-related illness nutrition-related illness
- nutritionist
- oath
- Obama, Barack
- obedience
- Oberschule → Oberschule Stattdessen verwenden: secondary education secondary education
- object
- objectification
- objective
- objective hermeneutics
- objectivity
- obligation
- obligation to contribute → obligation to contribute Stattdessen verwenden: compulsory social insurance compulsory social insurance
- obligation to furnish information
- obligation to give information → obligation to give information Stattdessen verwenden: obligation to furnish information obligation to furnish information
- obligation to insure
- obligation to provide welfare services
- obligation to work
- obligatory supervision
- observation
- observation procedure → observation procedure Stattdessen verwenden: data collection method data collection method
- observation procedure → observation procedure Stattdessen verwenden: observation observation
- obstacle to investment
- obstetrics
- occultism
- occupation
- occupation accompanying studies → occupation accompanying studies Stattdessen verwenden: accompanying studies accompanying studies
- occupation in air transport → occupation in air transport Stattdessen verwenden: transportation occupation transportation occupation
- occupation in construction
- occupation in forestry
- occupation in horticulture
- occupation in manufacturing
- occupation in mining
- occupation in nutritional and food sciences
- occupation in psychological technology
- occupation in road or rail transport → occupation in road or rail transport Stattdessen verwenden: transportation occupation transportation occupation
- occupation in security
- occupation in the field of chemistry
- occupation in the field of cleaning
- occupation in the field of education
- occupation in the field of further education
- occupation in the field of housekeeping
- occupation in the field of information
- occupation in the field of metal work
- occupation in the field of music
- occupation in the field of printing
- occupation in the field of recreation
- occupation in the field of sports
- occupation in the field of water transport → occupation in the field of water transport Stattdessen verwenden: transportation occupation transportation occupation
- occupation in the field of wood working
- occupation in the social field
- occupation in the textile industry
- occupation of the Ruhr-District
- occupation policy
- occupational aspiration → occupational aspiration Stattdessen verwenden: career aspiration career aspiration
- occupational attitude → occupational attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- occupational attitude → occupational attitude Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- occupational career → occupational career Stattdessen verwenden: job history job history
- occupational choice
- occupational class
- occupational decision → occupational decision Stattdessen verwenden: occupational choice occupational choice
- occupational disability
- occupational disease
- occupational distribution
- occupational education
- occupational elite → occupational elite Stattdessen verwenden: occupational group occupational group
- occupational elite → occupational elite Stattdessen verwenden: elite elite
- occupational field
- occupational group
- occupational health service
- occupational identification
- occupational image
- occupational injury
- occupational instruction
- occupational integration
- occupational invalidity
- occupational liberty
- occupational medicine
- occupational mobility
- occupational motivation → occupational motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- occupational motivation → occupational motivation Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- occupational opportunities → occupational opportunities Stattdessen verwenden: career prospect career prospect
- occupational position → occupational position Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- occupational position → occupational position Stattdessen verwenden: social position social position
- occupational practice
- occupational prestige
- occupational prognostication → occupational prognostication Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- occupational prognostication → occupational prognostication Stattdessen verwenden: prognostication prognostication
- occupational prognostication → occupational prognostication Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- occupational prospect → occupational prospect Stattdessen verwenden: career prospect career prospect
- occupational psychology
- occupational qualification → occupational qualification Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- occupational qualification → occupational qualification Stattdessen verwenden: qualification qualification
- occupational reintegration
- occupational requirements
- occupational research
- occupational role
- occupational safety
- occupational situation
- occupational socialization
- occupational society
- occupational sociology
- occupational statistics
- occupational status
- occupational stress → occupational stress Stattdessen verwenden: workload workload
- occupational stress → occupational stress Stattdessen verwenden: burnout burnout
- occupational therapist
- occupational therapy
- occupational therapy
- occupied territory
- occupying power
- Oceania
- Oceanian
- October Revolution (1917)
- OECD member country
- Oevermann, Ulrich
- Offe, Claus
- offender
- offender typology → offender typology Stattdessen verwenden: offender offender
- offender typology → offender typology Stattdessen verwenden: typology typology
- offender-victim mediation
- offender-victim relationship
- offense
- office
- office communication → office communication Stattdessen verwenden: office office
- office communication → office communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication technology communication technology
- office job
- office of equal opportunity
- office technology
- office work
- official language
- official liability
- official statistics
- official title
- officialdom
- oil crisis → oil crisis Stattdessen verwenden: energy supply energy supply
- oil crisis → oil crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crisis crisis
- oil crisis → oil crisis Stattdessen verwenden: crude oil crude oil
- oil price → oil price Stattdessen verwenden: price price
- oil price → oil price Stattdessen verwenden: crude oil crude oil
- old age
- old age beneficiary → old age beneficiary Stattdessen verwenden: retirement retirement
- old age beneficiary → old age beneficiary Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- old age poverty → old age poverty Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- old age poverty → old age poverty Stattdessen verwenden: poverty poverty
- old building
- old federal states
- old person → old person Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- old section of town
- old-age pension → old-age pension Stattdessen verwenden: pension pension
- old-age pension system → old-age pension system Stattdessen verwenden: provision for old age provision for old age
- old-age pension system → old-age pension system Stattdessen verwenden: system system
- old-age provision for civil servants → old-age provision for civil servants Stattdessen verwenden: provision for old age provision for old age
- old-age provision for civil servants → old-age provision for civil servants Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- oligarchy
- oligophrenia → oligophrenia Stattdessen verwenden: mental disability mental disability
- oligopoly
- Olympic Games
- Oman
- ombudsman → ombudsman Stattdessen verwenden: public advocate public advocate
- on call workers
- on-the-job instructor → on-the-job instructor Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- on-the-job instructor → on-the-job instructor Stattdessen verwenden: instructor instructor
- on-the-job safety
- on-the-job training
- one-Euro-job → one-Euro-job Stattdessen verwenden: employment opportunity employment opportunity
- one-party state → one-party state Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- one-party state → one-party state Stattdessen verwenden: one-party system one-party system
- one-party system
- one-person household → one-person household Stattdessen verwenden: single single
- one-person household → one-person household Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- online community → online community Stattdessen verwenden: internet community internet community
- online media
- online service
- online survey
- only child
- ontogenesis
- ontology
- open access
- open channel
- open coordination → open coordination Stattdessen verwenden: open method of coordination open method of coordination
- open correctional system
- open curriculum
- open economy
- open learning
- open method of coordination
- open society
- open system
- open ward (of an insane asylum)
- open youth work
- open-market policy
- opening clause → opening clause Stattdessen verwenden: flexibility flexibility
- opening clause → opening clause Stattdessen verwenden: collective agreement collective agreement
- opening for apprentice → opening for apprentice Stattdessen verwenden: traineeship traineeship
- opening up of markets
- opera
- operating costs
- operating instruction → operating instruction Stattdessen verwenden: instruction instruction
- operating model
- operating result
- operationalization
- operations research
- operations scheduling
- opinion
- opinion formation
- opinion leader
- opinion poll → opinion poll Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- opinion poll → opinion poll Stattdessen verwenden: survey survey
- opinion research
- Oppenheimer, Franz
- opportunism
- opportunity costs
- opportunity for supplemental income → opportunity for supplemental income Stattdessen verwenden: additional income additional income
- opposition
- oppositional public opinion
- oppression
- optical illusion → optical illusion Stattdessen verwenden: visual perception visual perception
- optical industry
- optimism
- optimization
- optimization model
- oral history
- ORB → ORB Stattdessen verwenden: Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg
- order situation
- Ordnungsamt
- Ordnungstheorie
- ordoliberalism
- organ donation
- organ transplant
- organic farming
- organic product
- organization
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe → Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Stattdessen verwenden: OSCE OSCE
- organization for the handicapped
- organization of administration → organization of administration Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- organization of administration → organization of administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- Organization of African Unity → Organization of African Unity Stattdessen verwenden: OAU OAU
- Organization of American States → Organization of American States Stattdessen verwenden: OAS OAS
- organization of education → organization of education Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- organization of education → organization of education Stattdessen verwenden: educational institution educational institution
- organization of education → organization of education Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries → Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Stattdessen verwenden: OPEC OPEC
- organization of science → organization of science Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- organization of science → organization of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- organization of studies → organization of studies Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- organization of studies → organization of studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- organization of teaching → organization of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- organization of teaching → organization of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- organization research
- organization theory
- organizational analysis
- organizational behavior
- organizational change
- organizational consulting
- organizational culture
- organizational culture
- organizational development
- organizational goal
- organizational learning → organizational learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning organization learning organization
- organizational model
- organizational planning
- organizational principle
- organizational psychology
- organizational sociology
- organizational structure
- organizational unit
- organizations
- organized capitalism
- organized crime
- orientalism
- orientalism
- orientation
- orientation stage
- orientation towards a learning objective
- origin → origin Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic origin ethnic origin
- origin → origin Stattdessen verwenden: regional origin regional origin
- origin → origin Stattdessen verwenden: social background social background
- original inhabitants → original inhabitants Stattdessen verwenden: indigenous peoples indigenous peoples
- orphan
- orphans' allowance → orphans' allowance Stattdessen verwenden: orphan orphan
- orphans' allowance → orphans' allowance Stattdessen verwenden: surviving dependants' pension surviving dependants' pension
- Orthodox Church
- orthography
- orthopedagogics
- Orwell, George
- Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg
- osteoporosis → osteoporosis Stattdessen verwenden: bone disease bone disease
- Ostpolitik
- other-directedness
- otherness → otherness Stattdessen verwenden: foreignness foreignness
- Ottoman Empire
- out-migration
- out-of-school youth work → out-of-school youth work Stattdessen verwenden: extracurricular learning extracurricular learning
- out-of-school youth work → out-of-school youth work Stattdessen verwenden: youth work youth work
- outbreak of war
- outdoor advertising
- outer space
- outgroup
- outpatient care
- outpatient clinic
- outpatient treatment
- outside financing
- outskirts
- outsourcing
- outwork industry → outwork industry Stattdessen verwenden: work at home work at home
- outwork industry → outwork industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- over qualification
- overaging
- overemphasis on schooling
- overhang seat
- overhead costs
- overindebtedness → overindebtedness Stattdessen verwenden: indebtedness indebtedness
- overpopulation
- overproduction
- overprotection → overprotection Stattdessen verwenden: parenting style parenting style
- overseas → overseas Stattdessen verwenden: Latin America Latin America
- overseas → overseas Stattdessen verwenden: North America North America
- overseas branch
- overthrow of the government
- overtime
- overweight
- ownership structure
- ozone layer → ozone layer Stattdessen verwenden: earth's atmosphere earth's atmosphere
- Pacific Rim
- pacifism
- packaging industry
- pain
- painter
- Pakistan
- Palau Islands → Palau Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Micronesia Micronesia
- Palestine
- Palestine Liberation Organization → Palestine Liberation Organization Stattdessen verwenden: PLO PLO
- Palestinian
- Palestinian territories
- Palestinian-Israeli conflict
- palliative medicine
- Panama
- Panama Canal Zone → Panama Canal Zone Stattdessen verwenden: Panama Panama
- panel
- paper industry
- Papua-New Guinea
- paradigm
- paradigm change
- paradoxy
- Paragraph 218 → Paragraph 218 Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- Paragraph 218 → Paragraph 218 Stattdessen verwenden: abortion abortion
- Paraguay
- parallel society
- parameter
- paramilitary group
- paraplegia
- parapsychology
- parasocial interaction
- parent → parent Stattdessen verwenden: mother mother
- parent → parent Stattdessen verwenden: father father
- parent education
- parent-child relationship
- parent-teacher relationship
- parental authority → parental authority Stattdessen verwenden: child custody child custody
- parental home
- parental involvement in education
- parental leave
- parental leave → parental leave Stattdessen verwenden: parental leave parental leave
- parental power → parental power Stattdessen verwenden: child custody child custody
- parental separation
- parenthood
- parenting style
- parents
- parents training
- parents' advisory board
- parents' initiative
- parents' magazine → parents' magazine Stattdessen verwenden: parents parents
- parents' magazine → parents' magazine Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- parents' representation
- parents’ committee
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- Paris Commune (1871)
- parish
- parish magazine → parish magazine Stattdessen verwenden: church press church press
- parish work
- parity change → parity change Stattdessen verwenden: modification modification
- parity change → parity change Stattdessen verwenden: rate of exchange rate of exchange
- park → park Stattdessen verwenden: green space green space
- Park, Robert E.
- parking place
- parliament
- parliamentarism
- parliamentary committee
- parliamentary control → parliamentary control Stattdessen verwenden: parliament parliament
- parliamentary control → parliamentary control Stattdessen verwenden: control control
- Parliamentary Council (1949)
- parliamentary debate
- parliamentary democracy → parliamentary democracy Stattdessen verwenden: democracy democracy
- parliamentary democracy → parliamentary democracy Stattdessen verwenden: parliamentarism parliamentarism
- parliamentary election
- parliamentary faction → parliamentary faction Stattdessen verwenden: faction faction
- parliamentary interpellation
- parliamentary law
- parliamentary opposition → parliamentary opposition Stattdessen verwenden: opposition opposition
- parliamentary opposition → parliamentary opposition Stattdessen verwenden: parliament parliament
- parody → parody Stattdessen verwenden: satire satire
- parolee
- Parsons, Talcott
- part-time employment → part-time employment Stattdessen verwenden: part-time work part-time work
- part-time farm
- part-time studies → part-time studies Stattdessen verwenden: sandwich course sandwich course
- part-time vocational school
- part-time vocational school (commerce) → part-time vocational school (commerce) Stattdessen verwenden: part-time vocational school part-time vocational school
- part-time vocational school (commerce) → part-time vocational school (commerce) Stattdessen verwenden: commercial occupation commercial occupation
- part-time work
- part-time worker
- partake → partake Stattdessen verwenden: social participation social participation
- partial guardianship
- partial retirement
- partiality
- participant
- participant observation
- participation
- participation
- participation in education
- particularism
- partner relationship
- partner therapy → partner therapy Stattdessen verwenden: couples therapy couples therapy
- Partnerrente → Partnerrente Stattdessen verwenden: surviving dependants' pension surviving dependants' pension
- partnership
- party
- party base
- party bureaucracy → party bureaucracy Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party bureaucracy → party bureaucracy Stattdessen verwenden: bureaucracy bureaucracy
- party discipline
- party dissolution
- party financing → party financing Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party financing → party financing Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- party history → party history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- party history → party history Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party in power
- party indoctrination
- party law
- party member → party member Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party member → party member Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- party membership → party membership Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party membership → party membership Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- Party of Democratic Socialism → Party of Democratic Socialism Stattdessen verwenden: PDS PDS
- party organization → party organization Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party organization → party organization Stattdessen verwenden: organizational structure organizational structure
- party paper → party paper Stattdessen verwenden: party press party press
- party platform → party platform Stattdessen verwenden: political program political program
- party platform → party platform Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party politics
- party preference → party preference Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party preference → party preference Stattdessen verwenden: preference preference
- party press
- party secretary
- party split
- party state
- party statute
- party structure → party structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- party structure → party structure Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- party supporter
- party system
- passenger car → passenger car Stattdessen verwenden: motor vehicle motor vehicle
- passenger traffic
- pastoral theology
- patent
- patent law
- patent protection
- patent system
- paternalism
- path analysis
- path dependence
- pathology
- patient
- patient care
- patient's history → patient's history Stattdessen verwenden: course of a disease course of a disease
- patient's rights
- patriarchy
- patriciate → patriciate Stattdessen verwenden: upper class upper class
- patriciate → patriciate Stattdessen verwenden: middle ages middle ages
- patrimonialism
- patriotism
- patronage → patronage Stattdessen verwenden: clientelism clientelism
- pattern of interpretation
- pattern of production → pattern of production Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- pattern of production → pattern of production Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- pattern recognition
- pauperism → pauperism Stattdessen verwenden: immiseration immiseration
- pay
- pay scale
- pay tv
- pay-as-you-go
- payment of contribution → payment of contribution Stattdessen verwenden: insurance contribution insurance contribution
- payment practices
- payment transactions
- payroll tax → payroll tax Stattdessen verwenden: trade tax trade tax
- PC
- peace
- peace education
- peace movement
- peace negotiation
- Peace of Westphalia (1648)
- peace policy
- peace process
- peace research
- peace time
- peace treaty
- peaceful coexistence
- peacekeeping
- peacekeeping troops
- peasant
- peasant issue → peasant issue Stattdessen verwenden: agrarian issue agrarian issue
- peasant woman → peasant woman Stattdessen verwenden: rural population rural population
- peasant woman → peasant woman Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- peasants' movement → peasants' movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- peasants' movement → peasants' movement Stattdessen verwenden: peasant peasant
- Peasants' War
- pedagogical anthropology
- pedagogical concept
- pedagogical factors
- pedagogical support
- pedagogics
- pedagogics
- pedagogics for adults → pedagogics for adults Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogics pedagogics
- pedagogics for adults → pedagogics for adults Stattdessen verwenden: adult education adult education
- pedagogics for children with learning handicap → pedagogics for children with learning handicap Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for children with learning handicap → pedagogics for children with learning handicap Stattdessen verwenden: learning disability learning disability
- pedagogics for the blind → pedagogics for the blind Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for the blind → pedagogics for the blind Stattdessen verwenden: blindness blindness
- pedagogics for the deaf → pedagogics for the deaf Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for the deaf → pedagogics for the deaf Stattdessen verwenden: deafness deafness
- pedagogics for the handicapped → pedagogics for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- pedagogics for the handicapped → pedagogics for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for the mentally handicapped → pedagogics for the mentally handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for the mentally handicapped → pedagogics for the mentally handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: mental disability mental disability
- pedagogics for the physically handicapped → pedagogics for the physically handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: special education special education
- pedagogics for the physically handicapped → pedagogics for the physically handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: physical disability physical disability
- pedagogics studies → pedagogics studies Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogics pedagogics
- pedagogics studies → pedagogics studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- pedagogue
- pedestrian
- pedestrian habits → pedestrian habits Stattdessen verwenden: traffic behavior traffic behavior
- pedestrian habits → pedestrian habits Stattdessen verwenden: pedestrian pedestrian
- pedestrian zone
- pedophilia
- peer group
- peer review
- Peirce, Charles S.
- penal code
- penal institution → penal institution Stattdessen verwenden: correctional institution correctional institution
- penalty
- penalty assessment
- pension
- pension adjustment
- pension claim
- pension fund
- pension insurance
- pension payments
- pension policy
- pension reform → pension reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- pension reform → pension reform Stattdessen verwenden: pension insurance pension insurance
- pension-rights adjustment
- pensioning
- Pensionsversicherung → Pensionsversicherung Stattdessen verwenden: salaried employee salaried employee
- Pensionsversicherung → Pensionsversicherung Stattdessen verwenden: Austria Austria
- Pensionsversicherung → Pensionsversicherung Stattdessen verwenden: pension insurance pension insurance
- Pentacost Movement → Pentacost Movement Stattdessen verwenden: religious movement religious movement
- people
- people of color
- people's democracy
- people's party
- Peoples' Democratic Republic of Yemen → Peoples' Democratic Republic of Yemen Stattdessen verwenden: South Yemen South Yemen
- Peoples' Republic of China → Peoples' Republic of China Stattdessen verwenden: China China
- percentage of unsolved cases
- perception
- perceptual defense
- perceptual disturbance
- Perestroika
- performance
- performance assessment
- performance behavior
- performance comparison
- performance deficiency → performance deficiency Stattdessen verwenden: performance disorder performance disorder
- performance disorder
- performance failure → performance failure Stattdessen verwenden: performance disorder performance disorder
- performance measurement → performance measurement Stattdessen verwenden: achievement achievement
- performance measurement → performance measurement Stattdessen verwenden: measurement measurement
- performance monitoring
- performance principle
- performance standard
- periodical
- periodization
- peripheral capitalism
- peripheral region
- peripheral workers
- periphery
- periphery-center → periphery-center Stattdessen verwenden: center-periphery center-periphery
- permanent representation of a Bundesland
- permanent revolution
- permeability
- permeability of social strata → permeability of social strata Stattdessen verwenden: social mobility social mobility
- Peronism
- persecution of Jews
- persecution of women
- Persia → Persia Stattdessen verwenden: Iran Iran
- Persian Gulf
- persistence
- persistent unemployment
- person → person Stattdessen verwenden: human being human being
- person of no fixed abode → person of no fixed abode Stattdessen verwenden: vagrancy vagrancy
- person responsible
- person to person communication
- person with behavior disorder → person with behavior disorder Stattdessen verwenden: behavior disorder behavior disorder
- person with kidney ailment → person with kidney ailment Stattdessen verwenden: chronic illness chronic illness
- person with learning handicap → person with learning handicap Stattdessen verwenden: learning disability learning disability
- personal computer → personal computer Stattdessen verwenden: PC PC
- personal data
- personal services
- Personal-Service-Agentur
- personality
- personality change → personality change Stattdessen verwenden: modification modification
- personality change → personality change Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- personality development
- personality disorder → personality disorder Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- personality disorder → personality disorder Stattdessen verwenden: mental disorder mental disorder
- personality factors → personality factors Stattdessen verwenden: personality traits personality traits
- personality psychology
- personality research
- personality structure → personality structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- personality structure → personality structure Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- personality test → personality test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- personality test → personality test Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- personality theory → personality theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- personality theory → personality theory Stattdessen verwenden: personality personality
- personality traits
- personalization
- personnel
- personnel administration
- personnel budget → personnel budget Stattdessen verwenden: expenditures expenditures
- personnel budget → personnel budget Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- personnel costs → personnel costs Stattdessen verwenden: wage costs wage costs
- personnel data
- personnel deployment
- personnel file
- personnel fluctuation → personnel fluctuation Stattdessen verwenden: personnel personnel
- personnel fluctuation → personnel fluctuation Stattdessen verwenden: fluctuation fluctuation
- personnel management
- personnel placement table → personnel placement table Stattdessen verwenden: plan plan
- personnel placement table → personnel placement table Stattdessen verwenden: staffing staffing
- personnel policy
- personnel recruitment → personnel recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: recruitment recruitment
- personnel recruitment → personnel recruitment Stattdessen verwenden: manpower manpower
- personnel representation → personnel representation Stattdessen verwenden: staff council staff council
- personnel selection → personnel selection Stattdessen verwenden: hiring hiring
- personnel selection → personnel selection Stattdessen verwenden: personnel policy personnel policy
- personnel shortage → personnel shortage Stattdessen verwenden: staffing requirement staffing requirement
- personnel work → personnel work Stattdessen verwenden: human resource management human resource management
- perspective
- persuasion
- Peru
- pessimism
- Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich
- petite bourgeoisie
- petition
- petroleum industry
- petrolium extraction → petrolium extraction Stattdessen verwenden: crude oil crude oil
- petrolium extraction → petrolium extraction Stattdessen verwenden: basic industry basic industry
- phantasy
- pharmaceutical
- pharmaceutical career
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmaceutical market
- pharmaceutics
- pharmacist
- pharmacology
- pharmacy
- phase of education
- phenomenology
- philanthropy
- Philippines
- Phillips curve
- philology
- philosophical enlightenment
- philosophical idealism
- philosophy
- philosophy instruction
- philosophy of culture
- philosophy of history
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of law
- philosophy of religion
- philosophy of science
- phobia → phobia Stattdessen verwenden: anxiety anxiety
- phobia → phobia Stattdessen verwenden: mental disorder mental disorder
- phonetics
- phonograph record → phonograph record Stattdessen verwenden: sound storage medium sound storage medium
- phonology
- photo journalism → photo journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- photo journalism → photo journalism Stattdessen verwenden: photography photography
- photo report → photo report Stattdessen verwenden: photography photography
- photo report → photo report Stattdessen verwenden: news report news report
- photographer
- photography
- phylogeny
- physical development
- physical disability
- physical education
- physical education
- physical exercise
- physical labor
- physical stress
- physically handicapped → physically handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: physical disability physical disability
- physician
- physician's care → physician's care Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- physician's care → physician's care Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- physician-patient relationship
- physics
- physics instruction
- physics studies → physics studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- physics studies → physics studies Stattdessen verwenden: physics physics
- physiocratism
- physiological factors
- physiology
- physiotherapist
- Piaget, Jean
- picture
- piecework
- pietism
- pilgrimage
- pilot
- pilot project
- pilot study
- pimping → pimping Stattdessen verwenden: prostitution prostitution
- piracy
- piracy → piracy Stattdessen verwenden: piracy piracy
- Pirate Party
- PISA study
- place at university
- place of residence
- place to study
- placement service for vocational training
- placing orders
- plague → plague Stattdessen verwenden: epidemic epidemic
- plainclothes police → plainclothes police Stattdessen verwenden: police police
- plan
- plan to promote social work for the aged
- plan to promote youth work
- planned economy
- planned obsolescence
- planned parenthood → planned parenthood Stattdessen verwenden: family planning family planning
- planning
- planning conception
- planning data → planning data Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning data → planning data Stattdessen verwenden: data data
- planning for old section of town → planning for old section of town Stattdessen verwenden: old section of town old section of town
- planning for old section of town → planning for old section of town Stattdessen verwenden: urban planning urban planning
- planning goal
- planning instrument
- planning methods
- planning model
- planning of administration → planning of administration Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning of administration → planning of administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- planning of new products → planning of new products Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning of new products → planning of new products Stattdessen verwenden: product product
- planning of science → planning of science Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning of science → planning of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- planning of studies → planning of studies Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning of studies → planning of studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- planning of teaching → planning of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning of teaching → planning of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- planning of zoning → planning of zoning Stattdessen verwenden: zoning zoning
- planning of zoning → planning of zoning Stattdessen verwenden: spatial planning spatial planning
- planning organization
- planning practice
- planning procedure
- planning process
- planning programming budgeting system → planning programming budgeting system Stattdessen verwenden: program budget program budget
- planning research
- planning strategy → planning strategy Stattdessen verwenden: planning conception planning conception
- planning technique → planning technique Stattdessen verwenden: planning procedure planning procedure
- planning theory
- planning unit → planning unit Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- planning unit → planning unit Stattdessen verwenden: citizens' participation citizens' participation
- plant closure
- plant construction and engineering
- plant manager
- plant organization → plant organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- plant organization → plant organization Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- plant protection
- plastics industry
- Plato
- play
- play therapy
- playground
- playing
- playing behavior → playing behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- playing behavior → playing behavior Stattdessen verwenden: playing playing
- plebiscite
- Plessner, Helmuth
- pluralism
- pluralistic democracy → pluralistic democracy Stattdessen verwenden: democracy democracy
- pluralistic democracy → pluralistic democracy Stattdessen verwenden: pluralism pluralism
- pluralistic society → pluralistic society Stattdessen verwenden: society society
- pluralistic society → pluralistic society Stattdessen verwenden: pluralism pluralism
- pluralization → pluralization Stattdessen verwenden: pluralism pluralism
- pocket money
- poet → poet Stattdessen verwenden: writer writer
- poetry
- pogrom
- Poland
- polarization
- Pole
- police
- police officer
- police operation
- police organization → police organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- police organization → police organization Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- police organization → police organization Stattdessen verwenden: police police
- police union
- policy approach
- policy area
- policy implementation
- policy of a Bundesland
- policy of confrontation
- policy of détente
- policy of economic growth → policy of economic growth Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- policy of economic growth → policy of economic growth Stattdessen verwenden: economic growth economic growth
- policy of expansion
- policy of granting subsidies
- policy of isolationism
- policy of rapprochement
- policy of recognition
- policy on agrarian structure → policy on agrarian structure Stattdessen verwenden: structural policy structural policy
- policy on agrarian structure → policy on agrarian structure Stattdessen verwenden: agrarian structure agrarian structure
- policy on ethnic groups → policy on ethnic groups Stattdessen verwenden: domestic policy domestic policy
- policy on ethnic groups → policy on ethnic groups Stattdessen verwenden: nationalities question nationalities question
- policy on fares → policy on fares Stattdessen verwenden: pricing policy pricing policy
- policy on fares → policy on fares Stattdessen verwenden: fare fare
- policy on income distribution
- policy on language → policy on language Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- policy on language → policy on language Stattdessen verwenden: cultural policy cultural policy
- policy on late migrants → policy on late migrants Stattdessen verwenden: late migrant late migrant
- policy on late migrants → policy on late migrants Stattdessen verwenden: immigration policy immigration policy
- policy on property
- policy on refugees
- policy on regional structure → policy on regional structure Stattdessen verwenden: structural policy structural policy
- policy on regional structure → policy on regional structure Stattdessen verwenden: regional policy regional policy
- policy on technology
- policy on the elderly
- policy on the handicapped → policy on the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: social policy social policy
- policy on the handicapped → policy on the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- policy on the press → policy on the press Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- policy on the press → policy on the press Stattdessen verwenden: media policy media policy
- policy on trade and industry
- policy on working hours
- policy studies
- policy towards Germany
- policyholder → policyholder Stattdessen verwenden: insured person insured person
- poliomyelitis
- politbureau
- politeness
- political action
- political activity
- political actor
- political administrative system
- political agenda
- political alliance
- political apathy
- political asylum
- political attitude
- political behavior
- political career → political career Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political career → political career Stattdessen verwenden: career career
- political center
- political change
- political civil servant
- political class → political class Stattdessen verwenden: political elite political elite
- political commitment → political commitment Stattdessen verwenden: political activity political activity
- political communication
- political conflict
- political consciousness
- political consulting
- political control
- political convention
- political correctness
- political crime → political crime Stattdessen verwenden: political criminality political criminality
- political criminality
- political crisis
- political culture
- political cybernetics → political cybernetics Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political cybernetics → political cybernetics Stattdessen verwenden: cybernetics cybernetics
- political decision
- political decision making → political decision making Stattdessen verwenden: political decision political decision
- political decision making → political decision making Stattdessen verwenden: decision making decision making
- political decision-making process → political decision-making process Stattdessen verwenden: political decision political decision
- political decision-making process → political decision-making process Stattdessen verwenden: decision making process decision making process
- political dependence → political dependence Stattdessen verwenden: political independence political independence
- political development
- political direction
- political domination
- political ecology → political ecology Stattdessen verwenden: environmental policy environmental policy
- political economy
- political education
- political elite
- political emancipation
- political emigration → political emigration Stattdessen verwenden: emigration (polit. or relig. reasons) emigration (polit. or relig. reasons)
- political ethics
- political factors
- political function
- political goal → political goal Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political goal → political goal Stattdessen verwenden: purpose purpose
- political governance
- political group
- political history
- political identity
- political ideology
- political impact
- political independence
- political influence
- political influence exertion → political influence exertion Stattdessen verwenden: political influence political influence
- political institution
- political instrument
- political integration
- political interest
- political intervention
- political justice
- political language → political language Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political language → political language Stattdessen verwenden: technical language technical language
- political lawsuit
- political leadership
- political leaning → political leaning Stattdessen verwenden: political attitude political attitude
- political left
- political lobby → political lobby Stattdessen verwenden: lobby lobby
- political machinery → political machinery Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- political mandate
- political movement
- political negotiation
- political objective → political objective Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political objective → political objective Stattdessen verwenden: purpose purpose
- political opinion
- political opposition → political opposition Stattdessen verwenden: opposition opposition
- political orientation → political orientation Stattdessen verwenden: political attitude political attitude
- political participation
- political parties act
- political party → political party Stattdessen verwenden: party party
- political persecution
- political philosophy
- political philosophy
- political planning
- political police
- political power
- political prisoner
- political program
- political psychology
- political purge → political purge Stattdessen verwenden: political persecution political persecution
- political radicalism → political radicalism Stattdessen verwenden: radicalism radicalism
- political reform
- political refugee → political refugee Stattdessen verwenden: refugee refugee
- political refugee → political refugee Stattdessen verwenden: political persecution political persecution
- political regime
- political relations
- political right
- political sanction
- political satire → political satire Stattdessen verwenden: satire satire
- political science
- political science
- political scientist
- political situation
- political socialization
- political sociology
- political speech → political speech Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political speech → political speech Stattdessen verwenden: speech speech
- political stability
- political strategy
- political strike
- political structure
- political support
- political system
- political terrorism → political terrorism Stattdessen verwenden: terrorism terrorism
- political theology → political theology Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- political theology → political theology Stattdessen verwenden: theology theology
- political theory
- political violence
- political youth group → political youth group Stattdessen verwenden: youth group youth group
- political youth group → political youth group Stattdessen verwenden: political group political group
- politician
- politicization
- politics
- pollutant
- polluter pays principle
- pollution of the seas → pollution of the seas Stattdessen verwenden: environmental pollution environmental pollution
- pollution of the seas → pollution of the seas Stattdessen verwenden: seas seas
- polycentrism
- polyclinic
- Polynesia
- polytechnical course
- polytechnical education
- polytechnical instruction
- Pomerania
- poor law
- poor relief
- pop culture
- pop music
- pope
- Popitz, Heinrich
- Popper, Karl
- popular culture
- popular fiction
- popular front
- popular initiative
- popular press
- popular sport
- popular television → popular television Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- popular television → popular television Stattdessen verwenden: tabloidization tabloidization
- popular uprising
- popularity
- popularization
- population
- population attitude → population attitude Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- population attitude → population attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- population decline → population decline Stattdessen verwenden: population decrease population decrease
- population decrease
- population density
- population development
- population drift → population drift Stattdessen verwenden: out-migration out-migration
- population drift → population drift Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- population dynamics → population dynamics Stattdessen verwenden: population development population development
- population group
- population growth → population growth Stattdessen verwenden: population development population development
- population growth → population growth Stattdessen verwenden: growth growth
- population level → population level Stattdessen verwenden: demographic situation demographic situation
- population migration → population migration Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- population migration → population migration Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- population mobility → population mobility Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- population mobility → population mobility Stattdessen verwenden: population population
- population movement → population movement Stattdessen verwenden: population development population development
- population policy
- population prognosis → population prognosis Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- population prognosis → population prognosis Stattdessen verwenden: population development population development
- population statistics
- population theory
- populism
- pornographic film → pornographic film Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- pornographic film → pornographic film Stattdessen verwenden: pornography pornography
- pornography
- portal
- portfolio management
- portfolio selection
- portfolio-theory
- portrayal of violence → portrayal of violence Stattdessen verwenden: violence violence
- portrayal of violence → portrayal of violence Stattdessen verwenden: mass media mass media
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- positive law
- positivism
- positivist dispute
- possession → possession Stattdessen verwenden: assets assets
- possession → possession Stattdessen verwenden: property property
- possession → possession Stattdessen verwenden: large landed property large landed property
- possession → possession Stattdessen verwenden: landed property landed property
- possessory interests → possessory interests Stattdessen verwenden: ownership structure ownership structure
- post-colonial society
- post-colonialism
- post-communist society
- post-democracy
- post-Fordism
- post-graduate studies
- post-industrial society
- post-materialism
- post-occupational activities
- post-socialist country
- post-structuralism
- post-war period
- post-war society
- postal administration → postal administration Stattdessen verwenden: German Federal Postal Administration German Federal Postal Administration
- postal service
- poster
- postmodernism
- posttraumatic stress disorder → posttraumatic stress disorder Stattdessen verwenden: health consequences health consequences
- posttraumatic stress disorder → posttraumatic stress disorder Stattdessen verwenden: trauma trauma
- Potsdam Agreement (1945)
- Poulantzas, Nicos
- poverty
- power
- power elite → power elite Stattdessen verwenden: elite elite
- power elite → power elite Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- power of attorney
- power plant
- power politics
- power struggle
- powerlessness → powerlessness Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- Poznan
- PPBS → PPBS Stattdessen verwenden: program budget program budget
- practical philosophy
- practical training in school → practical training in school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- practical training in school → practical training in school Stattdessen verwenden: internship internship
- practice
- practice firm
- practice orientation → practice orientation Stattdessen verwenden: practice relevance practice relevance
- practice relevance
- practicing one's profession
- pragmatics
- pragmatism
- Prague Spring
- praxeology
- pre-implantation diagnostics
- pre-industrial society
- Pre-March Period
- precariat
- precarious employment
- precariousness
- precarity → precarity Stattdessen verwenden: precarious employment precarious employment
- precision engineering industry
- prediction → prediction Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- predictive model
- preference
- preference ordering
- pregnancy
- prehistory
- prejudice
- prejudice research
- preliminary proceedings
- premium
- prenatal diagnostics
- prenatal medicine → prenatal medicine Stattdessen verwenden: obstetrics obstetrics
- preparation for examination
- prepared to take risks → prepared to take risks Stattdessen verwenden: risk behavior risk behavior
- presbyter → presbyter Stattdessen verwenden: church office church office
- preschool age
- preschool broadcast → preschool broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- preschool broadcast → preschool broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: preschool education preschool education
- preschool child → preschool child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- preschool child → preschool child Stattdessen verwenden: preschool age preschool age
- preschool curriculum → preschool curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum curriculum
- preschool curriculum → preschool curriculum Stattdessen verwenden: preschool school preschool school
- preschool education
- preschool school
- preschool television → preschool television Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- preschool television → preschool television Stattdessen verwenden: preschool education preschool education
- prescription → prescription Stattdessen verwenden: medication medication
- present
- preserving natural resources
- president
- president of a Landtag → president of a Landtag Stattdessen verwenden: Landtag Landtag
- president of a Landtag → president of a Landtag Stattdessen verwenden: president president
- president of the Bundestag → president of the Bundestag Stattdessen verwenden: president president
- president of the Bundestag → president of the Bundestag Stattdessen verwenden: Bundestag Bundestag
- presidential election
- presidential system
- press
- press censorship → press censorship Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press censorship → press censorship Stattdessen verwenden: censorship censorship
- press concentration
- press conference
- press distribution → press distribution Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press distribution → press distribution Stattdessen verwenden: sales sales
- press law → press law Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press law → press law Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- press office
- press photographer → press photographer Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press photographer → press photographer Stattdessen verwenden: photographer photographer
- press research → press research Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press research → press research Stattdessen verwenden: communication research communication research
- press secretary
- press statistics → press statistics Stattdessen verwenden: statistics statistics
- press statistics → press statistics Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press trust → press trust Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- press trust → press trust Stattdessen verwenden: trust trust
- pressure group
- pressure to perform
- pressure-group politics
- prestige
- pretest
- prevention
- preventive cancer checkup → preventive cancer checkup Stattdessen verwenden: health care health care
- preventive cancer checkup → preventive cancer checkup Stattdessen verwenden: cancer cancer
- preventive custody
- preventive detention
- preventive detention
- preventive health policy → preventive health policy Stattdessen verwenden: prophylaxis prophylaxis
- preventive health policy → preventive health policy Stattdessen verwenden: health policy health policy
- preventive medical examination
- previous conviction
- price
- price consciousness
- price differentiation
- price elasticity
- price fixing
- price index → price index Stattdessen verwenden: price price
- price index → price index Stattdessen verwenden: index index
- price level
- price theory → price theory Stattdessen verwenden: price price
- price theory → price theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- pricing → pricing Stattdessen verwenden: pricing policy pricing policy
- pricing policy
- priest
- primal therapy
- primary education
- primary energy
- primary group
- primary school
- primary school pupil → primary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- primary school pupil → primary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: primary school primary school
- primary school teacher → primary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- primary school teacher → primary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: primary school primary school
- primary school teaching → primary school teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- primary school teaching → primary school teaching Stattdessen verwenden: primary school primary school
- primary sector
- prime time
- primeval society
- primitive communism
- primitive religion
- primitive society
- principal
- principal-agent-theory
- principle of guilt → principle of guilt Stattdessen verwenden: polluter pays principle polluter pays principle
- principle of subsidiarity
- print media
- printed advertisements → printed advertisements Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- printed advertisements → printed advertisements Stattdessen verwenden: advertisement advertisement
- printer
- printing industry → printing industry Stattdessen verwenden: printing trade printing trade
- printing technology
- printing trade
- priority
- prison → prison Stattdessen verwenden: correctional institution correctional institution
- prison ministry → prison ministry Stattdessen verwenden: the ministry the ministry
- prison ministry → prison ministry Stattdessen verwenden: prisoner prisoner
- prison officer → prison officer Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- prison officer → prison officer Stattdessen verwenden: execution of sentence execution of sentence
- prison sentence → prison sentence Stattdessen verwenden: imprisonment imprisonment
- prisoner
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- prisonization → prisonization Stattdessen verwenden: socialization socialization
- prisonization → prisonization Stattdessen verwenden: correctional institution correctional institution
- privacy
- privacy law → privacy law Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- privacy law → privacy law Stattdessen verwenden: data protection data protection
- private broadcasting
- private development aid
- private economy
- private enterprise
- private health insurance
- private home
- private household
- private institution
- private investment
- private law
- private life → private life Stattdessen verwenden: privacy privacy
- private military company → private military company Stattdessen verwenden: private security and military companies private security and military companies
- private motor vehicle traffic
- private pension → private pension Stattdessen verwenden: provision for old age provision for old age
- private pension → private pension Stattdessen verwenden: private provision private provision
- private property
- private provision
- private public partnership → private public partnership Stattdessen verwenden: public private partnership public private partnership
- private radio station → private radio station Stattdessen verwenden: private broadcasting private broadcasting
- private school
- private sector
- private security and military companies
- private spending → private spending Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- private spending → private spending Stattdessen verwenden: expenditures expenditures
- private television station → private television station Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- private television station → private television station Stattdessen verwenden: private broadcasting private broadcasting
- private university
- private welfare work
- private youth welfare service → private youth welfare service Stattdessen verwenden: private welfare work private welfare work
- private youth welfare service → private youth welfare service Stattdessen verwenden: youth welfare youth welfare
- privatization
- privilege
- PRO 7
- probability
- probation
- probation officer
- probation service
- probation service for young delinquents → probation service for young delinquents Stattdessen verwenden: juvenile court juvenile court
- probation service for young delinquents → probation service for young delinquents Stattdessen verwenden: aid to the court aid to the court
- probationary employment
- probationer
- problem
- problem consciousness
- problem group
- problem solving
- problem-solving behavior → problem-solving behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- problem-solving behavior → problem-solving behavior Stattdessen verwenden: problem solving problem solving
- procedural error
- procedural law
- procedure
- process
- process analysis
- process management
- process of individuation
- process of teaching → process of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: process process
- process of teaching → process of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- process of thinking → process of thinking Stattdessen verwenden: thinking thinking
- process-produced data
- procurement criminality → procurement criminality Stattdessen verwenden: drug-related crime drug-related crime
- procurement of information → procurement of information Stattdessen verwenden: information capture information capture
- procurement of water → procurement of water Stattdessen verwenden: water management water management
- producer
- producer cooperative → producer cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- producer cooperative → producer cooperative Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- producer goods industry → producer goods industry Stattdessen verwenden: capital goods industry capital goods industry
- producer liability → producer liability Stattdessen verwenden: liability liability
- producer liability → producer liability Stattdessen verwenden: producer producer
- product
- product design
- product identification
- product liability → product liability Stattdessen verwenden: liability liability
- product liability → product liability Stattdessen verwenden: producer producer
- product life cycle
- product management
- product marking → product marking Stattdessen verwenden: product identification product identification
- product piracy → product piracy Stattdessen verwenden: counterfeiting counterfeiting
- product placement
- product policy
- product test
- production
- production concept → production concept Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- production concept → production concept Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- production costs → production costs Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- production costs → production costs Stattdessen verwenden: costs costs
- production engineering
- production factor
- production function
- production good
- production island → production island Stattdessen verwenden: manufacturing technology manufacturing technology
- production island → production island Stattdessen verwenden: group work group work
- production method → production method Stattdessen verwenden: production production
- production method → production method Stattdessen verwenden: procedure procedure
- production process
- production sector → production sector Stattdessen verwenden: secondary sector secondary sector
- production theory
- productive capital
- productive force
- productivity
- profession
- professional army
- professional association
- professional ban
- professional career → professional career Stattdessen verwenden: job history job history
- professional career → professional career Stattdessen verwenden: career career
- professional discretion
- professional ethics
- professional experience
- professional journal → professional journal Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- professional journal → professional journal Stattdessen verwenden: technical literature technical literature
- professional maturity
- professional organization → professional organization Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- professional sports
- professionalism → professionalism Stattdessen verwenden: career concept career concept
- professionalism
- professionalization
- professor → professor Stattdessen verwenden: university teacher university teacher
- profit
- profit
- profit account → profit account Stattdessen verwenden: accounting accounting
- profit account → profit account Stattdessen verwenden: profit profit
- profit maximization
- profit policy → profit policy Stattdessen verwenden: company policy company policy
- profit policy → profit policy Stattdessen verwenden: profit profit
- profit principle
- profit rate
- profit sharing
- profitability
- profitability study
- prognosis
- prognostication
- program
- program budget
- program commitment
- program diversity
- program exchange
- program guide
- program of study
- program offering
- program planning
- program system
- Programme for International Student Assessment → Programme for International Student Assessment Stattdessen verwenden: PISA study PISA study
- programmed instruction
- programmed learning → programmed learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- programmed learning → programmed learning Stattdessen verwenden: programmed instruction programmed instruction
- programming
- programming language
- progress
- progressivism
- prohibition of the use of force
- project
- project group
- project management
- project organization → project organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- project organization → project organization Stattdessen verwenden: project management project management
- project planning
- project studies
- project-oriented teaching
- projection
- projection (statistical)
- projection of requirements → projection of requirements Stattdessen verwenden: demand forecast demand forecast
- projective test
- proletarian revolution
- proletarianization
- proletariat
- proliferation
- prominent → prominent Stattdessen verwenden: VIP VIP
- promotion
- promotion level
- promotion of agriculture → promotion of agriculture Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- promotion of agriculture → promotion of agriculture Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- promotion of development
- promotion of disadvantaged persons
- promotion of economic development
- promotion of housing construction → promotion of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- promotion of housing construction → promotion of housing construction Stattdessen verwenden: housing construction housing construction
- promotion of industry → promotion of industry Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- promotion of industry → promotion of industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- promotion of science → promotion of science Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- promotion of science → promotion of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- promotion of the gifted
- promotional measure
- promotional program
- propaedeutics
- propaganda
- propaganda film → propaganda film Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- propaganda film → propaganda film Stattdessen verwenden: propaganda propaganda
- propensity to violence
- property
- property rights → property rights Stattdessen verwenden: right of ownership right of ownership
- property structure → property structure Stattdessen verwenden: ownership structure ownership structure
- property tax
- property-owning class → property-owning class Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeoisie bourgeoisie
- prophecy
- prophylaxis
- proportion of women
- proportional representation
- proportionality
- prosecution
- prosperity
- prostitution
- protecting power
- protection
- protection against dismissal
- protection against rationalization
- protection of employee rights
- protection of minors
- protection of species → protection of species Stattdessen verwenden: conservation conservation
- protection of species → protection of species Stattdessen verwenden: biodiversity biodiversity
- protection of the constitution
- protection of the rights of minorities → protection of the rights of minorities Stattdessen verwenden: minority rights minority rights
- protection of working youth → protection of working youth Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- protection of working youth → protection of working youth Stattdessen verwenden: occupational safety occupational safety
- protectionism
- protective duty → protective duty Stattdessen verwenden: duty duty
- protective legislation for working mothers → protective legislation for working mothers Stattdessen verwenden: act act
- protective legislation for working mothers → protective legislation for working mothers Stattdessen verwenden: maternity protection maternity protection
- protective vaccination → protective vaccination Stattdessen verwenden: vaccination vaccination
- protectorate
- protest
- protest behavior
- protest movement
- Protestant
- Protestant academy → Protestant academy Stattdessen verwenden: academy academy
- Protestant academy → Protestant academy Stattdessen verwenden: Protestant church Protestant church
- Protestant church
- protestant church in Germany
- Protestant social ethics
- Protestant theology → Protestant theology Stattdessen verwenden: theology theology
- Protestant theology → Protestant theology Stattdessen verwenden: Protestant church Protestant church
- Protestantism
- protoindustrialization
- protosociology
- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
- provincialism
- provision for old age
- provisioning of goods → provisioning of goods Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- provocation
- Prussia
- psychagogy
- psyche
- psychiatric care
- psychiatric hospital → psychiatric hospital Stattdessen verwenden: specialized hospital specialized hospital
- psychiatric hospital → psychiatric hospital Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatry psychiatry
- psychiatric institution → psychiatric institution Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- psychiatric institution → psychiatric institution Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatry psychiatry
- psychiatric treatment → psychiatric treatment Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- psychiatric treatment → psychiatric treatment Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatry psychiatry
- psychiatrist
- psychiatry
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalytic theory → psychoanalytic theory Stattdessen verwenden: psychoanalysis psychoanalysis
- psychoanalytical therapy → psychoanalytical therapy Stattdessen verwenden: psychoanalysis psychoanalysis
- psychoanalytical therapy → psychoanalytical therapy Stattdessen verwenden: psychotherapy psychotherapy
- psychodiagnostics
- psychodrama
- psychodynamics
- psychogenic illness → psychogenic illness Stattdessen verwenden: psychosomatic illness psychosomatic illness
- psychokinesis → psychokinesis Stattdessen verwenden: parapsychology parapsychology
- psycholinguistics
- psychological care → psychological care Stattdessen verwenden: medical care medical care
- psychological care → psychological care Stattdessen verwenden: psychiatric care psychiatric care
- psychological care → psychological care Stattdessen verwenden: psychosocial care psychosocial care
- psychological consequences
- psychological counseling
- psychological development
- psychological factors
- psychological intervention
- psychological stress
- psychological test → psychological test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- psychological theory
- psychological warfare
- psychologist
- psychology
- psychology of advertising → psychology of advertising Stattdessen verwenden: business psychology business psychology
- psychology of architecture → psychology of architecture Stattdessen verwenden: architecture architecture
- psychology of architecture → psychology of architecture Stattdessen verwenden: environmental psychology environmental psychology
- psychology of art
- psychology of learning
- psychology of perception
- psychology of thinking
- psychology student → psychology student Stattdessen verwenden: psychology psychology
- psychology student → psychology student Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- psychology studies → psychology studies Stattdessen verwenden: psychology psychology
- psychology studies → psychology studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- psychometrics
- psychomotor activity
- psychoneurosis → psychoneurosis Stattdessen verwenden: neurosis neurosis
- psychopathology
- psychophysical strain
- psychophysical stress
- psychophysics
- psychophysiology
- psychosis
- psychosocial care
- psychosocial development
- psychosocial disorder
- psychosocial factors
- psychosocial intervention
- psychosocial support → psychosocial support Stattdessen verwenden: psychosocial care psychosocial care
- psychosomatic factors
- psychosomatic hospital → psychosomatic hospital Stattdessen verwenden: specialized hospital specialized hospital
- psychosomatic hospital → psychosomatic hospital Stattdessen verwenden: psychosomatic illness psychosomatic illness
- psychosomatic illness
- psychosomatics
- psychotherapeutic counseling → psychotherapeutic counseling Stattdessen verwenden: counseling counseling
- psychotherapeutic counseling → psychotherapeutic counseling Stattdessen verwenden: psychotherapy psychotherapy
- psychotherapeutic treatment → psychotherapeutic treatment Stattdessen verwenden: psychotherapy psychotherapy
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapy
- psychotropic drugs
- puberty
- public access → public access Stattdessen verwenden: open channel open channel
- public administration
- public advocate
- public authorities
- public benefits
- public broadcasting mandate
- public budget
- public choice → public choice Stattdessen verwenden: politics politics
- public choice → public choice Stattdessen verwenden: economic theory economic theory
- public communications
- public contracts system
- public debt → public debt Stattdessen verwenden: national debt national debt
- public education
- public enterprise
- public expenditures
- public facility
- public finance
- public health
- public health care delivery system
- public health nurse
- public health services
- public housing
- public institution
- public interest
- public investment
- public journalism
- public law
- public library → public library Stattdessen verwenden: library library
- public management → public management Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- public management → public management Stattdessen verwenden: public administration public administration
- public office
- public opinion
- public policy
- public private partnership
- public relations work
- public relief for young people → public relief for young people Stattdessen verwenden: welfare care welfare care
- public relief for young people → public relief for young people Stattdessen verwenden: youth welfare youth welfare
- public revenue
- public sector
- public security → public security Stattdessen verwenden: domestic security domestic security
- public service
- public services and transport union → public services and transport union Stattdessen verwenden: ÖTV ÖTV
- public space
- public spending → public spending Stattdessen verwenden: expenditures expenditures
- public spending → public spending Stattdessen verwenden: public expenditures public expenditures
- public spending → public spending Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- public supervision
- public support
- public support for university level studies → public support for university level studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- public support for university level studies → public support for university level studies Stattdessen verwenden: government promotion of vocational training government promotion of vocational training
- public tasks
- public transport
- public transportation
- public utilities → public utilities Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- public utilities → public utilities Stattdessen verwenden: public sector public sector
- publication
- publicity
- publisher
- publishing house
- Puerto Rico
- punishment → punishment Stattdessen verwenden: penalty penalty
- punitive damages
- punitivity
- pupil
- pupil at school for the handicapped → pupil at school for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- pupil at school for the handicapped → pupil at school for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: special education school special education school
- pupil at secondary-level compulsory general school → pupil at secondary-level compulsory general school Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- pupil at secondary-level compulsory general school → pupil at secondary-level compulsory general school Stattdessen verwenden: Hauptschule Hauptschule
- pupil attitude → pupil attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- pupil attitude → pupil attitude Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- pupil behavior → pupil behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- pupil behavior → pupil behavior Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- pupil teacher ratio → pupil teacher ratio Stattdessen verwenden: quota quota
- pupil teacher ratio → pupil teacher ratio Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- pupil's role → pupil's role Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- pupil's role → pupil's role Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- purchase
- purchasing power
- puritanism
- purpose
- Putin, Vladimir V.
- Putnam, Robert
- putsch → putsch Stattdessen verwenden: coup d'etat coup d'etat
- Qatar
- qualification
- qualification for academic studies
- qualification for key function
- qualification requirements
- qualification test → qualification test Stattdessen verwenden: aptitude test aptitude test
- qualitative growth
- qualitative interview
- qualitative method
- qualitative research → qualitative research Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- qualitative research → qualitative research Stattdessen verwenden: qualitative method qualitative method
- quality
- quality assurance
- quality circle
- quality control
- quality management → quality management Stattdessen verwenden: management management
- quality management → quality management Stattdessen verwenden: quality assurance quality assurance
- quality of life
- quantification
- quantitative method
- quantitative research → quantitative research Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- quantitative research → quantitative research Stattdessen verwenden: quantitative method quantitative method
- quantity
- queer studies
- queer theory
- questionnaire
- questionnaire construction → questionnaire construction Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- questionnaire construction → questionnaire construction Stattdessen verwenden: questionnaire questionnaire
- quiz
- quota
- quotation
- rabbi
- race
- race problem
- racial discrimination → racial discrimination Stattdessen verwenden: racism racism
- racial policy
- racism
- radiation protection
- radical democracy
- radicalism
- radicalization
- Radikalenerlass
- radio
- Radio Bremen
- radio journalism → radio journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- radio journalism → radio journalism Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- radio law → radio law Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- radio law → radio law Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- Radio of the American Sector of Berlin
- radio play
- radio policy → radio policy Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- radio policy → radio policy Stattdessen verwenden: media policy media policy
- radio program
- radio program guide → radio program guide Stattdessen verwenden: radio radio
- radio program guide → radio program guide Stattdessen verwenden: magazine program magazine program
- radio-based distance education
- radioactivity
- Raiffeisenbank → Raiffeisenbank Stattdessen verwenden: cooperative cooperative
- Raiffeisenbank → Raiffeisenbank Stattdessen verwenden: bank bank
- rail traffic
- rail vehicle
- railroad
- railways → railways Stattdessen verwenden: German Federal Railways German Federal Railways
- rain forest
- random probability → random probability Stattdessen verwenden: probability probability
- random sample
- ranking
- rap
- rape
- rate of exchange
- ratification
- rating
- rating
- rating scale
- ratings figures
- ratio of government expenditures
- rational choice theory
- rationalism
- rationality
- rationalization
- rationalization conception → rationalization conception Stattdessen verwenden: conception conception
- rationalization conception → rationalization conception Stattdessen verwenden: rationalization rationalization
- rationing
- rationing
- ravishment → ravishment Stattdessen verwenden: rape rape
- raw material deposits
- raw material economy → raw material economy Stattdessen verwenden: basic industry basic industry
- raw material economy → raw material economy Stattdessen verwenden: raw materials raw materials
- raw material market → raw material market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- raw material market → raw material market Stattdessen verwenden: raw materials raw materials
- raw material shortage → raw material shortage Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- raw material shortage → raw material shortage Stattdessen verwenden: shortage shortage
- raw material shortage → raw material shortage Stattdessen verwenden: raw materials raw materials
- raw materials
- Rawls, John
- RBB → RBB Stattdessen verwenden: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
- re-education
- re-entry → re-entry Stattdessen verwenden: occupational reintegration occupational reintegration
- reactance
- reaction
- reactivity effect
- reader (person)
- reader (schoolbook)
- readership
- readership research
- reading
- reading behavior
- reading instruction → reading instruction Stattdessen verwenden: German language teaching German language teaching
- reading instruction → reading instruction Stattdessen verwenden: learning to read learning to read
- Reagan, Ronald
- real estate
- real estate agent
- real estate market → real estate market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- real estate market → real estate market Stattdessen verwenden: land land
- real estate tax → real estate tax Stattdessen verwenden: landed property landed property
- real estate tax → real estate tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- real property tax → real property tax Stattdessen verwenden: landed property landed property
- real property tax → real property tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- real wages
- realism
- reality
- reality concept → reality concept Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- reality concept → reality concept Stattdessen verwenden: reality reality
- reality flight → reality flight Stattdessen verwenden: escapism escapism
- reality orientation
- reality tv
- realization of new products → realization of new products Stattdessen verwenden: product product
- realization of new products → realization of new products Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- reason
- reason for flight → reason for flight Stattdessen verwenden: refugee refugee
- reason for flight → reason for flight Stattdessen verwenden: motive motive
- reason for migration → reason for migration Stattdessen verwenden: migration migration
- reason for migration → reason for migration Stattdessen verwenden: motive motive
- reason of state
- reasonableness
- rebellion → rebellion Stattdessen verwenden: resistance resistance
- receipt of benefits
- receiver → receiver Stattdessen verwenden: recipient recipient
- receiving of stolen property
- reception
- reception of art → reception of art Stattdessen verwenden: art art
- reception of art → reception of art Stattdessen verwenden: reception reception
- reception of music → reception of music Stattdessen verwenden: music music
- reception of music → reception of music Stattdessen verwenden: reception reception
- recession
- recidivist → recidivist Stattdessen verwenden: repeat offender repeat offender
- recipient
- recipient research
- reciprocity
- recognition → recognition Stattdessen verwenden: social recognition social recognition
- recognition → recognition Stattdessen verwenden: reward reward
- recognition → recognition Stattdessen verwenden: international recognition international recognition
- recognition → recognition Stattdessen verwenden: respect respect
- recognized trainee occupation
- reconciliation
- reconstruction
- reconstruction
- recording
- recording tape → recording tape Stattdessen verwenden: sound storage medium sound storage medium
- recourse
- recreation
- recreation area
- recreation center → recreation center Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- recreation center → recreation center Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- recreation facility → recreation facility Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- recreation facility → recreation facility Stattdessen verwenden: recreation recreation
- recreation region → recreation region Stattdessen verwenden: recreation area recreation area
- recreational activity
- recreational facilities
- recreational facility for the young → recreational facility for the young Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- recreational facility for the young → recreational facility for the young Stattdessen verwenden: youth work youth work
- recreational traffic
- recreational value
- recruitment
- recycling
- recycling management
- Red Armee Fraction → Red Armee Fraction Stattdessen verwenden: RAF RAF
- Red Army → Red Army Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- Red Army → Red Army Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- Red Cross
- redevelopment
- redevelopment area
- redevelopment of old buildings → redevelopment of old buildings Stattdessen verwenden: old building old building
- redevelopment of old buildings → redevelopment of old buildings Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- redevelopment of residential area → redevelopment of residential area Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- redevelopment of residential area → redevelopment of residential area Stattdessen verwenden: residential area residential area
- redirecting consumer demand → redirecting consumer demand Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- redirecting consumer demand → redirecting consumer demand Stattdessen verwenden: steering steering
- redistribution
- redistribution of income
- redistribution policy → redistribution policy Stattdessen verwenden: policy on property policy on property
- reducing taxes
- reduction in earning capacity
- reduction in working hours
- reductionism
- redundancy
- referee
- reference group
- reference letter
- reference person
- Referendarausbildung → Referendarausbildung Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- Referendarausbildung → Referendarausbildung Stattdessen verwenden: student teacher student teacher
- referendum
- reflection theory
- reflexive modernization
- reflexivity
- reform
- reform model
- reform movement → reform movement Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- reform movement → reform movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- reform of administration → reform of administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- reform of administration → reform of administration Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- reform of society → reform of society Stattdessen verwenden: society society
- reform of society → reform of society Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- reform of upper secondary level → reform of upper secondary level Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- reform of upper secondary level → reform of upper secondary level Stattdessen verwenden: secondary education upper level (Oberstufe) secondary education upper level (Oberstufe)
- reform of vocational education → reform of vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- reform of vocational education → reform of vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: educational reform educational reform
- reform pedagogics
- reform policy
- reform program
- reform strategy → reform strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- reform strategy → reform strategy Stattdessen verwenden: reform policy reform policy
- reformation
- reformatory → reformatory Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- reformatory → reformatory Stattdessen verwenden: correctional institution correctional institution
- reformism
- refugee
- refugee law
- refusal to work
- regime
- region
- regional administration → regional administration Stattdessen verwenden: administration administration
- regional administration → regional administration Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- regional analysis → regional analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- regional analysis → regional analysis Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- regional attachment
- regional authority
- regional broadcasting
- regional comparison
- regional council
- regional development
- regional development plan → regional development plan Stattdessen verwenden: development planning development planning
- regional development plan → regional development plan Stattdessen verwenden: regional planning regional planning
- regional difference
- regional distribution
- regional economic policy → regional economic policy Stattdessen verwenden: economic policy economic policy
- regional economic policy → regional economic policy Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- regional economy
- regional factors
- regional history
- regional identity
- regional imbalance → regional imbalance Stattdessen verwenden: regional difference regional difference
- regional integration
- regional interdependence
- regional labor market → regional labor market Stattdessen verwenden: labor market labor market
- regional labor market → regional labor market Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- Regional Labor Office
- regional leader → regional leader Stattdessen verwenden: international leading power international leading power
- regional merger → regional merger Stattdessen verwenden: regional integration regional integration
- regional mobility
- regional origin
- regional party
- regional planner
- regional planning
- regional planning of education → regional planning of education Stattdessen verwenden: educational planning educational planning
- regional planning of education → regional planning of education Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- regional planning policy
- regional policy
- regional press
- regional program
- regional promotion
- regional promotion of economy
- regional reform
- regional research
- regional structure → regional structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- regional structure → regional structure Stattdessen verwenden: region region
- regional studies → regional studies Stattdessen verwenden: geography geography
- regional television
- regional unemployment → regional unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment unemployment
- regional unemployment → regional unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: regional distribution regional distribution
- regional variation → regional variation Stattdessen verwenden: regional difference regional difference
- regional youth plan → regional youth plan Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- regional youth plan → regional youth plan Stattdessen verwenden: plan to promote youth work plan to promote youth work
- Regionaldirektion
- regionalism
- regionalization
- registration act
- registration system
- regression
- regression analysis
- regular school
- regular staff
- regularity
- regulation
- regulation
- regulation theory
- regulatory authority
- regulatory policy
- rehabilitant
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation center
- rehabilitation science
- Reich, Wilhelm
- Reichstag → Reichstag Stattdessen verwenden: German Reichstag German Reichstag
- Reichsversicherungsordnung
- Reichswehr → Reichswehr Stattdessen verwenden: military military
- Reichswehr → Reichswehr Stattdessen verwenden: German Reich German Reich
- reification
- reinforcement
- reintegration
- reinvestment
- relapse
- relapse criminality → relapse criminality Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- relapse criminality → relapse criminality Stattdessen verwenden: relapse relapse
- relational work
- relations of production
- relationship managment → relationship managment Stattdessen verwenden: business relationship business relationship
- relative → relative Stattdessen verwenden: family member family member
- relative → relative Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- relativism
- release from custody → release from custody Stattdessen verwenden: release from prison release from prison
- release from prison
- relevance
- reliability
- religion
- religious affiliation
- religious attitude → religious attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- religious attitude → religious attitude Stattdessen verwenden: religion religion
- religious behavior → religious behavior Stattdessen verwenden: religiousness religiousness
- religious community
- religious conflict
- religious criticism
- religious education
- religious factors
- religious freedom
- religious group
- religious instruction
- religious marginal group → religious marginal group Stattdessen verwenden: fringe group fringe group
- religious marginal group → religious marginal group Stattdessen verwenden: religious group religious group
- religious minority → religious minority Stattdessen verwenden: minority minority
- religious minority → religious minority Stattdessen verwenden: religious group religious group
- religious movement
- religious party
- religious policy
- religious radio program → religious radio program Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- religious radio program → religious radio program Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- religious science
- religious sisterhood → religious sisterhood Stattdessen verwenden: monastic order monastic order
- religious socialism
- religious socialization
- religious upbringing → religious upbringing Stattdessen verwenden: education education
- religious upbringing → religious upbringing Stattdessen verwenden: religious socialization religious socialization
- religiousness
- relocation
- relocation
- relocation of business
- relocation of industry → relocation of industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- relocation of industry → relocation of industry Stattdessen verwenden: change of location change of location
- relocation of production
- remarriage
- remedial education
- remedies
- remigration
- remilitarization
- reminiscence
- remuneration
- remuneration during vocational training → remuneration during vocational training Stattdessen verwenden: remuneration remuneration
- remuneration during vocational training → remuneration during vocational training Stattdessen verwenden: apprentice apprentice
- remuneration for members of parliament
- remuneration systems → remuneration systems Stattdessen verwenden: remuneration remuneration
- remuneration systems → remuneration systems Stattdessen verwenden: type of wage type of wage
- Renaissance
- rendering of accounts
- renewable energy
- renewable resources
- renovation
- rent
- rent subsidy
- rental appartment
- renter
- renunciation
- renunciation of academic studies → renunciation of academic studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- renunciation of academic studies → renunciation of academic studies Stattdessen verwenden: renunciation renunciation
- renunciation of training → renunciation of training Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- renunciation of training → renunciation of training Stattdessen verwenden: renunciation renunciation
- reorganization
- reorganization
- reorgnization of communities → reorgnization of communities Stattdessen verwenden: regional reform regional reform
- reorgnization of communities → reorgnization of communities Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- reparation
- reparations
- repatriation → repatriation Stattdessen verwenden: remigration remigration
- repeat offender
- repeated unemployment
- report
- Report of the Federal Government on Research
- reporter
- reporting
- reporting on the parliament → reporting on the parliament Stattdessen verwenden: reporting reporting
- reporting on the parliament → reporting on the parliament Stattdessen verwenden: parliament parliament
- reporting system
- representation
- representation of interests
- representation of professional interests → representation of professional interests Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- representative
- representative democracy
- representativity
- repression
- reprocessing
- reproduction
- reproductive behavior
- reproductive medicine
- republic
- Republic of South Africa
- Republic of the Congo → Republic of the Congo Stattdessen verwenden: Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the
- Republican Party
- republicanism
- reputation
- required area
- requirement profile → requirement profile Stattdessen verwenden: job requirements job requirements
- requirement profile → requirement profile Stattdessen verwenden: occupational requirements occupational requirements
- requirement profile → requirement profile Stattdessen verwenden: qualification requirements qualification requirements
- rescue services
- research
- research and development
- research approach
- research coordination → research coordination Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research coordination → research coordination Stattdessen verwenden: coordination coordination
- research deficit
- research design → research design Stattdessen verwenden: research planning research planning
- research documentation
- research ethics → research ethics Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research ethics → research ethics Stattdessen verwenden: science ethics science ethics
- research facility
- research financing → research financing Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research financing → research financing Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- research financing → research financing Stattdessen verwenden: scientific institution scientific institution
- research focus
- research freedom
- research implementation
- research institute → research institute Stattdessen verwenden: research facility research facility
- research interest → research interest Stattdessen verwenden: interest interest
- research interest → research interest Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research into judicial facts
- research method → research method Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- research method → research method Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research on developing countries
- research on Eastern Europe
- research on qualification
- research on viewers → research on viewers Stattdessen verwenden: recipient research recipient research
- research on vocational education
- research organization → research organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- research organization → research organization Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research personnel
- research planning
- research policy
- research practice
- research process
- research project
- research report
- research results
- research status
- research technique → research technique Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- research technique → research technique Stattdessen verwenden: research research
- research topic
- research utilization → research utilization Stattdessen verwenden: research implementation research implementation
- researcher → researcher Stattdessen verwenden: scientist scientist
- reservist → reservist Stattdessen verwenden: soldier soldier
- resettlement
- residence permit
- resident
- resident population
- residential area
- residential behavior
- residential building
- residential density → residential density Stattdessen verwenden: building density building density
- residential density → residential density Stattdessen verwenden: population density population density
- residential environment
- residential street
- resignation
- resignation from occupation → resignation from occupation Stattdessen verwenden: drop-out drop-out
- resignation from occupation → resignation from occupation Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- resignation from office
- resilience
- resistance
- resistance movement
- resocialization
- resources
- respect
- response behavior
- responsibility
- responsibility allocation
- rest home → rest home Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- rest home → rest home Stattdessen verwenden: recreation recreation
- restoration
- restraints on competition
- restricted code → restricted code Stattdessen verwenden: social stratum social stratum
- restricted code → restricted code Stattdessen verwenden: language usage language usage
- restriction on trade → restriction on trade Stattdessen verwenden: trade barrier trade barrier
- restrictive work
- restructuring → restructuring Stattdessen verwenden: reorganization reorganization
- results measurement
- retail trade
- retaliation
- retiree
- retirement
- retirement age
- retirement home for the elderly
- retirement pay → retirement pay Stattdessen verwenden: retirement pension retirement pension
- retirement pension
- retirement planning
- retirement shock → retirement shock Stattdessen verwenden: retirement retirement
- retirement shock → retirement shock Stattdessen verwenden: mental conflict mental conflict
- retirement shock → retirement shock Stattdessen verwenden: pensioning pensioning
- retrainee
- retraining
- return
- return quota → return quota Stattdessen verwenden: response behavior response behavior
- returns on education
- reunification
- Reunion → Reunion Stattdessen verwenden: Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
- revaluation
- revanchism
- revenge → revenge Stattdessen verwenden: retaliation retaliation
- revenue
- review
- revision (international law)
- revisionism
- revolt → revolt Stattdessen verwenden: resistance resistance
- revolt → revolt Stattdessen verwenden: revolution revolution
- revolution
- revolution theory → revolution theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- revolution theory → revolution theory Stattdessen verwenden: revolution revolution
- revolutionary strategy → revolutionary strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- revolutionary strategy → revolutionary strategy Stattdessen verwenden: revolution revolution
- revolutionary violence → revolutionary violence Stattdessen verwenden: violence violence
- revolutionary violence → revolutionary violence Stattdessen verwenden: revolution revolution
- reward
- Rhenish Confederation (1806)
- Rhenish Prussia
- rhetoric
- rheumatism
- Rhine-Main area
- Rhineland-Palatinate
- Rhodesia → Rhodesia Stattdessen verwenden: Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
- Ricardo, David
- right of asylum
- right of ownership
- right of residence → right of residence Stattdessen verwenden: law on aliens law on aliens
- right of self-determination
- right of self-determination over personal → right of self-determination over personal Stattdessen verwenden: self-determination over personal data self-determination over personal data
- right to a training position
- right to bear a name → right to bear a name Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- right to bear a name → right to bear a name Stattdessen verwenden: name name
- right to educate → right to educate Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- right to educate → right to educate Stattdessen verwenden: school law school law
- right to information
- right to maintenance → right to maintenance Stattdessen verwenden: family law family law
- right to maintenance → right to maintenance Stattdessen verwenden: support support
- right to petition
- right to privacy
- right to pursue employment → right to pursue employment Stattdessen verwenden: protection against dismissal protection against dismissal
- right to refuse to give evidence
- right to resist
- right to speak
- right to strike
- right to vote
- right to work
- right-wing extremism → right-wing extremism Stattdessen verwenden: right-wing radicalism right-wing radicalism
- right-wing extremist party
- right-wing populism → right-wing populism Stattdessen verwenden: political right political right
- right-wing populism → right-wing populism Stattdessen verwenden: populism populism
- right-wing radicalism
- rights and responsibilities
- rights of personal liberty
- rigidity
- risk
- risk adjustment → risk adjustment Stattdessen verwenden: fiscal equalization fiscal equalization
- risk adjustment → risk adjustment Stattdessen verwenden: compulsory health insurance compulsory health insurance
- risk assessment
- risk behavior
- risk communication
- risk management
- risk research
- risk society
- rite → rite Stattdessen verwenden: ritual ritual
- ritual
- river
- road
- road construction
- road network
- road safety education
- road traffic
- road traffic regulations
- road user
- robot
- rock music
- rocker
- role
- role ascription
- role behavior → role behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- role behavior → role behavior Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- role change
- role conception
- role conflict → role conflict Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- role conflict → role conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- role definition
- role distribution
- role expectation → role expectation Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- role expectation → role expectation Stattdessen verwenden: expectation expectation
- role identity → role identity Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- role identity → role identity Stattdessen verwenden: identity identity
- role image
- role model
- role play
- role taking
- role theory → role theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- role theory → role theory Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- role understanding → role understanding Stattdessen verwenden: role conception role conception
- Roma → Roma Stattdessen verwenden: Roma and Sinti Roma and Sinti
- Roma and Sinti
- Roman Catholic
- Roman Catholic population → Roman Catholic population Stattdessen verwenden: Roman Catholic Roman Catholic
- Roman Catholic press → Roman Catholic press Stattdessen verwenden: church press church press
- Roman Catholic priest → Roman Catholic priest Stattdessen verwenden: priest priest
- Roman Empire
- Romance languages and literature
- Romania
- Romanian
- Romanticism
- Rorty, Richard
- Rosicrucian → Rosicrucian Stattdessen verwenden: secret society secret society
- rotation
- roundtable discussion
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- routine
- RTL plus
- Ruhr District
- rule of law → rule of law Stattdessen verwenden: constitutional state constitutional state
- rules of competition
- ruling class
- rumor
- runaway
- Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
- rural area
- rural community → rural community Stattdessen verwenden: rural area rural area
- rural community → rural community Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- rural development
- rural population
- rural region → rural region Stattdessen verwenden: rural area rural area
- rural school → rural school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- rural school → rural school Stattdessen verwenden: rural area rural area
- rural settlement → rural settlement Stattdessen verwenden: rural area rural area
- rural settlement → rural settlement Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- rural sociology
- rural-urban migration
- rurban sociology
- rush hour traffic
- Russia
- Russian
- Russian Federation → Russian Federation Stattdessen verwenden: Russia Russia
- Russian language
- Russian Revolution → Russian Revolution Stattdessen verwenden: October Revolution (1917) October Revolution (1917)
- RVO → RVO Stattdessen verwenden: Reichsversicherungsordnung Reichsversicherungsordnung
- Rwanda
- SA (Third Reich)
- Saarland
- Saarländischer Rundfunk
- sabotage
- safe country of origin → safe country of origin Stattdessen verwenden: right of asylum right of asylum
- safe third states → safe third states Stattdessen verwenden: right of asylum right of asylum
- safety engineer
- safety inspector
- safety research
- Sahel Region
- Saint Lucia → Saint Lucia Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Saint Vincent → Saint Vincent Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de
- salaried employee
- salaried employee
- salary
- sale
- sales
- sales contract
- sales organization → sales organization Stattdessen verwenden: sale sale
- sales organization → sales organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- sales planning → sales planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- sales planning → sales planning Stattdessen verwenden: sale sale
- sales policy
- sales representative
- sales strategy → sales strategy Stattdessen verwenden: sale sale
- sales strategy → sales strategy Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- salesman
- SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
- salutogenesis
- Salzburg
- same-sex cohabitation
- Samoa
- sample
- sampling error
- sampling theory
- San Marino
- sanction
- sanctioning agent
- sanctuary → sanctuary Stattdessen verwenden: political asylum political asylum
- sanctuary → sanctuary Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- Sandinista
- sandwich course
- Sao Tome e Principe
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- SAT 1
- satellite
- satellite communication → satellite communication Stattdessen verwenden: telecommunication telecommunication
- satellite communication → satellite communication Stattdessen verwenden: satellite satellite
- satellite town
- satire
- satisfaction
- satisfaction with life
- satisfaction with place of residence → satisfaction with place of residence Stattdessen verwenden: satisfaction satisfaction
- satisfaction with place of residence → satisfaction with place of residence Stattdessen verwenden: place of residence place of residence
- satisfaction with training → satisfaction with training Stattdessen verwenden: satisfaction satisfaction
- satisfaction with training → satisfaction with training Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- Saudi Arabia
- saving
- saving behavior → saving behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- saving behavior → saving behavior Stattdessen verwenden: savings savings
- saving habit → saving habit Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- saving habit → saving habit Stattdessen verwenden: savings savings
- savings
- savings bank → savings bank Stattdessen verwenden: banking banking
- savings promotion → savings promotion Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- savings promotion → savings promotion Stattdessen verwenden: savings savings
- savings ratio
- Saxony
- Saxony-Anhalt
- say
- scale construction
- scaling
- scandal
- Scandinavia
- scapegoat
- scarcity of resources → scarcity of resources Stattdessen verwenden: resources resources
- scarcity of resources → scarcity of resources Stattdessen verwenden: shortage shortage
- scenario
- scene → scene Stattdessen verwenden: social milieu social milieu
- scheduling → scheduling Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- scheduling → scheduling Stattdessen verwenden: time time
- Scheler, Max
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
- Schelsky, Helmut
- Schengen Agreement
- Schiller, Friedrich
- schizophrenia
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Schmidt, Helmut
- Schmitt, Carl
- Schmoller, Gustav von
- scholarship
- scholastic aptitude
- scholasticism
- school
- school abroad
- school administration
- school attendance
- school book
- school career
- school center
- school choice
- school class
- school climate
- school construction
- school counselor
- school culture
- school development
- school development plan → school development plan Stattdessen verwenden: school development school development
- school development plan → school development plan Stattdessen verwenden: development planning development planning
- school development planning → school development planning Stattdessen verwenden: school development school development
- school development planning → school development planning Stattdessen verwenden: development planning development planning
- school education
- school enrollment
- school equipment
- school for children with learning difficulties → school for children with learning difficulties Stattdessen verwenden: special education school special education school
- school grade
- school graduate
- school graduation
- school hostel in the country
- school initiative
- school inspectorate
- school law
- school lessons → school lessons Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- school model → school model Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school model → school model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- school organization → school organization Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school organization → school organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- school phobia → school phobia Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school phobia → school phobia Stattdessen verwenden: anxiety anxiety
- school policy
- school press
- school program
- school psychological service
- school psychologist
- school readiness
- school reform → school reform Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school reform → school reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- school research
- school situation
- school sports → school sports Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school sports → school sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- school statistics → school statistics Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- school statistics → school statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- school success
- school system
- school theory
- school transition
- school type
- schoolchild
- schools inspector
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schröder, Gerhard
- Schumpeter, Joseph A.
- Schutzstaffel of the NSDAP → Schutzstaffel of the NSDAP Stattdessen verwenden: SS SS
- Schwerbehindertenabgabe → Schwerbehindertenabgabe Stattdessen verwenden: compensatory tax compensatory tax
- Schütz, Alfred
- science
- Science Council
- science ethics
- science fiction
- science film → science film Stattdessen verwenden: film film
- science film → science film Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- science journalism → science journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- science journalism → science journalism Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- science of history
- science of journalism
- science of publications → science of publications Stattdessen verwenden: communication sciences communication sciences
- science of society
- science policy
- science studies
- science transfer → science transfer Stattdessen verwenden: transfer transfer
- science transfer → science transfer Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- scientific activity
- scientific associate
- scientific character
- scientific community
- scientific consulting
- scientific cooperation → scientific cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: cooperation cooperation
- scientific cooperation → scientific cooperation Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- scientific discipline
- scientific findings → scientific findings Stattdessen verwenden: knowledge knowledge
- scientific findings → scientific findings Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- scientific institution
- scientific journal → scientific journal Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- scientific journal → scientific journal Stattdessen verwenden: technical literature technical literature
- scientific literature → scientific literature Stattdessen verwenden: technical literature technical literature
- scientific progress
- scientific revolution
- scientific scene
- scientific socialism
- scientific-technical intelligence
- scientific-technical revolution
- scientification
- scientist
- scientometry
- scope of action
- score
- Scotland → Scotland Stattdessen verwenden: Great Britain Great Britain
- Scotsman → Scotsman Stattdessen verwenden: Briton Briton
- scout
- script
- SDR → SDR Stattdessen verwenden: Süddeutscher Rundfunk Süddeutscher Rundfunk
- seal of approval → seal of approval Stattdessen verwenden: certification certification
- search engine
- seas
- seasonal adjustment
- seasonal variation
- seasonal work
- seasonal worker
- secession
- second generation
- second home
- Second International
- second modern age → second modern age Stattdessen verwenden: postmodernism postmodernism
- Second Republic
- second undergraduate degree
- second vote
- secondary analysis
- secondary education
- secondary education lower level
- secondary education upper level
- secondary education upper level (Oberstufe)
- secondary group
- secondary labor market
- secondary school
- secondary school (Gymnasium)
- secondary school emphasizing economics
- secondary school graduate
- secondary school graduation certificate
- secondary school pupil → secondary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- secondary school pupil → secondary school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: secondary school (Gymnasium) secondary school (Gymnasium)
- secondary school teacher → secondary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- secondary school teacher → secondary school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: secondary school (Gymnasium) secondary school (Gymnasium)
- secondary sector
- secondary socialization
- secrecy
- secret reserves
- secret service
- secret society
- sect
- sectoral distribution
- sectoral structural change → sectoral structural change Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- sectoral structural change → sectoral structural change Stattdessen verwenden: economic sector economic sector
- secularization
- securing of power
- securing one's livelihood → securing one's livelihood Stattdessen verwenden: basic income basic income
- securities
- security
- security economy
- security industry
- security partnership
- security policy
- security production
- security sector
- see
- segmentation
- segmented labor market
- segregation
- seignorialism → seignorialism Stattdessen verwenden: feudalism feudalism
- seizure
- seizure of power
- selection
- selection procedure
- selective perception
- self awareness
- self concept → self concept Stattdessen verwenden: self-image self-image
- self-administration
- self-assessment
- self-assurance
- self-commitment
- self-concept
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-controlled learning → self-controlled learning Stattdessen verwenden: learning learning
- self-controlled learning → self-controlled learning Stattdessen verwenden: self-regulation self-regulation
- self-criticism
- self-defense
- self-destruction
- self-determination
- self-determination over personal data
- self-efficacy
- self-employed person
- self-employment
- self-esteem
- self-experience group
- self-fulfilling prophecy
- self-help
- self-help group → self-help group Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- self-help group → self-help group Stattdessen verwenden: self-help self-help
- self-image
- self-initiated work
- self-medication → self-medication Stattdessen verwenden: pharmaceutical pharmaceutical
- self-medication → self-medication Stattdessen verwenden: self-therapy self-therapy
- self-organization
- self-perception → self-perception Stattdessen verwenden: self-image self-image
- self-presentation
- self-protection → self-protection Stattdessen verwenden: civil defense civil defense
- self-realization
- self-reference
- self-reflection → self-reflection Stattdessen verwenden: reflexivity reflexivity
- self-regulation
- self-responsibility
- self-service
- self-socialization → self-socialization Stattdessen verwenden: socialization socialization
- self-socialization → self-socialization Stattdessen verwenden: self-organization self-organization
- self-study
- self-sufficiency
- self-therapy
- self-treatment → self-treatment Stattdessen verwenden: self-therapy self-therapy
- selling
- selling market → selling market Stattdessen verwenden: market market
- semantic change → semantic change Stattdessen verwenden: meaning meaning
- semantic change → semantic change Stattdessen verwenden: language change language change
- semantic differential
- semantics
- semester
- semiotics
- semiskilled person
- Sen, Amartya
- senate
- Sender Freies Berlin
- Senegal
- senior → senior Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- senior citizen apartment → senior citizen apartment Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- senior citizen apartment → senior citizen apartment Stattdessen verwenden: apartment apartment
- senior citizens' organization
- senior citziens' center → senior citziens' center Stattdessen verwenden: assistance for the elderly assistance for the elderly
- senior citziens' center → senior citziens' center Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- senior executive
- senior press → senior press Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- senior press → senior press Stattdessen verwenden: press press
- senior program → senior program Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- senior program → senior program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- senior program → senior program Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- Sennett, Richard
- sensationalist journalism
- sense
- sense of entitlement
- sense of justice
- sense of responsibility
- sense of security
- sense of security
- sense of solidarity
- sensitivity training
- sensitization
- sensory motor
- sensuality
- sentence determination
- separation of powers
- separation principle
- separatism
- September 11, 2001 → September 11, 2001 Stattdessen verwenden: attempted assassination attempted assassination
- September 11, 2001 → September 11, 2001 Stattdessen verwenden: United States of America United States of America
- September 11, 2001 → September 11, 2001 Stattdessen verwenden: terrorism terrorism
- sequential analysis
- Serbia
- Serbia and Montenegro
- Serbian
- serfdom
- serial production
- sermon
- servants
- service
- service enterprise
- service facility → service facility Stattdessen verwenden: service provider service provider
- service job
- service provider
- service sector → service sector Stattdessen verwenden: tertiary sector tertiary sector
- service society
- service work
- services to companies → services to companies Stattdessen verwenden: business service business service
- set of subjects (school)
- set theory
- setting a learning objective
- setting of norms
- setting up a business
- setting up a business
- settledness → settledness Stattdessen verwenden: vagrancy vagrancy
- settlement
- settlement area
- settlement density
- settlement dynamics → settlement dynamics Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- settlement dynamics → settlement dynamics Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- settlement dynamics → settlement dynamics Stattdessen verwenden: settling settling
- settlement geography
- settlement pattern
- settlement policy
- settlement research → settlement research Stattdessen verwenden: community research community research
- settling
- Seve, Lucien
- seventeenth century
- severe disability
- sewage
- sex behavior
- sex education
- sex education
- sex education
- sex ratio
- sexism
- sexology
- sexual abuse
- sexual disorder
- sexual harassment
- sexual morality → sexual morality Stattdessen verwenden: morality morality
- sexual morality → sexual morality Stattdessen verwenden: sexuality sexuality
- sexual offense
- sexual orientation
- sexual violence → sexual violence Stattdessen verwenden: sexual abuse sexual abuse
- sexuality
- sexually transmitted disease
- Seychelles → Seychelles Stattdessen verwenden: Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
- SFB → SFB Stattdessen verwenden: Sender Freies Berlin Sender Freies Berlin
- shadow economy
- shamanism
- shame
- shared housing
- shared ownership of assets
- shareholder
- shareholder value
- sharia
- shepherd → shepherd Stattdessen verwenden: peasant peasant
- shepherd → shepherd Stattdessen verwenden: nomad nomad
- shift work
- shift worker
- Shiite
- shipbuilding
- shipping
- shipping lane
- shipyard industry → shipyard industry Stattdessen verwenden: shipbuilding shipbuilding
- shoe industry → shoe industry Stattdessen verwenden: leather working industry leather working industry
- shop class
- shop stewards
- shoplifting
- shopping center
- shopping mall → shopping mall Stattdessen verwenden: shopping center shopping center
- Short Message Service → Short Message Service Stattdessen verwenden: SMS SMS
- short vacation → short vacation Stattdessen verwenden: vacation vacation
- short-distance migration
- short-time work
- shortage
- shortage occupation
- shortage of skilled workers → shortage of skilled workers Stattdessen verwenden: manpower requirements manpower requirements
- shortage of skilled workers → shortage of skilled workers Stattdessen verwenden: specialist specialist
- show
- Siberia
- sibling relations → sibling relations Stattdessen verwenden: birth order birth order
- siblings
- sick leave
- sick pay
- sick person → sick person Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- sick person → sick person Stattdessen verwenden: patient patient
- sickness → sickness Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- sickness concept → sickness concept Stattdessen verwenden: illness illness
- sickness concept → sickness concept Stattdessen verwenden: concept concept
- sickness rate
- sideline farmer → sideline farmer Stattdessen verwenden: part-time farm part-time farm
- sideline farmer → sideline farmer Stattdessen verwenden: farmer farmer
- Sierra Leone
- sign
- significance test
- Sikkim → Sikkim Stattdessen verwenden: India India
- silent film
- Silesia
- Simmel, Georg
- simple work
- simulation
- simulation model → simulation model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- simulation model → simulation model Stattdessen verwenden: simulation simulation
- simultaneous analysis
- simultaneous engineering
- Singapore
- singing
- single
- single parent
- single parent family
- single-family residence
- Sino-Soviet conflict → Sino-Soviet conflict Stattdessen verwenden: international conflict international conflict
- Sino-Soviet conflict → Sino-Soviet conflict Stattdessen verwenden: China China
- Sino-Soviet conflict → Sino-Soviet conflict Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- sit-down strike
- situation
- situation analysis
- sixteenth century
- size of enterprise
- skiing → skiing Stattdessen verwenden: wintersports wintersports
- skilled labor job
- skilled trade
- skilled worker
- skin disease
- skinhead → skinhead Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- skinhead → skinhead Stattdessen verwenden: neo-Nazism neo-Nazism
- skinhead → skinhead Stattdessen verwenden: right-wing radicalism right-wing radicalism
- Slav
- slave
- slave trade
- slavery
- Slavic studies
- sleep
- Slovakia
- Slovakian
- Slovenia
- Slovenian
- slum
- slum redevelopment → slum redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- slum redevelopment → slum redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: slum slum
- small and medium-sized enterprise → small and medium-sized enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: medium-sized firm medium-sized firm
- small and medium-sized enterprise → small and medium-sized enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: small business small business
- small arms
- small business
- small enterprise → small enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: small business small business
- small estate → small estate Stattdessen verwenden: landed property landed property
- small farmer → small farmer Stattdessen verwenden: farmer farmer
- small farmer → small farmer Stattdessen verwenden: small business small business
- small group
- small group instruction → small group instruction Stattdessen verwenden: small group small group
- small group instruction → small group instruction Stattdessen verwenden: group instruction group instruction
- small group research
- small group work → small group work Stattdessen verwenden: small group small group
- small group work → small group work Stattdessen verwenden: group work group work
- small state
- small town
- small-scale agriculture → small-scale agriculture Stattdessen verwenden: agriculture agriculture
- small-scale agriculture → small-scale agriculture Stattdessen verwenden: small business small business
- small-scale industries
- small-scale industry → small-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: small business small business
- small-scale industry → small-scale industry Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- smelter
- Smith, Adam
- smoking
- smuggling
- sniffing → sniffing Stattdessen verwenden: drug use drug use
- soap opera
- soccer
- soccer club → soccer club Stattdessen verwenden: soccer soccer
- soccer club → soccer club Stattdessen verwenden: sports club sports club
- Soccer World Cup → Soccer World Cup Stattdessen verwenden: soccer soccer
- Soccer World Cup → Soccer World Cup Stattdessen verwenden: world championship world championship
- sociability
- social action → social action Stattdessen verwenden: action action
- social actor
- social adjustment
- social administration
- social advancement
- social advertising
- social agencies
- social anthropology → social anthropology Stattdessen verwenden: cultural anthropology cultural anthropology
- social area analysis
- social assets
- social assistance
- social assistance for the blind → social assistance for the blind Stattdessen verwenden: social assistance social assistance
- social assistance for the blind → social assistance for the blind Stattdessen verwenden: blindness blindness
- social association
- social attitude
- social attraction
- social background
- social balance
- social barrier → social barrier Stattdessen verwenden: social opportunity social opportunity
- social behavior
- social benefit payments → social benefit payments Stattdessen verwenden: Arbeitslosengeld II Arbeitslosengeld II
- social benefits
- social budget
- social capital
- social change
- social change
- social charter → social charter Stattdessen verwenden: social policy social policy
- social charter → social charter Stattdessen verwenden: international politics international politics
- social class
- social code
- social cognition → social cognition Stattdessen verwenden: social perception social perception
- social cohesion
- social commitment → social commitment Stattdessen verwenden: commitment commitment
- social communication → social communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- social compatibility
- social competence
- social conditions → social conditions Stattdessen verwenden: social factors social factors
- social conflict
- social consciousness
- social consequence → social consequence Stattdessen verwenden: social effects social effects
- social construction
- social contacts → social contacts Stattdessen verwenden: social relations social relations
- social control
- social costs
- social counseling
- Social Court
- Social Court proceedings → Social Court proceedings Stattdessen verwenden: Social Court Social Court
- Social Court proceedings → Social Court proceedings Stattdessen verwenden: legal proceedings legal proceedings
- social crisis
- social criticism
- social darwinism
- social data
- social decline
- social defense
- social demand approach
- social democracy
- Social Democratic Liberal Coalition → Social Democratic Liberal Coalition Stattdessen verwenden: Free Democratic Party Free Democratic Party
- Social Democratic Liberal Coalition → Social Democratic Liberal Coalition Stattdessen verwenden: coalition coalition
- Social Democratic Liberal Coalition → Social Democratic Liberal Coalition Stattdessen verwenden: Social Democratic Party of Germany Social Democratic Party of Germany
- social democratic party
- Social Democratic Party of Austria
- Social Democratic Party of Germany
- Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany
- social density
- social deprivation
- social desirability
- social development → social development Stattdessen verwenden: society society
- social development → social development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- social development → social development Stattdessen verwenden: social change social change
- social dialogue
- social differentiation
- social dilemma
- social discrimination
- social dismantling
- social distance
- social ecology
- social economics
- social economics
- social economy
- social effects
- social environment
- social environment of the homeless → social environment of the homeless Stattdessen verwenden: social environment social environment
- social environment of the homeless → social environment of the homeless Stattdessen verwenden: homelessness homelessness
- social ethics
- social exclusion → social exclusion Stattdessen verwenden: exclusion exclusion
- social expenditures
- social factors
- social field
- social focal point
- social function
- social geography
- social group → social group Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- social history
- social housing
- social hygiene
- social impact → social impact Stattdessen verwenden: social effects social effects
- social inclusion → social inclusion Stattdessen verwenden: inclusion inclusion
- social indicator → social indicator Stattdessen verwenden: social indicators social indicators
- social indicators
- social inequality
- social infrastructure
- social institution
- social insurance
- social insurance institutions → social insurance institutions Stattdessen verwenden: social insurance social insurance
- social insurance institutions → social insurance institutions Stattdessen verwenden: sponsorship sponsorship
- social integration
- social interaction → social interaction Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- social intervention
- social investment
- social isolation
- social issue
- social judgement
- social jurisdiction
- social justice
- social law
- social learning
- social legislation → social legislation Stattdessen verwenden: social law social law
- social long-term care insurance → social long-term care insurance Stattdessen verwenden: long-term care insurance long-term care insurance
- social management
- social market economy
- social marketing → social marketing Stattdessen verwenden: social management social management
- social marketing → social marketing Stattdessen verwenden: marketing marketing
- social media
- social medicine
- social milieu
- social mobility
- social movement
- social network
- social norm
- social opportunity
- social order
- social participation
- social partners → social partners Stattdessen verwenden: union and employers' representatives union and employers' representatives
- social partnership
- social pathology
- social pedagogic intervention
- social pedagogy
- social perception
- social philosophy
- social planning
- social policy
- social policy
- social position
- social prestige → social prestige Stattdessen verwenden: prestige prestige
- social problem
- social problems → social problems Stattdessen verwenden: social problem social problem
- social process
- social psychiatry
- social psychology
- social reality
- social recognition
- social reform → social reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- social reform → social reform Stattdessen verwenden: social policy social policy
- social rehabilitation
- social relations
- social reporting → social reporting Stattdessen verwenden: Federal Government Report on Social Policy Federal Government Report on Social Policy
- social research
- social responsibility
- social rights
- social role → social role Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- social sanction → social sanction Stattdessen verwenden: sanction sanction
- social science
- social science
- social science theory → social science theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- social science theory → social science theory Stattdessen verwenden: social science social science
- social scientist
- social security
- social security agreement
- social security card
- social security contributions
- social security payments → social security payments Stattdessen verwenden: social insurance social insurance
- social security payments → social security payments Stattdessen verwenden: insurance premium rate insurance premium rate
- social selection criteria for redundancy
- social service facility
- social services
- social situation
- social software → social software Stattdessen verwenden: social media social media
- social space
- social sponsoring → social sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- social sponsoring → social sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- social sponsoring → social sponsoring Stattdessen verwenden: sponsoring sponsoring
- social stability
- social statistics
- social status
- social stratification
- social stratum
- social structure
- social structure
- social studies
- social support
- social system
- social technology
- social therapy institution
- social transfer → social transfer Stattdessen verwenden: social benefits social benefits
- social transfer → social transfer Stattdessen verwenden: transfer transfer
- social union
- Social Web
- social welfare
- social welfare office
- social welfare state
- social welfare state principle
- social welfare state theory → social welfare state theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- social welfare state theory → social welfare state theory Stattdessen verwenden: social welfare state social welfare state
- social work
- social work → social work Stattdessen verwenden: social work social work
- social work for the aged
- social work in school → social work in school Stattdessen verwenden: school school
- social work in school → social work in school Stattdessen verwenden: social work social work
- social work studies
- social work with immigrants
- social worker
- social-psychiatric service → social-psychiatric service Stattdessen verwenden: social psychiatry social psychiatry
- social-psychiatric service → social-psychiatric service Stattdessen verwenden: psychosocial care psychosocial care
- socialism
- socialist competition → socialist competition Stattdessen verwenden: socialism socialism
- socialist competition → socialist competition Stattdessen verwenden: competition competition
- socialist country → socialist country Stattdessen verwenden: socialist state socialist state
- socialist economic system → socialist economic system Stattdessen verwenden: socialism socialism
- socialist economic system → socialist economic system Stattdessen verwenden: economic system economic system
- socialist economy
- socialist enterprise → socialist enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- socialist enterprise → socialist enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: socialism socialism
- socialist enterprise → socialist enterprise Stattdessen verwenden: combine combine
- Socialist International
- socialist movement
- socialist party
- Socialist Realism
- socialist society → socialist society Stattdessen verwenden: socialism socialism
- socialist state
- socialist theory → socialist theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- socialist theory → socialist theory Stattdessen verwenden: socialism socialism
- socialist trade union
- Socialist Unity Party of Germany (GDR)
- Socialist Workers' Party of Germany
- sociality
- socialization
- socialization at school
- socialization deficit
- socialization research
- socialization theory → socialization theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- socialization theory → socialization theory Stattdessen verwenden: socialization socialization
- socializing agent → socializing agent Stattdessen verwenden: agent of socialization agent of socialization
- socially integrative city
- society
- society dropout
- Socio-Economic Panel → Socio-Economic Panel Stattdessen verwenden: SOEP SOEP
- sociobiology
- sociocultural change → sociocultural change Stattdessen verwenden: sociocultural development sociocultural development
- sociocultural development
- sociocultural factors
- sociocultural situation
- sociodemographic factors → sociodemographic factors Stattdessen verwenden: demographic factors demographic factors
- sociodemographic factors → sociodemographic factors Stattdessen verwenden: social factors social factors
- sociodemography → sociodemography Stattdessen verwenden: demography demography
- socioecological factors
- socioeconomic change → socioeconomic change Stattdessen verwenden: socioeconomic development socioeconomic development
- socioeconomic development
- socioeconomic effects
- socioeconomic factors
- socioeconomic position
- socioeconomic situation → socioeconomic situation Stattdessen verwenden: socioeconomic position socioeconomic position
- socioeconomic status → socioeconomic status Stattdessen verwenden: social status social status
- socioeconomic structure
- socioeconomic system
- sociogram
- sociography
- sociolinguistics
- sociological research → sociological research Stattdessen verwenden: social research social research
- sociological theory
- sociologist
- sociology
- sociology of aging
- sociology of architecture
- sociology of art
- sociology of communication
- sociology of education
- sociology of gender → sociology of gender Stattdessen verwenden: gender studies gender studies
- sociology of information
- sociology of knowledge
- sociology of language → sociology of language Stattdessen verwenden: sociolinguistics sociolinguistics
- sociology of law
- sociology of leisure
- sociology of literature
- sociology of music
- sociology of religion
- sociology of science
- sociology of sports
- sociology of technology
- sociology of the body
- sociology of the family
- sociology of work
- sociology student → sociology student Stattdessen verwenden: sociology sociology
- sociology student → sociology student Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- sociology studies → sociology studies Stattdessen verwenden: sociology sociology
- sociology studies → sociology studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- sociometry
- sociopsychological factors
- sociotechnical system
- sociotherapy
- Socrates
- software
- software development
- software ergonomics
- soil contamination → soil contamination Stattdessen verwenden: environmental impact environmental impact
- soil contamination → soil contamination Stattdessen verwenden: land land
- soil erosion → soil erosion Stattdessen verwenden: erosion erosion
- solar energy
- soldier
- soldiers' council
- solidarity
- solidarity of employer and employees
- solitude
- Solomon Islands → Solomon Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Melanesia Melanesia
- solvency
- Somalia
- Sombart, Werner
- son
- song
- Sorb
- sorcery → sorcery Stattdessen verwenden: magic magic
- Sorokin, Pitirim A.
- sound engineer
- sound storage medium
- source analysis
- source of information
- source of law
- South African Republic → South African Republic Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- South America
- South Asia
- South Korea
- South Sudan
- South Tyrol
- South Vietnam → South Vietnam Stattdessen verwenden: Vietnam Vietnam
- South Yemen
- south-north migration
- South-West Africa → South-West Africa Stattdessen verwenden: Namibia Namibia
- Southeast Asia
- Southeastern Europe
- Southern Africa
- Southern Africa Development Community → Southern Africa Development Community Stattdessen verwenden: SADC SADC
- Southern Europe
- Southern Germany
- sovereign right
- sovereignty
- sovereignty of broadcasting → sovereignty of broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- sovereignty of broadcasting → sovereignty of broadcasting Stattdessen verwenden: cultural sovereignty cultural sovereignty
- sovereignty of the people
- Soviet → Soviet Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- Soviet → Soviet Stattdessen verwenden: instrument of state instrument of state
- Soviet Occupation Zone
- Soviet society → Soviet society Stattdessen verwenden: society society
- Soviet society → Soviet society Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- soviet system
- Soviet Union → Soviet Union Stattdessen verwenden: USSR USSR
- Sozialbudget
- Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands → Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Stattdessen verwenden: Socialist Workers' Party of Germany Socialist Workers' Party of Germany
- Sozialistische Partei Österreichs → Sozialistische Partei Österreichs Stattdessen verwenden: Social Democratic Party of Austria Social Democratic Party of Austria
- Sozialplan
- Sozialwahl → Sozialwahl Stattdessen verwenden: election election
- Sozialwahl → Sozialwahl Stattdessen verwenden: social insurance social insurance
- sozionics
- space orientation → space orientation Stattdessen verwenden: spatial orientation spatial orientation
- space utilization
- spacial turn
- Spain
- Spaniard
- Spanish Civil War → Spanish Civil War Stattdessen verwenden: civil war civil war
- Spanish Civil War → Spanish Civil War Stattdessen verwenden: Spain Spain
- Spanish language
- Spanish Sahara → Spanish Sahara Stattdessen verwenden: Western Sahara Western Sahara
- Spartacist League
- spastic → spastic Stattdessen verwenden: physical disability physical disability
- spatial efficiency
- spatial orientation
- spatial planning
- speaking
- special drawing right
- special ed teacher
- special education
- special education school
- special educational needs
- special guardianship → special guardianship Stattdessen verwenden: partial guardianship partial guardianship
- special needs preschool
- special purpose association → special purpose association Stattdessen verwenden: cooperation cooperation
- special purpose association → special purpose association Stattdessen verwenden: municipality municipality
- special research unit
- specialist
- specialization
- specialized college qualifications → specialized college qualifications Stattdessen verwenden: technical college technical college
- specialized college qualifications → specialized college qualifications Stattdessen verwenden: matriculation standard matriculation standard
- specialized communication
- specialized hospital
- specialized information
- specialized institution of higher learning
- specialized integration service → specialized integration service Stattdessen verwenden: employment service employment service
- specialized integration service → specialized integration service Stattdessen verwenden: severe disability severe disability
- specialized secondary school
- specialty channel
- spectator
- speculation
- speech
- speech act
- speech compensation → speech compensation Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- speech compensation → speech compensation Stattdessen verwenden: compensatory education compensatory education
- speech disorder
- speech therapist
- speech therapy → speech therapy Stattdessen verwenden: speech disorder speech disorder
- speech therapy → speech therapy Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- speed
- speed limit
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spengler, Oswald
- sphere of interest → sphere of interest Stattdessen verwenden: interest interest
- spin doctoring
- spin-off
- Spinoza, Baruch de
- spiritism → spiritism Stattdessen verwenden: parapsychology parapsychology
- spiritual freedom → spiritual freedom Stattdessen verwenden: freedom of opinion freedom of opinion
- spirituality
- splinter party
- Splitterberuf
- spoken language
- sponsoring
- sponsorship
- spontaneity
- sport psychology
- sports
- sports association
- sports channel
- sports club
- sports facility
- sports for the handicapped → sports for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sports for the handicapped → sports for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- sports medicine
- sports movement → sports movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- sports movement → sports movement Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sports news → sports news Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sports news → sports news Stattdessen verwenden: news report news report
- sports policy
- sports press
- sports promotion → sports promotion Stattdessen verwenden: promotion promotion
- sports promotion → sports promotion Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sports reporting → sports reporting Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sports reporting → sports reporting Stattdessen verwenden: reporting reporting
- sports science
- sports teacher → sports teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- sports teacher → sports teacher Stattdessen verwenden: physical education physical education
- sportscast → sportscast Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- sportscast → sportscast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- spouse
- spreading → spreading Stattdessen verwenden: diffusion diffusion
- squatter
- SR → SR Stattdessen verwenden: Saarländischer Rundfunk Saarländischer Rundfunk
- Sri Lanka
- SS
- St. Kitts and Nevis → St. Kitts and Nevis Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- Staatsexamen → Staatsexamen Stattdessen verwenden: university examination university examination
- stab-in-the-back legend (1918)
- stability
- stability of law
- stability theory → stability theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- stability theory → stability theory Stattdessen verwenden: stability stability
- stabilization
- stabilization policy
- staff
- staff agency → staff agency Stattdessen verwenden: organizational unit organizational unit
- staff appraisal
- staff codetermination → staff codetermination Stattdessen verwenden: firm firm
- staff codetermination → staff codetermination Stattdessen verwenden: codetermination codetermination
- staff council
- staffing
- staffing level
- staffing requirement
- stagflation
- staging
- stagnation
- stakeholder
- stakeholder approach
- Stalin, Joseph
- stalinism
- stalking
- standard
- standard employment relationship
- standard form contract → standard form contract Stattdessen verwenden: contract terms contract terms
- standard language
- standard of living
- standardization (meth.)
- standardization (techn.)
- star
- start-up company → start-up company Stattdessen verwenden: new economy new economy
- start-up money → start-up money Stattdessen verwenden: Arbeitslosengeld II Arbeitslosengeld II
- start-up money → start-up money Stattdessen verwenden: grant grant
- Stasi → Stasi Stattdessen verwenden: Ministry of State Security (GDR) Ministry of State Security (GDR)
- Stasi Records Act
- state authority
- state capitalism
- state church
- State Constitutional Court
- state control → state control Stattdessen verwenden: government supervision government supervision
- state formation
- state law
- state machinery
- state media broadcasting authority
- state media law → state media law Stattdessen verwenden: Bundesland Bundesland
- state media law → state media law Stattdessen verwenden: media law media law
- state of consciousness
- state of destitution
- state of development
- state of emergency
- state of organization → state of organization Stattdessen verwenden: degree of organization degree of organization
- state planning
- state socialism
- state terror → state terror Stattdessen verwenden: national state national state
- state terror → state terror Stattdessen verwenden: political persecution political persecution
- state-monopolistic capitalism
- state-owned firm (GDR)
- state-trading country → state-trading country Stattdessen verwenden: socialist state socialist state
- statehood
- statelessness
- statement
- stationing of troops
- statistical analysis
- statistical method
- statistical procedure → statistical procedure Stattdessen verwenden: statistical method statistical method
- statistical significance
- statistical test
- statistical theory of errors
- statistician
- statistics
- statuary regulation
- status → status Stattdessen verwenden: social status social status
- status allocation
- status consciousness
- status consistency → status consistency Stattdessen verwenden: status inconsistency status inconsistency
- status group → status group Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- status group → status group Stattdessen verwenden: social status social status
- status inconsistency
- status insecurity
- status passage → status passage Stattdessen verwenden: change of status change of status
- status symbol
- statutary order
- statute
- statute of limitations
- statutory reservation
- steel industry → steel industry Stattdessen verwenden: iron and steel industry iron and steel industry
- steering
- Stein, Lorenz von
- stem cell research
- step-parents
- stepchild
- stereotype
- stereotype
- sterilization
- stigma
- stigmatization
- stimulus
- stimulus processing
- stimulus-response model
- stochastics
- stock → stock Stattdessen verwenden: securities securities
- stock exchange
- stock management
- stock market
- stock quotation
- stone-quarrying and earth-quarrying industry
- storage
- store → store Stattdessen verwenden: department store department store
- strategic alliance
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks → Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Stattdessen verwenden: SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
- Strategic Defense Initiative → Strategic Defense Initiative Stattdessen verwenden: SDI SDI
- strategic management
- strategic partnership → strategic partnership Stattdessen verwenden: strategic alliance strategic alliance
- strategic planning
- strategy
- strategy of conflict management → strategy of conflict management Stattdessen verwenden: strategy strategy
- strategy of conflict management → strategy of conflict management Stattdessen verwenden: conflict resolution conflict resolution
- stratification → stratification Stattdessen verwenden: social stratification social stratification
- stratum → stratum Stattdessen verwenden: social stratum social stratum
- Strauss, Anselm L.
- Strauss, Leo
- street loafer → street loafer Stattdessen verwenden: vagrancy vagrancy
- street urchin
- streetwork
- stress
- stress management → stress management Stattdessen verwenden: psychophysical stress psychophysical stress
- stress management → stress management Stattdessen verwenden: coping behavior coping behavior
- strike
- strike fund → strike fund Stattdessen verwenden: strike strike
- strike fund → strike fund Stattdessen verwenden: funding funding
- strike movement → strike movement Stattdessen verwenden: strike strike
- strike threat
- striving for importance
- stroke
- structural analysis
- structural change
- structural coupling
- structural crisis
- structural development
- structural functionalism
- structural improvement (economic)
- structural model
- structural modification → structural modification Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- structural organization
- structural planning
- structural policy
- structural problem
- structural promotion (economic)
- structural reform
- structural shift → structural shift Stattdessen verwenden: structural change structural change
- structural unemployment
- structural violence
- structuralism
- structuration
- structure
- structure of manpower → structure of manpower Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- structure of manpower → structure of manpower Stattdessen verwenden: manpower manpower
- structure of power → structure of power Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- structure of power → structure of power Stattdessen verwenden: power power
- structure of qualification
- structure of supply → structure of supply Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- structure of supply → structure of supply Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- student
- student applicant
- student aspiring for jobs as teacher → student aspiring for jobs as teacher Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student aspiring for jobs as teacher → student aspiring for jobs as teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher training teacher training
- student at specialized college → student at specialized college Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student at specialized college → student at specialized college Stattdessen verwenden: technical college technical college
- student body
- student exchange → student exchange Stattdessen verwenden: academic exchange academic exchange
- student exchange → student exchange Stattdessen verwenden: youth exchange youth exchange
- student exchange → student exchange Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student hostel → student hostel Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student hostel → student hostel Stattdessen verwenden: hostel hostel
- student marriage → student marriage Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student marriage → student marriage Stattdessen verwenden: marriage marriage
- student movement
- student of chemistry → student of chemistry Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student of chemistry → student of chemistry Stattdessen verwenden: chemistry chemistry
- student of physics → student of physics Stattdessen verwenden: student student
- student of physics → student of physics Stattdessen verwenden: physics physics
- student teacher
- student union
- students' cafeteria → students' cafeteria Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- students' cafeteria → students' cafeteria Stattdessen verwenden: meals meals
- students' press
- students' representation
- studies (academic)
- studies abroad → studies abroad Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- studies abroad → studies abroad Stattdessen verwenden: foreign countries foreign countries
- study aid → study aid Stattdessen verwenden: teaching aids teaching aids
- study attitude → study attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- study attitude → study attitude Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- study behavior → study behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- study behavior → study behavior Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- study conditions
- study contents → study contents Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- study contents → study contents Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum contents curriculum contents
- study expectation → study expectation Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- study expectation → study expectation Stattdessen verwenden: expectation expectation
- study goal
- study group
- study materials
- study of economics
- study program
- study reform → study reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- study reform → study reform Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- study requirements
- study situation
- style of thinking → style of thinking Stattdessen verwenden: thinking thinking
- Styria
- subconsciousness
- subcontracting enterprise
- subcontracting firm
- subcontractor
- subculture
- subject
- subject didactics
- subject of study
- subject teacher
- subjectivation
- subjective theory
- subjectivity
- sublimation
- subscription
- subscription paper → subscription paper Stattdessen verwenden: subscription subscription
- subscription paper → subscription paper Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- subsequent costs
- subsidiarity
- subsidiary company
- subsidy
- subsistence allowance
- subsistence economy
- subsistence level
- substance abuse
- substitution
- subsystem
- suburb
- suburban facilities
- suburban settlement → suburban settlement Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- suburban settlement → suburban settlement Stattdessen verwenden: city outskirts city outskirts
- suburbanization
- subversion
- success
- success-failure
- successor generation → successor generation Stattdessen verwenden: junior staff junior staff
- Sudan
- suffrage
- sugar industry → sugar industry Stattdessen verwenden: food and luxury products industry food and luxury products industry
- suggestion system
- suicide
- suicide attempt
- suicide rate → suicide rate Stattdessen verwenden: suicide suicide
- suicide rate → suicide rate Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- sunday work → sunday work Stattdessen verwenden: working hours working hours
- sunday work → sunday work Stattdessen verwenden: weekend weekend
- Sunni
- super power → super power Stattdessen verwenden: great power great power
- super-trust → super-trust Stattdessen verwenden: large-scale enterprise large-scale enterprise
- super-trust → super-trust Stattdessen verwenden: trust trust
- superhighway
- superior
- superstition
- supervision
- supervision of conduct
- supervision of homework → supervision of homework Stattdessen verwenden: care care
- supervision of homework → supervision of homework Stattdessen verwenden: homework homework
- supervisory authority
- supervisory board
- supplement
- supplementary insurance
- supplementary qualification
- supplementary training → supplementary training Stattdessen verwenden: supplementary qualification supplementary qualification
- supplier
- supplier → supplier Stattdessen verwenden: subcontractor subcontractor
- supplier of interactive videotex → supplier of interactive videotex Stattdessen verwenden: supplier supplier
- supplier of interactive videotex → supplier of interactive videotex Stattdessen verwenden: interactive videotex interactive videotex
- supply
- supply
- supply facility → supply facility Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- supply facility → supply facility Stattdessen verwenden: facility facility
- supply of raw materials → supply of raw materials Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- supply of raw materials → supply of raw materials Stattdessen verwenden: raw materials raw materials
- supply oriented policy → supply oriented policy Stattdessen verwenden: supply-side economics supply-side economics
- supply situation → supply situation Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- supply situation → supply situation Stattdessen verwenden: quantity quantity
- supply structure
- supply-side economics
- supply-side theory
- support
- support obligation
- suppression
- supranational relations
- supranationality
- Supreme Court
- sur-place scholarship → sur-place scholarship Stattdessen verwenden: scholarship scholarship
- sur-place scholarship → sur-place scholarship Stattdessen verwenden: development aid development aid
- surgery
- Suriname
- surplus value
- surplus-value theory
- surrealism
- Surrogate's Court
- surtax (on income tax)
- surtax to promote job creation
- surveillance
- surveillance sector → surveillance sector Stattdessen verwenden: security industry security industry
- survey
- survey method → survey method Stattdessen verwenden: survey survey
- survey method → survey method Stattdessen verwenden: data collection method data collection method
- survey research
- survival strategy
- surviving dependant
- surviving dependants' pension
- suspect
- suspension
- suspension from office → suspension from office Stattdessen verwenden: civil servant civil servant
- suspension from office → suspension from office Stattdessen verwenden: exemption exemption
- suspension of driver's license
- suspension of sentence
- sustainability
- sustainability management → sustainability management Stattdessen verwenden: environmental management environmental management
- sustainable development
- Swaziland
- Swede
- Sweden
- SWF → SWF Stattdessen verwenden: Südwestfunk Südwestfunk
- swimming → swimming Stattdessen verwenden: watersports watersports
- Swiss
- Swiss Broadcasting Company → Swiss Broadcasting Company Stattdessen verwenden: SRG SRG
- Switzerland
- SWR → SWR Stattdessen verwenden: Südwestrundfunk Südwestrundfunk
- syllabus
- syllabus reform → syllabus reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- syllabus reform → syllabus reform Stattdessen verwenden: syllabus syllabus
- syllabus revision → syllabus revision Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- syllabus revision → syllabus revision Stattdessen verwenden: syllabus syllabus
- symbol
- symbolic capital
- symbolic interactionism
- symbolic politics
- symbolic violence → symbolic violence Stattdessen verwenden: violence violence
- symbolic violence → symbolic violence Stattdessen verwenden: symbolic capital symbolic capital
- symbolism
- sympathy
- syncretism
- syndicalism
- syndicalist trade union
- synergetics
- synergy
- synod
- syntax
- syntax theory → syntax theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- syntax theory → syntax theory Stattdessen verwenden: syntax syntax
- Syria
- system
- system change
- system comparison
- system control
- system crisis
- system criticism
- system development
- system engineering
- system model
- system of action
- system of government → system of government Stattdessen verwenden: type of government type of government
- system of indicators
- system of interaction → system of interaction Stattdessen verwenden: system of action system of action
- system of interest groups
- system of objectives
- system of qualification
- system of society → system of society Stattdessen verwenden: social structure social structure
- system of vocational education → system of vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- system of vocational education → system of vocational education Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- system stability
- system stabilization
- system structure
- system theory
- systematics
- systematics of science → systematics of science Stattdessen verwenden: systematics systematics
- systematics of science → systematics of science Stattdessen verwenden: science science
- systemic rationalization
- systems analysis
- systems engineering
- systems engineering model → systems engineering model Stattdessen verwenden: planning model planning model
- systems engineering model → systems engineering model Stattdessen verwenden: systems engineering systems engineering
- systems engineering process → systems engineering process Stattdessen verwenden: systems engineering systems engineering
- systems engineering process → systems engineering process Stattdessen verwenden: planning process planning process
- systems research
- Süddeutscher Rundfunk
- Südwestfunk
- Südwestrundfunk
- tabloidization
- tabu
- tactics
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- taking advantage → taking advantage Stattdessen verwenden: corruption corruption
- takt time
- talent
- talent → talent Stattdessen verwenden: talent talent
- talent test → talent test Stattdessen verwenden: talent talent
- talent test → talent test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- Taliban
- talkshow
- Tamil
- Tanganyika → Tanganyika Stattdessen verwenden: Tanzania Tanzania
- Tanzania
- Taoism
- target analysis
- target catalog
- target group
- tariff policy
- taste
- tattoo
- tax → tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- tax advisor
- tax allowance → tax allowance Stattdessen verwenden: tax relief tax relief
- tax breaks for families
- tax burden
- tax equity → tax equity Stattdessen verwenden: tax burden tax burden
- tax equity → tax equity Stattdessen verwenden: justice justice
- tax estimate
- tax evasion
- tax exemption
- tax fraud
- tax incidence
- tax increase
- tax law
- tax legislation → tax legislation Stattdessen verwenden: legislation legislation
- tax legislation → tax legislation Stattdessen verwenden: tax law tax law
- tax load → tax load Stattdessen verwenden: tax burden tax burden
- tax management
- tax on revenue
- tax payer
- tax policy
- tax progression
- tax ratio → tax ratio Stattdessen verwenden: quota quota
- tax ratio → tax ratio Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- tax reduction
- tax reform
- tax relief
- tax revenue
- tax system
- tax theory → tax theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- tax theory → tax theory Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- taxation
- taxation of enterprises → taxation of enterprises Stattdessen verwenden: taxation taxation
- taxation of enterprises → taxation of enterprises Stattdessen verwenden: enterprise enterprise
- taxation of pensions → taxation of pensions Stattdessen verwenden: pension pension
- taxation of pensions → taxation of pensions Stattdessen verwenden: taxation taxation
- taxes
- taxes
- taxonomy
- taxonomy of teaching objectives → taxonomy of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: learning objective learning objective
- taxonomy of teaching objectives → taxonomy of teaching objectives Stattdessen verwenden: taxonomy taxonomy
- Taylor, Charles
- Taylorism
- teacher
- teacher at a school for the handicapped → teacher at a school for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher at a school for the handicapped → teacher at a school for the handicapped Stattdessen verwenden: special education school special education school
- teacher attitude → teacher attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- teacher attitude → teacher attitude Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher of languages → teacher of languages Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher of languages → teacher of languages Stattdessen verwenden: language instruction language instruction
- teacher rating
- teacher shortage → teacher shortage Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- teacher shortage → teacher shortage Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher surplus → teacher surplus Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- teacher surplus → teacher surplus Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher training
- teacher's lesson preparation → teacher's lesson preparation Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- teacher's lesson preparation → teacher's lesson preparation Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- teacher's role → teacher's role Stattdessen verwenden: role role
- teacher's role → teacher's role Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teacher-parents relationship → teacher-parents relationship Stattdessen verwenden: parent-teacher relationship parent-teacher relationship
- teacher-pupil relationship
- teachers' association → teachers' association Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- teachers' association → teachers' association Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teachers' behavior → teachers' behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- teachers' behavior → teachers' behavior Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- teachers' college
- teachers' training college
- teachers' training institute
- teaching
- teaching aids
- teaching analysis → teaching analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- teaching analysis → teaching analysis Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- teaching content → teaching content Stattdessen verwenden: curriculum contents curriculum contents
- teaching load
- teaching materials
- teaching method
- teaching observation
- teaching of computer science
- teaching of geography
- teaching politics
- teaching position
- teaching practice
- teaching program
- teaching research
- teaching situation → teaching situation Stattdessen verwenden: situation situation
- teaching situation → teaching situation Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- teaching staff
- teaching strategy → teaching strategy Stattdessen verwenden: method method
- teaching strategy → teaching strategy Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- teaching style
- teaching unit
- teaching-objective-oriented test → teaching-objective-oriented test Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- teaching-objective-oriented test → teaching-objective-oriented test Stattdessen verwenden: orientation towards a learning objective orientation towards a learning objective
- team
- team sports
- team teaching
- teamwork
- technical assistance
- technical college
- technical college for economics
- technical development
- technical education
- technical employee
- technical equipment
- technical innovation → technical innovation Stattdessen verwenden: technical development technical development
- technical innovation → technical innovation Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- technical intelligence → technical intelligence Stattdessen verwenden: scientific-technical intelligence scientific-technical intelligence
- technical language
- technical literature
- technical occupation
- technical school
- technical secondary school
- technical standard → technical standard Stattdessen verwenden: engineering engineering
- technical standard → technical standard Stattdessen verwenden: standard standard
- technical term → technical term Stattdessen verwenden: technical language technical language
- technical training
- technician
- techno culture
- technocracy
- technological change
- technological development → technological development Stattdessen verwenden: technical development technical development
- technological innovation → technological innovation Stattdessen verwenden: technical development technical development
- technological innovation → technological innovation Stattdessen verwenden: innovation innovation
- technological progress
- technology
- technology assessment
- technology evaluation → technology evaluation Stattdessen verwenden: technology assessment technology assessment
- technology park
- technology studies
- technology transfer
- technophobia
- telebanking → telebanking Stattdessen verwenden: electronic banking electronic banking
- telecollege
- telecommunication
- telecommunication engineering
- telecommunication satellite → telecommunication satellite Stattdessen verwenden: telephone system telephone system
- telecommunication satellite → telecommunication satellite Stattdessen verwenden: satellite satellite
- telecommuting
- telegraphy
- telematics
- telenovela → telenovela Stattdessen verwenden: daily soap daily soap
- teleology
- telephone
- telephone interview
- telephone system
- teleshopping
- teleteaching → teleteaching Stattdessen verwenden: correspondence course correspondence course
- Teletex → Teletex Stattdessen verwenden: text communication text communication
- television
- television award → television award Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television award → television award Stattdessen verwenden: award ceremony award ceremony
- television broadcast
- television commercials → television commercials Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- television commercials → television commercials Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television consumption → television consumption Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television consumption → television consumption Stattdessen verwenden: media consumption media consumption
- television magazine program → television magazine program Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television magazine program → television magazine program Stattdessen verwenden: magazine program magazine program
- television play
- television production
- television program
- television program guide → television program guide Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television program guide → television program guide Stattdessen verwenden: program guide program guide
- television series
- television show → television show Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television show → television show Stattdessen verwenden: show show
- television station → television station Stattdessen verwenden: broadcaster broadcaster
- television technology → television technology Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- television technology → television technology Stattdessen verwenden: media technology media technology
- teleworker
- temporary employee
- temporary employment
- temporary lay-off → temporary lay-off Stattdessen verwenden: duration duration
- temporary lay-off → temporary lay-off Stattdessen verwenden: dismissal dismissal
- temporary shelter → temporary shelter Stattdessen verwenden: emergency shelter emergency shelter
- temporary work
- temporary worker
- tenant leasing system
- Tenbruck, Friedrich
- tendency of development → tendency of development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- tendency of development → tendency of development Stattdessen verwenden: trend trend
- term contract
- terminal care
- terminology → terminology Stattdessen verwenden: technical language technical language
- terms of competition
- terms of insurance → terms of insurance Stattdessen verwenden: contract terms contract terms
- terms of insurance → terms of insurance Stattdessen verwenden: insurance insurance
- terms of trade
- territorial gain
- territorial integrity
- territorial sovereignty
- territory → territory Stattdessen verwenden: national territory national territory
- terror → terror Stattdessen verwenden: terrorism terrorism
- terrorism
- tertiarization → tertiarization Stattdessen verwenden: tertiary sector tertiary sector
- tertiary sector
- test
- test battery
- test construction
- test evaluation
- test subject
- test theory → test theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- test theory → test theory Stattdessen verwenden: test test
- test theory → test theory Stattdessen verwenden: statistical test statistical test
- testimony
- testing procedure → testing procedure Stattdessen verwenden: quality control quality control
- testing procedure → testing procedure Stattdessen verwenden: statistical method statistical method
- Teuton
- text
- text analysis
- text communication
- text processing
- text reception → text reception Stattdessen verwenden: reception reception
- text reception → text reception Stattdessen verwenden: text text
- textbook
- textile industry
- Thailand
- thanatology
- Thatcher, Margaret
- the affected party
- The Left
- the ministry
- The New Right
- the public
- The Republicans (Germany)
- theater
- theater arts and sciences
- theater criticism
- theater director
- theatergoer → theatergoer Stattdessen verwenden: audience audience
- theatergoer → theatergoer Stattdessen verwenden: theater theater
- theatrality
- theft → theft Stattdessen verwenden: larceny larceny
- thematic apperception test → thematic apperception test Stattdessen verwenden: projective test projective test
- theme-focused interaction → theme-focused interaction Stattdessen verwenden: client-centered therapy client-centered therapy
- theocracy
- theologian
- theological training
- theology
- theology studies → theology studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- theology studies → theology studies Stattdessen verwenden: theology theology
- theoretical economics
- theoretical sociology → theoretical sociology Stattdessen verwenden: general sociology general sociology
- theory
- theory comparison
- theory formation
- theory of democracy
- theory of history → theory of history Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- theory of history → theory of history Stattdessen verwenden: science of history science of history
- theory of institutions
- theory of integration
- theory of probability → theory of probability Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- theory of probability → theory of probability Stattdessen verwenden: probability probability
- theory of society
- theory of teaching → theory of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- theory of teaching → theory of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- theory of the state
- theory on aging → theory on aging Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- theory on aging → theory on aging Stattdessen verwenden: aging aging
- theory on foreign economy → theory on foreign economy Stattdessen verwenden: theoretical economics theoretical economics
- theory on foreign economy → theory on foreign economy Stattdessen verwenden: international economics international economics
- theory-practice
- therapeutic community
- therapist
- therapy
- therapy group → therapy group Stattdessen verwenden: group group
- therapy group → therapy group Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- therapy research
- thesaurus
- think tank
- thinking
- third countries
- third generation
- Third Program
- Third Reich
- Third Way
- Third World
- third-age movement → third-age movement Stattdessen verwenden: elderly elderly
- third-age movement → third-age movement Stattdessen verwenden: social movement social movement
- thirteenth century
- Thirty Years' War
- threat
- three worlds theory
- three-tier school system
- Thuringia
- Thünen, Johann Heinrich von
- Tibet
- time
- time account → time account Stattdessen verwenden: working time flexibility working time flexibility
- time budget
- time budget analysis → time budget analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- time budget analysis → time budget analysis Stattdessen verwenden: time budget time budget
- time budgeting
- time expenditure
- time experience → time experience Stattdessen verwenden: time time
- time experience → time experience Stattdessen verwenden: experience experience
- time factor
- time for social causes
- time management
- time of day
- time planning → time planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- time planning → time planning Stattdessen verwenden: time time
- time planning → time planning Stattdessen verwenden: time management time management
- time policy
- time prosperity → time prosperity Stattdessen verwenden: time sovereignty time sovereignty
- time series
- time series analysis → time series analysis Stattdessen verwenden: analysis analysis
- time series analysis → time series analysis Stattdessen verwenden: time series time series
- time sovereignty
- Timor → Timor Stattdessen verwenden: Indonesia Indonesia
- tobacco
- tobacco consumption
- Tobago → Tobago Stattdessen verwenden: Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
- Tobin Tax → Tobin Tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxation taxation
- Tobin Tax → Tobin Tax Stattdessen verwenden: foreign exchange foreign exchange
- Tobin Tax → Tobin Tax Stattdessen verwenden: international capital movement international capital movement
- Tocqueville, Alexis de
- Togo
- token strike
- tolerance
- tolerance testing → tolerance testing Stattdessen verwenden: disability disability
- tolerance testing → tolerance testing Stattdessen verwenden: career guidance career guidance
- Tonga → Tonga Stattdessen verwenden: Polynesia Polynesia
- tool
- tooth disease
- top competitive sports → top competitive sports Stattdessen verwenden: competitive sports competitive sports
- top sport → top sport Stattdessen verwenden: competitive sports competitive sports
- topicality
- topography → topography Stattdessen verwenden: geography geography
- torture
- total institution
- Total Quality Management → Total Quality Management Stattdessen verwenden: quality assurance quality assurance
- totalitarianism
- totality
- tourism
- tourism advertising → tourism advertising Stattdessen verwenden: advertising advertising
- tourism advertising → tourism advertising Stattdessen verwenden: tourism sector tourism sector
- tourism center → tourism center Stattdessen verwenden: tourist area tourist area
- tourism policy
- tourism sector
- tourist
- tourist area
- tourist industry → tourist industry Stattdessen verwenden: tourism sector tourism sector
- tourist traffic
- town
- town development model → town development model Stattdessen verwenden: model model
- town development model → town development model Stattdessen verwenden: urban development urban development
- town development planning → town development planning Stattdessen verwenden: urban planning urban planning
- town development planning → town development planning Stattdessen verwenden: urban development urban development
- town development planning → town development planning Stattdessen verwenden: development planning development planning
- town planning
- town redevelopment → town redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- town redevelopment → town redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- toy
- Toyotism
- track-and-field events
- trade affiliations → trade affiliations Stattdessen verwenden: commerce commerce
- trade affiliations → trade affiliations Stattdessen verwenden: economic interdependence economic interdependence
- trade association
- trade balance
- trade barrier
- trade channel → trade channel Stattdessen verwenden: sale sale
- trade channel → trade channel Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- trade law
- trade paper
- trade policy
- trade privilege
- trade regulations
- trade relation → trade relation Stattdessen verwenden: commerce commerce
- trade relation → trade relation Stattdessen verwenden: economic relations economic relations
- trade school
- trade school teacher → trade school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- trade school teacher → trade school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: part-time vocational school part-time vocational school
- trade supervision
- trade tax
- trade union
- Trade Union for Education and Science → Trade Union for Education and Science Stattdessen verwenden: GEW GEW
- trade union history → trade union history Stattdessen verwenden: trade union trade union
- trade union history → trade union history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- trade union member → trade union member Stattdessen verwenden: trade union trade union
- trade union member → trade union member Stattdessen verwenden: membership membership
- trade union policy
- trade union press
- trade union work
- trade union youth organization
- trade union-owned business
- trade with the East → trade with the East Stattdessen verwenden: foreign trade foreign trade
- trade with the East → trade with the East Stattdessen verwenden: East-West relations East-West relations
- trade, banks and insurance companies union → trade, banks and insurance companies union Stattdessen verwenden: HBV HBV
- trademark
- trading company
- tradition
- traditional culture
- traditional medicine
- traditional society
- traditionalism → traditionalism Stattdessen verwenden: conservatism conservatism
- traffic
- traffic accident
- traffic avoidance
- traffic behavior
- traffic calming
- traffic congestion
- traffic control → traffic control Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- traffic control → traffic control Stattdessen verwenden: control control
- traffic delinquency → traffic delinquency Stattdessen verwenden: delinquency delinquency
- traffic delinquency → traffic delinquency Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- traffic density → traffic density Stattdessen verwenden: traffic volume traffic volume
- traffic development
- traffic infrastructure → traffic infrastructure Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- traffic infrastructure → traffic infrastructure Stattdessen verwenden: infrastructure infrastructure
- traffic law
- traffic management system
- traffic offense
- traffic planning → traffic planning Stattdessen verwenden: planning planning
- traffic planning → traffic planning Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- traffic psychology
- traffic safety
- traffic sign
- traffic sociology
- traffic statistics → traffic statistics Stattdessen verwenden: statistics statistics
- traffic statistics → traffic statistics Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- traffic volume
- trafficking in women → trafficking in women Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- trafficking in women → trafficking in women Stattdessen verwenden: slave trade slave trade
- trainee
- traineeship
- training
- training (sports)
- training demand → training demand Stattdessen verwenden: demand demand
- training demand → training demand Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- training method → training method Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- training method → training method Stattdessen verwenden: teaching method teaching method
- training of educators → training of educators Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- training of educators → training of educators Stattdessen verwenden: educator educator
- training of jurists → training of jurists Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- training of jurists → training of jurists Stattdessen verwenden: jurist jurist
- training offer → training offer Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- training offer → training offer Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- training opportunities
- training plan
- training program → training program Stattdessen verwenden: training (sports) training (sports)
- training program → training program Stattdessen verwenden: program program
- training success
- training utilization
- training-accompanying assistance → training-accompanying assistance Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- training-accompanying assistance → training-accompanying assistance Stattdessen verwenden: pedagogical support pedagogical support
- transaction
- transaction costs
- transatlantic relations
- transcendence
- transcendental philosophy
- transdisciplinary
- transfer
- transfer from private to state ownership
- transfer of a company
- transfer of money
- transfer payments
- transference
- transformation
- transit authority
- transit migration → transit migration Stattdessen verwenden: international migration international migration
- transition
- transition from school to work
- transition shock
- transitional labor market
- transitional society
- Transkei → Transkei Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- translation
- translator
- transmission technique → transmission technique Stattdessen verwenden: engineering engineering
- transmission technique → transmission technique Stattdessen verwenden: broadcasting broadcasting
- transmission theory → transmission theory Stattdessen verwenden: production theory production theory
- transmission theory → transmission theory Stattdessen verwenden: monetary theory monetary theory
- transnational relations
- transnationality
- transnationalization
- transparency
- transport network
- transport system
- transportation
- transportation industry
- transportation infrastructure development
- transportation occupation
- transportation policy
- transportation system
- transsexualism
- Transylvania
- trauma
- travel
- travel agency
- travel behavior → travel behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- travel behavior → travel behavior Stattdessen verwenden: travel travel
- travel magazine → travel magazine Stattdessen verwenden: travel travel
- travel magazine → travel magazine Stattdessen verwenden: periodical periodical
- travel magazine → travel magazine Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- travel magazine → travel magazine Stattdessen verwenden: magazine program magazine program
- travel to foreign countries → travel to foreign countries Stattdessen verwenden: foreign countries foreign countries
- travel to foreign countries → travel to foreign countries Stattdessen verwenden: travel travel
- treatment → treatment Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- treatment effectiveness
- treatment of patients → treatment of patients Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- treaty
- Treaty of Nice → Treaty of Nice Stattdessen verwenden: EU Treaty EU Treaty
- Treaty of Versailles (1919)
- trend
- trend forecast → trend forecast Stattdessen verwenden: prognosis prognosis
- trend forecast → trend forecast Stattdessen verwenden: trend trend
- Treuhand agency
- trial
- triangulation
- tribal culture → tribal culture Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- tribal culture → tribal culture Stattdessen verwenden: tribal society tribal society
- tribal history → tribal history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- tribal history → tribal history Stattdessen verwenden: tribal society tribal society
- tribal population → tribal population Stattdessen verwenden: tribal society tribal society
- tribal society
- tribalism
- tribe → tribe Stattdessen verwenden: ethnic group ethnic group
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Troeltsch, Ernst
- troop reduction
- tropics
- Trotskyism
- truancy
- true socialism
- trust
- trust busting
- trustworthiness
- truth
- truth theory
- tuberculosis → tuberculosis Stattdessen verwenden: contagious disease contagious disease
- tuition fee
- Tunisia
- Turk
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- turn of events
- turnover
- turnover tax → turnover tax Stattdessen verwenden: taxes taxes
- turnover tax → turnover tax Stattdessen verwenden: turnover turnover
- tutor
- Tuvalu → Tuvalu Stattdessen verwenden: Micronesia Micronesia
- tv criticism → tv criticism Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- tv criticism → tv criticism Stattdessen verwenden: media criticism media criticism
- tv journalism → tv journalism Stattdessen verwenden: journalism journalism
- tv journalism → tv journalism Stattdessen verwenden: television television
- twelfth century
- twentieth century
- twenty-first century
- twin studies
- two-party system
- two-step flow of communication
- two-wheeler
- type of behavior → type of behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- type of business → type of business Stattdessen verwenden: type of enterprise type of enterprise
- type of company → type of company Stattdessen verwenden: social structure social structure
- type of economic activity
- type of employment
- type of enterprise
- type of government
- type of housing
- type of market
- type of organization
- type of settlement → type of settlement Stattdessen verwenden: settlement pattern settlement pattern
- type of teaching → type of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- type of teaching → type of teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- type of vocational training
- type of wage
- typesetter
- typing pool
- typist
- typology
- Tyrol
- Tönnies, Ferdinand
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian
- Ultraleft → Ultraleft Stattdessen verwenden: left-wing radicalism left-wing radicalism
- ultraright movement → ultraright movement Stattdessen verwenden: right-wing radicalism right-wing radicalism
- UN → UN Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- UN Convention → UN Convention Stattdessen verwenden: international agreement international agreement
- UN Convention → UN Convention Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- UN General Assembly
- UN Human Rights Convention → UN Human Rights Convention Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- UN Human Rights Convention → UN Human Rights Convention Stattdessen verwenden: human rights convention human rights convention
- UN peacekeeping troops → UN peacekeeping troops Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- UN peacekeeping troops → UN peacekeeping troops Stattdessen verwenden: peacekeeping troops peacekeeping troops
- UN Security Council
- uncertainty → uncertainty Stattdessen verwenden: security security
- uncertainty → uncertainty Stattdessen verwenden: risk risk
- underage
- underdeveloped region
- underdeveloped society
- underdevelopment
- underemployment
- underground
- undernourishment
- understanding
- understanding of science
- unemployed adolescent → unemployed adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- unemployed adolescent → unemployed adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: unemployed person unemployed person
- unemployed newspaper → unemployed newspaper Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- unemployed newspaper → unemployed newspaper Stattdessen verwenden: unemployed person unemployed person
- unemployed person
- unemployed person initiative
- unemployment
- unemployment
- unemployment compensation
- unemployment insurance
- unemployment rate → unemployment rate Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment unemployment
- unemployment rate → unemployment rate Stattdessen verwenden: quota quota
- UNICE → UNICE Stattdessen verwenden: Federation of European Employers Federation of European Employers
- unification of law
- unification treaty
- Unified Services Union → Unified Services Union Stattdessen verwenden: ver.di ver.di
- unified trade union
- uniformed police → uniformed police Stattdessen verwenden: police police
- unilateral disarmament
- unilateralism
- unincorporated firm
- union and employers' representatives
- union movement
- union of textile and clothing workers
- union rate
- Unitarianism
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Republic → United Arab Republic Stattdessen verwenden: Egypt Egypt
- united front
- United Nations → United Nations Stattdessen verwenden: UNO UNO
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees → United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Stattdessen verwenden: UNHCR UNHCR
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization → United Nations Industrial Development Organization Stattdessen verwenden: UNIDO UNIDO
- United States of America
- unity of action
- unity party
- universal health care
- universalism
- university
- university
- university administration
- university admission
- university capacity → university capacity Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university capacity → university capacity Stattdessen verwenden: capacity capacity
- university construction
- university department
- university development → university development Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university development → university development Stattdessen verwenden: development development
- university didactics
- university drop-out → university drop-out Stattdessen verwenden: drop-out drop-out
- university drop-out → university drop-out Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- university education → university education Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university education → university education Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- university enrollment
- university entrance examination → university entrance examination Stattdessen verwenden: entrance examination entrance examination
- university entrance examination → university entrance examination Stattdessen verwenden: university admission university admission
- university examination
- university graduate → university graduate Stattdessen verwenden: graduate graduate
- university graduate → university graduate Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university graduate → university graduate Stattdessen verwenden: academic academic
- university level of education
- university level studies → university level studies Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university level studies → university level studies Stattdessen verwenden: studies (academic) studies (academic)
- university level teaching → university level teaching Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university level teaching → university level teaching Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- university member → university member Stattdessen verwenden: university population university population
- university organization → university organization Stattdessen verwenden: organization organization
- university organization → university organization Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university policy
- university population
- university ranking → university ranking Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university ranking → university ranking Stattdessen verwenden: ranking ranking
- university reform → university reform Stattdessen verwenden: reform reform
- university reform → university reform Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university research
- university statistics → university statistics Stattdessen verwenden: university university
- university statistics → university statistics Stattdessen verwenden: official statistics official statistics
- university system
- university teacher
- university teaching
- university town
- unpaid family worker
- unpaid work
- unprotected employment
- unreasonable demand → unreasonable demand Stattdessen verwenden: reasonableness reasonableness
- unskilled person
- unskilled worker → unskilled worker Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- unskilled worker → unskilled worker Stattdessen verwenden: unskilled person unskilled person
- unwed mother → unwed mother Stattdessen verwenden: single parent single parent
- unwed mother → unwed mother Stattdessen verwenden: mother mother
- upbringing in an institution home
- Upper Austria
- upper bourgeoisie → upper bourgeoisie Stattdessen verwenden: bourgeoisie bourgeoisie
- upper bourgeoisie → upper bourgeoisie Stattdessen verwenden: upper class upper class
- upper class
- Upper Volta → Upper Volta Stattdessen verwenden: Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
- upward appraisal
- upward economic trend
- urban area
- urban development
- urban district paper → urban district paper Stattdessen verwenden: newspaper newspaper
- urban district paper → urban district paper Stattdessen verwenden: city quarter city quarter
- urban district redevelopment → urban district redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: redevelopment redevelopment
- urban district redevelopment → urban district redevelopment Stattdessen verwenden: city quarter city quarter
- urban district work (welfare)
- urban flight
- urban geography
- urban history → urban history Stattdessen verwenden: historical development historical development
- urban history → urban history Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- urban land use planning
- urban planner
- urban planning
- urban population
- urban renewal
- urban research
- urban sociology
- urban sprawl
- urban structure → urban structure Stattdessen verwenden: structure structure
- urban structure → urban structure Stattdessen verwenden: town town
- urbanity
- urbanization
- Uruguay
- US citizen
- USA → USA Stattdessen verwenden: United States of America United States of America
- usable area
- used merchandise
- usenet → usenet Stattdessen verwenden: internet community internet community
- user
- user interface
- user research
- user-friendliness
- uses and gratifications approach
- USSR successor state
- utilitarism
- utility
- utility analysis
- utility theory → utility theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- utility theory → utility theory Stattdessen verwenden: utility utility
- utility value
- utilization
- utilization of income
- utilization of media → utilization of media Stattdessen verwenden: media media
- utilization of media → utilization of media Stattdessen verwenden: utilization utilization
- utilization of profits
- utilization of qualification
- utilization planning
- utopia
- utopian socialism
- Uzbekistan
- vacation
- vacation area → vacation area Stattdessen verwenden: tourist area tourist area
- vacation behavior → vacation behavior Stattdessen verwenden: behavior behavior
- vacation behavior → vacation behavior Stattdessen verwenden: vacation vacation
- vacation destination
- vacation expectations → vacation expectations Stattdessen verwenden: expectation expectation
- vacation expectations → vacation expectations Stattdessen verwenden: vacation vacation
- vacation offer → vacation offer Stattdessen verwenden: supply supply
- vacation offer → vacation offer Stattdessen verwenden: vacation vacation
- vacation region → vacation region Stattdessen verwenden: tourist area tourist area
- vacationer → vacationer Stattdessen verwenden: tourist tourist
- vaccination
- vagrancy
- vagrant → vagrant Stattdessen verwenden: vagrancy vagrancy
- valency
- validation
- validity
- value
- value added
- value added tax
- value analysis
- value attitude → value attitude Stattdessen verwenden: value-orientation value-orientation
- value chain
- value change
- value freedom
- value judgement
- value judgement dispute
- value law → value law Stattdessen verwenden: value theory value theory
- value of money → value of money Stattdessen verwenden: purchasing power purchasing power
- value rationality
- value system
- value theory
- value-orientation
- vandalism
- Vanuatu → Vanuatu Stattdessen verwenden: Melanesia Melanesia
- variability
- Vatican City
- VBLU → VBLU Stattdessen verwenden: supplementary insurance supplementary insurance
- vdu-work
- vegan → vegan Stattdessen verwenden: vegetarianism vegetarianism
- vegetables → vegetables Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural product agricultural product
- vegetables → vegetables Stattdessen verwenden: horticulture horticulture
- vegetarian → vegetarian Stattdessen verwenden: vegetarianism vegetarianism
- vegetarianism
- Venda → Venda Stattdessen verwenden: Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa
- Venezuela
- venture capital
- ver.di
- verbal behavior → verbal behavior Stattdessen verwenden: language behavior language behavior
- verbal communication → verbal communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- verbal communication → verbal communication Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- verbal interaction → verbal interaction Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- verbal interaction → verbal interaction Stattdessen verwenden: interaction interaction
- Verband der Niedergelassenen Ärzte in Deutschland → Verband der Niedergelassenen Ärzte in Deutschland Stattdessen verwenden: physician physician
- Verband der Niedergelassenen Ärzte in Deutschland → Verband der Niedergelassenen Ärzte in Deutschland Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- VERDI → VERDI Stattdessen verwenden: ver.di ver.di
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure → Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure → Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Stattdessen verwenden: engineer engineer
- Verein für Socialpolitik
- vertical mobility
- veterinary medicine
- veto player
- vicar
- victim
- victimization
- victimology → victimology Stattdessen verwenden: criminology criminology
- video
- video clip
- video conference
- video film
- video game → video game Stattdessen verwenden: computer game computer game
- video library
- video on demand
- video recording → video recording Stattdessen verwenden: recording recording
- video recording → video recording Stattdessen verwenden: video video
- video telephone
- videodisc
- videotext
- Vienna
- Vienna Circle
- Vietnam
- Vietnam War
- Vietnamese
- Viewdata → Viewdata Stattdessen verwenden: interactive videotex interactive videotex
- viewer commitment → viewer commitment Stattdessen verwenden: commitment commitment
- viewer commitment → viewer commitment Stattdessen verwenden: spectator spectator
- village
- village community → village community Stattdessen verwenden: village village
- village community → village community Stattdessen verwenden: community community
- village development
- village domestic and agricultural helper
- village research → village research Stattdessen verwenden: community research community research
- violation of the law
- violence
- violent crime
- Virgin Islands → Virgin Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- virtual business
- virtual community
- virtual market → virtual market Stattdessen verwenden: electronic market electronic market
- virtual reality
- virtual university
- virtualization
- virtue
- Visegrad-States → Visegrad-States Stattdessen verwenden: CEFTA CEFTA
- visitor
- visual artist → visual artist Stattdessen verwenden: fine arts fine arts
- visual artist → visual artist Stattdessen verwenden: artist artist
- visual communication → visual communication Stattdessen verwenden: communication communication
- visual communication → visual communication Stattdessen verwenden: visual perception visual perception
- visual display unit (vdu)
- visual impairment
- visual instruction
- visual material
- visual perception
- visualization
- vocabulary
- vocation-accompanying further education → vocation-accompanying further education Stattdessen verwenden: advanced vocational education advanced vocational education
- vocational college
- vocational counseling
- vocational counselor
- vocational education
- vocational education agency → vocational education agency Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- vocational education agency → vocational education agency Stattdessen verwenden: sponsorship sponsorship
- vocational education capacity → vocational education capacity Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- vocational education capacity → vocational education capacity Stattdessen verwenden: capacity capacity
- vocational education installation → vocational education installation Stattdessen verwenden: educational institution educational institution
- vocational education installation → vocational education installation Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- vocational education policy
- vocational education reform → vocational education reform Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- vocational education reform → vocational education reform Stattdessen verwenden: educational reform educational reform
- vocational education school
- vocational education system → vocational education system Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- vocational education system → vocational education system Stattdessen verwenden: education system education system
- vocational extension school
- vocational guidance
- vocational instructor → vocational instructor Stattdessen verwenden: instructor instructor
- vocational pedagogics
- vocational preparation
- vocational promotion
- vocational qualification → vocational qualification Stattdessen verwenden: occupation occupation
- vocational qualification → vocational qualification Stattdessen verwenden: qualification qualification
- vocational rehabilitation
- vocational school
- vocational school for the handicapped
- vocational school pupil → vocational school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: part-time vocational school part-time vocational school
- vocational school pupil → vocational school pupil Stattdessen verwenden: pupil pupil
- vocational school system
- vocational school teacher → vocational school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: teacher teacher
- vocational school teacher → vocational school teacher Stattdessen verwenden: part-time vocational school part-time vocational school
- vocational secondary school
- vocational technical school
- vocational training → vocational training Stattdessen verwenden: vocational education vocational education
- Vocational Training Act
- vocational training counseling
- vocational training facility
- Vocational Training Promotion Act
- vocational training regulation
- vocational training sector
- vocational training situation
- vocational training system
- vocational youth assistance
- vocational/technical occupation
- Voegelin, Eric
- Volkshochschule
- Volkskammer
- volume of work
- voluntariness
- voluntarism
- voluntary jurisdiction
- voluntary year of social service
- volunteer worker → volunteer worker Stattdessen verwenden: honorary office honorary office
- volunteerism
- Vorarlberg
- Vorbereitungsdienst → Vorbereitungsdienst Stattdessen verwenden: training training
- Vorbereitungsdienst → Vorbereitungsdienst Stattdessen verwenden: student teacher student teacher
- vote of confidence
- vote of no-confidence
- voter
- voter sociology → voter sociology Stattdessen verwenden: electoral sociology electoral sociology
- voter turnout
- voting
- voting behavior
- voting on party lines
- voyeurism
- vulnerability
- wage
- wage bracket
- wage conflict → wage conflict Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- wage conflict → wage conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- wage conflict → wage conflict Stattdessen verwenden: collective bargaining collective bargaining
- wage costs
- wage curve → wage curve Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment unemployment
- wage curve → wage curve Stattdessen verwenden: regional development regional development
- wage curve → wage curve Stattdessen verwenden: wage level wage level
- wage determination
- wage difference
- wage differential → wage differential Stattdessen verwenden: wage difference wage difference
- wage drift
- wage earner
- wage increase
- wage labor
- wage level
- wage negotiation → wage negotiation Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- wage negotiation → wage negotiation Stattdessen verwenden: collective bargaining collective bargaining
- wage policy
- wage ratio
- wage scale conflict → wage scale conflict Stattdessen verwenden: conflict conflict
- wage scale conflict → wage scale conflict Stattdessen verwenden: collective bargaining collective bargaining
- wage scale policy
- wage security → wage security Stattdessen verwenden: employment promotion employment promotion
- wage subsidies
- wage supplement
- wage theory → wage theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- wage theory → wage theory Stattdessen verwenden: wage wage
- wage theory → wage theory Stattdessen verwenden: distribution theory distribution theory
- wage uniformity
- wage-price spiral
- Waldorf pedagogics
- Waldorf school
- Waldsterben
- wall newspaper
- Wallerstein, Immanuel
- Walzer, Michael
- Wandervogel → Wandervogel Stattdessen verwenden: youth organization youth organization
- war
- war consequences → war consequences Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- war consequences → war consequences Stattdessen verwenden: consequences consequences
- war crime
- war guilt
- war of aggression
- war reporting → war reporting Stattdessen verwenden: war war
- war reporting → war reporting Stattdessen verwenden: reporting reporting
- war victim
- war victim relief → war victim relief Stattdessen verwenden: welfare care welfare care
- war victim relief → war victim relief Stattdessen verwenden: war victim war victim
- warehousing
- warfare
- warlord
- Warsaw Pact
- wartime economy
- waste
- waste disposal
- waste management
- waste prevention
- waste processing
- wastefulness
- watch-and-clock-making industry
- water
- water management
- water pollution → water pollution Stattdessen verwenden: water water
- water pollution → water pollution Stattdessen verwenden: environmental pollution environmental pollution
- water supply → water supply Stattdessen verwenden: water management water management
- watersports
- waterway → waterway Stattdessen verwenden: shipping lane shipping lane
- way of life
- way to school
- way to work
- WDR → WDR Stattdessen verwenden: Westdeutscher Rundfunk Westdeutscher Rundfunk
- weak sight → weak sight Stattdessen verwenden: visual impairment visual impairment
- weapon
- weapon export → weapon export Stattdessen verwenden: export export
- weapon export → weapon export Stattdessen verwenden: weapon weapon
- weapon of mass destruction
- wear and tear
- weaver
- web 2.0 → web 2.0 Stattdessen verwenden: Social Web Social Web
- Weber, Alfred
- Weber, Max
- weblog
- website
- wedding
- weekend
- weekend labor → weekend labor Stattdessen verwenden: working hours working hours
- weekend labor → weekend labor Stattdessen verwenden: weekend weekend
- weekend traffic → weekend traffic Stattdessen verwenden: traffic traffic
- weekend traffic → weekend traffic Stattdessen verwenden: weekend weekend
- weekly
- weighting
- Weimar Republic (Germany, 1918-33)
- welfare
- welfare care
- welfare economics
- welfare organization
- welfare policy → welfare policy Stattdessen verwenden: social policy social policy
- welfare recipient
- welfare state
- welfare theory → welfare theory Stattdessen verwenden: welfare welfare
- welfare theory → welfare theory Stattdessen verwenden: theory theory
- welfare worker → welfare worker Stattdessen verwenden: educational social worker educational social worker
- welfare worker → welfare worker Stattdessen verwenden: social worker social worker
- well-being
- Wells, Herbert G.
- Weltanschauung
- West Africa
- West Berlin → West Berlin Stattdessen verwenden: Berlin Berlin
- west commuter → west commuter Stattdessen verwenden: commuter commuter
- west commuter → west commuter Stattdessen verwenden: old federal states old federal states
- west commuter → west commuter Stattdessen verwenden: New Federal States New Federal States
- West Indies → West Indies Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- West Pakistan → West Pakistan Stattdessen verwenden: Pakistan Pakistan
- West Prussia
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk
- western
- Western Europe
- Western European Union
- western industrial nation → western industrial nation Stattdessen verwenden: Western world Western world
- western industrial nation → western industrial nation Stattdessen verwenden: industrial nation industrial nation
- western industrial society → western industrial society Stattdessen verwenden: Western world Western world
- western industrial society → western industrial society Stattdessen verwenden: industrial society industrial society
- Western powers
- Western Sahara
- Western world
- Westfalia
- wetland
- WEU → WEU Stattdessen verwenden: Western European Union Western European Union
- white-collar crime → white-collar crime Stattdessen verwenden: white-collar criminality white-collar criminality
- white-collar criminality
- white-collar job
- white-collar occupation
- white-collar offense → white-collar offense Stattdessen verwenden: white-collar criminality white-collar criminality
- wholesale
- widow
- widow's pension → widow's pension Stattdessen verwenden: widow widow
- widow's pension → widow's pension Stattdessen verwenden: surviving dependants' pension surviving dependants' pension
- widower
- widower's pension → widower's pension Stattdessen verwenden: widower widower
- widower's pension → widower's pension Stattdessen verwenden: surviving dependants' pension surviving dependants' pension
- Wiese, Leopold von
- wife
- Wiki
- Wikipedia
- wildcat strike
- will
- Williams, Raymond
- willingness to accept trainees → willingness to accept trainees Stattdessen verwenden: intention to accept trainees intention to accept trainees
- willingness to cooperate
- willingness to integrate
- willingness to pay
- wind energy
- Windward Islands → Windward Islands Stattdessen verwenden: Caribbean Region Caribbean Region
- wine
- wine market → wine market Stattdessen verwenden: agricultural commodities market agricultural commodities market
- wine market → wine market Stattdessen verwenden: wine wine
- wintersports
- Wirtschaftsausschuss
- wisdom
- Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz → Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Stattdessen verwenden: Leibniz Association Leibniz Association
- witch
- witch hunt
- withdrawal → withdrawal Stattdessen verwenden: addiction addiction
- withdrawal → withdrawal Stattdessen verwenden: therapy therapy
- withholding tax
- witness
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
- woman
- women's broadcast → women's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- women's broadcast → women's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- women's broadcast → women's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- women's broadcast → women's broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- women's employment
- women's film
- women's issues
- women's liberation → women's liberation Stattdessen verwenden: United States of America United States of America
- women's liberation → women's liberation Stattdessen verwenden: women's movement women's movement
- women's magazine → women's magazine Stattdessen verwenden: women's press women's press
- women's movement
- women's organization
- women's policy
- women's press
- women's radio programm → women's radio programm Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- women's radio programm → women's radio programm Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- women's representative
- women's rights → women's rights Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- women's rights → women's rights Stattdessen verwenden: human rights human rights
- women's role → women's role Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- women's role → women's role Stattdessen verwenden: gender role gender role
- women's shelter
- women's studies
- women's university
- women's work → women's work Stattdessen verwenden: women's employment women's employment
- women's work → women's work Stattdessen verwenden: woman woman
- women's work → women's work Stattdessen verwenden: educational activities educational activities
- work
- work abroad
- work assistance
- work at home
- work attitude → work attitude Stattdessen verwenden: labor labor
- work attitude → work attitude Stattdessen verwenden: attitude attitude
- work cell → work cell Stattdessen verwenden: group work group work
- work collective → work collective Stattdessen verwenden: collective collective
- work contract
- work culture
- work environment
- work force
- work habits
- work materials
- work motivation → work motivation Stattdessen verwenden: labor labor
- work motivation → work motivation Stattdessen verwenden: motivation motivation
- work of art
- work organization
- work orientation
- work permit
- work physiology
- work planning
- work research
- work satisfaction
- work standard → work standard Stattdessen verwenden: performance standard performance standard
- work stoppage → work stoppage Stattdessen verwenden: industrial action industrial action
- work structuring
- work style → work style Stattdessen verwenden: work habits work habits
- work style → work style Stattdessen verwenden: work culture work culture
- work system
- work technique
- work-family balance
- work-life-balance
- work-related illness
- workaholism
- worker
- worker participation
- worker's autobiography → worker's autobiography Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- worker's autobiography → worker's autobiography Stattdessen verwenden: biography biography
- worker's child → worker's child Stattdessen verwenden: child child
- worker's child → worker's child Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- worker's child → worker's child Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- worker's interest
- workers' association
- workers' codetermination → workers' codetermination Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- workers' codetermination → workers' codetermination Stattdessen verwenden: codetermination codetermination
- workers' consciousness
- workers' council
- workers' education
- workers' educational association
- workers' household → workers' household Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- workers' household → workers' household Stattdessen verwenden: private household private household
- workers' issue → workers' issue Stattdessen verwenden: social issue social issue
- workers' organization
- workers' party
- workers' press
- workers' representation
- workers' self-management
- workers' settlement → workers' settlement Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- workers' settlement → workers' settlement Stattdessen verwenden: settlement settlement
- workers' sports movement
- workfare
- workflow
- workflow management
- workhouse
- working adolescent → working adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: employee employee
- working adolescent → working adolescent Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- working atmosphere
- working class
- working class culture → working class culture Stattdessen verwenden: culture culture
- working class culture → working class culture Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- working class language → working class language Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- working class language → working class language Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- working class language → working class language Stattdessen verwenden: language language
- working class literature → working class literature Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- working class literature → working class literature Stattdessen verwenden: literature literature
- working class youth → working class youth Stattdessen verwenden: worker worker
- working class youth → working class youth Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- working class youth → working class youth Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- working conditions
- working group
- working hours
- working hours account → working hours account Stattdessen verwenden: working time flexibility working time flexibility
- working life
- working method
- working process
- working substance
- working time flexibility
- working week
- working woman
- working-day world → working-day world Stattdessen verwenden: world of work world of work
- workload
- workmen's song → workmen's song Stattdessen verwenden: working class working class
- workmen's song → workmen's song Stattdessen verwenden: song song
- workplace
- workplace
- works council
- workshop
- workstation
- world
- World Bank
- world championship
- World Council of Churches
- world economic order → world economic order Stattdessen verwenden: world economy world economy
- world economic order → world economic order Stattdessen verwenden: economic system economic system
- world economic system
- world economy
- world exhibition
- World Health Organization → World Health Organization Stattdessen verwenden: WHO WHO
- world history
- world information order → world information order Stattdessen verwenden: international information and communication order international information and communication order
- world market
- world of industrial work → world of industrial work Stattdessen verwenden: world of work world of work
- world of industrial work → world of industrial work Stattdessen verwenden: industry industry
- world of work
- world order
- world politics
- world population
- world refugee problem
- world revolution
- world society
- world trade
- world trade conference → world trade conference Stattdessen verwenden: UNCTAD UNCTAD
- World Trade Organization → World Trade Organization Stattdessen verwenden: WTO WTO
- World War
- World War I → World War I Stattdessen verwenden: First World War First World War
- World War II
- World Wide Web → World Wide Web Stattdessen verwenden: Internet Internet
- worldview
- write-off
- writer
- writers' association → writers' association Stattdessen verwenden: professional association professional association
- writers' association → writers' association Stattdessen verwenden: writer writer
- writing
- writing instruction → writing instruction Stattdessen verwenden: teaching teaching
- writing instruction → writing instruction Stattdessen verwenden: writing writing
- written language
- written warning
- Württemberg
- xenophobia
- year-end financial statement
- yellow press
- Yemen
- yield → yield Stattdessen verwenden: investment income investment income
- young academics
- young adult
- young company → young company Stattdessen verwenden: setting up a business setting up a business
- Young Democrats
- young generation → young generation Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- Young Liberals
- young representation
- Young Socialists
- Young Union
- young voter
- young worker
- youth
- youth assistance
- youth broadcast → youth broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- youth broadcast → youth broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- youth broadcast → youth broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: television broadcast television broadcast
- youth broadcast → youth broadcast Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast broadcast
- youth center → youth center Stattdessen verwenden: social agencies social agencies
- youth center → youth center Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- youth center → youth center Stattdessen verwenden: leisure time leisure time
- youth counseling service
- youth criminality → youth criminality Stattdessen verwenden: criminality criminality
- youth criminality → youth criminality Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- youth culture
- youth education → youth education Stattdessen verwenden: youth work youth work
- youth education → youth education Stattdessen verwenden: educational activities educational activities
- youth exchange
- youth film
- youth group
- youth hostel
- Youth Labor Protection Act
- youth lawyer → youth lawyer Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- youth lawyer → youth lawyer Stattdessen verwenden: lawyer lawyer
- youth leader
- youth literature
- youth movement
- youth organization
- youth policy
- youth press
- youth program → youth program Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- youth program → youth program Stattdessen verwenden: broadcast program broadcast program
- youth program → youth program Stattdessen verwenden: radio program radio program
- youth program → youth program Stattdessen verwenden: television program television program
- youth research
- youth sects
- youth social work
- youth sociology
- youth sports → youth sports Stattdessen verwenden: youth youth
- youth sports → youth sports Stattdessen verwenden: sports sports
- youth unemployment → youth unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: adolescent adolescent
- youth unemployment → youth unemployment Stattdessen verwenden: unemployment unemployment
- youth welfare
- Youth Welfare Act
- Youth Welfare Committee
- Youth Welfare Office
- Youth Welfare Services Plan
- youth work
- youth work by the church → youth work by the church Stattdessen verwenden: youth work youth work
- youth work by the church → youth work by the church Stattdessen verwenden: church church
- youth worker
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavian
- Zaire → Zaire Stattdessen verwenden: Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Zambia
- Zansibar → Zansibar Stattdessen verwenden: Tanzania Tanzania
- Zeitgeist
- Zeitkultur
- zero-growth
- zero-solution → zero-solution Stattdessen verwenden: defense policy defense policy
- zero-solution → zero-solution Stattdessen verwenden: defense modernization defense modernization
- Zetkin, Clara
- Zimbabwe
- zionism
- Znaniecki, Florian
- zone
- zone along GDR-border
- zone of occupation
- zoning
- zoning plan
- zoning program → zoning program Stattdessen verwenden: program program
- zoning program → zoning program Stattdessen verwenden: zoning zoning
- zweiter Bildungsweg
- Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen → Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Stattdessen verwenden: ZDF ZDF
- ÖPNV → ÖPNV Stattdessen verwenden: public transport public transport
- Österreichische Volkspartei → Österreichische Volkspartei Stattdessen verwenden: Austrian Peoples' Party Austrian Peoples' Party
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